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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Italy--Foggia"

Two photographs.
#1 Seven airmen, some leaning on the starboard nose of a B-24 Liberator. They are partly dressed in tropical kit.
On the reverse 'Grandad in the middle'. and ' Celone aerodrome (nr Foggia, Italy) 1944. (N for Nelly & Crew)'

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Harrison Sproates’ Flying Log Book as wireless operator from 3rd January 1941 until 29th May 1944. Training was at No. 2 Signals School, No. 1 Air Gunnery School, and 13 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 244 Squadron for operations in the Middle…

P R Taylor’s Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 26 April 1943 to 25 October 1945, detailing training and operations as a Navigator (occasionally Bomb Aimer) in the Mediterranean area. Based at: Oudtshoorn (No. 45 Air School),…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Underneath is written "Top Notcher".
It is captioned '1331.Fog. 9/10 June 44. // NY. 8" 7,400' -> 040° 0243. Terni. Y. 5x500. P7. Sgt. Bird/ E. 104.'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Much of the detail in the middle and top is obscured by light flashes.
It is captioned '1293. Fog.6/7 June 44. // NT 8" 7,100' -> 030°0139 Orvieto. D. 1x4000. P7. Sgt Bird. D. 104'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. The top left of the image is obscured by explosions and light flashes but much ground detail is visible on the image.
It is captioned '1211. Fog. 28/29 May 44 // N.T. 8" 9000' -> 135° 00.12…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Most of the top of the image is obscured by light flashes.
It is captioned '1171 Fog 25/26 May 44 // NT 8" 9000' -> 330° 00.33 Viterbo. D.9x500 P8. Sgt Bird L 104'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. No detail is visible of the ground, the image is obscured by explosions and light flashes.
It is captioned '1165. Fog.22/23 May 44 // NT 8" 8200 -> 120° 23.26 Valmontone. Rd. D 5 x 500 PO Sgt…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Orvieto. The left and top are obscured by explosions and anti-aircraft flashes.
It is captioned '1126. Fog. 13/14 May 44 // NT. 8" 8.000-> 160° 23.18 1/2 Orvieto M/Y M. Illuminator. P7 W/O…

A 6 page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Sortie report for an operation to Bruck Marshalling yards

Page 2:Vertical aerial target photograph of an unknown location showing some ground detail as tracer trails. Not all…

Provides some details of operation to Padua marshalling yards. Lists crew and gives details of bombing and other events.

Some details of operation to Villach North marshalling yards. Lists crew and provides details of bombing. Two versions of the same document.

Details of two operations to Trento and Vicenza. List crews and gives some details of sortie. Reports on bombing and combats seen. Two versions of the same document.

Gives some details of operation to troop concentrations at Argenta. Lists crew and repots results. Two versions of the same document.

For both operations, lists crew. For Verona reports route markers seen and visually aiming bombs and bursts seen on markers. For supply drop visually identified target, containers aimed at target, all chutes opened. Good concentration. Two versions…

Top left - seven aircrew wearing battledress with brevet, three sitting on bench and four standing behind. Captioned 'We band of brothers'. Top right - airman wearing flying helmet in right hand seat of cockpit. Captioned 'Skipper please let me have…

Top left - B-24 parked on airfield, captioned '104 a/c Foggia 45'. Top right - air-to-air view looking down on B-24 with bombs falling. Captioned 'Bomb hit B-24 but plane survives, not our plane, taken in 44'. Middle left - three airmen two wearing…

Oblique aerial photograph of coastline running bottom left to top right with sea to left. Middle left a passenger liner is seen rolled over and on its side. On the reverse 'Italian [....] sunk by Beaufighters off NE coast near Trieste. Planes were…

An airmen pointing to the words 'sunny Italy' traced in snow on the side of a snow covered Spitfire. On the reverse 'Foggia Main, Jan 45'.


Oblique aerial photograph of part of the town showing Palazzo degli Uffici Statali with Palazzo degli Studi further out. In the upper left corner is an area of open ground while in the right upper corner there is a large arrangement of buildings.…

Large two story building in town with square in front. Car and motor bike parked in front and people walking in street. Sign over door 'Garrison Theatre'. On the reverse 'Foggia'.

A large three story building with double floor windows above doorways. Sign on front 'Palazzo Degli Studi, NAAFI - EFI, other ranks club'. On the reverse 'EFI Foggia'.

Two airmen, one standing, the other sitting in a large room with palms in pots and scattered arm chairs. Sign for restaurant and toilets. On the reverse 'EFI Foggia'.
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