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  • Tags: Distinguished Flying Medal

First article attributed to Manchester Guardian, 18 October 1945, covers trial of five members of crew of U852 who were involved in firing on the survivors of a Greek ship Peleus. The second (non attributed) states that three officers were sentenced…

Drawing of a lady wearing hat talking to a sergeant pilot wearing uniform with a shiny pilot's brevet and Distinguished Flying Medal ribbon. On the reverse 'Do you fly, sonny?'.

A citation for a Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to Flight Sergeant Arthur Loudon

Cites the number of operations flown including 13 to Berlin. While on two operations to Berlin he engaged an enemy aircraft with accurate fire and damaged enemy aircraft probably destroyed.

Award conferred with effect from 7 June 1944 published in London Gazette 25 January 1946.

Sergeant J K Henson, Flight Sergeant A H D Batty and Sergeant L S Coleman all of 226 Squadron were awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal for the action around a daylight attack on Merville airfield.

Account of action for which Hedley Madgett was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal. Citation states many successful operations including one to Oberhausen when some crew lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen but he completed operation…

Letter congratulating Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton on the award of his Distinguished Flying Medal.

Standard letter from the King regretting not being able to present the medal personally.

A newspaper article about Harry's DFM award.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Notes there have been more awards of Distinguished Flying Cross than Distinguished Flying Medals. DFM is rarer award and is cherished. Comments on relative numbers of sergeants verses officers and numbers of DFMs awarded.

Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to Edward Milling.

Notes that the King will hold investiture at Buckingham Palace on 20 November 1945. Donald Cochrane requested to be at palace no later than 10.15. Goes on to detail dress and who may accompany.

The completed service record of Donald Cochrane 1395422.

Navigator’s air bombers and air gunner’s flying log book for Donald Fraser DFM, flight engineer, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 25 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…

Reports that Flight Sergeant barry Wright received CGM at recent investiture. Gives brief account of action and career.

A frame containing Edward's five medals, a head and shoulders portrait and a newspaper cutting about his award of a DFM.
Decorations are: Distinguished Flying Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-1945.

Eight airmen seated in a tent. Information supplied with the collection states 158 squadron, Lissett, Johnny Johnson crew.
There is a second copy with details on the reverse of each man, his crew position and his address.

States that Flying Officer Jones and crew failed to return from operation to Stuttgart on 28 January 1945. After attack by German night fighter Lancaster PB638 ('O - Oboe') crashed at Michelbach, Aglasterhausen. Tells of local man designing and…

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Lancaster 'N'. Information supplied with the collection states:
'The crew are, left to right (ranks at the time the photo was taken, late 1944)
Sgt Trevor Connolly (NZ) - Wireless Operator
Eric Parker
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