Browse Items (578 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "British Army"

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of a women in the WRNS.
Photo 2 is four soldiers arranged round a desk, captioned 'Gutersloh 1946'.
Photo 3 is a head and shoulders portrait of a man, captioned 'Jack Baird…


Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view of tents in the desert.
Photo 2 is a soldiers firing a rifle, captioned 'Bill Hitchcock Rifle shoot Egypt 1953'.
Photo 3 is four soldiers having a discussion in the desert.
Photo 4 is a Jeep with…

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three soldiers.
Photo 2 is a man bricklaying and a woman watering her garden.
Photo 3 is Gwen with two women, sitting on a bench.
Photo 4 is Gwen tickling a child whilst they are seated on…

A service diary written by Peter Hattersley covering the period from November 1930 to 24 September 1948.Initially he served in the Royal Engineers but in February 1936 he joined the RAF. It covers his training and operations including a newspaper…

A certificate of discharge from the Territorial Army, Royal Engineers for Peter Hattersley. It notes that he enlisted in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.

Five photographs. From top to bottom, left to right: #1: Three airmen in tunics, two with brevets, sitting on a couch. Captioned: 'FRIEND'. #2: A group of army and RAF servicemen, all wearing battledress, sitting and standing in two rows. Most have…

Left - long newspaper cutting with eulogising story of Group Captain Percy Pickard and Flight Lieutenant Alan Broadley who after 100 sorties together were now missing. Noted that they were in the film 'Target for Tonight' and gives considerable…

Top left - b/w photograph of a woman sitting on grass with dog in front of her. Captioned 'Mrs Derrnocly'.
Top middle - three-quarter length b/w photograph of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet standing in a room. Captioned 'F/O Jim Derrnocly…

Article 1. Headlines: parachute troops deep in Tunisia, clearing the way for first army, Mekili occupied by General Montgomery's forces, axis takes to open desert, Article 2. Headlines: German defeat in central Caucasus, many tanks abandoned,…

Article headlines: Pantelleria occupied in 20 minutes, garrison pounded into surrender, white flag hoisted on hill top, German dive-bombers vain last-minute attack.

Covering the period 7 April 1941 to 19 November 1941 when Jack was serving in the Middle East and North Africa. He describes his last night with his wife Eileen, preparations for the transfer, time spent in camp, sightseeing, films watched, receiving…

Colour artwork poster with queue of women with three in army, RAF and Navy uniform at the front having stepped through a large V. They are followed by a nurse and a mass of other women in various dress. In the background a hill and trees.

Service for 1939-1945 war memorial plaque at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School for Boys. Includes order of service and photograph of plaque with list of pupils killed.

Article: headlines: Oran falls to American troops, resistance in Algeria ended, combined assault on Casablanca, British forces land on Mediterranean coast.

A banknote issued by the British Military Authority for 1/- .

Photograph 1 and 2 are of two airmen on a boat on the Rhine. Reginald George Cavalier is on the right in photograph 1. Captioned 'On the Rhine, Germany 5th Aug 1945'.
Photograph 3 is of one airman and three soldiers on a pontoon bridge across the…

Explains how work of association is carried out and describes facilities for families and disabled, clothing, employment bureau, housing, representatives, Scottish branches and subscriptions.

Issue No 9, Thursday April 22, 1943, reports 8th Army offensive in Tunisia.


Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

Lists army personnel names, service numbers and units. Page 1 (at least) all in Stalag IIIA.

Welcome to transit camp with instructions for reception, recreational facilities, money equivalents and departures. Second page show map of facility.

Description of battles for Le Havre and generally in northern France. Mentions surrender leaflet drops along channel coast. Canadians entre Zeebrugge, Americans in Brittany. Other war news from the continent and map of battle area.

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Article including b/w photograph of damage to E-boat pens. Explains that successful result with low allied casualties at le Havre was result of good coordination between the RAF and the army. Describes elements of coordination.

Starts with photographs of four women and then mentions that four women went to the palace to receive medals won by their menfolk. Two army widows received Military Crosses, the mother of RAF Sergeant Graham Parish the George Cross and the widow of…
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