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  • Contributor is exactly "Robin Christian"

A letter from Ursula to John in which she happily describes the layout and decorative looks of their new house. To give John a better detailed imagination, she complements her descriptions by including hand drawn diagrams of both the downstairs and…

Asks what sort of books he would like her to send and says she is doing best she can with food parcels. Mentions that income tax assessment has arrives and provides some financial details. Writes that his kit arrived from depository along with…

Writes about sending postcard and parcel (with list of contents) and rules about contents. Continues with intricacies of sending parcels through Red Cross. Mentions her and their daughter's activities and visit of padre and trying to get addresses of…

Writes about first parcel she has sent and asks him to let her know what he needs. Mentions she has not gotten his personal kit back yet and that she will send books and smokes when she has his prisoner of war number.

Describes of hectic social life and news of family, friends and daughter Frances. Mentions recent car journey and going swimming. Continues with more description of activities.

Writes she is not sure if he received her first letter when he was at Dulag Luft. Describes her feeling and events over three weeks and reactions of all when she found out he was a prisoner. Hoping there would be a postcard soon. Describes recent…

A short letter in which she quickly describes her reasons for the short note and that she may not be able to write ‘tomorrow’ as she is to attend a national Gallery concert with a friend and after which, they will take tea. She urgently asks John…

A short letter where she talks about sending some drawing pins, their baby daughter Frances and of tidying up the kitchen store cupboard.

Writes of sitting in garden with daughter and of his new crewing. Mentions Whitley aircraft overhead and continues with family/friends news. Hopes he will be able to come home and encourages him to see MO about his cold. Comments on good weather and…

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Number 172-31. No mail. Writes they are following daily progress of events but time passes slowly, Mentions library and cut in Red Cross parcels. Reports good health but still problems with violin practise.

Number 173-30. Reports on recently arrived letters and writes of his admiration of her energy in building up their new home. Comments on her visit to Devon. Despite war news he is miserable as a prisoner of war despite others optimism that war will…

Number 5. Writes glowingly of rug that was sent and he would like another if possible. Writes about all the photographs he has. Discusses the love life of one of his fellow prisoners and expresses wish that the same will not happen to them. Still…

Number 4. Reports arrival of anonymous parcels of tobacco and request she trace senders and thank them. Writes he is trying to play soccer once a week to keep fit.

The first issue of The Dafoe Digest, a magazine produced by No 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe. Each section on the base has had a chance to write a short article about their activities.

Catches up with family news and greetings. Comments on two children and of photographs sent. Continues to catch up with news. Mentions he has been in France since D-Day and writes of experiences.

Written from Bombay wishing family a good Christmas and New Year. Describes a little of life and weather in India. Catches up with news of family and friends. Continues with description of his situation in India,

Writes he is about to embark on a ship and there will be no mail while aboard for about 5 weeks. Destination is a mystery but he speculates about the future, Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is happy that she and Penny are safe. He states he is ready for anything. Prays that she will be protected from the terrors of war. Concludes by saying that if anything should happen, tell the children he was one of the first to go.

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

Writes from the Receiving Centre of his billet in a 'rather nice block of flats' near Regents Park and of walking round looking at bomb damage to some old haunts in London.

They go to the zoo for their meals ('lot of monkeys').

Will on be at…

Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Bill writes to his mother mentioning no leave over Christmas and about his excitement at being selected to go to an Elementary Flying Training School near Aberdeen and if he makes the grade, the opportunity to go to the USA, possibly California. He…

Bill relates how he has been showing Michael's photograph to everyone he meet, whether they are interested or not. Mentions how he has had a long day flying and has been invited to spend Christmas with friends living locally. Describes a visit to…

Comments on photographs recently sent and catches up with family news.

Bill describes his mounting flying hours during air navigation training and the imminent start of bombing training. He can’t wait to be doing it for real on operations.…
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