Keith Thompson's diary December 1941 to July 1942



Keith Thompson's diary December 1941 to July 1942


During this period Keith Thompson did his basic RAF training in England then left for Canada to undertake his flying training.







One booklet


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DEC 41 –

JLY 42 –

[Underlined] TORQUAY [/underlined]

[Underlined] DEWINTON [/underlined]

[Underlined] TRENTON [/underlined]

[Underlined] TORONTO [/underlined]

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THOM [obscured]




His book. Pat No missing “You mucky cat” to ken not [indecipherable]

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[Underlined] TORQUAY [/underlined]

[Underlined] Sun 14/12/41. [/underlined] marmalade & tea RAIN. Church Parade 8-45 AM 2/- for 6 Xmas Cards of Eric. Roast beef & spuds, cabbage; Lyon’s & almond cream. RAIN. Letter to [underlined] Ma & Elsie. [/underlined] cheese & spuds; jam & cake. 9d at Burlington “Freedom Radio” & Joe E Brown in “The Gladiator”.

[Underlined] MON. 15/12/41. [/underlined] usual breakfast. 2/- for P’s book. 1/- allotment to start Xmas day. Stake [sic] pie peas, sprouts, spuds (roast) rice. Rankled my ankle. Meat roll & beet. 1/2 at Odeon “Dance Hall”. Claudette Colbert in “Skylark” about Russian red + “3 in a Shell Hole”

[Underlined] TUES. 16/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfast. [Underlined] Went sick [/underlined] 1/- for card. Chop, sprouts, spuds; 2 baked apples & carnation. Wrote letter to [underlined] Gm. & Gp. Machin & Annie [/underlined]

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sos roll, spuds; jam & cake. ACT. 7-25 SIRE 8-5 PM. Lecture on English by Robert Graves. Sent cards to P & J; Annie; Mrs. Mace; Mrs. Down; Carlton; U George; & letter to Gpa & ma. [underlined] Machin. [/underlined]

[Underlined] WED 17/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfast. no letters corned beef, peas (split) & onions rice. Medical EXAM. Cheese & spuds. TO NAVI. Parceled [sic] book for P & elephant for Annie.

[Underlined] THURS. 18/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfst. Posted book (7d) & eleph. (3d) Fish, carrots spuds; rice (good.) Relief guard. eleph. For E. (2/6d) scent for Ma 2/9d & 3 1/2 d & 4d postage. meat & spud pies St. James’ Guard with rifle & bayonet 9 to 11 & 3 to 5. Cocoa & sandwiches after 11.0PM. tea, sos & bread 3-0 AM Of duty at 7-0 AM till 10-30 AM

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[Underlined] FRI. 19/12/41/ [/underlined] No bfst. 2 sos rolls at RAF canteen. Kit parade 10-30 stew, peas, spuds, jam tart. Letter from Ma. Toast & cheese spuds; jam. Sent Xmas cards to Miss French, Colin & Dennis. Bought 2/6d book of stamps, 1/2d Burling “Mr Smith goes to Washington” & “A Day in Russia.”

[Underlined] SAT. 20/12/41. usual bfst. Parade 8-45 AM. Cheese ord. coffee corned beef, beet, spuds; prune tart Phil 4/6d. Went round Woolies. Meat pie; cake; jam. Cards from A. Edie; U. Edgar, & A. Ella. 2/4d at Regal “Lady be Good” Ver Good. “Shot in the Dark.”

[Underlined] SUN. 21/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfst. 11-0 SIREN 11-10 Letter [underlined] TO Peg. [underlined] £1 pay. Tough meat, spuds, sprouts; stewed apricots & cust.

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Had tea with Phil & Geog. at Mrs. Lovie’s & Miss Adams’ “After death I live2 Corham as worn by native. Stamps.

[Underlined] MON. 22/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfst. Room inspection. Chair removals meat pie, sprouts, spuds; trifle. Letter & card from Elsie. 9d Burlington (1/2d) “Virgina Mad. Coral technicolor”. “Doctor takes a Wife.” Letter from Doris. Card from A. Annie & U. George. Had tea supper at NAAFI. [indecipherable] & chips; jam tart & custard.

[Underlined] TUES. 23/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfst. NAVI on boats. parcel from Gm. Machin & card. Mutton, sprouts, baked spuds; rice. ROCK END (pigs) letter to [underlined] Doris & Elsie [/underlined] 2 sos rolls, jam & bun. Fire

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picquet. Patrol 8-0 to 8-30. Telephone 10-30 to 11-0.

[Underlined] WED. 24/12/41. [/underlined] Spuds, bacon; cornflakes. Went to St. James for rice. Made fire in Orderly Room. Letter & Papers from [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] Card from David & Mrs. Mace. Rabbit, beans, spuds; rice. Sent letter TO [/underlined] Elsie & Doris & Gm Machin LAST NIGHT. [/underlined] Meat roll, beans, spuds; brd & jam. Practice march past. ROCK END. “Nobodies Sweetheart” & “Nothing but the Truth” Bob Hope & Paulette Goddard. 1/2d at Odeon.

[Underlined] THURS. 25/12/41. [/underlined] Went to Communion 7-15 AM. Had usual bfst March past.

Pork & turkey, sprouts & spuds Xmas pud, pint beer & 10 cigs served by officers & NCOs

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10/- from S.P.T. parcel from Ma, Ham & pickles, Lyons mincepie for tea. Posted letter to Ma & POP (F) On St. James’ Guard. Glass cyder at NAFFI. [sic] On from 9 to 11-0 PM then 3 to 5AM Cocoa, ham sandwich & Lyons mincepie for supper. Had to miss ‘late dinner’ at RAF canteen at 7-30. 10/- for doing guard.

[Underlined] FRI 26/12/41. [/underlined] Usual bfst. Went on parade 11-0 AM. Drill & then run. Chop & sprouts bread pud. Brains Trust Meat pie & spuds Late Pass. Went to Regal 1/10d “- - - Congo” & “This Man Reuter” came in at 23.05 hrs.

[Underlined] SAT. 27/12/41. [/underlined] usual bfst. Drill by F/Sgt. Corned beef

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spuds, beans; bread pud. Went to Odeon again. Meat & spuds. Went to Amn’s Rest for supper.

[Underlined] SUN. 28/12/41. [/underlined] Didn’t go for bfst Voluntary Church Parade. RAIN Pork, sprouts, spuds & rice. 2/8d for Prop. 2d Babbas. Walked back. 2 kippers for tea. “Odeon” 1/2d Arthur Askey in “Ghost Train” “ROC” & “Homicied Bureau.”

[Underlined] MON. 29/12/41. Usual bfst. signed for boat Went to Baths. Mutton, peas, bkd. spuds; prunes, apple & milk. Letter [underlined] from & TO Ma [/underlined] Morse. Haircut. cheese & toast, jam & cake. Guard 7-0 hrs to 21-00 & [underlined] TUES. 30/12/41 [/underlined] 0300 to 05.00 & 1100 to 1300 hrs. Corn flakes spuds & bacon. Went for Wellingtons to Perry’s. Letter to S.P.T.

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lamb chop, turnip, carrots, bkd spuds rice. Shepherds pie & jam.

[Underlined] WED 31/12/41. [/underlined] cold & frosty. Usual bfst. Papers from Ma Diary from Miss French. Sos & spuds. Lectures by AOC. Commodor [sic] Critchley. Cheese & spuds. [Underlined] NO LATE PASS [/underlined] 1/2d at Electric. “Ships with Wings” about the Ark Royal. “Special Despatch” (M) OR’s “Put-put Troubles” Donald Duck

[Underlined] THURS. JANUARY 1st. 1942. [/underlined] Usual breakfast. Went to baths. 9 pigeons down Corned beef, carrots, turnips; stewed apricots & white sauce. Letter, card & 5/- from Annie. FLY KIT insp. Sos roll & peas, jam & bun.

[Underlined] FRI 2nd/1/42 [/underlined] bacon, bread & dip. March past. Air Commodore

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[Underlined] FAIROAKS. [/underlined]

Critchley. Parcel 7d & letter to [underlined] Gran. [/underlined] Letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] 2 Meat pies, spuds; rice. Inspection of flying kit by S/Ldr. 1/2 pt. of beer in ante-room (officers mess) £1 & 6d on stamps (British CBal) Meat roll, corned beef & pickles; jam. Left Torquay 10-30 PM 2 hrs wait at Newton Abbot. Pulled by EDWARD VIII

[Underlined] SAT. 3/1/42 [/underlined] 5-30 AM PADDINGTON.
9-15 AM army bus to Waterloo Dash-board fired. New bus 8-0 AM. Passed Buckingham Palace, Houses Parl, Big Ben 9-30 AM. Leave Waterloo. 10-15 AM Woking Passed Brooklands. Bus to EFTS.

[Underlined] SUN. 4/1/42. [/underlined] Wrote & posted letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] porr.; bacon fried spuds bfst.

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Din. Beef, spuds, sprouts choc. sponge. Run & then shower. 3-30 jam sandwich & cake. 6-0 soup; meat pie spuds; ground rice.

[underlined] MON 5/1/42. [/underlined] porr. Toast & egg aldis lamp; gen. on flying. arma (missed PT) bacon pie spuds, cabbage; Lyons pie, parachute 140, 1/2 hr bus ride to ‘drome 20 min. flip after explanation of controls. Soup; meat pie spuds; stewed prune & apples Issued with log book & text books.

[Underlined] TUES. 6/1/42. Porr. Boiled egg Sheeps heart, spuds, carrots, beans, pud soup; meat pie, spuds; jam tart. [/underlined] Navi lect. & definitions, drill, sqd & PT.

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[Underlined] LONDON pass. [/underlined]

[Underlined] WED 7/1/42. [underlined] sos, spuds, porr. Drill; NAVI; PT; beef, spuds, sprouts; sponge pud, soup sos meat, fried; spuds sprouts sponge pud.

[Underlined] THURS. 8/1/42. [/underlined] porr; bacon, spuds. Flying; lamb, spuds, cabbage prunes. Lecture on Airmanship. Drill, P.T; soup; spuds meat & spuds; prunes letter from [underlined] Ma & Dad [/underlined]

[Underlined] FRI. 9/1/42. [/underlined] porr. fryd spuds & sos; soup; spuds meat (pie) ground rice; £3-18 pay (£4-12-0) drill, navi-navi, morse before dinner (lunch) 3/10 return Waterloo. Union Jack full FREE ROLLS taxi to Church Army 8 1/2d for coca, beans, pie & rolls 1/- for bed.

[Underlined] SAT. 10/1/42. [/underlined] 9d for tea, beans, bacon & roll

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Posted letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] Passed HP & went into West. Abbey, Trafalgar Sq (passing Cenotaph & Downing St) Down Strand along Embankment & Tower Bridge & London Tower. Monument. Found St. Pauls Cathedral (beautiful) put 6d in Restoration Fund. Saw:- Nelson’s (bricked up) Dk. Wellington (a funeral car) Sullivan, Wren, Van Dyck, Blake (poet) Lawrence of Arabia, Beatty, Jellicoe & Roberts monuments & tombs Chapel to Kitchener. Dinner at St Martin’s in the Field (1/2d) food & bob 8d Sultana 4d B&B + tea 2d. [Underlined] 2/- for book for June. [/underlined] Newsreel BBC, House & St Georges Hall. Hd sos & mash at YMCA 2 1/2d choc WATERLOO. 5-57 dept at

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6-3 arr. WOKING 7-0PM. Walked to ‘drome arr 8-5. [Underlined] Letter from Ma [/underlined]

[Underlined] SUN 11/1/42. [/underlined] beans on toast, porr. beef, spuds, cab. York pud; sponge. Wrote letter to [underlined] Doris [/underlined] after game of hockey. Letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] soup & cheese on toast. Spuds; a type of blancmange.

[Underlined] MON. 12/1/42. [/underlined] bacon on toast & porr bacon; sos pud, spuds, cabb; prunes soup; corned beef, spuds, custard “Target for Tonight” & “Ride Tender boat, Ride” films in Mess.

[Underlined] TUES. 13/1/42. [/underlined] porr; poached egg on toast. [Underlined] SNOW [/underlined] cold meat spuds, carrots, parsnips; raisin pud; sos roll, spuds; soup grd rice. Letter to [underlined] Phil & Elsie [/underlined] Early bed (9-0PM.)

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[Underlined] WED. 14/1/142. [/underlined] porr. Bacon & pikelet ham; cab & spuds; cust & gooseberries Parcel from Mayoress’ Fund scarf, socks, Balaclava; mints Mars, Fry’s choc, flavoured chews gum; shaving soap & tablet of Palmolive toilet soap. Soup; fried spuds, meatballs, suet pud & treacle.

[Underlined] THURS. 15/1/142. [/underlined] porr. boiled egg; bread & treacle; Stew, spuds; jam tart; Soup; cheese on toast spuds, currant sponge. L to [underlined] Syd. [/underlined]

[Underlined] FRI. 16/1/42. [/underlined] porr. sos, spuds. Beef, spuds, carrots; jam sponge. Soup, meat pie & spuds. 4/- Fred for X & chain. Film show “Star Reporter”

[Underlined] SAT. 19/1/42. 3/10 to London Sent book & telegram.

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Soup, shep. Pie, spuds, cab. currant pud. 1/9d. Merle Oberon in “Lydia” at Odeon 1/10d. 11 1/2d [indecipherable] buns & tea at St. Martin’s. 1/2d [indecipherable] red. Letter from [underlined] Gran. [/underlined]

[Underlined] SUN. 18/1/42. [/underlined] porr. fried spuds, bacon. SNOW again. Finished letters to Ma & Gma, beef, spuds, cab, York pud 2; sago. football, pea soup; spiced minced meat & spuds; Lyons pie. Posted a letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined]

[Underlined] MON. 19/1/42. [/underlined] porr; sardines on toast, brd & treacle tart letter to [underlined] Gndma. [/underlined] sos. & bacon pie beans & spuds; prunes. No flying soup; corned beef, spuds; currant pud. MORE SNOW.

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[Underlined] TUES. 20/1/42. [/underlined] 3-6” SNOW. Porr. fried spuds & bacon. [Underlined] NO flying. [/underlined] WELL landed & took off. snow shuffting. spuds & carrots, beef; sago. more snow skuff. soup; spuds, cooked meat pie; currant pud. NO letters again BLAST!

[Underlined] WED 21/1/42 [/underlined] porr; sos fried spuds. Letter from [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] CHICKEN, cab, spuds, jam sponge. soup; meat pie & spuds, bread pud. More shoveling snow again today. Wrote letter to Ma & chit for mess tins (cancelled) to be kitted out before we leave.

[Underlined] THURS. 22/1/42. [/underlined] Posted letter to [underlined] Ma: [/underlined] porr; fried bread & bacon, more snow shoveling.

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mutton, spuds, carrots; choc sponge & sauce. [Indecipherable] & gun boats in. Drew new cap & [indecipherable] & tunic also MESS TIN & tin hat cover. Stew, saveloy & spuds; jam tart. “So Ends Our Night” film in mess 7-30 to 9-30 shown [underlined] News [/underlined] reel too. Letter from [underlined] Ma [/underlined

[Underlined] FRI 23/1/42. [/underlined] porr. poached egg on toast; bd & jam I fetched flying kit from Winkfield. Paper from Ma, corned beef, spuds, beans, carrots, parsnip, [deleted word] Xmas pud. £8.10.0d. a months pay. (10.4.0) soup; meat pie, spuds. Packed kit bags.

[Underlined] SAT. 24/1/42. [/underlined] porr fried spuds bacon. Given extra [indecipherable]

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[Underlined] LEAVE. 7 days. [/underlined]

got extra PT kit. Given pay books & 1250’s also passes. Set off for station 10.00 hrs. arr station 1030 hrs. Given tickets by F/Sgt. Arrived WATERLOO 1105 hrs Taxi to EUSTON 5/9d (Dug, Tommo & Spud) Tube from EUSTON to ST. PANCRAS. S/c 1145hrs caught 1200 hrs train at St. P. arr. ROTHERHAM. 1715 hrs. Taxi to GREASBRO 2/-

[Underlined] SUN 25/1/42 [/underlined] Went with Dad to Owens. Had din about 2 PM Then Dad & I went to DG Thompson’s Got home 6-30 PM & didn’t go out again

[Underlined] MON. 26/1/42. [/underlined] Took J, to school. Went to RGS. Nobody in at Powell’s. Saw Tich.

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[Underlined] TUES. 27/1/42 [/underlined] Took & fetched June at dinner time. SNOW Went to SPT. Elsie off bad again. Railway Warrant & letter FROM [underlined] Gran [/underlined] sent from 18 EFTS.

[Underlined] WED. 28/1/42 [/underlined] Went to G. Thompson to see Gnpa. Gave me 2/6d Went to Office then to Doris’s Had tea at Grove Left at 8 and went to ATC.

[Underlined] THURS. 29/1/42. [/underlined] Had hair cut & then called on U. Geog. Saw Elsie & her Ma. when I left. Went to Owen’s for my dinner. Had a bit of a look round. Had tea in canteen. Met Horace at 1615 hrs. Went to Empire saw “Dangerous Moonlight”

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[Underlined] FRI. 30/1/42. [/underlined] Went to LNE & got ticket & train times Took spuds to Dad at Owen’s. Went to SPT. Elsie returned to work; also Billie & lens. Dad came home 2-30 PM. Went to WVS with scarf, saw Doreen, Phil’s wife. Gave me 5/- Phil owed me. Went to see Gndad at office. Miss Colyton phoned Marshes for a taxi for AM. Went to Oldfellow’s Dance with Dad danced with Mr. Stapleton’s daughter & her friend.

[Underlined] SAT. 31/1/42. [/underlined] Taxi to station 2/- + 6d. Only Dad went with me to train at 9-20 arr at

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[Underlined] M’CHESTER. [/underlined]

Sheff 9-45. Train from there 10-01 arr. Mchster 11-40. Taxi 2/6d to Heaton Park. Billeted with 11 other Torquay lads in a tin hut. Went with Tommo & Spud to see Wallace Beery in “Two Gun Cupid” also William Lawson in “Tower of Terror” 1/10d & 2 x 3 1/2d bus fares.

[Underlined] SUN. 1/2/42. [/underlined] Missed bkfst. Gave pay books in & had “FFI” & “dental” Had dinner at YMCA Mchstr. roast beef & spuds 8d. 1/10d picts “Here Comes Mr. Jordan” DARN GOOD. Tea & biscuits at YM. 1/2d to see “Big Store” lift to Cannon St. on bus, free.

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[Underlined] MON. 2/2/42. [/underlined] Hut orderly cleaned room & rearranged beds. Swept floors. Soup, meat, spuds, Swede; stewed apple & custard. Lads don’t like new arrangement. Had tea 2/6d cod & chips; mince pie, 2 cups tea. 1/4d at Gaumont. Deanna Durbin & Chls Laughton in “It Started with Eve” DAMN good. “Ferry Pilot” & “Is everybody Happy”.

[Underlined] TUES. 3/2/42. [/underlined] Porridge; fried spuds & bacon. Sing song. Gave 1250 in to sgt. Stew, spuds, cabbage; bread pud & apple-custard. Billeted at Mrs. Jeeves

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3 Polefield Gardens, Preston Carried my & Tommo’s kit bags from dispersal point. 2 cups tea & piece of scone. Given Penny to Cause & freedom of some in general. Wrote to Ma.

[Underlined] WED. 4/2/42. [/underlined] porr: sos & gravy, 2 bread cakes. Aircraft Recc. Pictures also “Dangerous Talk.” Soup; beef, peas, spuds & baked spud; trifle. Gave tin hat & grn cape in. Fish, chips & bd. & jam for tea. Retreating in LIBYA [underlined] AGAIN. [/underlined] Posted letter to [underlined] MA [/underlined] this AM.

[Underlined] THURS. 5/2/42. [/underlined] porr; bacon, sos NAVI. soup; stew, spuds, raisin pud. Bond painted

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on kit bags. Meat pie strawby jam & ginger cake. Put name on kit bags.

[Underlined] FRI. 6/2/42. [/underlined] Letter to [underlined] Annie & David & from [/underlined] Ma. porr & haddock. 3 films at cinema & 2 true adventure tales One had on Altmark & other “Old Ginger”. out in Algiers. Minced meat, carrots, spuds: Soup. didn’t have sweet (stewed apple.) P.T. Made out 295. Potato cheese & sos; straw, jam & cake 6/11d to Rhm 6-35 from London Road. Rhm 9-15 PM (SHEF 8-45 took train 3 1/2d.) Went to Oddfellow’s to see Dad then went home.

[Underlined] SAT. 7/2/42. [/underlined] Took [indecipherable] to Dad;

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[Calculations] [/underlined] LEAVE 48. [/underlined]

went to S.P.T. to see Mary. Went back to Owen’s to Dad. Walked into & round town. Went home & had din. Took Sallie with us to Coop. Elsie & Geog. Called to see us.

[Underlined] SUN. 8/2/42. [/underlined] Went for run before din. Went to Watson’s, Mace’s & Gm’s Mars & Choc after din. 5-45 track to town to catch 6-14 train which came in at 6-45. (Did 15 mls. on bike). M’chester 8-45. Caught 73 bus. Bill & Jess came in at 12-45. I made cup of cocoa & had sandwiches Ma packed me. Tommo came in about 3-0AM.

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[Underlined] MON. 9/2/42. [/underlined] porr. haddock. More films etc. at Cinema. soup; stew spuds, turnip; & currant pud: cust, sweet. Table Tennis tournament. potato – cheese; bd, jam & cake. Made fire. Wrote to [underlined] Ma & Joyce [/underlined]

[Underlined] TUES. 10/2/42 [/underlined] porr. bacon & egg. Good lecture of music, amusing & entertaining. Soup; beef, turnip & spuds; fruit pie. D.R.I.L.L. sos & mash etc. Went with Jess & Gordon to see “Magic & Music” had fish & chips for supper. 3/-

[Underlined] WED. 11/2/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & liver issued with shoes, towel, 2 vests & 2 anti glare shields. Rusty gave me a fag. Soup; beef, queens, spuds; stewed fruit. Had PM off. Went into city

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2/- cod & chips, Reading

[Underlined] THURS. 12/2/42. [/underlined] porr. sos. Lectures by officer bomber pilot stew, carrots, spuds, fruit pud. Morse. Meat pie, bd jam& br “The Great American Broadcast” at Park Cinema. Went with Gordon & Jessie. Variety in place of supporting film Fish & chips for supper. Parcel from [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] laundry & gloves.

[Underlined] FRI. 13/2/42 [/underlined] Letter from [underlined] Doris [/underlined] Haddock for b/fst. Lecture on music, last one. Soup, lamb, peas, spuds; apple pie. Drill. Beetroot & cheese. Letter from Ma. NO PASS.

[Underlined] SAT. 14/2/42/ [/underlined] Went back for tunic which wasn’t exchange

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after all. Soup; corned beef, peas & spuds, current pud. Letter from Joe, 2/- for book. 1/6d at Gaumont to see “It Started with Eve” Gordon bought another + & necklet. Wrote letter to [underlined] Ma & Doris. [/underlined]

[Underlined] SUN 15/2/42. [/underlined] porr: bacon & fried spuds, Church parade. Soup, beef, greens & spuds; stewed fruit. Posted letter to [underlined] Ma, Doris & Joe. [/underlined] Didn’t go out except to post letters.

[Underlined] MON 16/2/42. [/underlined] porr. minced meat “Battle of Atlantic” lecture & 2 films R.O.C. & Malaya. Soup; stew, spuds & carrots; sponge. Drill & Aldis. Potato & cheese. “Hold Back to Dawn” Chls Boyer.

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[Underlined] TUES. 17/2/42 [/underlined] bacon & beans. FILMS. Soup; corned beef. Swedes & Spuds; Suet, NAVI Sardine on fried bread; jam & cake. Finished Jig Saw.

[Underlined] WED. 18/2/42. [/underlined] porr. sos. Drill, Exchanged tunic. Letter from [underlined] Joyce R. [/underlined] York pud, beef, greens, spuds rice pud. & currants. Football match. Fish & Chips for tea. Letter from [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] (papers) & [underlined] Phil. [/underlined]

[Underlined] THURS. 19/2/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & Shep. Pie. Films. Stew spuds, carrots; sponge pud and prunes & cust. Drill, Morse, Naafi. Meat pie, jam & Cust. Letter to [underlined] Ma, Phil & Joyce. [/underlined]

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[Underlined] FRI. 20/2/42. [/underlined] porr. haddock. shoveling coke. Soup, chop greens & spuds. Coke shoveling. Went into town with Gordon Bought record, choc & gums. Reg parcel from [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] Letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined] FAUNA C/SPRATT

[Underlined] SAT 21/2/42 [/underlined] porr. liver. £7 pay lect by Sqdn Ldr. Soup; corned beef, peas, spuds; sponge pud. Tried to get home. 4/- for book. ”Brigadier Gerard”. Money Order for £4. Parcled tin to send home. Borrowed Bill’s bike. [Underlined] FAUNA/SPRATT [/underlined] C Letter to [underlined] Ma. [/underlined]

[Underlined] SUN. 22/2/42. [/underlined] porr. fried bread & eggs, coffee: 9-30 parade Put in No. 4 flight. Dismissed. Soup; beef, greens, spuds, Y. pud.

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trifle. Gordon posted letter to his ma & [underlined] mine [/underlined] (£4) Packed kit bags. Had tea in billets. Jess, washed shirt & collars. Bath.

[Underlined] MON. 23/2/42. [/underlined] Finished packing kit. Letter from [underlined] Joe. [/underlined] Carried kit to camp. Porr. Beans & bacon. Lecture by AOC. Air Commodor. [sic]

Soup; stew, spuds, greens; trifle. Wrote letter to Joe ready to post on boat. Gordon posted parcel to Ma. 8d. Bought loaf Bd. & cheese for our tea. Kissed Jessie “Good-bye” Reported at camp at 20.30. Bacon, liver, spuds; cake for sup. Also 4 slices bd. (Good meat) piece of cake & dough nut

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[Underlined] SCOTLAND [/underlined] – FOR CANADA.

Farewell by Wing Cmdr. Short service then Communion. SLEEP?

[Underlined] TUES. 24/2/42. [/underlined] Tea & meat pie 03.00 hrs. Set out for stn 04.15 hrs. arr. 04.50hrs. S/C 04.55 Carlisle 11.30hrs had some tea in mess tin. S/C 11.40 hrs arr. 15.30 hrs. Went out on ferry boat to S.S. ORBITA 15,000 ton steamer. [Underlined] LOST [/underlined] scarf getting hammock.

[Underlined] WED. 25/2/42. [/underlined] porr. sos & tea. boat drill. Went round the boat deck. Had a look down in to engine room. Soup: beef, spuds, beans, stewed fruit. Inspection by capn Boat Drill again. Haddock for tea. Weighed anchor 6-35-to 45. & lowered it after going up

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[Underlined] S.S. ORBIA – C.P. LINE [/underlined]

river a bit. S/C 9-45PM.

[Underlined] THURS. 26/2/42. [/underlined] porr. liver & tea. Reading book S. Spangled Manner Boat & dispersal drill. Soup; meat, spuds, peas; sago. Several lads sick. High Wind, ship rolling & pitching. Grand Sensation Makes you feel queer below decks. Bought 2days blocks (3d) of choc. Find book by Bev. Nichols. Boiled egg & Cheese for tea. Got a bad head but TUMMY OK so far. Gordon been sick. [Underlined] Watch back 1 hrs. [/underlined]

[Underlined] FRI. 27/2/42. [/underlined] Kipper for bkfst, felt dizzy, could only eat a bit. Soup, meat, spuds beans; dried apricots. Sea very rough. Ship pitching rolling

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beautifully. Makes you feel funny below deck but its OK on deck. Heavy swell & decent wind. Stew for tea. Sat on stern watching the moon on the sea. Used an empty kipper box then the spare anchor for a seat. Sat there until 9-30 PM. Went below deck emptied fire bucket & refilled it. Slept on hammock below table. Put watch back another hour.

[Underlined] SAT. 28/2/42. [/underlined] 5 sausages & tea for b/fst. Meat, Spuds; rice. Vegetable soup for tea. Sat on deck again. Watched

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Bert, Ray, etc playing at cards. Slept, or tried, on table.

[Underlined] SUN. 1/3/42. [/underlined] Shredded wheat; egg; jam for b/fst. Batted with Maurice before & after b/fst. Soup [indecipherable] mutton, spuds, beans; stewed fruit. Read “Saint Overboard” 9d for Liq Allsorts. 2 1/2d Mints. Curried beef & pickles. Went up on deck & dreamed again. Slept on floor.

[Underlined] MON. 2/3/42 [/underlined] Porr which Spud & I fetched from Galley. Liver. Batted. Heavy sea again. Screw coming out frequently. Got drenched on bows with Rusty. Soup; beef, peas, spuds; sago. Read “Aeronautica”

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Going on deck. Heavy sea. Had soup for tea. Bert & Spud fetched a second lot for me. Went up on deck for usual day dream. Watched the moon on the water. Went through a small rainstorm. Saw the eclipse of the moon.

[Underlined] TUES. 3/3/42. [/underlined] Batted. Porr. Kipper. Batted. Autograph. Usual din Cheese paste for tea also a bit of jam, Complaints made to orderly room re food. Used 3 hammocks to sleep on & under. Damn cold.

[Underlined] WED 4/3/42. [/underlined] Batted before & after breakfast. Kellogs & [underlined] 2 [/underlined] eggs for breakfast. Boat Drill. Cleaned buttons. Usual din. Soup; beef? Spuds, peas; sago.

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Cleaned boats. Sold last 2 necklets. [Underlined] I owe Dad 12/- for 3. [/underlined] Read “Saint Goes On.” Rabbit soup. Went on deck for usual. Saw phosphorous in water at stern & on st’bd side Reading “Advent’s of B/gdr Gerard.” Cup of coffee before we got in our hammocks. I HAD a couple of hooks [underlined] for a change. [/underlined]

[Underlined] THURS 5/3/42. [/underlined] Sos. Boat drill. Soup; meat, beans, spuds. Reading A.C. Doyle & “Chessman of Mars.” Stew, LOST my cap between deck (stern) & WC.

[Underlined] FRI 6/3/42 [/underlined] Bat, Stew & marmalade. Bat. Gave £5 to pay acnts. [underlined] NO RECEPIT [/underlined]

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Lecture by Adml (V.C) Soup; meat, spuds, peas; rice pud. 2/-. Chocolate off Cpl. 1/- off Warteman. Cheese, pickles & egg for tea and a little marmalade left over from b/fst. Drizzle but calm sea except for a light swell. Feeling terrible in fact lousy. Coffee (& biscuits?) for supper. [Underlined] 1 hr back [/underlined]

[Underlined] SAT. 7/3/42 [/underlined] Batted as usual. Officers offered Maurice some fags. Sos & mash. Cleaned buttons then had FFI. Soup meat, spuds, beans; High seas speed reduced to about 2K. ship pitching & rolling. Wind whistling thro’ riggin. Soup (maybe stew) as usual. [underlined] Our

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[Underlined] HALIFAX. [/underlined] Canada.

officers gave us a bottle of champagne. Shared it out on our table. Coffee as usual for supper.

[Underlined] SUN. 8/3/42 [/underlined] Porr. (terrible) stew. Batted as usual. P/O A/G gave us his home (Canada) address. Soup; meat, spuds, peas; sago. Land sighted 1-30 PM. Saw it myself 1-45 to 2 PM. Sea very calm & blue. Slight haze. Coast very rugged. Crossed bar at 4-0 PM. 3 or 4 tugs came out to tow us in. Catalina & 2 Hurricanes shot us up Scenery marvellous, pine trees lining the coastline. Cheese, egg for tea. Left ship 6-30 & got straight onto HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA.

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[Underlined] MONCTON [/underlined]

train. Bought 3 oranges & 3 apples. 3d each. (Sunkist oranges) Cars streamlined & headlamps full on. Houses all lit up. Still a little snow. It looks “fair grand” in fact. 3/- for 4 pieces of cake.


[Underlined] MON. 9/3/42. [/underlined] arr. 1-30 AM. had bacon, boiled egg, beans, tomatoes, 3 slices bread. 2 with apricot jam, All of it real good food. Had a hot shower then went to bed. Double decker beds, mine bottom one. Got up 8-15 [underlined] by my watch. [/underlined] consequently missed b/fast. NO cap so can’t go wandering about much. Writing PPS to

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Mum’s letter. Soup; York pud, stew, spuds, parsnips; rice pud. Parade 2-0 PM. FFI. Paid $10. Gave respirators into stores. Sent 60c (+5c) Cablegram home. Cheese, spuds, beans; brd & marmalade. Tried to get some stamps for letter to Ma. 5 cents for a bar of choc (nut milk.) YMCA film show “History Made at Night” Chls Boyer & Jean Arthur. 9-0PM Going to bed. Rain

[Underlined] TUES. 10/3/42. [/underlined] Porr. Egg on toast. Short route march after short lecture by Sqdn Ldr. Stew, spuds, tomatoes, prunes & cust. Bought 5 x 3c stamps. [Underlined] SENT letter TO MA. [/underlined]

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Route March. Dismissed in town. Went in Cathedral. Stopped by S.P. (Cpl.) for not having hat. Reported to Guard Room. Sos & mash 3 slices bread & marmalade. Went into town with Thos. He bought watch. $3.95c. (16/3) Sat reading in YMCA till 10-0 PM.

[Underlined] WED 11/3/42. [/underlined] Kellogs; smkd. bacon boiled egg, tomato. 8-30 AM – parade. Went to S/dn Ordly Rm. about cap. FFI 9.30. Packed kit and put it in Drill Hall. Drew 2 blankets for train. Went again with Howson, Thompson & Co to Ord. Rm. To go again “cette après midi”. Meat, spuds, carrots

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brown brd. & macaroni. [indecipherable] Coffee to drink. Managed to get a new cap & badge. No flash. Bought one in town 40c. Bacon & 2 eggs, spuds, turnip, peas & coffee Twice 50c each. Pies a la mode 15c. (Total $1.15c) Saw a bit of film show at YMCA. Parade 8-0PM. 402 Brown missing turned up about quarter past. Marched singing to station. Train set out 10-30 PM. Thos. Slept in bunk. 402 & I slept on seats.

[Underlined] THURS. 12/3/42. [/underlined] porr. sos & bacon, coffee while we were at a station. Put [underlined] watches back 1 hr. [/underlined] Soup (veg)

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Beef, spuds, carrots; 2 slices brd. & butter; apple pie from fight sledge. Roast veal, spuds, FRESH peas, 2 apricots & cup milk.

[Underlined] FRI 13/3/42. [/underlined] Slept upstairs. Porr. sos, fried spuds; coffee & milk. Had it in our own carriage. Stopped 1 hr at ONTARIO. (?) Bought Fudge & had nice long chat with girl. Asked what VR’s were for. 4 lads brought in a car to next station. 402 bought camera. Soup, pork & boiled spud; sago & apple, Brd. Butter & tea.

[Underlined] SAT. 14/3/42. [/underlined] FT. WILLIAM. Porr: bacon, spuds, scrambled egg WATCH BACK.

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bd. jm. coffee: Soup; beef spud, beans (kidney) fig & rice. WINNIPEG, 4-30 to 5-0 PM. CIVIC RECEPTION coffee & cookies in stn. RCAF band & pretty girls to dance with. Bought colour photo’s. 10 Players WINGS [deleted] provided [/deleted] presented by WPOA:W. also Madelon Bar. Going through the “Granary of the World” miles I should say 10’s of miles upon 10’s of miles of wheat land. [Deleted] Bacon [/deleted] cold meat, spuds, pickles; fresh [deleted] fruit salad [/deleted] brd, pud.

[Underlined] SUN. 15/3/42. [/underlined] Changed to hilly scenery. Porr: bacon smbld. egg. spud, bd & jam, coffee

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[Underlined] DE WINTON. [/underlined]

WATCH BACK. 9-5 Medicine Hat. Tomato soup; pork, peas, spud; fruit salad. Arr. Calgary 3-15 PM. 30 min bus ride to drome. Filled form up. Issued with pillow & slip, 2 sheets & blanket Cold meat, corned beef, spuds sweet pickles; pineapple cubes. “Weekend in Havana” 15c in Recc. Room.

[Underlined] MON 16/3/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & egg goggles issued with text books 3 innoculations. Stew, spuds & sweeds [sic]; sponge pud. Dental exam. Handed pay bk in. Deficiency list made out. Put into room 4. Shepherds pie, spuds, prunes & cream; straw jam. Haircut 10c. “Ride ‘em Cowboy” 15c.

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[Underlined] TUES. 17/3/42. [/underlined] Fire siren 6-15 AM got up 6-30. Shall get up earlier in future. Kellog’s & milk; toast & scrambled egg; bd. & strawberry jam. Morse, Parachute, airmanship, engines. Soup; swedes, baked spuds (2) meat; bread pud. 1 hrs. flying WORST flight I’ve ever had, $10 pay, Sos, baked spuds, tomato sauce; bd & jam. Laundrie & pass “Son of Monte Cristo.”

[Underlined] WED. 18/3/42. [/underlined] porr: bacon & pancake (treacle,) bd, jm. Coffee Prop swinging. 1 hr (affil) flight. Not so bad. Soup; pork, apple, spuds, peas; rice pud. Xray for TB. at Cal. Bagslate Hospital.

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Bought camera $1.75 & film. Corned beef, cold meat & spuds; apple pie, brd, jam. “Santa Fe Trail” Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland.

[Underlined] THURS. 19/2/42. [/underlined] Sos, bacon & Kellog’s. T of F. Airman (FILMS) Signals (test b’s) Arms; Air. Rec; Sighting (general talk,) Tom. soup; roast beef, baked spuds, cabbage; raisin pud, biscuits & [indecipherable] NOT too good. Meat pie, onion & gravy; apple & cust.brd, plum jm. “He stayed for breakfast.”

[Underlined] FRI. 20/3/42. [/underlined] Porr: Bacon & Egg. Room orderly. [Deleted] Soup [/deleted] Take offs, circuits & bumps (3) not too bad. Soup; meat

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pie, spuds, peas; raisin tart. Aircraft Rec. (Grumman Martlet 38’ 330, Buffalo 35’ 330 MPH. Stirling & Halifax 99’ 270MPH M’chester 80’ 280 MPH.) Films on theory of flight. Applied for Camera Permit. Cold meat corned beef, fried spuds; jam fritter; bd, jm, tea. Letter [underlined] to Joe [/underlined] (long delayed.) “Appointment for Love” Chls Boyer Margaret Sullivan.

[Underlined] SAT 21/3/42 [/underlined] Porr; scrambled egg & bacon. Navi (films) Air, Rec. & Signals. Soup; stew, spuds, carrot; apple pie. Flying washed out, lift into Calgary. Saw F/Sgt. Hall & Arms Sgt. Thos bought FUL-VUE $8.75 camera. Salad Coca

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Cola (orange) Ice cream 45c. Bought Scarf for Pat ($) Photo of “dick” & lighted street. 20c (iced drink & coffee) 5c “Life Saverz.” 50c on bus 11-15PM back to camp.

[Underlined] SUN. 22/3/42. [/underlined] Kellogs; bacon & egg; rasp. jm & an orange. Went to communion. Soup; beef, spuds, cabbage, muffin apple & prunes. Reading & sleeping. Cold meat & corned beef, spuds, lettuce & cheese tart; bd. & jam. [Underlined] Letter to Ma [/underlined] (at long last) “San Francisco”

[Underlined] MON. 23/3/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & tomato Air. Rec; Signals; T of F: Airmanship. Soup; [indecipherable] spuds, sweeds [sic], choc pud & white sauce. Clark Gable Jeanette Macdonald, Spencer Tracy were in “San Francisco”

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No flying (snow & low cloud) Odd jobs in Drill Hall. Cold meat, corned beef, spuds (fried) & lettuce sponge cake & jam sauce brd & jam. “Navy Blues” with Ann Sheridan & Jack Oakie,. Scarf to Pat for her BDay.

[Underlined] TUES. 24/3/42. [/underlined] poached egg & toast; Kellogs. Snow again. Arms lecture (sights) Set Drill Hall out for boxing. Soup; beef, spuds, cabbage; apple pie. Signals, Browning Gun, Navi. Sos, cheese, spuds, [deleted] cabbage [/deleted] peas; prunes & custard (twice) brd. jm, tea Took laundry in, managed to get camera permit. Boxing match, no Cinema. Norman Yates won light wt.

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[Underlined] Wed 25/3/42. [/underlined] porr bacon & pancake brd & treacle. Signals, Navi; Engines. Onion soup; pork, apple, baked spuds, peas; rice pud. Washout flag put out just before was due to go up. Freezing mud on controls. Cold pork, spuds, cheese & [indecipherable] tom. sauce; raisin tart. “Topper Returns” Joan Blondel & Roland Young

[Underlined] THURS. 26/3/42/ [/underlined] Grapefruit juice; porr; sos. Tom; orange mar’ld. Circuits & bumps (not too bad.) Dinner similar to usual Forgotten details. Lectures then supposed PT. Meat pie spuds & onion gravy. Marmalade Dorothy Lamour, Robert Preston & Preston Foster in “Moon Over

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Burma” also “Border Vigilante” Usual “bullshit” being Thursday night.

[Underlined] FRI 27/2/42. [/underlined] 5-0AM had to keep running untill [sic] siren went. Cleaned boats & buttons for C.O’s parade. Bacon & egg breakfast. No time for porr. or jam. Passed parade OK. Short prayers by Padre. Now on lectures Fish, spuds, peas; soup; apple pear & cust. 3 or 4 loops with roll off top. 2 or 3 spins. Strt. & level bit wonky owing to bumpy weather. Pass to Sat. night. Minced meat & spuds ginger tart; marmalade. “Mutiny on the Bounty” Chls Laughton & Clark Gable, Big Ben on Wireless

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[Underlined] SAT. 28/3/42. [/underlined] Porr; bacon & egg; marmalade. Lift in lorry to Calgary. Blocking 15c, 2 toothpaste 25c 2 films 50c [underlined] rasp sundae [/underlined] 15c. Took Spud & Ray’s films to be developed, also took mine. 10c on Street Car to MANCHESTER. Lift in car to 2nd. junction to end of lane on small farm van. In car down lane right to the camp. Pork chop & fried spuds; jelly & whipped cream; marmalade. “Stablemates.” Wallace Beary & Micky Rooney.

[Underlined] SUN. 29/3/42 [/underlined] Porr, bacon & egg & orange marmalade; Church parade& Holy Communion. Soup; beef, swede, fried spuds; fruit salad. LOW FLYING. Very bumpy

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cold meat, corned beef, spuds apple & custard; mar’lade. “Virginia” Mad. Corrall. Technicolour.

[Underlined] MON. 30/3/42. [/underlined] Porr. Tomatoe [sic] & bacon. Room Orderly. Take offs & landings. [underlined] TERRIBLE. [/underlined] Soup; stew, spuds, cabbage; sponge pud. Lectures;- Morse, Air Recc.; T of F[deleted word] Airmanship, [/deleted] PT, [/deleted] fish cake, spuds (fried.) cake & cheese; bd, jam. Talk with Gordon. “U. Boat”

[Underlined] TUES. 31/3/42. [/underlined] Poached egg on toast, Porr. G.I.S. orderly. Soup; meat (beef) sweeds [sic], spuds, apple pie. $20 pay. 3 lands none of ‘em good. 909 got lost & made precautionary landing. Sos meat, spuds, tomatoe [sic]: prunes & cust.

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“Ladies in Retirement”. Ida Lupino & Louise Hayward. BUS CRASH

[Underlined] WED 1/4/42. [/underlined] Dorie & Birkenst [missing letters] very badly hurt. Porr; bacon & pancake. 3 circuits, middle landing not so bad. last LOUSY. Log books to be signed by FLT. Com. Soup; pork, apple, sweeds [sic], fried spuds; rice pud. Few more circuits & bumps. Went to see flight commander with F/SGT. Hall. PACKED UP. Onions & spuds, fried meat; custard tart. Reading all evening. Cold shower & bed.

[Underlined] THURS. 2/4/42. [/underlined] Porr; sos & toms. Fetched parcel which turned out to be the one I sent

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to Pat, Mon. 23rd. 6c on it but wants more on it. Haydon gone up solo. Can’t put her down very well. He had 1 hr. solo, & 3 runs to get in. Soup; meat, sweeds [sic], spuds, sponge pud. Rain & slight wind. Only an [deleted] aff [/deleted] “April shower”. No more news re my flying. Shall remuster to Obs. Or [underlined] ground mech. [/underlined] Sun lovely & hot. Meat pie, spuds & beans; apple pie; brd. & marmalade. Hopalong Cassidy in “Secrets of the Waste Land”, also “Buy [deleted] may [/deleted] me that Town.”

[Underlined] FRI. 3/4/42. [/underlined] Marmalade & brd. Went to see the Padre. Soup; fish, spuds, peas; raisin tart.

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Lectures. Recc; Arms, Navi, Airmanship. Nice bit of drill. Dust storm. Very high temp. Meat, spuds, spag & cheese; jam fritters; marmalade. No picts. Orange crush & 2 bars choc. (11 cents). Snow.

[Underlined] SAT. 4/4/42. [/underlined] Sos & egg; coffee. Lectures. Browning, Air Recc, Engines, Morse. Soup; Meat pie, spud Carrots. Dust storm. Flt. Sgt. Took Yates & myself into Calgary. 5c (+6c) for Pat’s scarf. 26c for photo’s. Only 4 turned out. Stake [sic], chips; apple pie à la mode (ice cream) coffee 50c. Street Car to Zoological Gdns. Took a roll of film & reloaded. Took film in & bought another (25c) Went to picts

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(74c) saw “The Fleets In”. 75c for taxi back to Camp.

[Underlined] SUN. 5/4/42. [/underlined] Didn’t go for breakfast. Church Parade 9-0 AM. Communion afterwards. Soup; beef, baked spuds, cab, fruit salad & cust. Dust & snow storm. Cold meat corned beef, sweet pickles spuds; custard tart. Finished book by Jane Gray.

Bette Davis in “The Letter.”

[Underlined] MON. 6/4/42. [/underlined] Porr; bacon & egg coffee Room orderly. Air Recc; Navi; Engines; T of F; Airmanship Test. Soup; meat, spuds, peas, brd pudding. Link at 14.15 hrs. told them I was W/O. Then

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returned to crew room & was sent up with the Flt//Com. “Great Dictator” with Chls Chaplin.

[Underlined] TUES. 7/4/42. [/underlined] Grapefruit juice; porr; bacon & tom’s. No flight Soup; meat (stew) spuds; currant pud. Lectures. Sos, spuds, onions; fruit & jelly tart. Paulette Goddard & Fred Astaire in “Second Chorus” also Hopalong Cassidy in “In Old Colorado”.

[Underlined] WED. 8/4/42. [/underlined] Porr sweetened with honey; poached egg on toast; coffee & jam. Lectures. Soup; meat, spuds (fried) cab; rice pud. Dust storm ؞ NO Flying. Sent cable with address & Greetings to Pat 83c x2. $22.14 for Stirling.

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No pictures.

[Underlined] THURS. 9/4/42. [/underlined] A hell of a night-mare. Slept in fits & starts. Cold & shivering. Went sick. Temp. 103 & Pulse 102. Admitted to S.S.Q. ISOL Took two cascaras & 2 other pills. Can only have liquids.

[Underlined] FRI. 10/4/42. [/underlined] Porr & coffee. Went to lav. Sweating like a bull. Transferred to [deleted word] general ward. Soup & raisin tart for din. Shep. pie & cake for tea. Gargle pills & cascaras.

[Underlined SAT. 11/4/42. [/underlined] Allowed to get up Had about half of each meal sent in.

[Underlined] SUN. 12/4/42. [/underlined] Porr: egg & tea

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Discharged from hospital Still feel weak & have no appetite. Went for laundry (65c.) No mail through yet. Going down to “flights.” Blancmange & jellie; brd & jam. “They Died with Their Boots On” Errol Flynn & Olivia De Havilland.

[Underlined] MON. 13/4/42. [/underlined] Passed O.K. by MO. F/LT. Price took me up for a few circuits & bumps. New idea for “take offs” using rudder Keep her a lot straighter “The Night of Jan 16TH” Robert Preston & Hellen Drew also full technicolour cartoon “Mr Bug goes to town. [Underlined] RAIN [/underlined]

[Underlined] TUES. [/underlined] 14/4/42. [/underlined] Gnd. Lectures.

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Stew & spuds, sponge pud & tea. Duststorm. [Underlined] Cable from HOME. [/underlined] Fish cakes, cake, cheese. “Song of the Island” Betty Grable, Victor Mature & Jack Oakie also cartoon & two news reels.

[Underlined] WED. 15/4/42. [/underlined] Snow storm. Haircut. Soup & apple pie. Raffle of ciné camera 25c. $25 pay. 50c for extra messing Lectures (usual.) Sos, onion spuds; prunes & cust. Another [underlined] CABLE from HOME. [/underlined]

[Underlined] THURS. 16/4/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & pancakes. Lectures. Pork, rabbit, apple, peas & spuds; apple & cust. Dust storm again. Film “Sub patrol.”

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Meat pie, spuds, onions; fruit & jelly. “Men of Boy’s Town” Spencer Tracy & Mickey Rooney Dog episode.

[Underlined] FRI. 17/4/42. [/underlined] Porr. Sos & egg. C/O’s parade. 45 mins with F/Lt. Price last landing not so bad. Link at 12.00. Fish, spuds & sponge pud. Lectures. Meat, spuds sweeds [sic]; apple & biscuit. Went down to the river to cut some trees to decorate Sgts. Mess. F/Sgt. Hall gave us a glass of beer each. Laundry.

[Underlined] SAT. 18/4/42. [/underlined] Tomato juice; bacon & scrambled egg. Lectures. Meat pie, spuds

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cabbage; rice pud. Link at 2-15 PM. No flight. Pork chop & spuds; custard tart. Went 6-30 bus (70c) into Calgary. Fetched films 38c. & bought a new one 30c. Bought an egg flip 15c. Props 50c. Choc. & Mints 20c. 45c for pictures “A Gentleman after Dark.” “Cadets on Parade.”

[Underlined] SUN. 19/4/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & egg. Parade & inspection at 7-15. 30 mins. flip. 2 circuits. Could go solo [underlined] if [/underlined] “take off” was straight. Communion. 75c for Holy Bible. Beef, carrots, spuds; raisin tart; tea. Helped push “kites” into hangars. Cold meat, ham, spuds, sweet pickles

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blancmange & orange jelly. Went down to river to take some snaps. Took pullover off. “Penny Serenade” Irene Dunn & [deleted] Robert Stewart [/deleted] George Grant. Quite good.

[Underlined] Mon. 20/4/42. [/underlined] porr. sos & tom. coffee. Room Orderly. Lectures. Tom. juice; lamb, peas, spuds; apple & cust; tea. Hot sun. Link 4-30. Pilchard, meat & spuds; rasp jelly & apricot tart, glass milk, cup tea. Oh! what a tea. 2 oranges & 3 apples. (20c) “The Gay Falcon” George Sanders & Wendy Barrie, “Four Jacks & a Jill” Ann Shirley.

[Underlined] TUES. 21/4/42. [/underlined] Grapefruit juice; porr. bacon & egg. 25 mins. 2 circuits landings (approach not too good) & take offs not as usual. 25c tea.

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[Underlined] GOGGLES PINCHED. [/underlined]

Stewed stake [sic], carrots, spuds, raisin tart. Dust storm. Lectures. Meat pie & spuds; prunes & cust. brd. & jam “49th. Parallel” Raymond Massey, Laurence Olivier. Indian Scene taken at Banff.

[Underlined] WED. 22/4/42. [/underlined] bacon, flap-jack milk tea. Lectures. York. Pud. Spuds, beef: date pud. SNOW & RAIN [Underlined] LETTER from Ma. Sent 30/3/42 air mail. [/underlined] Ham egg, fried spuds; custard tart. Cable (code) to Ma. 63c. Went to extra Morse & Navi.

[Underlined] THURS. 23/4/42. [/underlined] Tomato juice; Kellog’s; egg & sos. tea. 45 mins with F/LT. Randal CFI Test. Pork, apple, spuds; rice. F/Sgt. Hall, F/Lt. Price, F/Lt.

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Randal, S/L Bayliss, Link Officer’s report. M/O’s report. List of RAF trades to be returned to F/Lt Randal tomorrow AM. Gave him my log book. [Underlined] Don’t really know what to remuster as. [/underlined] Pork (cold) peas, carrots, spuds; apple & cust. milk. Marx Bros in “Big Store”

[Underlined] 24/4/42. [/underlined] Bacon, egg; apple; marm & brd, coffee. CO’s Parade Chased round with chit for flying clothing which in end was useless. Reported to “adjy” again at 10-30AM. told to report for duties to F/Sgt. I/C. orderly room. Clearing [deleted] room [/deleted] stores, cleaned O/O’s room. Soup; fish, spuds, cabbage; apple pie, tea.

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Went to see CFI. F/Lt. Randal to tell him I wanted to be OBS. Reported back at O. Room Just about finished room (stores.) Saw assistant “adjie” got chit to go to lectures. Went to G.I.S., O. Room for AP’s. Got Browning book, F/Sgt. Anstee wangled book on Bomb Sights & Mach. Gun fire control mechanisms. Sos, onions spuds; cake; brd. jm, tea. Skimmed “Bomber Command.” Went for a walk with Maurice Brown.

[Underlined] SAT. 25/4/42. [/underlined] Porr. Poached egg on toast, marm & tea. Running round for orderly room. RAIN & SNOW.

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Soup, stake [sic] & kidney pie, carrots, spuds; apricots & cust 70c for bus ticket. Cleared & straightened locker, to FIND [underlined] LOST ??? [/underlined] spoon. Had usual walk round Calgary. Bought lock & 2 chackles for kit bags (50c.) 15c. candy (liq. allsorts, Aeros) Took film to be developed for Jimmy & myself. 30c. for meat pie, spuds, carrots; date sq. (cream) & glass milk. Bought Penguin book on Derbyshire 19c from Hudson Bay Co., Ltd.. 45c. for see Charles Chaplin in “Gold Rush.” Pathetic & amusing. Went to Church --- 25c for 6 oranges.

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15c for ice cream sundae. 9-15PM & don’t know what to do. All dressed up in my best pants & [/underlined] 2nd [/underlined] tunic, greatcoat & no where to go. 10c for orange drink. Wended my way slowly back to bus station. Mr. Williams bought me a hamburger & Cake. [circled] 15c [/circled. Bus back at 11-30. Went to sleep in bus.

[Underlined] SUN. 26/4/42. [/underlined] grapefruit (1/2); porr; bacon & egg; brd. & marmalade. Watch mending, prop. sewing. Went to Communion. Beef, spuds, cabbage; fruit salad. Navi. exam. Not bad. Corned beef, cold meat, sweet pickles, spuds; custard tart: brd. Jam tea. Gen. on electricity

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to Tommy Holden. Sewed props on best tunic. John Barrymore & Kay Kyser in “Playmates.”

[Underlined] MON. 27/4/42. [/underlined] Tom. juice; Kellog’s: bacon & flap jack: tea. Orderly Room, used bike to take files etc. out. Soup; beef, carrots, baked spuds; apple pie & cust. Further “sorties” on bike. [Underlined] Letter from Ma, Doris, Joyce, Annie & Mrs Jones sent by sea. [/underlined] Meat pie, spuds; prunes & cust; brd, plum jam. “Louisiana Purchase” Bob Hope & Victor Moore.

[Underlined] TUES. 28/4/42. [/underlined] Tom. juice; porr; bacon & egg. Went to NAVI lecture. Then went to O.R. Soup; steak, spuds, cabbage; raisin tart. Back to O.R.

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Got “chewed up” by SEO. as if I knew I’d [underlined] never [/underlined] be a pilot. Damn & B - - & B - - - him. Tom. [deleted] beef [/deleted] juice corned beef, cold meat, spuds; rhubarb & cust. brd, jam & tea “Maltese Falcon” Mary Astor Humphrey Bogart.

[Underlined] WED. 29/4/42. [/underlined] Puffed wheat; toast, bacon & kidney; brd. Jam; tea. Navi, signal & air. recc. Tom soup; York pud, beef, baked spuds, carrots; date pud. O. Room again. Sos, onion & spuds, jelly tart, brd. jm. tea Caught 6-30 bus to Calgary. Film for Rendell. Prints for Wilson & myself. Gave a film & 4 negs in to be done. Choc. milk shake 10c Scrambled about to finish roll

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of film. Had chat with chap in Liggets then went to bus station where I met Mr. Hughes (10-15) We had a choc. shake & then he made a date with a couple of “dames”.

[Underlined] THURS. 30/4/42. [/underlined] Tom. juice; porr: bacon & egg: brd. jm & coffee. Navi (marks) [deleted word] 178/200. Aldis Lamp. [Underlined] 12 weeks ANS. 3 Astro. 6 bomb . & gunnery. [/underlined] $21 Pay. Pork & apple, peas & spuds; rice pud. $1’s worth of stamps. [Underlined] Letter AM. to Ma. [/underlined] Carrots, spuds, neat; cust. tart; brd. apricot jam. “All that Money Can Buy.”

[underlined] FRI. 1/5/42. [/underlined] Grapefruit juice; Kellogs sos & egg. Navi then O.R.

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Glass milk; fish, spuds, cabbage steamed pud. Ord. Room removing stationery. Ham & egg & fried spuds; jelly cream; brd. & jam; coffee. 70c. on bus. Met tallest girl at bus (7-15) Went to meet other girl. Fetched film from Ligget’s (20c & 35c) & 20c worth choc. 47c each for picts. Mickey Rooney in “Andy Hardy’s Love Story.” Had to catch 11-0 bus back to camp.

[Underlined] SAT. 2/5/42. [/underlined] Scrambled egg on toast; porr: brd jam; coffee & an orange. Took DRO’s out & one or two files Finished letter to Doris & wrote one to Annie. Glass

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of milk; steak pie, spuds, cabbage; cream tart. 3PM bus (50c single.) [Deleted letter] $1 each for a room at the [deleted] Yale [/deleted] ALEXANDRA Hotel. Shared with Bert. Now changing into civvies. Took 4 negs to be printed. Went to Mandarin & had:- apple juice; individual chicken pie, spuds & fresh peas; chocolate sundae & coffee 55c. Went & played skittles (30c.) milk shake (10c.) Choc. (20c) Fudge (15) Post cards (15c) Autograph album (20c.) orange drink (10c) Went to see Davey & Burtenshaw in Hospital. $1’s worth of stamps. Saw Mr. Hughes at Bus Stn. but

CHURCH (10c)

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he hasn’t made a date. [Underlined] Posted letter to Doris & Annie AIR MAIL. [/underlined] Started letter to Joyce.

[Underlined] SUN. 3/5/42. [/underlined] Grape fruit juice; ham & egg; coffee (40c) at Mandarin. Went to church service at 11-0. (10c) a darn good choir. Grapefruit juice chicken, spuds, peas & carrots; salad; plum pud; coffee (65c) at Jimmy’s. Went to YMCA & walked round streets a bit. Went through Rodeo Arena & sleds. (46c) Fish & chips; milk. Went to Church at 7-30 (10) then went to Social. Fetched coat & bag from YMCA at 10-30 & went to bus station. Found. THE

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10c Candy.

girls there & dated ‘em for Wednesday. 50c. on bus back to camp.

[Underlined] MON. 4/5/42. [/underlined] Grapefruit juice; Kellogs; bacon & egg; coffee. O. Room. Spuds, Cabbage. Beef; apple & cust: O Room. DROs Pass. Went to see Padre He has sent letter to Olds. (Miss Grange.) He gave me small prayer book & C. of E in Canada Magazine. Meat (minced) pie, spuds; creamed jelly; brd. jam & tea.

[Underlined] TUES. 5/5/42. [/underlined] Tom juice; porr; sos & egg; brd. & jam; coffee. O. Room to do usual. Made 1580’s out for 47 Course. Took CDC private round to have his clearance chit

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signed. Tom. soup; steak & kidney pie, spuds, cabbage; prunes & cust. O. Room. “Reaching for the Sun” Joel McRae & Ellen Drew also “Ghost Breakers” featuring Bob Hope (LAST NIGHT) Fish & spuds; cream tart; brd & jam; tea. Bought pop & 2 apples. “Million Dollar Baby” starring Pricilla Lane & “March of Time”.

[Underlined] WED. 6/5/42. [/underlined] 1/2 grapefruit; porr. bacon & flat cake; brd, jam; coffee. O. Room. Got $17 credit from accounts. Meat, spuds; raisin tart. O. Room. Had haircut (trim) 10c. Fetched laundry 50c. Went to see “adjie” about

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reserves form but he had none. Bert Oddy managed to ger 4-5 days so he’s coming with me. Booked out after giving kit, blankets etc. into the charge of Cpl. Leach. 70c. on bus. $1 for room at Alexandra Hotel. Bert ‘phoned farm O.K. for both of us to go. (gave him 15c towards 25c for call.) Went to young lady’s house. 20c. for choc. 94c for pict’s. 20c for coffee. Wallace Beery [inserted] & Shirley. [/inserted] in “
Walked home with aforementioned young lady. [Circled] X [/circled] and Good-night 00-25 hrs Closing down now 0045 hrs (7-5-42) Bert not in YET.

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[Underlined] HARMATTAN. [/underlined]

[Underlined] THURS. 7/5/42. [/underlined] apple juice: fish & chips; cream & lemon tart (40c) $1.50 bus fare. Left at 1-0 arr. 2-50. 10c for milk shake $1 for 4 films. Mr. Grange (B) Norah & Mrs. Grange met us in car at 3-0 PM. Met Mr. Grange (Snr.) & Bill the labourer. Ham & salad for [underlined] SUPPER. [/underlined] Coffee & puzzles for a night-cap

[Underlined] FRI. 8-5-42. [/underlined] 2 [deleted] fry [/deleted] fried eggs Went out & helped (?) mend fence. Meat pie, spuds, swede; pumpkin pie & cream. Birds nesting. Got four nests 5, 7, 4 & 5 eggs. Blackbird & magpie’s. Went out to see if we could shoot any gophers or birds. Boiled egg & salad.

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Given stamps by Mr. Grange. Brd (brown) & blackberry jam. Tool several photo’s (11) Helped get sheep in. Game of cards. Coffee.

[Underlined] SAT. 9/5/42. [/underlined] Coffee; por; & 2 eggs. Went into town with Mr. Grange to fetch “Art” from the station. Bought Bert a camera & box of ‘amo’ Beef, baked spuds, parsnip & York pud: pumpkin pie & cream; milk. Drove tractor round field & saw wheat & barley. Bert out riding with Norah & also shot a hawk. Ham & salad, blackcurrant jam. Went after other task with Bert. Pontoon again with Norah, Dorothy

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New lamb & 6 pigs.

“Art” & Bert. Bill gone out to Olds. Coffee. Very disquieted to find us all up on his return.

[Underlined] SUN. 10/5/42. [/underlined] Kellogs, & 2 eggs. Coffee. Helped move pig & nips. Went out in truck with “Bill”, Art & Bert & “Bill”. Electric welding. Beef, roast spuds, salad; orange jelly & oranges with cream & cream buns. Let Bert have a film. Cream tom soup; brd, jam, choc cake. CHURCHIL ‘s [sic] speech Cards & coffee ”Bill’s” eyes bad & I’ve got head

[Underlined] MON. 11/5/42. [/underlined] Shredded wheat & 2 fried eggs. Usual larking about + ice down my neck. Pounced upon by Norah & Dorothy. Went out shooting with Bert.

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Beef, spuds, peas; jelly & orange & cream. Cards. Went with Bert & “Art” to Olds to put ‘em on bus & train. Bought 4 films ($1.) 100 shot (70.) Milk shake (10.) 25c for gum & pastilles. Poor old Bert hasn’t found brick in his bag, kit, airman, for the use of. Wish I could see his face when he tries to put his pyjamas on. He took 4 films to be developed for me. 2 boiled eggs & jelly. (3 boiled eggs counting meself. and slightly soft at that pot were case hardened. Think I’ll throw meself out in the garbage to-morrow.

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Cards. [Deleted] Feed [/deleted] Fed lambs with Norah & put chickens up on their roost.

[Underlined] TUES. 12/5/42. [/underlined] Kellogs, 2 eggs. Helped (watched) Mr.; Bill, Bill & Co. repair fence. after helping Norah dry the pots. Norah washing clothes. Ham & beef, fried spuds & parsnip; choc blancmange & cream. Went out shooting. Got 2 nests & apart from that sweet FA. Helped Norah feed lambs & collect eggs after din & before supper. 14 Oatcakes & 3 cups of tea for supper. Changed another dollar. Fed lambs & put ‘em in pen also put chickens in their roost.

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[Underlined] WED. 13/5/42. [/underlined] Kellogs, eggs & toast as usual. Went out shooting again. No luck. Sos, spuds, beets; pumpkin pie. Norah gone to Red Cross meeting on horse. Cards with Dorothy. Going shooting for 1/2 hr. Poached eggs on toast. Rain & Snow. Fed lambs & put chickens on roost with Norah did ski over snow.

[Underlined] THURS. 14/5/42. [/underlined] Kellogs & eggs. Dried dishes & fetched wood in off barrow. Helped feed lambs & chicks. Pork & beans spuds; rice pud. Helped Bill try to repair wireless. Chicken & spuds; brd & jam

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Packed eggs after helping collect some & feeding lambs.

[Underlined] FRI. 15/5/42. [/underlined] Porr. fried eggs & toast. Helped feed lambs & let chicks out. Bill & I tried to plough big pasture. Took one of shares off but she still bucked “Cultivated” it in the end. Boiled chick rice & spuds, parsley sauce; rice pud & glass of milk. Helped dry dishes. Gave Norah a hand in the garden [deleted] after feeding lambs [/deleted] Norah’s Aunt called to fetch Dorothy & Charmaine. Pork & beans, potato cakes & jam. Rings with “Bill”. Norah & I went to his little house. Gave Mary our autographs.

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Went & fed lambs & put chicks up on roost. One dead, probably laid upon by lambs.

[Underlined] SAT. 16/5/42. [/underlined] Porr; eggs, scrambled Helped feed lambs after bfast. Looked through programmes of plays etc. Norah had collected while in England. Chicken, sauce, spuds & sweeds [sic]; cream & sponge trifle. Dried pots. Took Tony & Ted out shooting. Didn’t manage to hit anything (definite.) Rode back on “Bill’s” horse. Soup & eggs (boiled) Fed lambs. Reading after drying pots Bill mending “Arts” watch. Fed lambs & put ‘em to bed also put chicks up on roost.

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[Underlined] SUN. 17/5/42. [/underlined] Didn’t wake till 11-0. Kellog’s & 2 boiled eggs & coffee + tease (Norah.) Bill painting tractor wheels. Went with Norah to feed lambs & collect eggs. Picnic by the river quite a good time. Couple of little lads, one ginger, & a little girl Lila. Tony & Janice (ma & pa) He’s a lieut in Reserves at Olds. Supper sos, spuds, peas & banana tart. We all went out visiting afterwards in Tony’s car. We realy [sic] had a good time. 12-0 & we haven’t fed & put to bed Norah’s babies.

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[Underlined] MON. 18/5/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s & eggs. Norah washed shirt & pullover also socks. Carried water out for her. Also made himself a general pest as well as flunkey. The shy “lad” who turned out to be the [indecipherable] tease imaginable. My sympathy to his sisters. [Drawing] This illustration gives an excellent idea of how [indecipherable] his looks most of the time. Went & fed lambs & collected eggs before din. Tongue, spuds & onion sauce; lemon pie. Dried pots Fetched wood & then went & fed babies again. Nailed porch up & put hook on gate. 2 boiled eggs & fresh cakes for (tea) supper. Had last 3 shots at gopher

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in pig pasture. Tried to mend “Arts” watch but hairspring was bent. Fed & put to bed lambs & chicks.

[Underlined] TUES. 19/5/42. [/underlined] Late up but had shredded wheat & 2 eggs for breakfast. Dried pots. Fed lambs & collected eggs. Ham & tongue, spuds & tomatoe [sic]; cocoanut [sic] cream pie & glass of milk. Mr. G. dried pots. Went in car with Bill & Mr. & Mrs. G to see a man about shearing sheep. Forded river to get back. Went with Bill to seed bit more of field Salad & scones for supper Fed & put to bed lambs & chicks after music by Norah

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Cleaned buttons & packed Norah made applepie bed for me. Damn her

[Underlined] WED. 20/5/42. [/underlined]
Two fried eggs, a prospect of two more for supper. Bill, Norah, Mr. & Mrs Grange brought me into Calgary in the car because they had 3 pigs & 2 crates of eggs to take to the Packing Station. Got Camera & 2 films for Norah Got film for myself. Bumped into Bert. We all had dinner at the Mandarin. Pork, peas & spuds; ice cream & coffee ($1.30 Bert & I paid bill.) Mr. & Mrs. Norah & I went to the Palace to see “Reap the Wild Wind.” Starring Ray Milland; Paulette Goddard

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[Underlined] Bought scarf for June [/underlined]

John Wayne, Raymond Massey & Preston Foster. They dumped Art & I at the bus stn, where I dumped my kit (20) Took 5 films to Ligetts. Had fruit salad apple pie & cream & cup coffee (35) Went to see young lady She & Ann took me to see a Mrs. Thomson (Scotch.) She gave me supper but I’m afraid I had to rush away to catch damn bus. Got kit & said Good-night to girls & Mrs. T’s son. Got kit out of stores also got bedding

[Underlined] THURS. 21/5/42. [/underlined] Egg & bacon & 1/2 grapefruit, coffee. Helping in Orderly Room

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again. Stew, spuds; rice. Sent cable home (65c) thanking Ma for her 3 letters & 2 cables. Sos, spuds & onion rhubarb & cust. Cleaned floor & then had shower. Went to see (15c) Bette Davis in “The Foxes”. Darn good acting and decent plot.

[Underlined] FRI. 22/5/42. [/underlined] Puffed wheat, bacon & egg. Ord. Room. Printed POR’s & DRO’s also diet sheet. Made passes out for Eddie & self Fish, spuds, carrots; sponge pud COs parade. Feet nearly burnt off. Sun scorching hot. Took DRO’s out. Steak, spuds, beet; apple pie; glass milk, brd jam & tea.

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[Underlined] Letter to Ma. [/underlined] Beethoven’s 5th. Symphony & Handel’s Largo in G.

[Underlined] SAT 23/5/42. [/underlined] Orange; porr; scrambled egg on toast. Posted scarf for June. Then went to Orderly Room. Usual stuff. Got “irons” & mug off Thompson 431. Bert got his pass(es) Meat, spuds, carrots; rhubarb & cust. 70c for bus ticket $2 [circled] 02 [/circled] for films. RAIN. 5c. on street car to BANFF road. Managed to get a lift for about 10 mls. then for another 10-15 mls. 20c for tea & apple pie. Another lift into Banff. Fish, spuds & beans after soup. Got [underlined] 11c. for June’s scarf. (POSTED) [/underlined]

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room at Mrs. Hodges. [Underlined] Very nice [/underlined] Went to see LADS (3) at hotel then went to Dance (55c) choc & drink (20.) Not so bad.

[Underlined] SUN. 24/5/42. [/underlined] Bfst at 1/2 11. cost 65c. Went for a row cost 25c for hour. [Underlined] RAIN. [/underlined] Went to baths this cost 30c. Went into Cave. Not very impressed. Kent’s a [underlined] “lot” [/underlined] better. Had a look in Museum. Din at Mandarin. Veg. soup fish, fried spuds, peas & sweet cold cab, fruit isle pud & coffee (60c) More RAIN & Bert tired. Went to Church. NO CHOIR & only one hymn (10c) Milk shake at Mand (15c) Short

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walk round in RAIN. Sorted prints & negatives for Bert & Norah. 30c for coffee & apple pie.

[Underlined] MON. 25/5/42. [/underlined] Dance till 3-0AM. Then went in car up to baths. Got back about 5-30AM Went to bed & got up about 12-0PM. Had dinfst roast pork, spuds & carrots, jelly & cream (55c) at Dominic More rain so went back to lodgings. Paid for room (50c) & bid our “adieus”. Set out on our way back about 1-30PM. Two middle aged ladies picked us up & took us right into Calgary.

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TUE 26

Met Art outside CPR Driving a taxi in his spare time. Went to Mandarin & had Veg. soup; fish & chips & carrots & vanilla pie & coffee (40) Went to young lady’s. Ann also there. Walked with them to street car on which they were going to Verna’s cousin’s. Took XX film to Ligget’s. Ready tomorrow 2-0 PM. Then went to see “The Spoiler” starring Marlene Dietrich & Randolph Scott. Also “Yokel Boy.” (45.)

[Underlined] TUES. 26/5/42. [/underlined] Had choc.

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Milk shake at bus station (15.) Got on 1st bus back. In bed about 2-30AM. Got up about 8-0AM Still Raining like billio. Bacon, kidney & toast; tom juice. Court martial on. Stew, spuds & carrots; prunes & cust. Feeling rotten. Stopped raining but road terribly sludged up. Got a few signatures on clearance chit. Glass milk; sos, spuds & cream tart. 6-30 & I’m in bed. Letter to Joyce.

[Underlined] WED. 27/5/42. [/underlined] egg & bacon & 1/2 grapefruit. Just about got clearance chit filled up sos, fried spuds & cabbage; plums & cust. Had MO’s sig.

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Took DRO’s out & then packed up. Adjie’s sig., then went to pay accounts, got $17 pay (to end of month.) Left camp in transport at 5-45PM after insp. By O. Officer (W/O out of maint.) Dropped me at station Put bags in luggage room (30c.) Got photo’s (43c.) Walked with “Babyface” to her music teacher’s. Went back to Liggetts & had salmon salad sandwich & cup coffee. (15c) Bought 2 films & choc (60c.) Train leaves 8-35 PM. actually left 9-0PM. Traveling with medical orderly. Went to bed 10-45. Lights put out

[Underlined] POSTED LETTER TO JOYCE [/underlined]

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11-5 PM.

[Underlined] THURS. 28/5/42. [/underlined] Woke 8-0 AM. Washed & cleaned teeth Grapefruit juice; bacon & 2 FRIED EGGS. & coffee. Still going thro’ SASK. but have left ALTA behind. INDIAN HEAD, WOLESLEY, GRENFEL Took photo of loco. Asked driver is it was the “Chinook He asked me where I was from. Said he was from L’POOL. Took me up on footplate & gave me about 50 ml. run. Took 3 photo’s FLEMING, ELKHORN. Ic’d water, roast lamb, spuds & carrots, glass milk, ice cream & piece of cake (Sgt. WAG, LAC (U/T pipped NAVI at SF) & RCAMC

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in last WAR & THIS one. (LOCO’ is one of the “Royal Class” It & our driver & conductor carried the King & Queen. He (our driver) & his pals took the driver & fireman of the “Coronation” round one of their CPR locoes. “Can’t talk to that” remark made by British driver re automatic stoker. Took photo of old & new “engineer” also of old eng & conductor (to be sent to eng. if O.K.) BRANDON DOUGLAS, CARBERRY, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE (CNR LOCO) WINNIPEG had to change & get new sleeper. arr. 6-5PM & was still trying at 6-35PM

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was told finaly that there wasn’t one. Went back for my pack & got on train in [deleted] for [/deleted] end. Shan’t forget WINNIPEG for 1st or 2nd visit either. Will now try DINNER (supper.) [tea to US BRITISH] Cream of corn; beef, spuds, [indecipherable] pie; coffee. Still no berth but MIGHT be one on train behind. RENNIE, KEWAYDON. Got off at KENORA to get on train behind (“Lake of the Woods”.) Managed to get a berth in the end.

[Underlined] FRI. 29/5/42. [/underlined] grape. Juice; bacon & egg; coffee. Loco had several attempts to pull us out of NIPIGON. 25c PC’s

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SCREIBER, JACK, FISH, CORVILLE. fish, spuds, carrots & peas; real custard & coffee. WHITE RIVER, FRANZ, CHAPLEAU (ONT.) Curry soup with rice; Fish, spuds, carrots banana cust. pud. 15c, choc & mints Changed about 11-0 PM at SUDBURY. Got on full train to Toronto again. Were are last put in a std. coach. Arrive TORONTO about 7-0 AM. [Underlined] SAT. 30/5/42. [/underlined] bfst on station. All Bran; bacon & egg; coffee & marmalade. Left TORONTO about 9-30 AM. Met up with M. Orderly going to Kingston DANFORTH, SCARBORO, WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE, PORT 10c. Milk fund for Toronto.

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[Underlined] TRENTON [/underlined]

HOPE, COBOURG, COLBOURNE, BRIGHTON TRENTON. about 12-0 PM. Corpl. Picked us up & our bags & took us to KTS. Dumped kit out of lorry then went for din, cooked meat, tom, spuds & cabbage, jam & bun Went to barrack stores for bedding (mattress, sheets, pillow & slip.) Dumped these on future bed. Went to O. Room to fill usual form in. Were then free. Had to change my barrack room. Bed I’d picked was occupied. Turned my kit inside out & set a few things straight. Too late for tea so went to barbers (25) then went in Y for a lock. Had none. Block choc. (5c.) Milk (5c) Pat. Meat sos (20c)

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10c. at theatre B. to see Jeanette Macdonald & Nelson Eddy in “New Moon.”

[Underlined] 31/5/42. SUN. [/underlined] Bacon & 2 eggs cake & coffee. Church parade 11-0 AM. Band etc;, etc; etc; Steak, spuds, peas; ice-cream, caramel sauce & choc cake; tea. [Underlined] Wrote letter to Mum [/underlined] (No.1) and ve sorted snaps & negs. 5c bottle milk; cooked meat, cheese & spaghetti, lettuce; lemon pie. 10c. to see “Joan of Paris” starring Michele Morgan & Paul Henreid. Darn good. Escape of 5 Free French from Paris. One British SS. & French girl killed later by firing squad. POSTED

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letter to Ma, with photos of Banff.

[Underlined] MON 1/6/42. [/underlined] Bacon & egg; coffee brd & jam. G.I.S. parade 8-0AM after barrack insp. Gen talk by Cpl. & F.O. Some quite good information about new Observer & Bombasier course. Stew, spuds, carrots; choc . blancmange; milk. Station Mag. for May. 10 x 10c stamps & 5 x 3c also cable to Ma. 95c. lettuce, cold spud salad, meat; rhubarb jam pie & caramel sauce, 5c bottle milk. Got maths book from library. Went to GIS to find DRO.’s.

[Underlined] TUES. 2/6/42. [/underlined] Didn’t go for ‘fst. Supposed kit insp. Went to GIS

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and found I was in 3 Sqdn. No. 7 flight. Stew & spuds; brd. pud & lemon sauce. milk. Parade at 13.00hrs. Took us after several different roll-calls to pictures. “Not so Dumb” showing a lion fighting a man also “Moon over Burma” starring Dorothy Lamour, Preston Foster & Robert Preston. Meat, spuds & 1/2 tomatoe [sic]; rhubarb & cake; tea. 10c. Lusc. & 10c ice cream. Washed pants, 2 prs. socks & 2 collars. [Underlined] Letter to Paddy. [/underlined] & part to Ma.

[Underlined] WED. 3/6/42. [/underlined] Didn’t go for bfst. On parade at 7-45. Bit of [underlined] drill [/underlined] (?) then P.T. P.T. was O.K. No letters posted – one to Paddy. Went

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& got temporary identity card. Pork, spuds, beet; cake, syrup, ice cream & milk to drink. Parade as usual at 1-0. Re-flighted to 2 Sqdn 7 flight. Helped (?) set field up for sports. Lettuce, corned beef, cheese & spaghetti: raisin tart; cheese & tea. Henry Ford & Barbara Stanwyck in “You belong to Me” (10c.) Strawberry Ice (10c.) Finished making pass out.

[Underlined] THURS. 4/6/42. [/underlined] Bacon & boiled egg: porr; brd & jam & coffee. C.O’s parade with band & everything NOT inspected. Marched back to our own parade ground. Roll calls but not on the important ones. Gave pass in. [Underlined] P.T. [/underlined]

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Beef, & baked spuds, cabbage; cake & chocolate sauce. No letters. Parade at 1-0 as usual. On medical roll. M.O. just asked a few questions, had a look at tonsils also told me to see a dentist. Hamburger, spuds, tomatoes; custard tart. AC blob gave me a lift into Trenton. $3.05 for train ticket to Toronto. 20c. for choc. Nothing much to see in Trenton so walked back to camp (30 mins.) Went up to Dry bar & bought carton of choc. ice cream (10c.) Jeanette Macdonald & Allan Jones in “The Firefly” about the Peninsular War Nap. & Wellington (10c)

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[Underlined] FRI. 5/6/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; sos, & scrambled egg; honey & coffee. Gen talk by Cpl. in theatre then PT on the playing field. Corned beef, carrots, spuds & ginger pud; milk. No mail. Nobody in Records. 5c milk shake (usual choc.) YMCA show Deanna Durbin in “Spring Parade.” On roll for re-selection to-morrow so that 48hrs is dished. [Underlined] Cable from Ma. [/underlined] Corned beef, lettuce, spag ② cust tart tea. (10c. at Theatre B.) Bette Davis in “The Man who came for Dinner” with Ann Sheridan. Went to library. Took maths book back & got a story book instead. 2 x 5c. bottles milk Went for walk with lad from De Winton.

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[Underlined] SAT. 6/6/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & tomato; brd jam & coffee. Went down to GIS for 8-0 [inserted] [underlined] Nobody there. [/underlined] [/inserted] So parade must be at 9-0. WHAT a memory! Not interviewed. Beef, spuds, beet; pumpkin pie 3 cups milk. [Underlined] Letter from Gram. [/underlined] Interviewed about 3 to 1/2 past Recommended as observer. Got my pass. Lettuce, corned beef; pumpkin pie. Walked into & out of Trenton. Bought toothpaste (29c.) [inserted] [underlined] 5c. milk [/underlined] [/inserted] 25c. on bus to Belleville. 25c Sal. Army. Walked into park but didn’t go into dance. 10c. choc at YMCA. 25c. back on bus. Shower.

[Underlined] SUN. 7/6/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & egg; honey & coffee. Lift into Trenton. Walk round

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Went to church (dropped camera) Morning prayer & Holy Communion (5.) Walked back with Sgt. Too late for lunch so walked back to Trenton. 40c for B.C. salmon stake, [sic] spuds & peas; pineapple sponge & whipped cream, & coffee. 10c. choc. Walked to station, almost; & back. 15c. milk shake. Walked back to camp. Potatoe [sic] salad ham; cake & ice cream; milk. Feet & legs, especially feet, ache like billio. Finished letter to Ma. Went to Evening Prayer. (10c.) [Underlined] Posted letter to No II Ma. [/underlined] Walked back to camp. 5c. Milk.

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[Underlined] MON. 8/6/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & scrambled egg; cherry jam & coffee. Barrack Inspection. Gave pay book in & had defi. chit checked. Raking pebbles up. Beef, spuds, cabbage; choc. blancmange. PT then baths. Lettuce, cake & stew; apple pie. 5c. milk. [Underlined] Sent letter to Norah & Airgraph to Gran. [/underlined] 10c. choc. {MILK!) Several “shows” & “The Big House” Wallace Beery, Chester Morris Robert Montgomery. Darn Good 10c. worth.

[Underlined] TUES. 9/6/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & tom, honey & coffee. Parade at 8-0. Insp. by NCO. On list to go before re-selection board but didn’t get to see ‘em. Given “slip” to go after

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din. Stew, carrots, spuds; pump pie & milk. Went before board (F/Lt & F/O.) no objection to me being observer. Washed shirt collars, pants & socks. Ham spud salad & [deleted] veg [/deleted] green salad; ginger pud & jam; condensed milk watered. $1’s worth of stamps. Changed library book. 5c. apple 10c. ice cream & 10c choc. “Ride ‘em Cowboy” 10c. at “A” theatre with Abbott & Costello.

[Underlined] WED. 10/6/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & boiled egg; honey & coffee. Ensign parade. P.T. ident. card NOT returned. Soup; pork, spuds, cabbage; vanilla pie; milk. 5c. ice cream NO mail. Digging trench for trees. 5c. milk (for tea.) lettuce

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& beans; 2 x cake & choc. ice. 25c. haircut. 5c. orange crush, 10c. ice. Damn hot. 10c. theatre B “My Pal Sal” Rita Hayward, Victor Mature, Joan Sutton, Carole Londis pretty good.

[Underlined] TURS. 11/6/42. [/underlined] porr. sos & scram egg; coffee & jam. C O’s parade. Feet ache like heel. [Underlined] 2 cables 1 from ma & 1 from D. Dom [/underlined] given to me on parade. P.T. & swim. Got ident. card from GIS. Stew, carrots & spuds; lemon pie; cup milk & tea. [Underlined] Cable from lab (SPT.) [/underlined] Baling paper. Still darned hot & heavy. Liver, spuds & pickles rhubarb & cake, 5c milk. (83 1/2° in the shade) Barrack

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5c. choc & 5c, orange crush.

cleaning & inspection. Theatre “A” 10c. “Love finds Andy Hardy” with Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone, Judy Garland, Fay Holden & Cecilia Parker

[Underlined] FRI. 12/6/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & boiled egg; honey & coffee. Inspect. On Parade. Pay parade $17 NO letters. Fish, spuds, beet, vanilla pie; cup milk & 2 of tea. Usual standing about Impromptu concert in “B” Theatre also film show. Pass issued on parade square. Scrambled egg, macaroni, pickle sauce; sponge with caramel sauce. 5c. milk. 5c. Oran squash. 10c. ice. Theatre “B” “To the Shores of Tripoli” starring Maureen O’Hara, John Payne & Randolph Scot. After lights out ARGUMENT on British & governments (79°)

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[Underlined] SAT. 13/6/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & scrambled egg; honey & coffee. (73°) Walked into Trenton. Train don’t leave ‘till 2-45 Sent cable (77c.) to S.P.T. Din. At Boston Café (50c.) tomato juice; breaded Ont. Lake trout au Bechamel; chips; Orange Souffle pie à la mode (cream.) Walked around. 10c. choc: 15c lime shake; 25c. film. Offered lift while walking to stn 1st. part of train got in at 2-40PM. Took street car to YMCA (25c for 4 tickets) Walked to red triangle 50c. for bed. Tom juice; tongue, spud salad; pumpkin pie (40c) at café

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Near red Δ. [Deleted] Went in White Chef & found Les there. [/deleted] 29° Sunnyside 25c. milk shake etc. Met Les. as I was walking along, he dated me up. 30c. Soda (lime) & salmon salad. Met Les again at White Chef about 2-0AM. Met Freida Jew., Muriel Scot. & Mary

[Underlined] SUN. 14/6/42. [/underlined] Got up 10-0AM Had bfast. at place near red Δ grapefruit juice; bran flakes; coffee (25c.) Went around Toronto a bit. Fire Brigade out. Went to White Chef for din. (40c.) Apple juice; sos, (pork) spuds beet; custard pie. Met Doris & Pearl. Went with Doris to get her bag. Had a bit

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of a job to find place. Went & had supper across road. Doris had banana split, I had potato salad egg & tongue, coffee after tomato juice. (55c) 25c. for more tickets. Went back to Chef & had free cup coffee. Went for kit after autographs. Didn’t go for 9-45 train in end. Walked down street with D. 10c. Coca Colas. 50c photo’s. Put D. on car for home & went to station. Train due out at 11-15. Left at 11-20. Old Colony (orange) 10c. ) Close down 11-50.

[Underlined] MON. 15/6/42. [/underlined] arr. 2-0AM. 25c

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[Underlined] COLD. [/underlined]

on bus. Bed about 2-45 Porr; bacon & boiled egg; coffee. Usual morning inc parade & PT. Beef, spuds [underlined] roast [/underlined] & carrots; cake & prunes, milk & tea. 1 cup each. NO MAIL. Sat on Parade square till 3-10 with 20 other lads. No orders & all others gone so we went (72°) 5c. milk. NO MAIL. Mac, stew, cabbage (salad) 2 pieces pumpkin pie (75° at 5-0) 10c. at theatre “B” Laurel & Hardy “The Shop-worn Angel” Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart & Walter Pigeon. About last war. SHOULD NOT BE SHOW during wartime especially on a military camp. (74° at 10-30.)

[Underlined] TUES. 16/6/42. [/underlined] (62° at 7-30) porr

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scrambled egg; gooseberry jam coffee & milk. P.T. & swim aft. bit of drill. Stew & spuds, custard & jam; milk. Drill & film show “Cherokee Strip” cowboy film. Not bad. Ham & lettuce & spud salad; pumpkin pie 5c. milk. Walked into Trenton Photo of sign, church & main st. Took 4 films to be developed Bought another new one 25c. Bought Coca Cola 5c. Hardware store shut. Walked back to camp. Took photo of bus on way. Theatre “A” “Roxie Hart” Ginger Rogers, Geg. Montgomery. (74° @ 10-15 PM)

[WED. 17/6/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & tomato, jam & coffee. Ensign Hasting. P.T. & baths [deleted] after [/deleted]

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[Underlined] NO MAIL. [/underlined] Beef, spuds, carrots; ice cream & choc sauce. 5c. milk & lime juice. Sports Meet. Bacon, beans, onions & lettuce; cake, choc [deleted word] sauce & vanilla blanc-mange; 1 cup milk; currant bread 10c. ice 10c. Theatre B to see “Cracker Jacks.” Darn good specialy [sic] the musical act.

[Underlined] THURS. 18/6/42. [/underlined] porr, scmbld egg; coffee & jam. CO’s parade then PT & baths. Went for damn ident. card Not there. NO MAIL. Pork, apple, spuds, carrots, rhubarb & cake. Film show. Stew, cabbage salad; rice & raisin pud. [Underlined] BARRACK INSP. [/underlined] Tried to

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Get IDENT. CARD ‘fore & after supper but the ruddy thing hasn’t been handed in. If I’m not fed up completely with everything Things just won’t go right. NO PASS, NO MAIL, NO INTEREST left or anything for anything. 25c. for meat pie, drink & ice from YMCA.

[Underlined] FRI. 19/6/42. [/underlined] Shredded wheat; sos; jam & coffee. Rained while we were on parade. Missed PT & went for ident card from records. Had photo taken for same. NO MAIL. Pork, spuds, peas, carrots; syrup & cake, cup of coffee. Parade as usual

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Went to records & to APM then back to records & finaly [sic] got another ident. card. Joe. E. Brown in a gangster comic. Meat, lettuce, beet; jelly & cake; tea. Walked into Trenton. Films $1.24. Diary 25c. Soap. 7c. Milk shake 15c. Choc 10c. Walked back to camp. 5c. bottle milk. 10c. Theatre B “King’s Row” DAMN GOOD Ronald Reagan & Ann Sheridan

[Underlined] SAT. 20/6/42. [/underlined] grape juice; porr, boiled egg. Packed & set out for Trenton. Bus set out 11-30. 5c. Coca, 15c. choc. cake & ice cream. 5c. choc. bus arr. 4-0PM. Sos, spuds, carrots, cust.

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coffee (2) 40c. Doris working till 1-0 AM. Went to Parkdale cinema to see “How Green is my Valley” with Walter Pigeon. Very good about 30c. Walked back in RAIN 50 mins. sharp walk. Got a bad temper. 2 hamburgers 3 cups coffee, glass milk, 25c. Bed about 2-0AM

[Underlined] SUN. 21/6/42. [/underlined] 2 hams, coffee milk. 20c. Took car to High Park. 25c for 4 tickets Had lay down & turned jumbled thought over in my mind but only made a worse jumble. Found baby squirrels. Took 2 snaps of a larger black one. Took queen car

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back after 5c. ice & walk past swimming pool “All Bran” 2 cups coffee 20c (3-15PM.) [Deleted] Fel [/deleted] Fetched kit from YM. Salad & glass of milk (Mary’s husband & I.) He went with me to bus depot. Bus out at 10-0. 3 doughnuts & coffee. 15c. 5c. orange drops

[Underlined] MON. 22/6/42. [/underlined] Arr. at camp 2-0 AM. Bed about 2-30. Up again at 6-45. Porr. bacon, boiled egg; marmalade & coffee. Navigation class. Beed, spuds, sweeds [sic]; choc. sponge & white sauce; milk. Navigation. Hamburger, salad & [deleted] word] gravy; rice pud; tea (P) Walked into Trenton. Took

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Snap of lake & station. Finishing roll so took it to be developed. 5c. Coca Cola. 5c. choc. Walked back & got in just in time for pictures “Thunder Afloat” Wallace Beery, Chester Norris & Virginia Grey. Darn good with usual “bull” about U.S. Navy. 65c. cable to Mum.

[Underlined] TUES. 23/6/42. [underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & scrambled egg; honey & coffee. Navi. Ident. card not finished. Lamb, spuds, cabbage; doughnut & syrup. Navi 25c. hair cut. Ham, lettuce, spaghetti macaroni radish & cheese; peach jam cake 15c. milk.

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10c. strawberry ice, 10c. picts “A” theatre. “Hellzapoppin” Olsen & Johnson & Martha Raye. Damn good comedy.

[Underlined] WED. 24/6/42. [/underlined] Porr, bacon & tom honey & coffee. Ensign hoisting, Navi. Pork, spuds, carrots; vanilla ice; milk. Arrangements for church parade. Navi. Sat & watched sports for few mins. Meat pie, beet, mac.oni ice cream with strawberry jam 2 cups cocoa. Barrack mop 6-30PM. 5c. Milk. 10c. theatre “B” “Hell Divers”. Wallace Beery & Clark Gable. U.S. Navy Air Corps.

[Underlined] THURS. 25/6/42. [/underlined] Grape juice porr; sos, spuds; coffee. CO’s parade. Navi. [Underlined] Letter from MA [/underlined]

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[Underlined] Cable TO June. (67c) [/underlined] Lamb, spuds, cabbage; choc. pie; milk. Navi. Fried spuds, mixed bacon & scrambled egg rhubarb & cake; 5c milk. Barrack insp 6-30 PM. 15c. choc. milk & 2 doughnuts. 5c. choc. nut. milk. [Underlined] Letter No. 3 to Ma. [/underlined] Photo of church.

[Underlined] FRI. 26/6/42. [/underlined] 1/2 orange; porr; bacon, scrambled egg; honey & coffee. Pay parade cancelled. Navi. [Underlined] 2 letters from Ma and one from Norah. [/underlined] Fish, spuds, tom. sauce; raisin pie cup milk. Got proper identity card from H.Q. Navi exam. 80% for plotting. 48 hour passes canceled. [sic] Stew fried spuds; fruit salad; tea

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Walked into Trenton. Bought pruners $2.85. fetched film 25c (all turned out.) 25c. banana split, 15c. vanilla milk shake. 25c. film. Walked back to camp Was told by his pal that R/O. Norman Groggs was in block 10B. 5c. bottle milk. 10c theatre “A” “Dancing Co-Ed” Lana Turner & Arty Shaw’s Band.
Went to see Norman. He got 50 hrs in England & 128 in America. Now U/T. OBS.

[Underlined] SAT. 27/6/42. [/underlined] grape juice; porr. bacon & boiled egg; honey & coffee. Gone Navi. Instruments in. Dodged PT. I washed shirt, pants, 2 prs socks & 2 collars.

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[Underlined] SAT. 27. [/underlined] PM.

Beef, spuds, sweeds [sic]; vanilla pie cup milk & tea. Parade 1-15. Stood for 2 hrs. then had rest then stood for further 1/2 hr. On March past tomorrow. Corned beef, fried spuds, beet; rice pud & cake; tea. [Underlined] Letter NO. 4 to Ma. [/underlined] phots squirrel, station, lake, dog Bert & I (taking photo) 10c. milk & 2 tarts. Theatre “B” 10c. Myrna Loye, Franchot Tone Rosalind Russel in “Man Proof” also Walt. Pidgeon. Pretty good. Short walk.

[Underlined] SUN. 28/6/42. [/underlined] Tomato juice; Kellogs; bacon & boiled egg; coffee. 10-0AM paraded in march past formation. Went to dinner 10-45. To parade again at 11-50 after

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din. Steak, spuds, cabbage; ice cream & marmalade, cup milk. Taken in lorry to Trenton. Marched through Trenton to parade ground. Service, salute & march past. Speech by Major General. Marched off square & dismissed. Girls Corps gave best performance from what we could see. Walked & got lift back to camp. Ham, spud salad & radishes; cake & strawberries; tea 2 cups. Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy in “Rose Marie”. Walked into Trenton. Bought milk shake 15c. & 6c x 2 Cakes. Walked back. Took 2 shots

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of sunset & moon on water (2 of each.)

[Underlined] MON. 29/6/42. [/underlined] Porr; bacon & scrambled egg; jam & coffee. Aldis & buzzer. Lamb, spuds carrots; pumpkin jelly pie; cup milk & tea. Aircraft recc, Compass swinging. Minced beef, cabbage salad, macaroni; choc. sauce & cake; 5c milk. (84° in shade.) Walk into Trenton. Nulty Studio shut, so took 2 of negs to Drug Store. 12c. Cake’s’ 30c. Airport & Town of Trenton folders. 10c. at Theatre “A” Bob Taylor in “Yank at Oxford”

[Underlined] TUES. 30/6/42. [/underlined] grape juice; Shredded Wheat; beans & bacon; coffee

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Aldis & P.T. Stew, new ‘tates; lemon pie. Saw Bert He’s got 7 days detention for being AWL. He went to room before reporting here. Star Charts. Minced meat, peas, spuds & radishes; rice pud; 5c. milk $17 pay 10c for 3 oranges. Took 8 negs to Nulty Studio. Got other 2 from Drug Store. (Simmons) 8c. 20c. for cake & coffee [Underlined] Storm. [/underlined] 10c. rasp. ice.

[Underlined] WED. 1/7/42. [/underlined] Porr; bacon, boiled egg coffee. Ensign hoisting. [Underlined] Cable from June. [/underlined] Sleep on sports field. Veal, sage & onion stuffing, spuds; cake & caramel sauce; milk cup. Had tooth filled & front one leveled [sic]

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down a bit, also had x ray of wisdom tooth, left bot. Signed over to RCAF pay accounts. Mathematics. Ham, spud & green salad, cheese; choc cake & ice cream; 5c. milk. [Underlined] Letter to Norah (shears.) 14c. [/underlined] Barrack inspection. 10c. show at Theatre “A” Gordini magician. 10c. orange. 5c. milk. TOOTH ACHE.

[Underlined] THURS. 2/7/42. [/underlined] Grape juice; porr; sos. & tom. (couldn’t chew sos) cup coffee. C.O’s parade. Tried to read préce on navi etc. 6c. orange drink. Beef, spuds, cabbage, raisin pie cup milk. Clothing parade got 2 karkhi [sic] shirts & a new tie. Helped stick a few of navi notes together

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Cold beef, spuds salad, lettuce; jam & cake; 2 cups cocoa. Walk to Trenton. Given lift from just inside drome area. 7c Coca Cola. 2 x 5c choc. 8 prints not done, Took in 25 more to be done. 30c. at Cinema “Tarzan’s Secret Treasure” darn good.

[Underlined] FRI. 3/7/42.[/underlined] Kellog’s; bacon & toms coffee. Navi. studying. P.T. Fish, spuds; rice pud; tea. [Underlined] Letter No. 2 from Ma & Doris. [/underlined] Arrived at dentists about 2-25 should have been 2-0PM. Xray showed that tooth should come out so he injected anaesthetic then he found that I’d got 48 hrs

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so he said he would leave it but filled top corner (fang) tooth. Have to go at 10-0 hrs. Astro lecture. Meat roll, fried spuds, lettuce; choc cake & prunes; weak tea. Lift by serg. in to Trenton. Left in CO. delivery. $3.05 for train ticket. 5c. peanuts. 3 x 5c choc. on train. $1.00 for bed at YMCA. Muriel pinched photo of me & Freida wants one of Doris & herself. 2 hambs 3 coffees (25c) Took Muriel home.

[Underlined] SAT. 4/7/42. [/underlined] 5c. coffee (2AM.) Gave Freida photo.
[Underlined] 10AM [/underlined] Orange juice; smbled egg toast & coffee 35c. Went to EATON’s. (butter, choc, cheese,

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ham & syrup) $1.60 + 96c post 13 blacking. Went & had a wash. 10c. coffee before. Strawberry pie & coca-cola 17c. 60c. picts with Muriel Paul Robeson in “Proud Valley” 30c sos & coffee & milk + good talking to & discussion with Agnes. Doris went with me to see “Tarzan goes to New York”. ($1.20.) 30c. cherry pie, 2 doughnuts, apple juice, coca cola. Took Doris home. X. 25c. street car tickets. 5c. coffee.

[Underlined] SUN. 5/7/42. [/underlined] bed 1-30 AM. up at 11-0 AM. 50c. real stake [sic], beet & gerkin. [sic] Photo of Jim & John, Agnes & John & 2 of Agnes & self. Doris took one of ‘em. Took John out to Sunnyside &

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High Park. 5c. Ice in Sunnyside 12c. lime drink & ice. Took tram back. Comes onto Yonge past Central YM. 35c. scmbled. egg, peas, beet; 2 glasses of milk [Underlined] 7-00PM. ? 7-30PM ?? 8-0 PM [/underlined] Bought st. car ticket off John. Found Doris’s house OK but NO. Doris. Caught 9-45 train

[Underlined] MON. 6/7/42. [/underlined] Arr. Tn. 1-15AM. So darn tired I split $5 bill & went on bus back to camp. Bed about 2-45AM. Grape juice; porr; bacon & boiled egg; coffee. Gave shoes in to be repaired. Aldis & P.T. Beef, spuds, cabbage, raisin pie; cup milk. no mail. Clean sheet & pillow slip. Talk by P.O. Obs. & NAVI

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lecture by another. Stewed beef, spuds & peas; rice pud; brd. cheese; 5c. Milk. [underlined] Wrote letter to Ma. [/underlined] Sorted snaps. Took roll film & 2 negs. (3 prints of each) into Trenton 5c. glass milk.

[Underlined] TUES. 7/7/42. [/underlined] Crumpet; bacon & scrambled egg; coffee & 1/2 orange. Aldis. 10-0 AM Dentist. Pulled bottom, left, far back tooth out. Made me feel dizzy but survived it OK. Stew & spuds; lemon pie; cup milk. Ship reco. Astro. Corned beef lettuce; pear & orange salad & cake; 5c. milk. $1.05. for prints. $1.88. for - WINGS. 5c. glass milk. 10c. Bromo Seltzer.

[Underlined] WED. 8/7/42. [/underlined] porr; bacon & tom coffee. [Underlined] Summer uniform. [/underlined]

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Astro Navi. [Underlined] Ham, [/underlined] spuds, cabbage; sponge pud & caramel sauce; 2 cups milk. Met. & Astro. Liver, fried spuds, raw veg. salad; ice cream, & cake; 5c Milk. [Underlined] Letter No 5 to Ma & Doris. [/underlined] 25c haircut 10c. strawberry ice. Washing 2 pairs “HOLY” socks, shirt, 4 collars, pasts & vest.

[Underlined] THURS. 9/7/42. [/underlined] Crumpet; bacon & beans; coffee. Aldis. Pork, baked spuds, peas. Pumpkin pie; cup milk. Ship Recog. Astro. Dentist took stitch out & fetched bit off bottom teeth. Sos, spuds, carrots; prunes & cake; 5c. milk. 30c Film; 6c. choc; 5c. milk.

[Underlined] FRI. 10/7/42. [/underlined] porr. bacon & scrm egg; coffee; Aldis. P.T.

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fish, spuds, beet; cake & sauce of some sort; 2 cups milk. Astro. [Underlined] NO PASS [/underlined] for an [/underlined] UNKNOWN REASON. [/underlined] Cold meat spud salad, lettuce, cheese; vanilla pie; tea (P.) 10c poems by Tenyson [sic]; 10c flash. 6c orange pop. Jimmy lent me book about RAF broadcasts. 10c. Theatre B. “Suspicion” Cary Grant & Joan Fontaine.

[Underlined] SAT. 11/7/42/ [/underlined] Kellogs; bacon & boiled egg; jam & coffee. Parade at 8AM. Marched to GIS then as a flight marched away & dismissed after waiting & nothing happening. Beef, spuds, turnip; choc. pie; cup of milk. [Underlined] Cable from Ma. [/underlined] Parade walk to Cinema. Nobody to work

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projector to dismissed. Wrote airgraph to P & J; Miss French & David D. also letter to Mr. Cross (LOCO ENGINEER enclosed negative.) Hamburger, spuds, beet; jam & cake; cocoa. Boston Café. 40c. for salad, beef tongue; custard (egg) & cream; cup coffee. Jim. bought RAF brooch. Went to picts. 36c. “Silver Stallion” “Black Shadow” serial & “The Gay Vagabond.” 19c plumbs. 27c. Choc Milk shake. Sg. Coca Cola.

[Underlined] SUN. 12/7/42. [/underlined] Shredded Wheat; scrambled ham & egg; coffee. [Underlined] IMITATION [/underlined] CHURCH PARADE Is there any wonder youth is turning away from Church? Steak, spuds, peas & carrots; ice cream & water mellon [sic]; 2 cups

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milk. Letters, read & sleep. Ham, cheese spud salad, lettuce; cake, custard, jam; cup milk 26c. Cherry sundae, coca cola (iced) Walked to the Dam. Jim wanted to “run” all way back. 20c. salmon sandwich & iced orange drink. [Underlined] Posted letter to Mr. Cross (Brendan) [/underlined]

[Underlined] MON. 13/7/42. [/underlined] Porr. bacon & boiled egg; coffee. Muster Parade. Posted to a Manning Depot. Beef, spuds, carrots & pumpkin pie; cup milk. [Underlined] Posted [/underlined] 30c stamps. [deleted] let [/deleted] [underlined] airgraphs to P & L. David & Miss French. LETTER from Ma. [/underlined] Fetched tunic from tailors. Meat pie, spuds, lettuce; iced cake; 5c. milk. Letter writing to Ma. 10c. Theatre

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10c. ice.

B. Bob Hop & Madelene Caroll in “My Favorite Blonde.” [Underlined] Letter to Mum & Dad [/underlined]

[Underlined] TUES. 14/7/42. [/underlined] half orange, crumpet; bacon & scrambled egg; jam & coffee. P.T. 3 [underlined] Papers from Ma. [/underlined] Stew, spuds, beet; raisin pie; cup milk 1/2 cup tea. Cinema show Bing Crosby in “Rhythm on the River” with Mary Martin & Basil Rathbone. Cold meat & spuds, lettuce; rice pud; 5c. milk. $10 pay & no GOOD explanation as to why. Signed over 50c for messing. 10c rice & orange drink.

[Underlined] WED. 15/7/42. [/underlined] Porr; bacon, boiled egg; coffee. Parade [underlined] 8-30. [/underlined] Beef spuds, cab, pump. pie; cup

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milk. 1-30 Parade. [Underlined] Papers & comics from Ma. [/underlined] F.F.I Packed kit bags. Liver fried spuds, radishes; cake & jam; 5c. milk. 10c. on bus. 5c. milk. Took letter to Nulty’s for Jim. Sat on River side & looked Holly’s photo’s. Walked back. 10c. vanilla ice. 10c. Theatre B. Marx Bros. “At the Circus”.

[Underlined] THURS. 16/7/42. [/underlined] Kellog’s; sos & tomato; coffee. Gave bedding in at 8-0. Parade again with kit at 1-30 beside KTS mess. Pork, spuds, peas; vanilla pie cup milk. Arrived at station about 2-15 on lorry. Arr. yards 5-15PM. Stood on stn. till

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6.30. Then went out to lorries & only just got ‘em. Drew sheets & pillow. Meat, minced spuds, lettuce; bun & tea 10c. choc ice bar on stn 25c. street car tickets. 15c. dough nuts & coffee. None of girls working, in White Chef.

[Underlined] FRI. 17/7/42. [/underlined] Grape juice; bacon beans & toast; coffee. F.F.I. Transferred to 7 sqdn. 7 flt. Beef spuds, carrots; sponge pud; tea

[Underlined] Closed. [/underlined]

This 17th day of July 1942



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[List of crossed out numbers]

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(3) 5:1 Transformer.
No. 22. S.W.G.
G & GB connections may need reversing.

Use 2 volt “dull emitter” valve, preferably o.1 amp filament. If 0.25 amp valve is used either a small dry accumulator or 20 [indecipherable] wet acc. should be used in place of V2.

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Keith Thompson, “Keith Thompson's diary December 1941 to July 1942,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

Item Relations

This item has no relations.