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  • Tags: pilot

A montage featuring a photograph of Frederick, his medals and ribbons, letter from the King, his crew, letter from his group Air Vice Marshal and a note with his crew names and a comment that they were shot down over Cologne.

Seven airmen at the nose of their Lancaster. On the nose is 'Green Goddess' and a cartoon woman. On the reverse is a post it with 'F Davy 3rd from Right'.

Frederick at the controls of an Oxford. On the reverse is a post it with 'Frederick Davy'

Head and shoulders portrait of a pilot in uniform.

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Group photograph, head and shoulders, two pilots, three observers, two air gunners, brevets not visible on others.

Alain Harvey on left and W R Fairey on the right, airfield as background.

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A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

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From information kindly supplied by the donor, Raymond is backrow on the left.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Head and shoulders portrait of Raymond Harris with pilots brevet and DFC ribbon.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Left to right on the first photograph, Jack Harris, Royal Marine Commando, Eldon Harris, Royal Navy, Raymond Harris RAF.

A group of 17th/21st Lancers, Edwin Harris front row left seated, tank commander.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

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Recollections of John's service career, by his son Clive, including a letter from 44 Squadron Association. It describes John taking fellow RAF volunteers' compulsary swimming tests in their stead and his initial training in Rhodesia. He flew in…

No year is recorded only the month and day from 24 January until 6 August for a total of 29.05 all on Tiger Moth.

Eight uniformed men standing in a row, three with peaked caps and five with peak caps. They are standing in front of a car with the partially covered registration plate, ending V866. Behind the group is a Nissen hut with five metal chimneys arranged…

First entry 1951-12-01, last entry 1952-10-11, for about 10 hours.

A list of names with five numbers underneath. Handwritten above is a single letter.
Below is a list of heights of each of the five lines of aircraft.

Pilot’s flying log book for Flight Sergeant Herbert Ashton Clark from 8 March 1937 to 20 August 1956. Detailing operational posting in Iraq with 70 Squadron. On return to England further training with 215 Squadron. Conversion to the Wellington at…

Pilot’s flying log book for Flight Sergeant Herbert Ashton Clark from 7 November 1934 to 26 February 1937. Detailing flying training as a pilot at No 2 Flying Training School and then operational posting to Iraq. Served at RAF Digby, RAF Andover,…

A studio portrait of four airmen. Bottom left is identified as Matt O'Leary.
Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

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Seven WAAFs and a pilot. On the reverse 'Ruby Mildred Gwen, Joyce Georgie, Audrey, F/O Johns, Nora (James Nana)'.

#1 is five WAAFs in great coats. Behind is a sign saying 'Whitehall'.
#2 is the same photograph but the individuals are named 'Florence Dorothy Audrey Lil Elsie'.
#3 is seven WAAFs and one airman arranged in two rows.
#4 is seven WAAFs and a…
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