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  • Tags: ground personnel

A group of 44 arranged in four rows.

Photograph 1 is of a Lancaster AR-Z waiting to take off.
Photograph 2 is of 460 Squadron's crest.
Photograph 3 is of a Lancaster in the air, close to the ground.
Photograph 4 is of the pilot in the cockpit of a Lancaster, captioned 'Lancaster…

A squadron photograph of many airmen arranged in six rows at the front of a Lancaster with an seventh row on top of the wing. On the reverse '460 Sqn. RAAF March 1943 Aircraft 'R Robert' Lost on Skoda Raid April 17th 1943 24 Operations'.
Two further…

Servicing wing of 463 and 467 Squadrons Royal Australian Air Force photographed at RAF Waddington in May 1945. Personnel are photographed in front of a Lancaster.

49 members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, wearing tunics and peaked caps, in three rows. In the centre of the front row two officers, all others are non-commissioned. In the background a wooden hut with two windows.

The centre section of a group photo of 49 Squadron. The group is arranged in five rows, one row is standing on top of a Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Left, centre and right side of single long photograph. Men are wearing uniform tunics and side or peaked caps. Sitting and standing in seven rows in the centre and six on the flanks. In the centre the nose and engines of a Hampden are visible.…

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Lancaster. All are wearing tunic and side cap. An officer in centre of front row is wearing peaked cap. On the reverse '5 Group Servicing Section taken at RAF Swinderby on…

Forty-one airmen in four rows in front of a building. All are wearing tunics and most side caps. Albert Cluett is in the back row, first on the left. On the reverse '50 Sqd Armourers, Skellingthorpe'.

Forty-two airmen, wearing tunic and side caps, in four rows. Front row including a warrant officer and a sergeant are sitting on chairs, the second row are standing and the rear two rows standing on benches. Albert Cluett is third row, first on the…

Eleven airmen mostly wearing tunic and side cap with others in overalls standing and squatting in three rows in a yard. To the right the rear wheel of a trolley, in the background a fence and trees. On the reverse '50 Sqdn Armoury, 22.4.42,…

A large group of airmen arranged at the front and on top of a Lancaster. The image has a squadron crest at the top. Behind the aircraft is an open hangar.

Top, the left wing and fuselage of Halifax with members of 517 Squadron, in uniform, one row standing on the wing, two rows standing beneath the wing, one row seated and one row sitting on the ground.
Bottom, shows two men in sports kit, running…

Top, the right wing of the Halifax with members of 517 Squadron in uniform, one row standing on the wing, two rows standing beneath the wing, one row seated and one row sitting on the ground.
Bottom, shows two men in sports kit, running across the…

A group of 52 airmen, includes four officers, one gym instructor and an airwoman. They are arranged in four rows outside a large building.

A document listing the activities of the Maintenance Unit Repair and Salvage unit. It describes the recovery of damaged aircraft which could be rebuilt and returned to service. The make up of the team is described.

A large group of airmen arranged in six rows in front of a Lancaster. In the centre is a plaque stating '582 Sqdn PFF May - 1945'.

A crest of the 61 Repair and Salvage Unit, RAF. It lists the countries in which they worked.

Top - title 'No 617 Squadron'
Underneath - short text giving information about 617 Squadron
Centre - photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Vulcan. Captioned 'The Dam…

62 trainees and officers in four rows in front of an Oxford.

Five airmen standing under the nose of Mosquito, squadron letter V

Four airmen sitting on Mosquito long range fuel tanks and their corporal pose with Mosquitos and airfield background.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Lancaster. It is captioned '635 (Pathfinder) Squadron RAF Downham Market Norfolk May, 1945'.
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