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  • Collection: 102 Squadron Collection

Written by Ken Boyd the brother-in-law of a Bomber Command pilot Wilfred Comrie who was killed in a crash at RAF Pocklington in March 1943. Wilfred was an American who joined the RCAF in May 1941 and served on 102 Squadron. Ken Boyd was a first…

Covers period 28 January 1944 to 4 February 1944. Lists units for long range bombers, long range recce, fighter bomber, twin engine fighters, tactical recce and coastal. Followed by short note of disposition of fighters on western front. Follows a…

Mentions day operations by two Mosquitos on 15 February. Gives description of night operation to Berlin with total of 891 aircraft dispatched. Lists types and numbers. Gives outline of weather and account of operation, results of bombing, amount of…

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

Details of operation to Berlin on 15/16 February 1944. Gives numbers of Bomber Command aircraft involved for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups. Details other targets - spoof to Frankfurt, Mosquitos to Aachen and mine laying. Weather, Enemy raid reaction -…

Gives personal details and date of death.

Marked most Secret. Lists patrol areas. Aircraft in operation (14 took off, 5 returned early and 1 missing). Claims 1 He 177 and one Ju 88.
Detailed description of patrol activity at Beacon "B". Followed by detailed description of patrol activity in…

Eulogy concerning unveiling of the Runnymede memorial and those who died with no known grave. Also acknowledges the Kohima memorial. Goes on with brief explanation of RAF role in the war.


Two members of the women's auxiliary air force taking. One has shiny leading aircraftwoman badge on arm of uniform. Caption 'I wondered how you got it!!!'.

Two airman talking, one sweating, the other smiling. On the reverse 'You'll get used to it!'.

An airman leaning on a counter with a mug of tea talking to a NAAFI serving lady. Above is a sign 'Tea Only'. On the reverse 'Is it Tea!!!'.

Airman facing a senior officer wearing greatcoat and peaked cap. On the reverse 'I understand you have been rude to the Station Warrant Officer?, Not at all sir ..... I merely told him to "wrap up"'. Note 'This drawing must not be reproduced without…

Drawing of a lady wearing hat talking to a sergeant pilot wearing uniform with a shiny pilot's brevet and Distinguished Flying Medal ribbon. On the reverse 'Do you fly, sonny?'.

Drawing of an airman being berated by an angry non-commissioned officer. Captioned 'Yes What ?'. On the reverse 'Yes What!!!?'.

Pilot with well dressed woman walking past two small boys. Captioned 'Crikey!! Is that your sister?'.

Drawing of an airman talking to sergeant. On the reverse 'L.A.C. F J Lay 13559224, camouflage supervisor, Pocklington airfield Yorks'. Caption "What did you say?......Some sergeants"'.

A large group of civilians sitting and standing in three rows with huts in the background. On the reverse 'Air Ministry maintenance work force, Pocklington Airfield, Yorks, during the "forties war".

Flight Sergeant Walsh’s Navigator’s Flying Log Book detailing operations flown covering the period 01 September 1944 to 30 March 1945. He was stationed at RAF East Kirkby (57 Squadron) and RAF Fulbeck (189 Squadron). Aircraft flown in was…

Document with poems attached over long poem by W King. Note that he was 'our' mid-upper gunner but did not realise he was a poet. Note and poems pinned over the same main text which is can be read on final page. First partial poem about aircrew not…

Five verse poem about those left behind of lost men.

Three verse poem concerning air gunners.

Top left - full length image of an airman wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and side cap with buildings in the background.
Top right - head and shoulders image of an aim wearing battledress with sergeant rank and pilot's brevet, and side…

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