Instructions for 76 Squadron RAAF parade



Instructions for 76 Squadron RAAF parade


Detailed instructions for squadron parade with all commands and actions required. Signed by adjutant 76 Squadron.

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Three page typewritten document


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[underlined] SQUADRON FALLING IN ON PARADE [/underlined]

D.W.O. calls “Markers”. On this command the right guide of each flight comes to attention, slopes arms if necessary, and marches out smartly to his appointed place in close column of flights.

D.W.O. calls “On – Parade”. On this command airmen, less Warrant Officers (who are to form up on the left flank facing their respective flights), are to slope arms if necessary before moving off to take up their positions on Parade. When in position, personnel are to correct their dressing from the right flank, order arms and stand at ease in succession from the right. Flight Sergeants move direct to their places in front of their flights, where they are to supervise the dressing if necessary.

D.W.O. calls “Squadron, Atten – tion. Stand at – ease. Call the roll.” On the command “Call the roll”, Flight Sergeants turn about facing their flights and call the roll, taking care to physically check the numbers on Parade and comparing this check with the names on the roll. As each man’s name is called he is to come to attention smartly, answer “Flight Sergeant (or Sergeant, or Corporal)”and remain at attention until the next man’s name is called. On completion of the roll call, Flight Sergeants stand their flights easy and again take post. As the roll is being called the D.W.O. moves to the left flank of the Parade, taking up a position ten (10) paces from the left flank and facing the centre flight.

D.W.O. calls “Flight reports”. On this command Flight Sergeants come to attention smartly, turn left and march to the flank, forming up in flight order from right to left three (3) paces from and facing the D.W.O. who collects reports.

D.W.O. calls “Flight Sergeants, About – Turn. To your flights, Quick – March.” On this command Flight Sergeants turn about and march back to their former positions.

D.W.O. calls “Pay attention to Orders”, and reads or cause to have read the Daily Routine Orders and any special detail.

D.W.O. calls “Fall in the Warrant Officers”. On this command the Warrant Officers standing by on the left flank come to attention and march smartly to their places in supernumerary ranks.

D.W.O. calls “Squadron, Atten – tion”, and reports to the Adjutant, giving him the state of the Parade before he hands over. The D.W.O. then takes up his position in rear of the first file (Not the guide) of the leading flight.

When the D.W.O. calls “Flight Reports”, Flight Commanders and supernumerary Officers are to move on to the Parade ground and form up six (6) paces from the right flank of their respective flights and facing the Parade and then stand at ease. Officers do not act on the commands of the D.W.O..

It is now the Adjutant’s Parade.

Adjutant calls “Officers, Take – Post”. Officers come to attention, salute without turning to a flank and move off smartly to their respective positions in close column. On this command the Flight Sergeants in charge of flights turn right, move out to the right flank of their flights, halt and await the arrival of their Flight Commanders to whom they are to report the state of the flight before handing over. After handing over Flight Sergeants are to turn about and move round the left flank of their flights to their position in rear.


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Supernumerary Officers take up a position one pace in rear of supernumerary N.C.O.s, spaced at regular intervals. The Flight Sergeant takes post in the centre of the supernumerary N.C.O. rank. The Flight Commander takes post three (3) paces in front of the centre of his flight.

Adjutant calls “Flight Commanders, Inspect your flights”. On this command Flight Commanders salute, turn right and move to the right flank of their flights. Flight Sergeants turn right and move round to the right flank to accompany their Flight Commander on inspection.

Flight Commanders call “No. – Flight, Open order – March. Right – Dress. Eyes – Front”. “Flight will fix bayonets”. “Fix – Bayonets – Atten – tion”. The inspection is now carried out. At the completion of the inspection the Flight Commanders calls “Flight will unfix Bayonets”. “Unfix – Bayonets”. “Attention”. “For inspection – Port – Arms”. If it is desired to examine all rifles, the flight is cautioned “Remain at the Port”, on completion of this inspection the Flight Commander calls “Examine – Arms”. On completion of this inspection, each man is to ease springs, order arms and stand at ease when the Flight Commander has passed the second man from him. The last two men in each rank are to perform these movements together.

After completion of inspection Flight Commanders dismiss their Flight Sergeants and then move round to the front of their flights.

Flight Commanders call “No. – Flight, Atten – tion. Flight will fix bayonets, Fix – Bayonets. Atten – tion. Close – order – March. Right – Dress. Stand at – Ease”, and Flight Commanders take post.

When the Adjutant sees that all Flights have completed their inspection and are once again in close order with Flight Commanders in position, he calls “Squadron, Atten – tion. Tell off by Flights”. On this command Flight Commanders from front to rear call out the number of their flight, the first and last Flight Commander calling out the word “Flight” after the number.

Adjutant calls “Nos. 1, 3 and 5 flights, Stand at – Ease”. “Nos. 2, 4 and 6 flights, Stand at – Ease”. “Squadron, Atten- tion”. The Adjutant then turns about and marches smartly to where his Squadron Commander is standing, halts, salutes, reports the state of the Parade and hands over, salutes, turns right and moves round to take post two paces to the right rear of the Squadron Commander.

It is now the Squadron Commander’s Parade. If the Squadron is acting independently, the Commander may place himself where he can best supervise the Squadron. If the Squadron is forming part of a Parade, the Squadron Commander and Squadron Adjutant take post – Squadron Commander six (6) paces in front of the leading flight Commander; Adjutant two (2) paces right rear of Squadron Commander. Squadron is stood at ease by Squadron Commander. Squadron is stood at ease by Squadron Commander.

When all Squadron Commanders have taken post, the Wing Adjutant calls “Wing Atten – tion. Squadron Reports”, and then calls “Tell off by Squadrons, Nos. 1, 3 and 5, etc. etc., Wing Atten – tion”, and hands over to the Commander of the Parade. The next procedure is the colour hoist, at the completion of which the Commander of the Parade gives the command “Wing will march past in column of route from the right, No. – Squadron Leading”.

Squadron Commander gives the command “No. – Squadron, Move to the right in column of route – Right Turn”.


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Officers and N.C.O.s in supernumerary ranks turn right, then turn about and take up their position in threes in the rear of their own flight; N.C.Os one (1) pace in rear of the left guide and Flight Sergeant, Officers one pace in rear of the N.C.O.s.. Squadron Commander takes up his position six (6) paces in front of No. 1 Flight Commander with Adjutant two (2) paces in rear, and D.W.O. two (2) paces in rear of Adjutant. Flight Commander takes up position two (2) paces in front of flight. No. 1 Flight Commander gives the command “No. 1 Flight, Quick – March”. Other Flight Commander give the order “No. – Flight, left wheel, Quick – March”, allowing the correct distance, five (5) paces between flights. The command “March” should be given when the right feet of the flight in front are on the ground. Approaching the saluting base the Squadron Commander gives the command “No. – Squadron, Flight in succession, Eyes – Left”. The Flight Commanders in succession calls “No. – Flight, Eyes – Left”. (“left” on the left foot), the flight take one check pace with the right foot and, as the left foot is again coming to the ground, turn head and eyes smartly to the left. (The left guide of each flight does not turn his head or eyes.) As the leading flight is passing the Commander of the Parade, the Squadron Commander calls “No. – Squadron, Flights in succession, Eyes – Front”, after flights have passed the saluting base Flight Commanders in succession Call “No. – flight, Eyes – Front”. (“Front” on the left foot). The flights take a check pace with the right foot and, as the left foot is again coming to the ground, turn head and eyes smartly to the front.

The Squadron march in column of route to the Squadron Parade ground and the Squadron Commander then gives the command “At the halt, facing left, form close column of flights”. No. 1 Flight Commander calls, “No. 1 Flight – Halt”, (the right guide and the leading file of three turn left and cover off) “Flight, into line, Left – Turn, By the right”. The remaining Flight Commanders lead their respective flights to a point twelve paces distance to the rear of the previous flight, halt their flights, (the right guide and the leading file of three turning left and taking up their covering from No. 1 Flight) giving the command “No. – Flight, into line, left – Turn – by the right”. Supernumerary Officers and suppernumerary [sic] N.C.Os. about turn and resume their former position at the rear of the flight. The Flight Commander takes up his position three paces in front of the centre of his flight.

The Squadron Commander gives the order “Order – Arms, -- Open Order – March”. “Squadron will unfix bayonets, -- Unfix, - Bayonets”. “Atten – tion”. “Close order – March, Right – dress, Eyes – Front”. “Fall out the Officers”. All Flight Commanders hand over to their Flight Sergeants, who take post in front of their respective flights.

All Officers march out smartly and form up in a semi-circle, senior Officers on the right, juniors on the left, with the centre of the semi-circle not less than six paces from the Squadron Commander. When the Officer on the right flank sees that all Officers are formed up, he is to take a pace forward and salute. On this salute all other Officers are to salute and, if the Squadron Commander does not give any further orders when he acknowledges the salute all Officers then turn right and march off in rear of the Squadron Commander where they halt, face the parade and stand at ease until the parade is dismissed or marched off.

If the Squadron Commander has not already given orders regarding the disposal of the parade, the Squadron Adjutant is to await further instructions and then pass same on to the D.W.O.

Should the command be given “Fall out the Officers, except Squadron Adjutant”, the Squadron Adjutant remains in command of the Squadron until further orders are given.

Officers do not salute on the command “Fall-out the Officers”, but are to salute when instructed to fall out on other occasions.


(M.C. PEARSON) Flight Lieutenant,
[underlined] Adjutant No. 76 Squadron, R.A.A.F. [/underlined]


“Instructions for 76 Squadron RAAF parade,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,

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