Browse Items (21 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-08-27"

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Godfrey from 3 of February 1941 to 25 of September 1945 detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Aircraft flown were Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Hampden,…

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator 16 January 1941 to 9 January 1946. He was stationed at RCAF Winnipeg (6 AOS), RCAF MacDonald (3 B&GS), RCAF Rivers (1 ANS), RAF Harwell (15 OTU), RAF Shallufa (38 and 40 Squadrons), …

Pilots flying log book for G H Dryhurst, covering the period from 29 August 1941 to 27 August 1942, when he was shot down and became a prisoner of war and from 20 July 1945. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough (17 EFTS), RAF Cranwell (RAF College…

Wireless Operator/Air Gunner’s log book for H C Rouse covering the period from 11 October, 1940 to 16 December, 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, also includes Gunnery Course results, mine laying operations, bomb loads, a…

H. W. Bennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 23 April 1937 to 14 June 1943, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as an Air Observer, Air Gunner, Bomb Aimer and Navigator. Includes bombing and…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Bob Butler covering 22 September 1940 to 23 September 1942 detailing training flights, air tests and operations.
Served at RAF Jurby, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Newmarket, RAF Waterbeach, RAF…

Gerry Stone’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from September 1937 until 28th August 1942. During this time trained as a wireless operator, air gunner and bomb aimer.

Initial training at Electrical and Wireless…

Catches up with mail received. Mentions the worst of the heat of summer was over but is was still hotter than when they arrived two years ago. Contrasts weather at home and in North Africa and how he might be affected on return to England. Mentions…

Covers quarantine stores, raw material stores, finished parts stores and remarks.

Writes of poor recent weather. Mentions reading of terrific heat in Egyptian desert and presumes similar conditions in Sahara. Reports dispatching his parcel previous Monday and hopes to hear news of its progress from the Red Cross. Comments on his…

Account of 142 Squadron crew operation to Kassel wriiten by rear gunner Bob Henderson. Was attacked by night fighter and had to bale out. Continues with account of evading and capture. Reunited with wounded crewmates and transported to prisoner of…

List of 33 operations between 7 December 1941 and 16 November 1942. For each operation states target, crew, and some detailed comments.

Lists 35 successful operational sorties between 7 November 1941 and 15 November 1942.

A member of the Royal Canadian Women's Auxiliary wearing corporal stripes, cap and badge. The reverse is date stamped 27 August 1942.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

List of 23 claims between 118 June 1941 and 8 July 1944. Flew with 2.NJG 1, Stab III/NJG, III/NJG 1, Stab/NJG 4. Claims against Whitley, Wellington, Hampden, Halifax, Lancaster, B-26 and Stirling.
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