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  • Tags: Lancaster

Seven airmen dressed in flying kit and sitting on bombs on the bomb trolley. Behind is their Lancaster.
The crew members are identified 'Des Egan, Rocky Owen,George Warren, Steve Quinn, Self, Bill Williams, Dave Menzies'.
Additional information…

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in five rows. In the background three Lancaster in line. It is believed that I A Wynn is in the photograph as it was taken before 25/26 May 1943. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…

On the front 'Tag und Nacht' and formation of B -17 and Lancaster bombers. On the reverse German text.

Drawing of a Lancaster at very low level approaching a gate and hedge. Gate has man crouching on top. Both starboard engines have been left behind on a tree.

Drawing shows the front end of a bomber with the pilot reaching out of cockpit window with a polo mallet toward the pitot head which has a gas mask and a side cap caught on it.

On the left of the drawing the rear of a bomber with gunner in rear turret is saying 'Captain! There's an aircraft right behind us!'. On the right the undercarriage wheels of another aircraft.

Drawing of a Lancaster having bounced along runway after landing leaving bits of aircraft behind. The mid-upper turret has bounced out of aircraft and one aircrew is hanging underneath it. Another's persons legs can be seen protruding from front…

Pilots flying log book (partial) for John Cox, covering the period from 28 July 1944 to 16 March 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Peplow and RAF Wickenby. Aircraft flow in were Wellington and…

Display case with four photographs, telegrams, letters and decorations (Conspicuous Gallantry Medal, 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star, Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-1945). Photographs of Barry Wright and his crew.

Describes night battle with two Me 110 when all Lancaster's lights came on when electrical system was hit. mentions actions of wireless operator and air gunners one of whom was badly wounded.

Two versions of the same photograph. Seven men wearing battledress standing in line. In the background the front of a Lancaster with two rows bomb symbols and crossed flag nose art.

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…

Wright BC.pdf
Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for B C Wright, flight engineer, covering the period from 11 July 1943 to 29 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF St…

Transcript of diary entry for 20 December 1943. Includes crew list. Account of their first operation to Berlin on. He was wireless operator. Mentions anti-aircraft fire over coast, problems with Monica system, problems with oxygen, problems with rear…

Transcript of the Diary of Sgt. Bernard Clark RAFVR 30 November – 20 December 1943 with notes by M Warburton. Includes head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing greatcoat and side cap. Includes crew list of his aircraft. Entries contain…

An account by Mike Warburton (nephew of William Warburton) of how he made contact with the relatives of the other crew members of Lancaster DV400.

Report of last flight of DV400; lost 27th Jan 1944,” findings of Michael Warburton’s research into the crash of ‘DV400’. Concludes that DV400 was hit by another Lancaster that had been shot down by a German night fighter and subsequently…

A newspaper cutting with news about attacks on U-boat shelters at Farge, an oil storage depot, benzol plants near Hamm, railway targets in the Netherlands, vessels in the Western Baltic, merchant shipping in the Skaggerak and Freisian Islands and…

Sergeant A P Brander’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 17th August 1942 to 27th January 1944, detailing his training and operations as an air gunner. He did not record the names of some of the bases he flew from, but it is…

Scrapbook prepared by Bernard Clark for his son containing contributions from the crew of William Warburton's Lancaster. First page has sketch of Lancaster with crew positions noted. Other page includes signatures and other material from: Alan…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for G C Warren, navigator, covering the period from 25 August 1943 to 16 March 1945, when he failed to return from an operation to Nuremburg. He was stationed at SAAF Port Elizabeth, SAAF East London,…

Seven airmen in flying kit, standing by the rear of their Lancaster.
Arthur Tindall is second left.
On the reverse is a photographer's mark '9741'.

A programme of events for a IX Squadron reunion and presentation of the portrait of George Thomson VC. The booklet covers the events leading to the award of his VC, the programme of events and the menu, a biography of the artist, a thank you to the…
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