Letter from David Boldy to his father
Letter from David Boldy to his father
Letter from sergeant David Boldy to his father about seeing action in day and night operations. Mentions the Gneisenau and Scharnhorst battleship. He had some leave and went out to the Trocadero with Steve and Ajan.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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923995 Sgt. D.A. Boldy.
5 Chepstow Ct.
Chepstow Crescent.
London. W.11.
24th Feb. 1942.
My darling Dad,
Thanks awfully for your letters & all the news. Very pleased to hear you got in some good tennis at the club. Glad to hear all about the business too.
Yes those damn [deleted] Japs are coming closer. Anyway Dad you’ve got the right spirit, give them a really warm reception if they suceed [sic] in getting through. We did a lot of raids last month but have been slack this month. Just one night raid on Brest & a daylight on the Scharnhorst & the Gneisenau.
A daylight is much more thrilling & yet in some ways a less strain than night bombing.
My crew had 48hrs leave over
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the week-end. As I had a very bad throat & was grounded for a couple of days I managed to get away earlier. Returned to camp this morning almost quite fit & refreshed. Had a marvellous time. Last night Steve, Ajan & I & three girls one of them Ajan’s sister went to the Trocadero where we danced & had dinner. It was a really grand party. Only cost 7/- a head including drinks. It was a jolly good week-end all together. We get our crew leave in a fortnight’s time. We get a week for crew leave. Looking forward to it.
Ajan (my gunner pal) & I are staying in this evening recuperating from the hectic week-end. We have a lovely fire on in the room & the radio on. Getting off quite a bit of my outstanding mail. Will write again soon.
God bless you Dad. Look after yourself.
Lots of love
5 Chepstow Ct.
Chepstow Crescent.
London. W.11.
24th Feb. 1942.
My darling Dad,
Thanks awfully for your letters & all the news. Very pleased to hear you got in some good tennis at the club. Glad to hear all about the business too.
Yes those damn [deleted] Japs are coming closer. Anyway Dad you’ve got the right spirit, give them a really warm reception if they suceed [sic] in getting through. We did a lot of raids last month but have been slack this month. Just one night raid on Brest & a daylight on the Scharnhorst & the Gneisenau.
A daylight is much more thrilling & yet in some ways a less strain than night bombing.
My crew had 48hrs leave over
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the week-end. As I had a very bad throat & was grounded for a couple of days I managed to get away earlier. Returned to camp this morning almost quite fit & refreshed. Had a marvellous time. Last night Steve, Ajan & I & three girls one of them Ajan’s sister went to the Trocadero where we danced & had dinner. It was a really grand party. Only cost 7/- a head including drinks. It was a jolly good week-end all together. We get our crew leave in a fortnight’s time. We get a week for crew leave. Looking forward to it.
Ajan (my gunner pal) & I are staying in this evening recuperating from the hectic week-end. We have a lovely fire on in the room & the radio on. Getting off quite a bit of my outstanding mail. Will write again soon.
God bless you Dad. Look after yourself.
Lots of love
David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/518.
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