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  • Tags: bale out

The letter expresses thanks for Sandy's report of how he was recognised as being British because he was smoking Woodbine cigarettes.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

He and his crew members baled out after running out of fuel in cloud and with navigational equipment failure. He had landed near Montigny, in France and after help from a farmer met up with his crew at Donnemarle. They were flown back to Croydon the…

After baling out on 12 September 1944 and evading with the flight engineer for 8 days was captured. Describes move to Dulag Luft and journey to Stalag Luft VII. Gives detailed description of camp and activities. At the end quotes some extracts from…

Gives brief details of operation to Frankfurt. Describes being attacked and being hit in bomb bay and subsequent fire. Continues with description of bale out and meeting up with flight engineer on the ground. Gives detailed description of evading for…

Account of George Thomson's aircraft 'NF958 (LS-M) of 15 Squadron being shot down by ME 110 on 12 September 1944. Five crew bailed out and were taken prisoner, the pilot did not escape and one other crew member left aircraft but was never seen again.…

'D' ring with wire attached


Metal "D" ring


Writes about the issue of the 1939-45 star which he and his crew had received. Relates that he had to bale out after his aircraft had been in collision with a Halifax. mentions damage received and describes crew abandoning the aircraft. Goes on to…

Abstract collage showing outline of England, night sky with starts, an aircraft, parachute, dinghy, rescue launch and part of a face.

Requests caterpillar badges for himself and his crew after they baled out on night of 24 December 1944.

The story of Allan's Lancaster after they were damaged by anti-aircraft fire near Berlin. He had a heavy landing and damaged his leg.
The second part of the story is written by a German pilot who was involved in shooting down the damaged…

Mentions tracing the crew who were all buried together. Did not find pilot, so assumed survived the war. Pilot survived because he happened to be wearing a parachute.

Contains welcome to the club and includes tag with date, card for Flight Sergeant E W Scott, a gold caterpillar badge and envelope.

Text and numerous b/w photographs (some of which are also located in sub-collection albums) covering from immediately before and during World War II - (1939-1946). First page has colour photographs and description of prisoner of war medal. Continues…

Writes informing her that Dermot Hegarty was killed recently. Correspondent was his mid-upper gunner and describes aircraft's engines cut after take off. While Hay bailed out, Dermot, the rear gunner and wireless operator did not get out. He, the…

Pilots flying log book for James A Penny, covering the period from 10 November 1941 to 23 November 1943 when he was shot down over Berlin. He was stationed at AAC Souther Field, RCAF North Battleford, RAF Shawbury, RAF Sleap, RAF Blyton, RAF Upwood…

A certificate from G. Q. parachute company appointing Flight Sergeant P J Hogan RAAF to be a member of the G Q Club. At top colour artwork showing a man on parachute against blue sky with white clouds.


Top - caterpillar club card made out to Flight Sergeant P Hogan.
Middle - b/w photograph of four aircrew, two in front two behind. Bottom left man has pilot's brevet and the others half brevet. Captioned 'Pat Hogan (44 version) with three members of…

A diary kept by LC Pipkin and subtitled Bomber Command, London. It records his time after baling out of aircraft after a fighter attack. He managed to evade capture and reached Spain.

Four officer pilots, upper torso, posed outside wooden building. From information kindly supplied by the donor. 'This picture taken about two days after we received our wings at No 11 S.F.T.S. at Yorktown, Sask. Left to right Anaka, Linklater,…

Writes that she was thrilled to meet him and read his letters. One of the girls who wrote to him was a friend of hers although they had now lost touch. She hoped that he would come back to England but that meeting people who's lives had been saved by…


Pat Hogan's account of being shot down and baling out when his aircraft was attacked by an intruder while back in United Kingdom. Aircraft was diverted due to intruder and was nearly out of fuel. After order to bale out Hogan had to go back to get…

Colour Google Earth image of open countryside with river weaving top to bottom, road running bottom upwards through long village on the right and a Town (Elvington) top left. Yellow marker in river valley labelled 'Approximate Bale Out Landing…


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