Browse Items (69 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-06"

He is not flying because his pilot is ill. He writes about getting tyres for his car and playing in cricket match.

His next leave is sorted, when they intend to get married. He is trying to book accommodation at Lynton and hotels enroute.

He replies to Jean's latest letter with domestic comments. He says he has no news.

He thanks Jean for her letter and cake. He has booked their honeymoon hotel in Bideford since Lynton was not available. He has just enough petrol saved up and rationed. Jack is coming back so they can resume flying.

He writes that he has been flying to test German radar. He talks about their wedding plans, folk dropping out of the wedding and presents.

Three page letter envelope from John Brittain to his mother. He mentions the bad weather and that he might sell his car. He tells her of the devastation that he has seen while flying over Germany.

Letter in reply to Mrs Hobbs regarding the inadequacy of her weekly pension payment. Handwritten annotation that letter has been passed to Minister of Pensions.

Concerns crew captained by Flying Officer A Robertson RCAF including Flight Sergeant Jack Bromfield as wireless operation. Lists crew. Gives account of their 12th operation to Hanover where their Halifax was attacked and shot down by a Ju 88 flown by…

Top middle - view down street with buildings either side.
Top right - view down street with buildings either side.
Both captioned 'Münster June 1945'.
Bottom left - view across street with tram of large multi-storey building (Royal…

From information provided by the donor. Panoramic landscape photograph (stitched together from multiple images) of 153 Squadron at Scampton, dated 06/1945, PD Baxter is Front row, 14th from the left. Spreadsheet (on three tabs) identifying some of…

Covers officers' rates, joining certificates, methods of payment, advances, officers' outfits, officers' allowances, single officer, qualified married officer, unqualified married officer, married officer, allowances individually, when claimed,…

Covers introduction, responsibilities of a commander, structure of a headquarters staff, the policy staff, control of a branch, coordination of staff work, organisation of the air branch, the plans section, the operations section, the intelligence…

Policy for good conduct badges including airmen with clean sheet, service entries, V.G time, procedure for awards and miscellaneous points.

Covers aim, planned flying, method of planning, planned servicing, example. establishment, the pool, measurement of efficiency, the most economical gang, centralised servicing, training - servicing wing organisation, strategic 'S' wing organisation…

Covers introduction, mobile squadrons, responsibility, control, personnel, efficiency and the days work.

Covers introduction, dual aspect, stations of two main types, station structure, specialised services, non-operational stations, control of stations in operational commands, bomber, fighter command, 2nd T.A.F., coastal, amendments and questions.

Covers introduction and selection of serving airmen. Followed by section on promotion of aircrew including cases for normal, special, pathfinding and captain of aircraft. Then section on commissioning of aircrew with sections on general principles,…

Covers introduction, channels of advancement, trades in the RAF, preliminary action, further action, disposal of Forms 167 and exceptions. Followed by reclassification which covers aim, skilled trades, unskilled trades, methods, promotion from…

Covers introduction, definition, reporting of casualty, notification of next of kin, funerals, coroner's inquest, burial in the field and dispersal of effects. Followed by two appendixes, one with details of actions by effects officer. and the other…

Covers objects, types of enquiry or investigation, courts of inquiry composition, order for assembly and terms of reference, attendance of witnesses. evidence, procedure, recording of evidence, action when character of person involved, findings,…

Covers the principal aim of discussion groups, summary of aims, advantages over other methods, organisation and hints on techniques of running/guiding/leading, discussion groups, Followed by page of questions.

Covers purpose, Forms 28, filling in Forms 28, hastening of documents using a set A, check by C.O, Forms 1580 airman's/airwomen's record sheet, character and trade assessments, examples, assessments when made, authority for postings, points to watch…

first document covers responsibility and control, identification of stores, classification of stores, categorisation of stores, forms to use, accounting and questions. Second document covers passing of forms, loss of equipment. casual and local…

Covers description and participants, field disinfectors, field incinerators, Urine disposal pits, disposal of latrine bucket contents, shallow trench latrines, trough urinal an sump, bucket latrines, deep trench latrines, ablution bench and sump,…

Covers accidents rates past/present, causes and percentage rates, prevention - approach to problem, interviewing new crews, improvements of flying discipline, engine handling, carelessness, general training, reporting of flying accidents followed by…
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