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  • Tags: pilot

He writes of his flying over Nottingham and activities at RAF Fiskerton.

He writes of his flying and colleagues from Cark.

He writes of meeting the ground crew and of a new aircraft coming to the Flight.

He writes of domestic details and the weather.

Harold Gorton writes about his wife's departure and a party she missed.

Leading Aircraftman Harold Gorton writes to his sister-in-law to be about arrangements for his wedding to Lilian Morgan.

A full length wedding portrait of Sergeant Harold Gorton and Lilian, née Morgan. He is wearing his uniform and she is dressed in white. She carries a large floral bouquet.

Head and shoulders portrait of Harold Gorton. On the reverse

'Portrait by
J. Dewhurst,
23 May 1942
Phone 193'.

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A side view cartoon of Harold Gorton. He is standing with his hands in his pockets. It is captioned 'Gort' and is signed 'Pat Rooney 1943'.

Andrew Carswell volunteered for the Royal Canadian Air Force in his native Toronto. He trained as a pilot and on arrival in the UK and completion of his further training he was posted to 9 Squadron. His first operation was to Berlin. On their final…

Patricia’s family lived in a 500 year old thatched cottage in Waddington. There was a bakery in the grounds, which had been started by her grandparents. Patricia’s father joined the Royal Flying Corp and one of her earliest memories was of him…

Catches up with family and talks of small financial details. Mention new crew consisting of Cockney, a Scotsman, a Northumberland man and a Yorkshireman.

Day by day diary recording events from his joining the Air Force in April 1941 up until 8 November 1942. Covers time at 1 Initial Training Wing and No 1 Elementary Flying School at Hatfield including interview with the British Broadcasting…

1 - Keith Dexter's grave with peaked cap. 2 - two images of Kieth Dexters grave with other headstones alongside. 3- View over cemetery with line of war graves in front and other graves surrounded by hedges and trees in the background. 4 - two images,…

Day by day diary covering events from November 1942 to June 1943. Describes flying at Little Rissington and illness over Christmas 1942 which delayed posting. Eventually posted in January 1943 to 30 Operational Training Unit. Describes events at…

Letter to Mrs Dexter stating that German authorities had confirmed the death of her son Flying Officer K I Dexter. Details of place of burial not available at present. Official date killed 17 June 1943. Note at top 'Letter not dated assumed post 4…

Personal data including dates of commissioning, promotion and death as well as postings and next of kin details.

Head and shoulders portrait of a Royal Air Force pilot in uniform.

Douglas Smith grew up in New Zealand and on leaving school he joined the Post Office. He joined the Air Force and he flew Tiger Moth, and Gypsy Moth aircraft at New Plymouth. On one of his flights there was a warning note in the cockpit not to do…

Partially completed flight engineers log for a flight in Lancaster Mk 1, RF140, PO-Y.

Side view of the front of a Halifax. On the nose a silhouette of a chorus girl with 'Expensive Babe'. Under the cockpit, four rows of 25 bomb symbols and one swastika. In front seven aircrew in flying suits and Mae Wests walking away from aircraft.…

Laurence Larmer with his aircrew wearing battledress and side caps standing in front of an aircraft. On the reverse four signatures.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Pilots wings with Guinness badge

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