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Personal flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling. Covers the period 8 August 1956 to 17 November 1963 during which time Bob was a civilian pilot with Hunting Aero Survey.

Hamish Mahaddie was selected during a tour of operations to become the recruiter for the Pathfinders working closely with Don Bennett. He discusses the changing technology of aircraft during the war years. He personally flew the Whitleys, Stirlings,…

Conversation recorded for the Nanton Lancaster Society.
Hamish Mahaddie, the recruiter for the Pathfinder Force recalls the life of Ian Willoughby Bazalgette VC who plagued him weekly for the opportunity to join the Pathfinders. He had been posted…

Speech made by Ken Brown at the Bomber Command Museum.
Ken Brown, a Canadian pilot was serving with 44 Squadron when he was told he was being transferred to 617 Squadron at RAF Scampton. He undertook his training with the squadron in preparation…

Top, left and right squadron leader epaulettes. Middle, left, pilot's brevet; right, metal badge with crown, wreath and RAF with pin. Bottom. from left, Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45…

Left page: top left, abstract from sailing log.
Top right a fjord.
Centre right, mountains and a river.
Bottom left, a ship, the Lamport and Holt lines TSS Vandyck. It is annotated '938 to Norway'.
Bottom right, a drawing of the Church of St…

Left page top and right page; best wishes from friends on the marriage of Pilot Officer Bob Keeling to Ursula Hartley.
Left page: bottom left, Bob in uniform with a woman in civilian clothes annotated 'Christmas 1940'.
Bottom right, a woman and a…

Seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers. Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

Upper photograph: seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers . Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

Dick wearing an oxygen mask in the pilot's seat of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Me during fighter affiliation exercises Palestine '46'.

Left page: from top, descriptions of the Magister, Anson and Whitley aircraft, annotated 'RAF aircraft in which Bob did his training'.
Whitley aircraft, B-DY, C-DY and E-DY, flying in formation; bottom, crashed Whitley MH-H, annotated 'Usworth 17 11…

Left page: top two girls, annotated 'Hilly (6) Fiona (7)'.
Bottom; six children sat in a cart.
Right page: top, a group of seven men standing alongside an aircraft with a man standing in its open doorway, annotated 'Bob was engaged in charter…

Left page: top left, a report of a gorse fire on Harpenden Common. Centre, seagull in flight, annotated 'original photograph taken by Bob'.Top right, weather report; middle, attendees at a police dance, annotated 'Geoff Shaw was in the same squadron…

Left page: a view of central London including the Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the royal yacht Britannia, annotated 'All photographs taken from the air and Bob as pilot'. Right page: top, Berkhamsted.Bottom, Park View Road, Berkhamsted.

Left page: top, an aircraft with 'Hunting Aerospace Surveys Ltd' on the fuselage, annotated, 'Bob pilot'.
Bottom, left head and shoulder portrait of a boy, annotated 'Nov 1963''.
Bottom right, portrait of a girl with toys, annotated 'Hilly'.…

Left page: top, notice of the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Pilot Officer R.V.Keeling.
Middle and bottom, congratulations to Bob on his award.
Right page; top, title of the Vauxhall Mirror.
Middle, report of Bob's operational career…

Annotated, 'Showing ops by Bob and his crew 1940-41'.

Left page: top left and right, damage to the undercarriage of an aircraft. Middle right, aerial view of aircraft on the ground.
Bottom left and right, aerial views of an airfield, annotated '4 pages to do with Bob's work as test pilot Armaments…

Left page: top, pilot with thumb's up, annotated 'Delivering the first De Havilland Dove to Hunting Air Travel. Bob in cockpit'. Bottom, 14 members of the cast of the film This Dangerous Age arranged on the steps of a Hunting Air Travel aircraft.…

Left page: top, invitation to cocktails; bottom, lifeboat alongside HMS Universal submarine with P57 on its turret. Right page, top, report of the US steamer Luray Victory, annotated 'Bob was pilot when these photographs were taken; below, report of…

Left page: top Winston Churchill's coffin under guard; bottom, funeral possession with the coffin being pulled by Royal Navy sailors through people lined streets, annotated, 'Winston Churchill's funeral 1965'. Right page, top four men in white tie…

Head and shoulders photograph of Benjamin Ramsden in uniform with pilot's brevet. It is taken outdoors with trees in the background

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RAF Form 543 recording DJH Maltby's service record.
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