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  • Tags: faith

Ken Beard served as a rear gunner during the Second World War. He has been a member of The Salvation Army all his life and his faith played a huge role in helping him through the horrors of war. Awarded a scholarship at Retford Grammar School, he…

Fred's life story from early days sneaking downstairs to drink the dregs at his parent's public house, playing rugby and studying hard, becoming an accountant, learning to be an accurate rifle shooter then joining the RAF as a an air gunner. He…

The News Sheet of the Canadian Prisoner of War Relatives Association. This edition covers Victory in Europe, the death of President Roosevelt, the liberation of Canadian POWs, assembly centres for released POWs, the seizure of German POW records,…

Bernie Harris joined the Air Training Corps and volunteered for the Royal Air Force, joining in April 1943 and training to become an air gunner. He mentions his father serving in the Royal Flying Corps. As a young boy, Bernie witnessed the London…

Ronald Davis grew up in the East End and worked in London as a solicitor’s office boy. He joined the RAF and trained as a fitter airframe. He was saddened when the pilot of the aircraft he services did not return from operation because they had got…

Muriel was brought up and went to school in Wolverhampton. From the age of six she had wanted to be a teacher. After high school and training college she became a teacher at Low Hill School, mainly teaching English and religious education. She…

Writes of gardening and family issues. Notes that Mrs Stenzel has had a job offer with Quakers which might speed her journey to the United States and means she will leave next week. She would now be alone for winter and will take up her Russian…

Writes of good weather, her activities and that she is still hoping he will get leave. Continues with discussion of his and her faith, baptism of baby daughter and prospective god parents.


Writes that she is enclosing telegram that arrived just after he left and his name plate that he left behind. Relates going to church and other activities which include plans to go to a concert. Continues with baby news and mentions attack on St…

Writes it was lovely to hear his voice and that his first operational trip was over safely. Continues that the next few months will be worst for him and she was thinking of him in church on Easter Sunday. Writes of possible future and one being left…

Writes that she was glad to finally get a letter from him and that his second trip was safely done and now only 28 more to go. Continues with news of visitor and other activities. Writes that daughter Frances has had a number of cards with savings…

Glad to receive his letters and comments on how quickly he is getting through trips. Glad he has been to see the padre and that he was helpful. Comments on his navigational error and expected that he had done some damage somewhere. Glad that his…

Writes that daily help has arrived and catches up with news of friends. Continues with descriptions of activities including church and then about electrical items breaking. Describes state of garden and that she had spent the 10 shillings he sent on…


She thanks him for writing and is amused about his comments on the after-life, but tells him how worried she had been when she had heard that 19 bombers had been missing. She goes on to tell him of domestic matters and hopes for leave soon.

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Reports arrival of a number of postcards and letters and mentions parcels of tobacco and cigarettes she and his father have sent. Mentions she believes letter cards will get to him more quickly. Writes of her attempts to spread request for food…

Writes about sending him socks and other items as well as about the activities of daughter Frances. Mentions she has been appointed fire-fighting group leader and been asked to do some secretarial work. Continues writing of fruit bottling, jam making…

Writes about domestic activities and visit from the vicar. Mentions that monthly copy of prisoner of war official Red Cross Journal had arrived and wonders about accuracy of some statements about food. Continues with more domestic chat and about…

She writes of greeting new year. Continues mentioning that she has sent a clothes parcel and lists the items in the parcel; that some of his clothes have been moth-eaten and she is trying to mend them; of taking her daughter to church for the first…

Catches up with family news and discusses the christening of his nephew and whether he will be able to attend. Remarks that being a Christian has made being in the RAF 'such a grand enjoyment' rather than a 'misery'.

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Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

A detailed letter from Bill to his family, explaining life and events in the RAF Camp.

Includes orderly room administration duties, being captain of squadron running team, being issued with flying kit (which he details), exams, his visit to an…

Begins with catching up with news from home. Mentions not much chance of leave but that he has had photograph taken of himself. Writes that Brighton is change from previous locations and describes activities. Went to see an ice hockey match between…

Bill writes that he hasn’t received a letter from her for a while, but did get the one she sent on from a friend. He also writes that he is expecting to be posted to Eastbourne shortly with 120 others but this will mean he has to start work again.…
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