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  • Tags: target photograph

A target photograph of Duisburg. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground and there are several light trails in the centre of the photograph.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2809 MEP. 22/23.1.45//NT(C)8" 19,000' 112º 2009 DUISBERG [sic]. Z…

A target photograph of snow covered Koln-Gremberg. In the upper, right quadrant are some marshalling yards and the River Rhine, partially obscured by cloud. In the upper and lower left quadrants is a main railway line. At upper centre is an area of…

Target photograph of Dresden. No ground details are visible but the glare from fires on the ground are visible through the smoke. There are some bright spots and trails of light on the right. It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2914. MEP.…

Target photograph of Wesel. Some roads and railway tracks can be seen in the upper half while at the centre there are several plumes of smoke. The whole area is covered by thin cloud.
It is captioned: "2952 MEP. 16.2.45//7" 19,000' 112º 1600 WESEL.…

Target photograph of Osterfeld (Oberhausen-Sterkrade). Roads and buildings are visible as are the Rhine-Herne Canal and railway running from centre left to upper right. Smoke can be seen in the lower left quadrant of the image and there is some glare…

Describes attack by 236 Lancaster of 5 Group on port facilities and two aircraft to attack two pocket battleships anchored off the port. Gives a detailed description of attack on ship which was hit with three of their ten bombs.

An extremely detailed account of the No 51 Squadron briefing for the operation to Essen on 28/29 November 1944 by Henry. It includes all the specialist officers as well as the Station Commander's brief. It also includes Henry's crew, Station and…

Account of problems of accurate bombing, introduction of pathfinders and use of marker flares. Relates use of cameras and photo-flash to obtain aiming point pictures. Goes on to talk on the introduction of colour film by attaching pieces colour film…

Operation 33. Three Navigation log sheets recording the routes and observations. A plotting map showing the routes out to Dusseldorf and back.
A target photograph in which everything is obscured, mainly by illuminated smoke or cloud. Caption for…

Operation 31 for the crew. Three sheets of a Navigation Log showing the route to be taken to and from the target and the Observations made along the way. Part of a Plotting Map showing the route to and from Domburg on Walcheren Island. On the reverse…

Operation 28 for the crew. Two navigation sheets with only the Observations on route recorded. Part of a plotting map showing the route to and from Bochum.
A target photograph in which the ground is almost completely obscured by smoke or cloud. It…

Operation 26 for the crew. Three navigation log sheets showing the route to be taken and the observations made throughout the operation. The plotting map shows the coasts of England and Holland and the route to Sterkrade.
The target photograph…

Operation 24 for the crew. Three navigation log sheets showing the route to be flown and the observations taken. A plotting map showing the route to the target. A target photograph in which a large area of bright light obscures everything on the…

The three navigation sheets give details of the planned routes out and back as well as observations and events during the operation. The map plots the routes to be flown.
Note from the Navigation Officer 'Satisfactory. Why not use 40[degree] method…

Information for two operations. The first has navigation logs and a plotting map for the operation to Le Havre on the 11th September, this is the crews 21st operation. The second has navigation logs, a plotting map and a target photograph for an…

This is the crews 12th operation, three navigation log sheets and part of a plotting map. Target photograph showing fields and rural settlements. Captioned '2005 DRF. 15-8-44//8" 15000-090.1203.Eindhoven A/F. U.9x1000. 4x500.C.32secs.F/O…

This is the crews eighth operation, three navigation log sheets, part of a plotting map and a target photograph. The photograph has a group of flares in the centre, some bomb explosions are visible. Caption of the target map '329…

This is the crews sixth operation, three plotting sheets, part of a plotting map, a sheet of paper with his air miles calculations and a target photograph.
The photograph shows a rural area, an area of forest top left third of the photograph. A…

This is the crews fourth operation, two navigation log sheets, part of a plotting map and a target photograph.
The photograph is mainly obscured by flares, rural area some bomb explosions visible. The caption for the target photograph '1975 DRF.…

This is the crews second operation, two navigation log sheets, part of a plotting map and a target photograph.
The target photograph shows a railway marshalling yard running top to bottom, bomb explosions, smoke and craters visible. Caption for the…

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Siegen. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph.

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Wuppertal, Vohwinkel marshalling yards. A vertical aerial photograph taken during the attack is included and has the annotation '200 yds 280°' and on the reverse '200 yds 280° Bomb door mod…
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