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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Essex"

Written from RAF Windrush No 6 PAFU. Writes about mail and that not much is happening but has done a little more flying. Says he would not be able to get leave or get home for Christmas. Catches up with family news.


Letter from mother of flight engineer, written to the captains wife expressing sympathy, thanks and hope that the crew are safe somewhere.

A cutting from a newspaper with Reg and John Bushell's names recorded as prisoner of war. Handwritten on it is Evening Standard 12.4.44.

Jimmy Doughty's mother writes to his sister Iris of receiving her postcard and acknowledging that she was staying on holiday for a week. Comments that Jimmy had just left to go back after leave. Concludes with family gossip. This was Jimmy Doughty's…

Informs him that his son's personal effects had been forwarded to the RAF central depository.

A short biography of Ron by his younger brother, Fred. Fred discusses his schooling and his love of photography and amateur radio, his engagement to Audrey Ridgwell and his short career flying. He lost his life on his fifth operation. His father lost…

In the letter he refers to an operation to Schweinfurt described in the book. They received damage over Reading from 'friendly' anti-aircraft fire. They jettisoned the bomb load in the Channel then headed home via Harwich at 3000'. Despite warning…

Informs him that his son had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal.

Ralph was conscripted into the army but wanted to join the air force. He eventually became an instrument repairer and trained at RAF Cranwell. When war started, he volunteered for aircrew but was not transferred for some time. Briefly in 242…

Reginald joined the Royal Air Force in 1943, becoming a flight engineer with 415 Squadron, Bomber Command. He tells of his love of making and flying model airplanes and that, although he wanted to be a pilot, his love of anything mechanical made him…

Violet Bishop’s two brothers volunteered for the RAF. One trained as a bomb aimer and the other as ground crew and both survived the war. They wrote to each other throughout the war. She was very proud when her brother accompanied her to a dance in…

The letter refers to Ron's grave at Horstal. In the cemetery there are 16 graves of allied airmen but only two are named. The graves are very well looked after by the villagers.

The letter advises that Reg's payment of ten shillings and sixpence will be paid to her from Reg's salary.

The letter encloses a statement of Reg's account.


First letter is notice of appointment on a short service commission of 5 years as Flying Officer in the Air Control branch. Second letter confirms arrangements and reporting instructions to RAF Biggin Hill.

This item was provided, in digital form,…

A letter to the mother of Alex Peadon informing her that her son is missing after an operation to Munchen-Gladbach. The letter includes a list of six fellow crew members.

Informs him that war gratuity was payable in respect of his son's RAF service.

To Henry Simpson's father informing him that the value of the gratuity was £14:14:0

As no further information had come to hand concerning his son since he was reported missing, they propose his death for official purposes.

Letter concerning Harold Fry's Post Office savings book.

Details out-turn of Harold Fry's service estate as a total of £18 5s 2d.

Copy of letter with details out-turn of Harold Fry's service estate as a total of £18 5s 2d.

Informs him that a war gratuity of £31 10s 0d was payable in respect of services of his son.
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