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  • Tags: bomb aimer

A port side view of a LIberator on the ground. It has the code 'AY' on the rear fuselage. On the reverse is 'L. McCarthy J45845 (Bomb Aimer) 246 Madison St, Winnipeg Man. at the Suez Canal [indecipherable]'.

Notes to be used by a bomb aimer during exercises.

Pilot Officer A.J.B. Thompson’s SAAF Observers or Air Gunners Log Book from 17th January 1942 to 4th February 1943, detailing his training and duties as a Bomb Aimer. He was stationed at: SAAF Queenstown (No. 47 Air School), SAAF Port Alfred (No.…

Seven airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line in front of the rear turret of a Halifax. Annotated 'Frank and crew' and signatures.

The crew have been identified as:
182868 - MEADEN, ALFRED WILLIAM (pilot)
1650129 - EVANS,…

telegram notification that Lancaster ME360 failed to return from an operation to Leipzig. Lists the crew and their next of kin.

A log book used as a scrap book. The photographs and documents cover his aircrew training from November 1943. It has sergeant's mess subscription cards, photographs, correspondence and cuttings.
Many of the entries are post war and a number refer…

Jon Dent's crew list includes F/O K A Smith pilot, F/O Ron Winters navigator, F/O Dave Long (NZ) bomb aimer, W/O Joe Pugh wireless operator, Sgt Dell mid-upper gunner, Sgt Taffy Jones rear gunner, self flight engineer.

Left page - top left - an large group of aircrew, two rows sitting and one standing, all wearing battledress with side or peaked caps on grass in front of a Nissen hut. Captioned '44 (Rhodesia) Squadron flight engineers RAF Spilsby, Lincolnshire, Nr…

On the left page top - a photograph of five aircrew wearing tunics with brevet standing in line in a garden. Captioned '23 July 1945, John Parker, F/O White (bomb aimer), self, F/O K A Smith (Skipper), George Wellington'.
Bottom - half length…

List ten crews and aircraft. Sergeant W E Foster is rostered as mid upper gunner in the ninth listed crew. Includes a spare aircraft and details other personnel to various duties.

Talks about her father and her research into his life for her book 'The Man on the Mantelpiece'. Originally a pacifist, he later volunteered and served as a bomb aimer in Bomber Command. Janet talks bout her journey discovering her father’s time in…

Damaged photograph of four aircrew wearing battledress with brevet standing in front to a brick wall. Dustbin visible lower left. Submitted with description 'Copy of a damaged, undated, original photograph showing four members of F/Sgt L J Burpee's…

Top - seven aircrew, three sitting in front and four standing behind. All are wearing tunics with brevet and peaked or side caps. In the background are huts. Submitted with description 'F/O Burroughs' crew. Undated but location believed to be RAF…

LAC T. Barber’s Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 8th March 1943 to 29th April 1943 detailing his pilot training. He was stationed at RAF Clyffe Pypard (29 Elementary Flying Training School) and RCAF Station Davidson (23…

A detailed account of an operation on Friday, 8th October 1943. The crew of Lancaster 'N for Nan' were Pilot PPilot Officer John Charles Peter Taylor from London, Flying Officer Stewart Stubby bomb aimer from Herefordshire, Warrant Officer James…

Top left - three airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line with trees in the background. Submitted with description 'Three airmen in uniform, standing in front of hedge. Left to right: P/O Roberts - rear gunner, F/O Bob Wake - bomb…

Seven men wearing uniform tunic with brevet, three sitting in front and four standing behind. Submitted with caption 'Bill Ballantyne Crew'.

Records an incident to Squadron Leader Debenham's crew, Ronald Carpenter was the Bomb Aimer, flying 10 Squadron Halifax DT546 on 13/14 October 1942, when the aircraft was damaged by anti-aircraft fire and the flight engineer injured. It includes a…

Has recommendation from his Squadron Commander, his Station Commander and the No 4 Group Air Officer Commanding. Was gazetted on 14 September 1943.

Gives details of Ronald's service. Was initially trained as a Wireless operator but remustered to Air Bomber in June 1942. He did his first tour on No 10 Squadron flying in the Halifax from RAF Melbourne and was awarded the DFM. He was commissioned…

From the Air Ministry, to everyone who needs to know to enable Ronald to obtain his uniform and new pay rates and allowances etc.

Ronald with bomb aimer brevet, DFM and campaign medal ribbons.

Aerial photograph is a mass of light streaks, nothing else visible. Photograph captioned '1632 FCX 21/22.6.43/NT 8" 19500' 0205 135M KREFELD RDB 2X1000GP 630X4 48X30 P11 S/L DEBENHAM X 10.
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