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  • Coverage is exactly "Royal Air Force"

Flight Officer William Anderson began his service in the Royal Air Force at the age of 18 when he signed up in Edinburgh. He recalls his training, reporting to Lord’s Cricket Ground in London, being paid at the London Zoo, and having to quickly…

Betty Turner served in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force with Bomber Command at 92 Group Headquarters, RAF Winslow, and later at RAF Great Massingham, reaching the rank of leading aircraftswoman. She recalls living in chilly stables, being quite…

Dr Arnold Pearce Derrington grew up in Cornwall and joined the University Air Squadron at Exeter. He joined the Royal Air Force in 1942 and completed training at RAF Ansty, South Africa, RAF West Freugh and RAF Moreton in the Marsh, where he trained…

Barbara Bulleyment worked at a department store in Boston until she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and was, initially, stationed at 16 Maintenance Unit Stafford and then 209 Maintenance Unit at Broughton. She recounts her life as an…

Rob Carter was born in the village of Scampton and reminisces about his life on the land before the war. He recalls the foundation of RAF Dunholme Lodge, which his house overlooked. During the war, he served in the Auxiliary Fire Service. He was…

Half-length portrait photograph of Sergeant Arthur Atkinson seated, in uniform with air gunner brevet.

Full length portrait photograph of Arthur Atkinson in uniform, with a cadet’s hat, a leading aircraftman’s rank insignia.

Group photograph of 133 men and women in front of a Lancaster, some on the wings and the fuselage, some arranged in three rows on the ground. A civilian building is visible in the background.

On the reverse 'Blyton - Bomber Command - 1944'

Horace James Flowers was born and grew up in Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire. He became an apprentice butcher before being released to volunteer for the Royal Air Force in 1944. He trained as an air gunner at RAF Bridgnorth, RAF Wigsley and RAF Syerston…

Jim Auton grew up on Royal Air Force stations and joined the Royal Air Force at 17. He trained as a pilot navigator and bomber at RAF Ansty near Coventry, then in South Africa under the Empire Air Training Scheme. He trained on B-24s at Lidder and,…

Four aircraft have been coned by searchlights amidst scattered bursts of anti-aircraft fire. The countryside is an indistinct mass of darkness, save for the yellow of the searchlights. Label reads “136”; signed by the author; caption reads…

On clear, starry night, target indicators descend over a built-up area while three bombs explode on the ground near the Tagliamento river.

Label reads “183”; signed by the author; caption reads “NOTTE del 10 NOVEMBRE 1944. Bombardieri della…

On a clear, moon-lit night, an aircraft with a British roundel bombs a street causing the roofs of buildings on either side to burst into flames. Incendiaries are burning while debris is falling onto the street among small explosions. In the…

A line up of seven aircrew in flying gear, standing informally next to a B-24. Four are wearing light coloured trousers; three are wearing standard footwear instead of flying boots; two have no parachute. Marston Mat is visible on the ground. Jim…


Two B-24 in a desert landscape, one on the ground and one flying overhead at low altitude . A starter trolley is visible on the ground.


Air-to-air view of a B-24 with the code 'Q' on the fuselage; the port wing of second B-24 is partially visible on the right. Calibration markings along the edges.


A B-24 in flight over land with a river flowing parallel to the vertical margin. On the fuselage, code letter 'H' and barely legible serial number 'KH205' [?]. Captioned on the reverse 'F. J. Auton 178 Sqdn. Italy 1944'.

Seven aircrew are in front of the fuselage of a B-24 with 'M 19' painted on it. Five aircrew are standing, two crouched. Some are in flying gear, one has sergeant stripes.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the…

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Five aircrew wearing different combinations of battledresses and non-regulation items such as woollen hats are standing in front of a Wellington parked on a muddy field. Only the nose and part of the inner port engine are visible.

Six aircrew in flying gear. One of them wears light-coloured trousers; one sports sergeant stripes, a third is in rolled-up shirt sleeves. Two packed parachutes are visible on Marston Mat. Inner starboard engine, part of the fuselage with the marking…

Head and shoulder portrait of Jim Auton in sergeant's uniform with bomb aimer brevet.

Head and shoulder portrait of Sergeant Jim Auton in tropical uniform with observer brevet.

Head and shoulder portrait of Sergeant Jim Auton in uniform with bomb aimer brevet.

Following the destruction of a church in Trieste, the leaflet contrasts the horrors of unrestricted bombing warfare with the hypocrisy of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. They describe themselves as devoutly religious despite ordering the…

The memoir details the events after Sergeant George Reid Williamson baled out of his Lancaster over Chateau-Thierry. After hiding in a wood for a few days, he met a local farmer who took him back to the farmhouse for food and a large overcoat. While…
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