Browse Items (114 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Münster in Westfalen"

A summary of the RAF career of Sergeant Dick Anyan (1259839) written by his nephew. Details are provided of two operations flown in a Handley Page Hampden (P4398) with 106 Squadron. On an operation to bomb Emden Dick Anyan's fellow airmen were:…

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…

Reconnaissance photograph of Münster railway station and marshalling yard. Entire area extensively damaged, with tracks destroyed and at odd angles, goods and passenger carriages blown over. Majority of buildings seen are without roofs. The main…

Covers period 28 January 1944 to 4 February 1944. Lists units for long range bombers, long range recce, fighter bomber, twin engine fighters, tactical recce and coastal. Followed by short note of disposition of fighters on western front. Follows a…

Top middle - view down street with buildings either side.
Top right - view down street with buildings either side.
Both captioned 'Münster June 1945'.
Bottom left - view across street with tram of large multi-storey building (Royal…

Top centre - rear quarter view of an airborne Lancaster with squadron letters 'KO-B' Captioned 'Blighty Bound, Bari' (Operation Dodge). Text lists 18 targets/operations, nine either side.

List of targets and some comments. Image of a Halifax at top.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


Gives account of attacks on oil targets, tank yards and railyards in Nuremburg and Wurzburg by bomber command and United States Army Air Force. Goes on to mention other operations including use of ten-ton bomb at Bielefeld.

Summary of bombing operations with 433 Squadron from 11 August 1944 to 26 March 1945, Flew as flight engineer on Halifax and then converted to Lancaster December / January 44/45.

Metal plate escribed 'presented to F/L Mills from 5352 AC DET Fassberg 4 7 54'.

List all courses attended between 1941 and 1954. Volunteered for air gunner in 1943. Flew operationally on 149, 218 and 75 Squadrons, then gunnery leader at several stations. Officers school in 1946. Dated 1 November 1954.

List all courses attended between 1941 and 1954. Volunteered for air gunner in 1943. Flew operationally on 149, 218 and 75 Squadrons, then gunnery leader at several stations. Officers school in 1946. Dated 11 November 1954.

Air to ground view with engine in foreground of a town. On the reverse 'Munster?'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A report on what happened to Halifax NP934. Information collated from operational record books, RAF reports, Herbert Browne's report (sole survivor of NR118 crash), Henry Wagner's report, analysis of the losses on the night of 17/18 December and SHJ…

A section of six pages referring to the crash of the Halifax.
Page 1 simply states 'The Crash'.
Page 2 is a report of the crash in French and an eye witness report in English by Jean Bodart.
Page 3 is a copy of a photograph which appears on page…

The report covers the loss of the Halifax with a focus on Hugh Jones. The research was undertaken by Eddy Daivier. He lists the crew and some of their operations.

A vertical aerial photograph of Munster captioned 'Following photographs taken whilst on a Cook's tour of Bomb damaged Germany'.
The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Munster'.

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker at Dulag Luft.

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker when he was captured.

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Story of Lancaster Number R 5868 once the gate guard at RAF Scampton. Relates that it flew 137 operational sorties and suffered only minor damage. Served on 83 Squadron in 1942 at RAF Scampton and mentions some of its operations including…
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