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a 29 page duplicated magazine produced by the personnel of Branston Mere Y station. All the items are original, mainly 'in' jokes consisting of stories, jokes, poems and cartoons.

Day by day description of events and activities for 1941 and 1942. Records films seen, war news including RAF operations, football matches played, weather, going to cadets, air raids, dates with Mary, social events, meeting friends, fire watching…

Daily entries for activities in 1943. Covers, films seen, weather, training and exams, leaves, training at Bridgnorth, medical issues, war news. Posted to RAF Millom, mentions activities, leave, aircrew flying training, navigation training routes,…

The four men are standing, dressed in suits and smoking. Michael Redgrave is in the centre holding a pipe. On the wall is a framed photograph of Queen Elizabeth. On the reverse 'Ken Bowdons Club'.

Twenty two Royal Air Force and Woman's Auxiliary Air Force members of a band standing, wearing tunic uniform, in two rows. Most are holding musical instruments. In the centre of the front row are a male and a female officer standing behind a pile of…

The contesters in swimsuits and high heels are descending a staircase leading to a pool, surrounded by a civilian crowd. A man dressed in white is on the right, with a peaked cap. On the reverse '2nd Prize winner Miss Miami Contest, Biltmore Pool,…

An officer bent over a horse silhouette, part of a model horse race. He is watched by many airmen. All are in khaki and shorts. On the reverse 'RAF Shallufah MEF. Victory Celebrations VE+1 day 9-5-45'.

Relates an incident at an officers’ mess ball which contrasts the attitude of peacetime station commander to those found on operational stations. Describes events surrounding a station ball at a training base in the midlands. Includes general…

A scene from a musical comedy viewed from the wings. Musicians including a guitarist and saxophonist are playing while a man dressed as a woman dances.

Top left - costumed actors and band of musicians on stage. Band has 'MM' on stands. Captioned 'B15 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top right - band of musicians on stage (with 'MM' on stands). Captioned 'B14 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.…

Two verse song (first is chorus). Humorous verse.

Raymond spent his time in the R.A.F. overseas, this lengthy memoir covers the period July 1943 until August 1946. He served in the Middle and Far East and Italy. He was an Engine Mechanic/Fitter and this is his story. The memoir has maps of his…

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

A programme for the Frontier Force Regimental Band performance at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore

A Form 441 Navigation Log used as for an evening out at the Queen's Hotel, Prestwick concluding a B.2 course. It includes a menu and 43 signatures of the participants.

News-sheet of the Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives Association. This edition covers the danger of rumours, editorial policy on letters, NCOs organise at Stalag IVB, Mrs Ian Campbell's work for POWs, Canadian Red Cross Prisoner of War shipments,…

The News Sheet of the Canadian Prisoner of War Relatives Association. This edition covers Victory in Europe, the death of President Roosevelt, the liberation of Canadian POWs, assembly centres for released POWs, the seizure of German POW records,…

The news-sheet covers the return of prisoners of war and issues that they will face, POW letters from the Far East, Prisoners and Parliament, Camp visits by the YMCA, Prison Camps as schools of Citizenships, Next-of-kin Parcels, International Red…

Polish pianist's Nottingham recital. An account of a recital in Nottingham by Malcuzynski for the Polish Air Force Association.

Advertisement for concert by BBC theatre orchestra with Malcuzynski on piano.

Viscount Clive with his daughter Davinia Herbert; acting Squadron Leader F D Hughes who was killed in action and an annotated picture of 'Flight Lieutenant Tony Stuart' in evening dress.
The second page shows Flight Lieutenant Anthony Stuart…

Information for arrivals at RAF Cardington. Includes a map of the station and notes on processes, procedures, meal times, entertainment, transport, telephones, post office location and opening times.

The menu for dinner at Aden in 1933. On the reverse are some signatures.

One one side a notice for a grand Christmas part to be held on boxing day in the NAAFI. On the other side handwritten notes with names and times.
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