Browse Items (60 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Atlantic Ocean"

Two weather charts dated 20 January 1944. The first shows the UK weather and the second the situation in the Northern Hemisphere.

Three press clippings showing the liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth in their wartime roles, front cover of 'Souvenir Calendar 1943'.

Tadeusz Jasinski’s Flying Log Book as a wireless operator from 9 May 1941 to 14 October 1945. Carried out training at No. 2 Signal School, 4 Air Observer School (air gunner training) and 18 OTU, Posted to 304 (Polish) squadron for operations in…

The log book covers the training an operational career of Flight Engineer Syd Marshall from 28 July 1944 to March 1945, with occasional notes added through 2008. He joined 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds on 27 September 1944, from where he flew in…

Printed map of western Europe and Eastern Atlantic showing tracks for the nine standard meteorological reconnaissance flights flown by RAF. Hand annotated with 517, 518, 519 and 520 squadron tasking.
The code names for the routes are Magnum,…

Page 4 of Ship's Orders, general welfare of the ship.


Six photographs and a tram ticket from an album.
Photo 1 is a view out of the carriage looking to the engine, captioned 'The Train to Halifax'.
Photo 2 is a tow truck attaching a hook to the back of a saloon car, captioned 'Result of ten hours in…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph showing a city with a river running through from left to right with port facilities on both sides. On the far side of the river towards the left is a small indented water basin with a few ships moored.…

Oblique aerial photograph of Rockall islet, with rock centre of photograph. Captioned: '6012. AC26. Earls Colne 10 Apr’45//K20 6 1/2'.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the donor. This item was sent to…

Extracts from log book from 12 July 1943 to 20 October 1943 covering Coastal Command training at 6(C) operational training unit Silloth, Cumberland and 303 Ferry Training Unit Talbenny, South Wales and trip from United Kingdom to Mogadishu via…

A news sheet sold on the troopship returning to the UK.

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Despite earlier army reports being reliable, it is claimed that there is now German disinformation concerning the Russian campaign and the high number of casualties and prisoners.

After spotting a battle cruiser on 22nd July, an RAF…

Letter from Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother. He writes that he is at sea after leaving New York, about his activities on board the ship including card games, jigsaw puzzles and competitions with his other shipmates. He also writes about the very…

Title 'Trocas at Sea'. Thanks Dennis Raettig for typing book and says how he is getting on with typing. Notes that he listened to Scotland verses England match and he is writing off Madeira. Talks of writing to Jack and of war news he has heard.…

Had just arrived in Canada. Mentions and describes some aspects of voyage and arrival in New York. Followed by train journey to Moncton Canada awaiting posting to flying training unit.

Letter from sergeant David Boldy to his father about seeing action in day and night operations. Mentions the Gneisenau and Scharnhorst battleship. He had some leave and went out to the Trocadero with Steve and Ajan.

Photo 1 is Sergeant Len Jones, Home Guard at Banwell in 1943.
Photos 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are ships forming up for a 1941 convoy from Boston. The photographer is Arthur's friend Cecil Reid.

Winston Churchill being cheered in Sheffield; naval warfare in the Atlantic; German invasion of Russia; actions of the Free French Forces plus photographs of various military leaders.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

On a clear day, a four engined United States Army Air Force aircraft attacks the submarine U-156. Bullets are raining down on the figures on the deck of the submarine. Some of the figures are diving into the water, others are running for cover and…

A lifeboat from the Laconia floats on rough seas with eleven figures on board, among them two Polish soldiers. The soldier on the left is standing over the others in the boat. He has a pistol in his right hand and is pointing it at the occupants of…

Six naked figures are on two makeshift rafts floating in rough seas, surrounded by sharks. Two figures holding sticks are trying to scare the sharks away. Three of the figures are pointing to their left and shouting. Men are also in the water…

At night, the submarine U-156 launches a torpedo at the SS Laconia. A massive explosion causes large flames and black smoke to engulf the centre of the liner. Small flags are flying from the masts of the ship. A postcard with the caption “The New…
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