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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Covers general responsibilities, name rank and number, behaviour under interrogation, what the enemy will try to find out, how information is obtained by enemy (sources and methods), do's and don'ts, and rights of a prisoner.

Newspaper cutting with full face b/w photograph stating that the wife of Corporal William A Franklin RAF had a cablegram to say he was safe in Melbourne.

Top left - b/w photograph of a woman sitting on grass with dog in front of her. Captioned 'Mrs Derrnocly'.
Top middle - three-quarter length b/w photograph of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet standing in a room. Captioned 'F/O Jim Derrnocly…

Left - long newspaper cutting with eulogising story of Group Captain Percy Pickard and Flight Lieutenant Alan Broadley who after 100 sorties together were now missing. Noted that they were in the film 'Target for Tonight' and gives considerable…

Top left - newspaper cutting - repatriated airman to be married concerning recently repatriated Warrant Officer E W Perkins. Gives other details and background story.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting - Parker-O'Brien wedding announcement.
Top right…

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w full face portrait, concerning Sergeant H T Hathaway RAF who had been reported missing. Top right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of eight men in uniform, one in suit and tie (middle front row) and…

Left - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet. Captioned 'My old pal "Ed"'.
Right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of fifteen aircrew mostly wearing battledress with brevet sitting and standing in three…

Left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and side cap standing outside a brick house with window. Captioned '"Connie" Constable of No 35 Sqdn, shot down and made prisoner at La Pallice'.
Right - view from behind of pilot…

Lists army personnel names, service numbers and units. Page 1 (at least) all in Stalag IIIA.

Writes that he is pleased that he would have someone to come back. He comments that his knee was okay put being unable to run affected his ability to play rugby and soccer. Concludes with banter.

The letter advises that her husband is missing but explains he could be a prisoner of war.

Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book between 3 August 1944 and 25 August 1944 with operations to Foret de Nieppe, St Leu-d'Esserent and Brest.
Right - document titled "The Reckoning". Giving details of bomber commands sorties, aircraft and…

Left - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Captioned 'Aircraft hand general duties u/t flight engineer, August 1942'.
Right - three airmen wearing tunics, two sitting in front and one standing behind. Captioned 'No 3…

The story of how aircrew were supplied with clothing and material to help them escape and evade capture. It is written by the major that designed the items.

A comment from a broadsheet newspaper that was posted on a board at the camp. It includes a list of items supplied in a cardboard suitcase.

Two cloth brevets, for a navigator and an observer plus a Stalag IVB dog tag.

A cutting from a newspaper with Reg and John Bushell's names recorded as prisoner of war. Handwritten on it is Evening Standard 12.4.44.

A copy of the address page of a prisoner of war letter.

A card issued by the Air Ministry whilst Reg was a prisoner of war notifying his commission as a Pilot Officer.

Reg writes that he has only had one letter and no recent news from home. The weather has not been good. He looks forward to going home.

Reg writes that he has no mail nor does he expect any. Weather is improving. He is reading a lot.

Reg writes that he is at his new camp. He asks his parents to sort out his money. His new camp is more comfortable. Many of the prisoners have been there four years.

Reg writes he has received six letters today. He is fed up and keen to get home.
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