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  • Tags: wireless operator

Thirteen aircrew in two rows wearing tunic or battledress. Five are sitting in front with a dog 'Dusky' in the centre. David Donaldson is centre front. In the background trees. Other personnel identified as: rear row left to right: Flight Lieutenant …

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Thomas McMahon covering the period 29 December 1940 to 31 August 1942. Details his training and operational duties. He flew one night time and one daylight operation with 77 Squadron in Whitley aircraft…

Warrant Officer Thomas McMahon's service and release book from 26 August 1940 to 29 January 1946.

Thomas on his wedding day, standing with his bride, Kathleen Rogers, outside the church.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Thomas' Notice Paper, Certified Copy of Attestation and Oath.

Thomas Thomson on the right of a group of six more airmen. They are standing in front of the nose of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Uncle Tom on the right'.

Half length portrait of three airmen in sergeant's uniform, two with air gunner brevets, one with air signaller brevet. They are grouped overlapping one another, and facing the camera. Bert Allen is on the left. On the reverse, 'Sgt Billany, R.G.,…

Three airmen, seated in a room. Two are sergeants, one is holding a flask and cup.

Three airmen standing at an open door. On their left is the wheel of a bicycle. They are wearing fatigues. On the reverse is annotated 'W/Op Nav & Mid Upper' and 'Ace'.

Three airmen standing in line. The two left and right hold parachute packs and the man in the centre wears a parachute harness. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Grandad (left) with wireless operator (centre) and co-pilot (right) in…

Top - six aircrew standing in line behind a Lancaster, Captioned 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer, Barney Gumbley pilot'.
Bottom target…

The story of an attack by Pathfinders of 35,105,109 and 582 Squadrons 23 December 1944. Tribute to Robert pPalmer and thirty comrades who died with him. Contains history of Battle of the Bulge. Description of Oboe system. List of aircraft and crews…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about life at RAF Upwood, including his intensive training, the lack of leave and a trip into Peterborough. He also discusses where Jessie could live and includes a description of the…

A three quarter length portrait of Tom Bower, sitting down.

Seven aircrew, Leslie Jones, Tom Sayer, Joseph Muldoon, Leonard Hancock, Brendon Reele, James Kid and Hugh Billbrough, three sitting on a concrete path in front, four standing behind all wearing battledress.

Additional information about this item…

Top left - view on landing from aircraft window of airport buildings including control tower. Runway in foreground. Captioned 'Taken just as we landed at Dum-Dum aerodrome, Calcutta, March 46'.
Top right - snake charmer with snake in basket.…

Top left - front quarter view of a York parked on hardstanding. Captioned 'Our York at Negombo, Colombo, Ceylon Oct 45'.
Top right - view from air of coastline. Captioned 'Coast near Casablanca, Morocco, July 1945'.
Centre - Three airmen in front…

Twelve servicemen, three squatting and four standing on the ground. Five further are on a raised stand or ladder leading to front fuselage of a Lancaster. Notes with names on the reverse.

Two men one wearing battledress with hands in pockets and the other wearing flying jacket and peaked cap and holding a cigarette standing in front of the starboard wing of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption '009 - T. Wierzbowski - pilot i J.…

An engineer and an air gunner in uniform with brevet badges.. The air gunner also has a wireless operator's badge above his sergeant's stripes. Both are bare headed and the man on the left is holding a pipe in his hand. They are standing outside in…

Full length image of two airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps standing on grass. Left man is pilot officer and the right a sergeant. Both have medals on their coats. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse '1. navigator & 2 wireless…

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

Part of the Signals section of the 5 Group Newsletter. Much of it is highly technical, but it also takes time to welcome and say goodbye to the signal leaders from the squadrons in 5 Group.
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