Browse Items (20 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Carlisle"

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

Second of David Geach's diaries, describing his training for aircrew at Kingstown, Heaton Park, Hastings and Harrogate until his embarkation to Canada on the Queen Mary. Covers the period from 20 June 1942 to 7 October 1942.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Photo 1 is a postcard of Carlisle Cathedral.
Photo 2 is a postcard of the entrance to Carlisle citadel from the south.
Photo 3 is a postcard of the Town Hall and Scotch Street.
Photo 4 is a postcard looking north down English Street.
Photo 5 is a…


Sergeant (AC) David James Hughes' service and release book from 7 February 1944 to 28 May 1947 including personal details.

Eric on leave at the Browns, Carlisle. He is wearing civilian clothes and has a camera slung over his shoulder.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Photograph of the river and bridge at Knaresborough captioned 'Knaresborough'.
Photograph of two sergeant aircrew and three ladies captioned 'Tom, Bill & A.T.S. girls.
Three photographs of women in Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform, one…

Describes life at RAF Cranwell which is not as good as RAF Kenley. Writes he is running out of tobacco and requests her help. He has applied for leave but has not had confirmation. He discusses other opportunities to meet. Talks of possible move of…

He has been flying and got diverted to Carlisle. He suggests taking wakey-wakey pills on their honeymoon. He has been at a variety show.

Letter thanks Peter Stevens for the masterly way he brought his aircraft and crew back from operation on 6 August 1941, and as a result saved his son's life.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

The letter describes Georges movements during training. He asks for a few items to be sent to him. He tells his sister about the days he will train.

Ted Neale's flying log filled in with flights from 17 September 1942 to 01 October 1942 when at no. 15 Elementary Flying Training School, Kingstown, Carlisle.

Ted Neale's account of his early experience from the age of 17. The factory where he worked burned down in a bombing attack so he volunteered for the RAF. He was posted to Scarborough then Carlisle to train on Tiger Moths. He met a girl called Mary…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about life at Redbrae including his flying training, flying rifles to Edinburgh, a Fokker plane crashing with no serious injuries and an air raid exercise.

Issued to Sergeant David Hughes amounting to £45 17s 16d.
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