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Engineer log completed by David Sanders for a sortie in Lancaster NG266 on 27 April 1945.

Contains details of 22 operations where David Sanders flew as flight engineer. Includes all up weights, bomb loads, fuel loads, snags, numbers of aircraft, defences, remarks and number of aircraft missing on operations.

Air-to-air view showing the silhouette of two heavy bombers towards the bottom centre, well below going towards the bottom. In the background smoke, bomb explosions and on the right, target indicators. On the reverse '18. R.A.F. Bombers over…

David Sanders flew operations as a flight engineer with 189 and 619 Squadrons. He joined the Royal Air Force as a flight engineer and discusses an operation when they arrived too early over the target, being followed by a night fighter and having a…

Langford "Joe" Green was born in Wales but moved to Marlow, Buckinghamshire with his family when he was still a child. He worked in a factory from the age of 14 until he joined the Royal Air Force. After training he flew operations as an air gunner…

Photograph 1 Loading a bomb into a Lancaster 'X'.
Photograph 2 Sergeant Syd Marshall at his flight engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 Sergeant Syd Marshall in uniform, standing with a woman.

Sergeant Syd Marshall at the flight engineer's position in a Lancaster cockpit.

Sidney Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and worked as an agricultural engineer. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force at eighteen and trained as a flight engineer. On his first operation to Duisburg one of his Lancaster's engines was hit by shrapnel…

Photograph 1 is of four airmen standing in front of two Nissen huts. Captioned ' L to R "Nobby" Clark, Lou Morgan, "Russ" Johnstone, Jack Round'.
Photograph 2 is of nine airmen in two rows under the inner starboard engine of a Lancaster. Captioned…

Photograph 1 is of Lou Morgan at the controls of the Lancaster, captioned 'Lou Morgan (left)'.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his position, captioned 'Myself Syd Marshall F/E'.
Photograph 3 is of Nobby Clark standing by a gate, captioned '…

A newspaper cutting of a Lancaster dropping incendiary bombs over Duisburg. The text describes the event and a handwritten caption reads ' Oct 14th 1944'.

An article describing daylight and night time operations on Duisburg. There is a photograph of a Lancaster dropping a 4000 pound bomb and incendiaries and a photograph of an aircrew. The crew is Flying Officer J Whitwood, pilot and Ken Thomas…

Four newspaper cuttings from 1944 describing four separate operations. Salzburg captioned 'Oct 17 1944', Essen captioned 'Oct 25th 1944', Dunkirk and Vienna captioned 'Nov 4th 1944' and Gelsenkirchen captioned 'Nov 6th 1944'.

Three brothers in mae wests. Arthur, David and Gavin Mark walk under the nose of a Lancaster J. Captioned 'Elshams famous Brothers'.

Photograph 1 is of wireless operator, Ivor Cole captioned 'Ivor F.I.G. Cole w/op'.
Photograph 2 is of an airman leaning out of an open cockpit window of a Lancaster.

An ex-RAF pilot describes a bombing operation to Ulm in Southern Germany, He hadn't flown for three years and he is amazed at the technical improvements in hitting the targets using the Pathfinder force. He mentions the squadron CO, Wing-Comdr J R St…

Three newspaper cuttings describing attacks on Essen, Harburg oil refinery, Spitfire and Typhoon attacks on bridges and Aschaffenburg. They are captioned 'Nov 11th 1944'.

Photograph 1 is of Russ Johnstone in airman's uniform standing by a gate outside a church, it is captioned 'Russ Johnstone (Nav)'. Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders photograph of Syd Marshall. Cutting 1 describes a large operation heading to…

Aircrew and ground personnel sitting on loaded bomb trolleys infront of the Lanacster Mike Squared. Group Captain Sheene on a stepladder is painting a bomb symbol on the nose of the aircraft. Captioned '"Mike Twice" after 138 trips. C/V Sheene on…

Cutting 1 describes a 1300 bomber operation on Munich and Ulm. Flight Lieutenant W Drinkell describes the lack of fighters. Captioned 'Jan 7th 1945'. Cutting 2 describes attacks on Germany and an oil refinery at Brux in Czechoslovakia. Also a…

Photograph 1 is of Lancaster Mike Squared, port side , undercarriage down.
Photograph 2 is of seven airmen posed on the port wing of Mike Squared.

Photograph 1 is of a bomb being loaded into a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 is of Syd Marshall and a woman.

Photograph 1 is of Syd Marshall
Photograph 2 is of Sergeant Syd Marshall, half-length portrait.
Photograph 3 is of seven aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster.
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