Browse Items (166 total)

  • Collection: Wilson, Reginald Charles

A prisoner of war postcard written by Reg's crew mate, John Bushell advising that Reg has been transferred to Offlag 7B.

The message states that Reg is a prisoner of war.

The letter asks if Reg has made private arrangements to send her funds.

The letter acknowledges receipt of Reg's order book. She will now receive a monthly payment of ten shillings and sixpence per week.


The letter asks Mrs Wilson to return Reg's order book. She will then receive ten shillings and sixpence each week from the RAF agents.


The letter expresses sadness that Reg has been reported missing. The writer, Gladys, hopes to come over to visit them.

A copy of a map showing the crash site of the Halifax, LW 337 and their target of Hitler's Chancery.

A sketch map of where Reg's Halifax crashed after being shot down. Information supplied with the collection states that the sketch was drawn by an eyewitness, Dr Pincus.

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Two weather charts dated 20 January 1944. The first shows the UK weather and the second the situation in the Northern Hemisphere.

French prisoners of war walking free out of the Camp. They are wearing greatcoats and carrying suitcases. It is captioned 'In vrijheid gestelde Fransche krijggevangenen passeren' and translated as 'Passing freed French prisoners of war'.

Six prisoners sitting inside a barrack. It is captioned 'Interieur van een der grote barakken' and translated as 'Interior of one of the large barracks'.

A watch tower at one of the corners of the camp. It is captioned 'Een vande zes om bet kamp staande watchtorens' and translated as 'One of the six watchtowers standing around the camp'.

A procession of prisoners led by clerics, through the camp. It is captioned 'De hoofd kamp straat (een processie van de Fransche krijgsgevangenen)' and translated as 'Main Camp Street (a procession of the French prisoners of war)'.

A football match watched by a very large number of prisoners. It is captioned 'De appelplaats als voetbalveld met interland aspiraties' and translated as 'The parade ground as a football field with international aspirations'.

A view across the camp with a group of men outside their huts.

A large group of prisoners attending a service captioned 'De Fransche krijgsgevangenen herdenken hun doden op Allerzielen -Kerkhof Muhlberg' and translated as 'The French prisoners of war commemorate their dead on All Souls' Day -Kerkhof Muhlberg'.

An officer hands out food to prisoners about to depart for work outside the camp. It is captioned 'De facteur der Servische gevangenen deelt proviand uit aan naar 'arbeids kommando' vertrekkende kampgenoten.' and translated as 'The facteur of the…

A prisoner being interred in a grave, watched by many mourners wearing greatcoats. A German guard of honour is firing a salute.

A religious service outside a church made from a camp hut. Clerics are in white with prisoners kneeling around the building. It is captioned 'De kerk in 'gevangenschap' translated as 'The Church in 'Captivity''.

A German guard of honour watching over prisoners laying one of their number to rest. It is captioned 'Een vuurpeleton - een geestelijker en een baar... een helaas bijna dagelijks voorkomend beeld op het Kerkhof van de krijgsgevangenen' translated as…

Prisoners lined up for the roll call. It is captioned 'Zondags-appel op de appelplaats' translated as 'Sunday roll call on the parade ground'.

Ice skating on the frozen swimming pool. It is captioned 'Wintersport in M-Stalag IVB'.

Large numbers of prisoners clearing out the swimming pool at the camp. It is captioned 'Het jaarlijkse uitdiepen van het "zwembad" translated as 'The annual deepening of the "swimming pool". '
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