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  • Tags: military discipline

A senior officer accompanied by three officers (one with sword) walks down a line of airmen at parade with grounded rifles. Hangar in the background.

Instructions on how rooms are to be maintained.

The first of three chapters of Bill's wartime service.
There is a second copy with handwritten edits.

Joyce Exton Wallace recalls being put on a charge for insolence to a non commissioned officer. Joyce and her colleagues had missed the last train back to camp at Stanmore after attending a dance. She was reprimanded for reacting inappropriately to…

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Poem about an encounter with a policemen accompanied by a WAAF officer.

Includes notes on the air force act, Kings regulations and air council instructions, the official secrets act, disclosure of information, communications to the press, complaints and grievances, testimonials, communication with officials, officers…

Note explaining why author's father and several pilots of 106 Squadron arrived singing Java Jive over the radio (R/T). Station commander was not impressed.

Declares that he has 21 days recreation leave due to him.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Detailed instructions for squadron parade with all commands and actions required. Signed by adjutant 76 Squadron.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Printed form filled out for Wakefield H E of 1332 HCU Riccall, that he did not have any restricted or classified documents, gifts, arms or articles taken from enemy in the field.

Two photographs of Ernest, the first as a cadet, the second captioned 'Self as Sgt A/G at No 17 OTU RAF Silverstone'.
The letter is a morale booster to encourage his airmen.

Details charges and trial of Carline Da Silva for giving assistance to Japanese secret police. Covers all 14 charges, lists witnesses and provides handwritten notes on testimony. Charges annotated with handwritten notes. Three printed pages and 25…

Tells story of comrade who got drunk on pub crawl and fell into an emergency static water tank on his way back to camp and resulting events.

Describes operation dropping mines in Kiel Canal. Mentions attack at low level, anti-aircraft fire and lucky not to be hit. Concludes by telling of flying to cover crew who had failed to get back to station in time and refusing a commission. Page…

Covers officers who may hear charges, officers punishable summarily, charges against officers, charges against W.O.s, charges against N.C.O.s and aircraftsmen, use of forms for hearing charges, orderly room procedures, civil offences committed by…

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Covers policy, organisation, chain of control, administration, discipline, disciplinary powers and status of W.A.A.F. officers and N.C.O.s, saluting, promotion/officers, promotion/remustering and reclassification - airwomen and pay.

Covers accidents rates past/present, causes and percentage rates, prevention - approach to problem, interviewing new crews, improvements of flying discipline, engine handling, carelessness, general training, reporting of flying accidents followed by…

Covers objects, types of enquiry or investigation, courts of inquiry composition, order for assembly and terms of reference, attendance of witnesses. evidence, procedure, recording of evidence, action when character of person involved, findings,…

Covers introduction and selection of serving airmen. Followed by section on promotion of aircrew including cases for normal, special, pathfinding and captain of aircraft. Then section on commissioning of aircrew with sections on general principles,…

Covers definition, purpose, when and by whom to be taken, action before taking, procedure - explanation to the accused, procedure - taking the summary, evidence, procedure - making up papers, summoning of witnesses, action by C.O, conclusion and…

First document covers punishment awarded summarily, C.O's powers of punishment, subordinate commander's powers of punishment, detachment commander's powers of punishment, procedures when badges of rank covered, reduction of punishments, reversions,…
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