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  • Tags: 467 Squadron

Page from Herbert Adam's flying logbook for September 1944 on 467 Squadron with his first eight operations.

Describes attack by 236 Lancaster of 5 Group on port facilities and two aircraft to attack two pocket battleships anchored off the port. Gives a detailed description of attack on ship which was hit with three of their ten bombs.

Lists James Lee's crew top right, menu for meal in the centre, at the bottom, pilot's brevet drawing and epitaph for crew. On the reverse many signatures.

Service history from December 1942 to August 1943 on 467 RAAF squadron at RAF Bottesford. Prisoner of war at Stalag IVB - 1945. Then list post war postings from June 1945 until September 1967. Shot down 15/16 August 1943.

Informs him that his son failed to return from operations.

Writes in answer to her letter that the remainder of James Lee's crew were all killed. Mentions Wing Commander Gomm, captain and commander of the squadron. Rejoices that one member was spared and it would not be long before she was reunited with her…

Covers 467 Squadron formation at RAF Scampton and move to RAF Waddington. List station and squadron commanders and statistics from operational record books including first and last operational sorties, operational sorties attempted, reasons for…

Notebook issued in Berlin in 1933 but used by J R Lee. Contains banknote, German text, handwritten annotations, identity document for a German man, German stamps, English and Scottish addresses, some telephone numbers. At the end a list of James…

Two men standing on left with several others bending down over parachutes in front of a van with open serving hatch on the right. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'Issued on behalf of National Y.M.C.A/S'. Two versions.

Five aircrew standing in front of a van with serving hatch open. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'W/C Gomm 2nd from left, F/Sgt Lee 4th from left'.

Seven aircrew standing in line in front of a van with open serving hatch and rear door. In the background part of a bomber aircraft,

Five aircrew seated and one standing round a table with maps and intelligence officer sitting on left. On the reverse 'F/Sgt Lee standing, L/R S/Ldr Henity interrogating W/C Gomm pilot'.

Seven men, six standing and one kneeling down, in front of a van with open serving hatch.

Account from 2003 in German and English of research started in 1997. Shows aerial photo of crash site. Excavations in 1999 discovered parts of aircraft and remains of crew which were then buried in Berlin war cemetery in year 2000. Reports…

In memory of Acting Flight Lieutenant Harold Leonard Fry of No 467 Squadron RAAF, presumed died 29 January 1944.

Included description and personal details of service, postings and dates.

Norman George Smith completed his Australian training as a pilot before being posted to the UK. He was posted to 463 Squadron where he completed ten trips before the war ended. Although he was an officer Norman would borrow his navigator’s jacket…

Shows page with summary for May 1944 with six sorties recorded. Lancaster, 467 Squadron at RAF Waddington rear gunner. Includes two operations to French targets. His pilot on operations was Flying Officer McLauchlan.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Lists 34 operations between 28 May 1944 and 19 September 1944. 467 Squadron RAAF. On last sortie noted that Wing Commander Gibson VC was master bomber and was killed on return flight. In addition first operation was in Lancaster R5868 which is now in…

Flying log book for William Edwards, pilot. Covering the period 25 June 1942 to 31 January 1952. Details his training, operations and post-war civilian flying with Qantas. He was based at RAF Calveley, RAF Windrush, RAF Docking, RAF Church Broughton,…
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