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  • Tags: flight engineer

The two airmen and two WRNs are sitting in a shelter. It is annotated 'Jan 1944' but is Daphne's 21st birthday.

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a young baby standing at a chair. It is captioned 'Me 12 months'. A name has been scored out.
Photo 2 is a colourised head and shoulders portrait of Victor. He has an Engineer's brevet.

The crew of the Lancaster are named with their date of birth and next of kin. The aircraft was missing on the night of 3/4 May 1944.

A discharge letter issued to Jack whilst in hospital.

Six photographs and a related description of the crash of Lancaster JB134.
The description covers the following six copies of photographs.
Photo 1 is a villager inside the crater. On the reverse 'Film 19'.
Photo 2 is the scene around the crater…

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

A group of six airmen including Eddy posed in front of Nissen huts. On the reverse
'Back Row
Far Left Sgt P Keenan Pilot
Centre Sgt JH Thomas Fl Eng
Far Right Sgt ?

Front Row
Far Left Sgt ?
Centre Sgt EH Hastie Mid Upper Air…

Seven airmen including Bill forming the crew of a Halifax. Each man is identified in the caption underneath. Information supplied with the collection states 'Bill and Crew Leconfield 640 Sqn 1944-45, Pilot- Bill Gudrum-Middlesborough, BA - Arthur -…

Five men and one woman at a reunion. They are sitting at a table. One man is holding up a vase of flowers. On the reverse -
'L - R
2 9 Alan Wilmer
3 Mr Polloc [sic]
4 B/A Tommy Noton
W/Op Daniels
F/E Stan Knight'
The reverse is stamped…

Three identical images of five airmen standing at the front of Halifax EY-Q MZ774. On its nose is 'Queenie' and 16 operation 'bombs' painted on.

Those shown in the photo are, from left to right:
Sergeant Stanley George James Knight, flight…

Seven aircrew and three ground crew wearing either battledress or coveralls squatting and standing in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Notes of names on the reverse.

Seven aircrew all wearing battledress and side caps standing in two rows in front of a barrack block. On the reverse 'Crew Binbrook, Back: Eddie Bell m/u gunner, Roy Chapman engineer, ken Sillcock w/o, Bob Marshall pilot. Front: Steve Williams bomb…

Twelve servicemen, three squatting and four standing on the ground. Five further are on a raised stand or ladder leading to front fuselage of a Lancaster. Notes with names on the reverse.

List of crew of E-Easy 460 Squadron Binbrook. Pilot - Bob Marshall - Australia, Wireless Operator Ken Silcock - Australia, Navigator Danny Phillips, Bomb Aimer - Steve Williams, Engineer - Roy Chapman. Mid upper gunner - Eddie Bell, Rear gunner -…

Seven airmen wearing battledress and side cap standing in two rows outside a barrack block. On the reverse 'Our crew Binbrook, back: Eddie Bell m/u gunner, Ray Chapman Engineer, Ken Sillcock w/o, Bob Marshall pilot. Front: Steve Williams bomb aimer,…

Flying log book for flight engineers for T Knox, covering the period from 30 January 1944 to 17 January 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war duties as a parachute instructor. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF…

A photograph of the seven crew lined up in front of their Lancaster. Each individual is named.
A second copy is also included with a slightly different text format.

The story of a Lancaster, NG358, LS-H. There are details of 12 operations during 1944/5. Dennis details the operations and his crew.

List of all crew in Herbert Adams crew. He was the navigator.

A document with the battle order for the squadron. It lists each aircraft and each crew member for operations that night. Annotated on it is 'Taken from the Sergeant's Mess kitchen copy which was used to mark off the "Egg and Bacon" meals. The…

The six airmen are sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - Mid upper
Self - Navigator
Fred Shepherd -Bomb-aimer (Note new brevet)
'Mac' MacFarlane - Skipper'
Nobby Clarke - Rear…

A detailed account of a 467 Squadron Lancaster crew's operation to the Dortmund-Ems canal on 1 January 1945. Crew captain was Flying Officer M G Bache and crew is listed. Book covers crew early training and operations before the subject date. There…

Six airmen, including Dennis, standing in a row in front of their Lancaster.
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