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Details of the funeral of Sergeant Frederick Charles Ball (1921 - 1944, 1161312 Royal Air Force) in Leicester, attended by four of the crew, including (Sir) Michael Beetham. The tragedy brought Reg and Ena closer together and they agreed not to get…

A group of 12 airmen, all in fatigues except one man wearing a shirt and tie. On their left is an air raid shelter. Reg Payne is third from the right, back row.

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A group of six airmen arranged in two rows. Reg Payne is top left.
On the reverse
'W/Op training RAF Yatesbury
Reg Payne
Keith Kenway
Robbie Robertson
Ron Boydon
George Plank
Eric "Tubby" Melhuish'.

Reg Payne was born in Kettering in 1923. He left school at the age of fourteen and just before he was eighteen he volunteered to join the RAF. He did his basic training at Blackpool learning Morse Code in the tram sheds. From there he did his…

Two airmen in Sidcot suits and flying boots. George Holmes is on the right. The airman on the left has an attached oxygen mask across his chest and is holding a pair of gloves in his left hand. Both are holding cigarettes in their right hands, There…

Pilots flying log book for Peter Stevens, covering the period from 6 June 1940 to 7 September 1941 when he was taken prisoner of war and then from 26 July 1945 to 22 January 1947 and from 28 September 1952 to 19 September 1953. Detailing his flying…

Don Falgate's ATU course from RAF Penrhos. Ten officers in two rows, all with half wing brevet. Signatures on reverse. Captioned 'ATU (Advanced Flying Unit) course at RAF Penrhos, North Wales . 1 month course of training on Wellington aircraft.…

Don Falgate's pre-Advanced Flying Unit formal course photograph, 32 Officers and senior non-commissioned officers, arranged in four rows. Signatures on the reverse. Captioned 'Students of pre AFU (Advanced Flying Unit) RAF Perth Scotland, about…

Looking over gunners shoulder, machine gun and cockpit structure in background. Captioned 'Take off and firing at a towed target with Lewis gun aboard Fairey Battle training aircraft from RAF Picton, Ontario, Canada. Spring/summer 1942'.

Tony lived in South Pool before moving to Liverpool with his job in a bank. He also belonged the Air Training Corps. After about a year he decided to sign up for the Royal Air Force. His assessment and medical were at Liverpool. He was called up to…

Don Falgate and Arthur Ashworth, in uniform, shirt sleeves, Arthur with aircrew under training flash in his hat. Captioned 'Self (right) with friend, Arthur Ashworth outside barrack hut, Sky Harbour airport, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Spring…


Don Falgate in flying gear and standing in the fuselage of a Bolingbroke hatch. Captioned 'Self disembarking from and in front of RCAF Bolingbroke training aircraft on completion of gunnery detail. In upper photo container in my right hand is a…

Eight aircrew students, in uniform,with LAC rank badges and aircrew training flashes in their hats, standing outside Picton Post Office. Captioned 'Fellow aircrew students outside post Office, Picton, Ontario, Canada. Photo summer 1942.

Don Falgate with eight other students grouped in front of single story building. Captioned 'Fellow aircrew students (Self back row, right) as [sic] Sky Harbour airport on Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Photo Spring 1942.

Formal photograph of Don Falgate with 22 other students, in two rows, in uniform, Anson and technical building in background. Captioned 'RCAF Port Albert, Ontario, Canada. Air Navigators course. Students in front of Avro Anson, one of our training…

Formal course photograph No 63 Air Bomber course, in four rows, in front of hangar doors. Captioned 'No 63 Air Bomber course, RCAF Picton, Ontario, Canada. Self back row extreme right. Photo 1942'. Signatures on reverse include: R. Moore, J.C.…

South African Air Force observers or air gunners log book for Ellis Edwards, bomb aimer, covering the period from 9 February 1942 to 29 March 1943 when he was missing in action on an operation to Berlin. Detailing his flying training and operations…

Writes that is not possible to meet and cannot get leave. mentions tetanus shots and clothes coupons. Writes that he has a new pilot as his own was killed recently. Complains of too much training flying. but has done three operations recently to…

Harry Braithwaite was born in Portinscale and went to Keswick School. Harry’s close friend was killed in action and this spurred him on to volunteer. His father owned a garage and Harry would help him. This gave him some mechanical knowledge and…

Ralph Brumwell volunteered for the RAF Voluntary Reserve in 1939. When war was declared he was immediately called up and was posted to 218 Squadron at RAF Marham. Returning from an operation they were shot down by an intruder Junkers 88. On landing…

Harrison Cammish was born in Scarborough in 1923, and when he was fourteen, he became an apprentice carpenter and joiner, and when war broke out, he joined the Air Training Corps, and the Home Guard, who gave him a rifle and forty rounds of…

Formal photograph, 52 airmen and one officer in three rows, aircrew training flashes in their hats. Captioned 'No 10 ITW (Initial Training Wing, Royal Air Force. Photo in front of our billet, the Manor Hotel Scarborough. The HQ was in the Grand Hotel…

Formal photograph, upper torso, in uniform, aircrew training flash in his hat. Captioned 'On joining the Royal Air Force as an AC2 Aircrew Trainee, age of 20 in 1941.'


Edward Cayhill was the eldest of eight children and with his father’s encouragement was hoping to go to university. His father died in 1938 which meant that the university dream was cancelled and Edward went to work as a Civil Servant in the…
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