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  • Tags: arts and crafts

The steam boat is running across the pond. Its progress is watched by seated and standing spectators. In the background is a hut. One yacht is on the water and one is at the side.

Head and shoulders painted portrait of David Donaldson wearing Royal Air Force greatcoat

Man dressed in naval uniform on telephone to an elderly woman sitting up in bed with books and bottles. Captioned 'Every Nice Girl', Title 'David Iliffe and unknown female'!, Billy's last known drawing'.

A poem titled Dawn Patrol

A photograph of a model made by Brian with details on its construction.

An exchange of fire is taking place between soldiers and civilians in a mountainous area. A soldier and a civilian have been killed. A second civilian is running to hide behind a boulder.

Label reads “123”; signed by the author; caption reads…

Two civilians have been shot and are lying on the ground whilst a soldier is beating Don Giuseppe Treppo on the head with a baton. A soldier is shooting in the background. Other civilians are featured in different poses.

Label reads “161”;…

In an otherwise deserted town, men open fire on a figure in a brown suit and hat.

Label reads “167”; signed by the author; caption reads “(1o) 15 ottobre 1944 TORVISCOSA UD. Durante un rastrellamento nazi-fascista un patriota Villa, dal Pol…

In a barren churchyard, a man dressed in brown is being pushed out of the door and beaten by a Fascist soldier with a rifle-butt. Others are watching or pointing guns at him.

Label reads “168”; signed by the author; caption reads “(2o)…

A shoot-out is taking place in Tolmezzo. Alpini Lieutenant Renato Del Din has been shot in the head, causing him to drop his pistol and fall to the ground.

Label reads “104”; signed by the author; caption reads “CARNIA 25 APRILE 1944 –…

Stagehands preparing the set. One man is at the top of a ladder by the proscenium arch. The backdrop is a city scape with high rise buildings.

A drawing of four medals with coloured ribbons. These are numbered and captioned below. Also annotated 'SA Christian 1988'.

Half-length portraits of two men holding a model of a Halifax.

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

A cartoon of two WAAFs confused by dinghy drawings, captioned 'We carry out a modification with the "help"? of Sundry Mysterious Plans'.

The Camp Magazine of RAF Wratting Common. This is the first issue and features articles of general interest, poems, sports and activity reports and witty comments about station life.

In a mountain landscape, a modest rural building stands on a ground partially encircled by a fence. Some trees are visible, a second building is in the background. Captioned 'Sede del Comando di Divisione Vruga - Bosco di Rossano il 4-11-1944’.

Cot with flowered panel and doll standing in back corner. On the reverse 'Doll's cot Grandpa Turner made for Penny'.

On the left of the drawing the rear of a bomber with gunner in rear turret is saying 'Captain! There's an aircraft right behind us!'. On the right the undercarriage wheels of another aircraft.

Unidentifiable double exposure. Model aircraft and open area with trees surrounding

Three hand drawn air gunner brevet

Drawing from front of a Wellington with aircrew out on starboard wing trying to put out fire in engine. Me 109 going the other way above,

Swastika with red cross in the centre. Annotated 'Copy of a drawing done by Philip Jenkinson whilst a prisoner of war, depicting the red cross getting through the Nazi swastika. Looking back now over 50 years it shows the high regard we, as prisoners…
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