Browse Items (108 total)

  • Type is exactly "Text. Diary"

Leslie Manser's one day diary for 1940. Contains details about his life before he was accepted into the RAF and some details of his service life. Includes a blotter and news clipping.

Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…

A diary kept by Les during his time as a prisoner of war. Pages have been crossed out as he transfers his comments from cursive to print.

Written in RAF pilot's flying log book by Sergeant, pilot Rosser, Lewis Victor, RAFVR - diary of night bombing operations. Gives date, aircraft, crew, target and description of each operation. Also included are extracts from the Bomber Command war…

Starts with account of movements in RAF for 1941. Continues lwith entries for daily activities. Embarks Greenock, Leaves Milford Haven on 8 January for voyage across Atlantic and describes voyage to Canada. Arrives Moncton 20 January describes daily…

Occasional daily inputs. Mentions going to Lords (initial aircrew) in July, Leuchars for training in late July then back to London. Mentions some flying experiences in November.

During this period Keith was under training in Canada and then in England from June 1943 on 28 OTU at RAF Wymswold.

Keith Thompson was a sergeant navigator under training at the start of this period at 28 OTU at RAF Castle Donington, then on to a holding unit for a month. After that on to 1662 CU at RAF Blyton flying the Lancaster, until 7 November when he was…

Keith Thompson was a navigator on operations with 101 Squadron, at RAF Ludford Magna flying Lancasters at the start of 1944. He completed his first tour on 31st May, was at 28 OTU from 17th June to 23 July, then 30 OTU as a staff navigator at RAF…

During this period Keith Thompson did his basic RAF training in England then left for Canada to undertake his flying training.

Covering all of 1945, Keith Thompson was a navigator on 1659 Conversion Unit at RAF Topcliffe flying Halifax III on his rest tour, having finished his first tour in May 1944. In February posted to 199 squadron, RAF North Creake flying operations on…

Day by day diary covering events from November 1942 to June 1943. Describes flying at Little Rissington and illness over Christmas 1942 which delayed posting. Eventually posted in January 1943 to 30 Operational Training Unit. Describes events at…

Day by day diary recording events from his joining the Air Force in April 1941 up until 8 November 1942. Covers time at 1 Initial Training Wing and No 1 Elementary Flying School at Hatfield including interview with the British Broadcasting…

Diary kept by Keith Campbell 24 July 1944 to February 1945 describing being shot down, evading and capture and life as a prisoner of war. Some entries talk about operations. Ends with the forced march away from the Russians. Note on front - 'original…

John's day by day record of his work at RAF Maipur. It covers the RAF 'strike' and his return to the UK

Intermittent record of John's time at RAF West Kirby then Blackpool for training. He covers the sail from Liverpool to Durban, then India, first Bombay then train to Karachi. Once established at RAF Mauripur he records his daily work and…

A book kept by John during his internment as a POW. It has a comment made by Churchill when he was a POW, a poem to Bomber Command by Noel Coward, signatures of fellow POWs, notes on his early days as a POW, rations (not always received) and a list…

A 1941 diary kept by John. He was still at school in January but started work in February.

Starts with a letter to him after she finds out he is a prisoner telling how she felt when he was missing and how happy she was with the news that he was a prisoner. After a day by day diary of her feelings, activities, news of friends and…

A diary kept by Jessie Redgrave during 1939 with detailed daily entries on her life.


Diary kept by Jessie Redgrave with detailed daily entries on her life.

A book of messages for Jeff from his mother. Written after his death in the form of a diary. She describes her daily life and friends that visit her.

A diary kept by Jean but only a few pages in January and May have been completed.

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…
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