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  • Tags: RAF Warboys

Hamish Mahaddie was selected during a tour of operations to become the recruiter for the Pathfinders working closely with Don Bennett. He discusses the changing technology of aircraft during the war years. He personally flew the Whitleys, Stirlings,…

Top left - five men on wearing civilian suit and hat writing in notebook and others in a variety of dress. Captioned '257 Squadron sports day Upwood 1963'.
Top right - certificate of handover of RAF Warboys to Ned Sparkes who was commander of care…

Top left - three quarter length image of an Air Marshall shaking hands with an airmen wearing tunic with half brevet and medal ribbons. Another warrant officer stands to the right.
Top right - document concerning W.O Sparkes i/c servicing control…

Squadron photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps and two women in civilian dress sitting and standing in three rows with a Bloodhound surface to air missile in the background.

Relates "Nobby" Clark's experiences after his aircraft was hit by anti aircraft fire and exploded. Initially trapped as the aircraft broke up an span with him eventually being thrown out along with the pilot and parachuted safely to earth despite…

Introduction to folder and gives contents of the file and names the three as Squadron leader Alastair Lang DFC, Flight Lieutenant Peter Isaacson DFC, DFM and Squadron Leader Lighton Verdon-Roe DFC all on 156 Squadron at RAF Warboys. Mentions Eric…

Top - seven aircrew all wearing battledress standing in two rows. Captioned 'Geo Wilcock (Nav 1), Nobby Clarke (Nav 11), Dave Hicks (W/Op), rish Miller (pilot), Sid Loseby (R.G.), Ron Baker (M.U.G.), Allan Edwards (F.E.)'. Titled 'Warboys Huntingdon…

To Squadron Leader D W Donaldson at RAF Warboys. Congratulatory telegram to David Donaldson from his sister's family.
Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Offers many congratulations. '84' was not a squadron but the number of the flat where his aunts and uncles lived.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Congratulatory Telegram to David Donaldson from his Aunts and Uncles on the award of his DSO. '84' refers to the home address of DWD's Aunt and Uncles; 84 Oakwood Court, West Kensington, not a Squadron.

Additional information about this item has…

Congratulations from from Mary Wynne Williams (his wife's cousin).

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Seven airmen, five wearing tunics and two wearing leather jerkins in front of a wheeled trolley. One airman kneeling in front has corporal stripes and one standing behind has hands on the shoulders of man in front. All are wearing side caps. In the…

1. Twenty-five airmen in three rows captioned '6 Squadron 8 Flight C Squadron Morecombe [sic] 25th April 1941'.
2. Seven airmen in uniform and side caps in front of a building. Captioned '156 Squadron armourers outside the Armoury at Warboys…

Report by Ned Sparkes on the wreckage of a Lancaster which had been packed in crates which was inspected at RAF Gatow, Berlin on 26 August 1976. Lists identifiable parts of aircraft and crew equipment. Aircraft was Lancaster "JB640" ot 156 Squadron,…

Writes it was good to hear from David and his old crew appreciated it. Old crew have nearly finished their tour but the weather has been holding them up. Writes of bad week with losses. Continues with news of crew.

The telegram congratulates him on his grand achievement.
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