Browse Items (47 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Royal Air Force. Training Command"

A formation of 13 Ansons flying over a rocky coastline. Captioned 'Anson Squadron'.


An airman standing at the front of an Anson 'M4'. To the left is the tail of a second Anson.

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An airman wearing a Sidcot suit is standing in front of an Anson.

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Scenes of American transport. The first is a truck at the side of a snowy road. A corporal is about to enter the passenger side. On its front above the cab is 'Knaust Bros Inc Mushrooms'. Captioned ' Airmans Special Alec Wood somewhere between Albany…


The first photograph is a group of 20 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a building. Captioned 'No 2 A.F.U. Millom. Mar 1942 Cushway, Humphrey, Rolf, Obbard, Chapman, Yates, Howe, Curle, Brewer, Eastwood,
Avery, Lovell, Gorfunkle, Alexander,…

Leading aircraftsman Leslie Pearson's daily flying log for May 1943. It records the hours flown, exercises undertaken, Instructor and aircraft flown. Training was at No 4 EFTS.

Environs of Port Albert. The first photograph is a view over Lake Huron into the setting sun. Captioned 'Sundown, Lake Huron, September 1941.' The second is a view along a road. The trees are bare of leaves. Captioned 'Typical road scene. November…

Pilot’s flying log book for Flying Officer Ernest Smith from 1st July 1944 to 25 July 1945, detailing duties as a flying instructor with No. 3 (later No. 7) Flying Instructor School at RAF Lulsgate Bottom, including attendance at No. 1 Beam…

Four airmen in sidcot suits, one sitting on a low wall, three standing. One airman is smoking a pipe. They are carrying their helmets and goggles. On the reverse 'Tolmie, Morris, McNiven, Siddall, No 8 I.T.W. Apr.1941'. Also 'Tolmie 1 Siddall 3…

Frank's course result a pass for No 16 Staff Navigator Course also his Form 716.

From 1946 mainly refers to the injuries he received when he ejected from a Javelin in 1962.

Gives the units that Frank was posted or attached and the posts that he filled.

Records Frank's time in the RAF from his attestation to retirement.

Flying log book for Geoffrey Walter Dixon covering the period from 23 June 1942 to 2 May, 1943. Detailing his flying training. Includes various certificates, a telegram, Air Ministry Release of Log Books procedure and a photograph of G W Dixon in…

51 airmen positioned in four rows in front of The Highbury Hotel, Newquay. Captioned '"C" Flight, No 1 Squadron. No 8 I.T.W. Newquay, Cornwall Feb-Apr 1941'.


An ex-RAF pilot describes a bombing operation to Ulm in Southern Germany, He hadn't flown for three years and he is amazed at the technical improvements in hitting the targets using the Pathfinder force. He mentions the squadron CO, Wing-Comdr J R St…

History of the station from December 1940 including resident squadrons and aircraft , royal visit and other points of interest after the war up to the current day.

Three photographs taken from a scrapbook. The first is six men loading coal into a lorry at Reykjavik. Behind are ship's masts. Captioned 'Coal heaving, Rejkvik August 1941.' The second is a hill covered in fog, captioned 'Coastal Fog. Hetgafels Aug.…

Jack Pragnell and his twin brother, Thomas, volunteered together for the RAF and trained together. Jack flew operations as a bomb aimer with 51 Squadron. His brother joined a Canadian crew. Jack was plagued with health problems and was suddenly told…

Peter Parker grew up in Gainsborough. He had hoped to be a pilot but was unsuccessful. However, as he had taught himself Morse code in his shed at home, he trained as a wireless operator and became an instructor. He was posted to RAF Yatesbury and…

William Neilson grew up in Edinburgh. After training as a pilot in Canada and the United States he served as a staff pilot at Number 1 Air Armament School RAF Manby. He discusses low level bombing practice. He was demobbed in 1946 and became a civil…

A card issued to HJ Wylde

Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…
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