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  • Tags: sport

Catches up on mail sent and received and notes several letters seem to be going astray. He states he writes a letter a fortnight as well as occasional postcards and he is sending this one by airmail. He had also sent a cable. They get news by local…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

Had not received any mail since he last wrote and it was nine days since he sent his last cable. Mentions the weather had become cooler and that he described his first boxing match which he lost on points. Mentions that he had lost a little weight…

The News Sheet of the Canadian Prisoner of War Relatives Association. This edition covers Victory in Europe, the death of President Roosevelt, the liberation of Canadian POWs, assembly centres for released POWs, the seizure of German POW records,…

News-sheet of the Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives Association. This edition covers the danger of rumours, editorial policy on letters, NCOs organise at Stalag IVB, Mrs Ian Campbell's work for POWs, Canadian Red Cross Prisoner of War shipments,…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Food Situation about food parcel delivery, Editors comments, Sport reports from the Camps, suggestions for parcel contents,…

The news-sheet covers the return of prisoners of war and issues that they will face, POW letters from the Far East, Prisoners and Parliament, Camp visits by the YMCA, Prison Camps as schools of Citizenships, Next-of-kin Parcels, International Red…

Was pleased to receive Easter greetings cable and that they had received more of his letters. Speculates on what they might be doing and mentions sunsets, nights and weather. Comments on visit by padre from Algiers a long and difficult journey by…

Annual prize giving at Salford Grammar. Homer Lawson was awarded a bronze medal for swimming.


Four photographs from a photo album.
Photo 1 is a group of boys and two masters. They are holding a board 'Salford Grammar School 1935-1936 Form 3A'. It is captioned 'Photograph by Stansfield Parker'.
Photo 2 is a group of boys and two masters.…


Photo 1 is a rugby team with Arthur Thomas' uncle rear row second from right.
Photo 2 is a fire engine, captioned 'in use in the Parish of Banwell 1610'.
Photo 3 is five men outside a tent. Two men are dressed as civilians and three are in army…


Photo 1 is a man in a suit rowing a boat, identified as Dick Osmond.
Photo 2 is a woman leaning on a boat, identified as Lena Hodge.
Photo 3 is a couple including Arthur Thomas.
Photo 4 and 5 are two different couples in two boats.
Photo 6 is a…


A cricket team with Arthur Thomas, sixth from left, back row. Each individual is named in the caption.


Photo 1 is a postcard of Carlisle Cathedral.
Photo 2 is a postcard of the entrance to Carlisle citadel from the south.
Photo 3 is a postcard of the Town Hall and Scotch Street.
Photo 4 is a postcard looking north down English Street.
Photo 5 is a…


A photograph of the Bomber Command cricket champions. The group includes Arthur Thomas. Each individual is named in the caption.

Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…

Wrote that she had note from censor that she could not send a parcel direct but only via Red Cross and could only contain soap. Mentions some parcels got through but according to post office it was just good luck. Philosophises about hope. Continues…

Formal group photo of an RAF football team in kit plus an airman in uniform.

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A group of eleven footballers in kit plus three officers and three civilians. At the front are three cups.

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The team is lined up and a civilian is shaking their hands, watched by an officer.


A football team plus four others, one of whom is wearing an RAF crest on his top.

A letter from Terry Ford to his family, where he writes about the accommodation in Stratford. He also lists some of the places he visited whilst in London – Tower of London, Tower bridge, Big Ben, Westminster abbey, the Mall and Buckingham Palace…
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