Officers advanced school - planned flying and servicing
Officers advanced school - planned flying and servicing
Covers aim, planned flying, method of planning, planned servicing, example. establishment, the pool, measurement of efficiency, the most economical gang, centralised servicing, training - servicing wing organisation, strategic 'S' wing organisation and tactical 'S' wing organisation.
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Six page typewritten document
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[underlined] Aim [/underlined]
1. To produce the maximum flying effort either operational or training, with the most economical use of available aircraft and manpower; i.e. maximum flying hours per aircraft and maximum flying hours per servicing man.
[underlined] Planned Flying [/underlined]
2. The extent to which flying can be planned depends on the type of unit concerned, i.e. its flying commitment and the extent to which that commitment can be forecast. Broadly speaking there are two main types:-
(a) [underlined] Routine Task – [/underlined] Training Units where the flying task can be accurately forecast.
(b) [underlined] Non-Routine Task [/underlined] – Operational Unit where it is difficult to forecast accurately the flying task.
3. Units with a non-routine task can be sub-divided into two classes:-
(a) VARIABLE OPPORTUNITY – e.g. Coastal Command carrying out routine anti-submarine patrols.
(b) FLEETING OPPORTUNITY – e.g. Fighter or bomber squadrons.
[underlined] Methods of Planning [/underlined]
4. The method of planning varies with the type of unit, but the basis of all flying planning is an “Analysis of Flying Opportunity”. This is to determine what factors are likely to affect the amount and intensity of flying, e.g.:-
(a) Weather
(b) Operational Aids
(c) Habits of the enemy
(d) Type of operation to be carried out, i.e. bombing, defence etc.
5. The “SCALE OF EFFORT”, i.e. the flying task is arrived at from the analysis of the flying opportunity and shows the amount, regularity and intensity of flying, together with the training requirements.
[underlined] Planned Servicing [/underlined]
6. Planned servicing is the means of assessing the amount of manpower and the number of aircraft to fulfil a given scale of effort and of organising servicing facilities to ensure that a given ground crew establishment can consistently produce a given scale of effort.
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[underlined] Example [/underlined]
7. Flying Training Command provides a nearly perfect example of planned flying. Experts with experience in training can assess the flying capacity of an airfield and give it a “Maximum in use aircraft figure” (M.I.U.A.F.). This indicates the maximum number of aircraft that can operate at the same time from that airfield.
(a) Suppose the M.I.U.A.F. is 20.
8. Suppose that a ten hour flying period is allowed per day.
(a) The daily flying capacity for the airfield in question is:- 10 x 20 = 200 hours.
9. 28 days per month are available for flying. Bad weather is allowed for by a weather factor which, taken over the whole of the flying year for the whole of England, is .7, i.e. 70 percent days fit for flying.
(a) The average number of days fit for flying each month is 28 x .7 = 20.
(b) The monthly flying capacity of the airfield is 20 x 200 = 4000 hours.
10. Flying Training Command can now issue a “Unit Task Chart” which lays down both a flying and servicing task, which is worked out from:-
(a) Pupil population
(b) Hours required per pupil
(c) Length of course.
11. [underlined] Establishment [/underlined] The Task Chart is the basis on which the establishment of aircraft and servicing personnel is based.
12. Assume the monthly task to be 4000 hours for a unit with 4 flights:-
(a) The monthly task per flight is 1000 hours.
(b) The daily task per flight is 1000/20 = 50 hours
13. During a daily flying period of ten hours, each flight will require to fly 5 aircraft continuously in order to complete its task of 50 hours. However, experience has shown that on training units each machine spends about three hours in every ten on the ground, taxying and refuelling, which means that with an establishment of five the maximum flying per day would only be 35 hours. A reserve of two aircraft will be allowed to take the place of those grounded, these two being known as the “backers up”. Thus:-
(a) Establishment for a flight with a task of 50 hours will be:-
5 (in use) + 2 (backers up)
or (b) A total unit establishment of:-
20 (net in use) + 8 (backers up) = 28 gross in use a/c.
14. In order to produce 28 serviceable machines every day, which is the servicing task, the Unit Task Chart allows for:-
(a) A percentage of aircraft u/s on inspection
(b) A number of aircraft u/s awaiting spares
(c) A number of aircraft u/s because of faults common to that particular type.
(d) A reserve of aircraft in a pool.
[underlined] The Pool [/underlined]
15. The aim of planned servicing is to avoid wastage of manpower by keeping all servicing personnel fully employed the whole time. The ‘pool’ is used for this purpose.
16. (a) This reserve of aircraft will normally consist of about 50 percent serviceable machines, which are surplus to the number of “gross-in-use” aircraft required by the flights, and about 50 percent unserviceable aircraft coming from the flights and waiting to be worked on.
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16. (Contd..)
(b) In bad weather, when there is no flying, the supply of machines due for inspection falls off and maintenance personnel would be left with no work. The 50 percent unserviceable aircraft in the pool provides work for ground personnel during periods when there is little or no flying.
(c) After a prolonged period of bad weather, the flying programme will be behind schedule and the daily task will need to be stepped up. The increased serviceability in the pool will allow for an increase in daily flying times.
[underlined] Measurement of efficiency [/underlined]
17.In order to obtain maximum benefit from this planning, the establishment of aircraft and personnel is constantly checked by finding out the ‘cost’ of flying per month expressed as:-
(a) Flying hours achieved per servicing man.
(b) Flying hours achieved per aircraft.
18. Therefore if, for example, a unit’s returns show that its scale of effort is being maintained but the flying hours per aircraft are high and per man are low, this would point to an over-establishment in manpower.
[underlined] SERVICING ORGANISATION [/underlined]
19. Having established a unit with sufficient personnel and aircraft for a set flying task, the next step is to ensure that the servicing organisation does not allow for a wastage of either.
[underlined] The most economical gang [/underlined]
20. Operational research has shown that the less time a job is “on the floor” the less man hours will be required for that job, thus a minor inspection with say 15 men employed on it and turned out in one day, will require say 120 man hours, whereas the same inspection, if tackled by 5 men and turned out, therefore in say 1 week will require 160 man hours. Concentration on one job thus economises in man hours.
[underlined] Centralised Servicing [/underlined]
21. Centralised servicing has put the control of all servicing facilities into the hands of an Engineer Officer whose organisation consists of a servicing wing. The servicing wing has, in addition, to allow for the mobility and flexibility of requirements of operational units and to this end there are variations on the same theme.
22. Each Servicing Wing comprises a Headquarters, a Daily Servicing Squadron and a Repair and Inspection Squadron. The exact scape [sic] of the work undertaken by each squadron will vary considerably.
23. There are three different set-ups designed for three types of flying units:-
(a) Training
(b) Strategical
(c) Tactical
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[underlined] Training – Servicing Wing Organisation [/underlined]
24. (a) Servicing Wing Headquarters
(b) Repair and Inspection Squadron with headquarters and sections.
(c) Daily Servicing Squadron with headquarters and sections.
(d) Station Workshops
(e) Specialist Sections, i.e. Signals – Safety Equipment.
25. Main features are:-
(a) Fully centralised system on station strength.
(b) R. & I. squadron – C.O. responsible to O.C. Servicing Wing.
(c) Squadron duties (i) Major inspection
(ii) Unit repairs
(iii) Engine changes.
26. Daily servicing squadron – C.O. responsible to O.C. Servicing Wing.
Squadron duties (a) Daily and between flight inspections.
(b) Refuelling and general handling of aircraft in the flights.
(c) Minor inspections
(d) Rectification of petty unserviceability.
27. The Officer i/c Daily Servicing Squadron is responsible for the maintenance of an inspection stagger chart, and for the daily issue to the flights of the ‘gross in use’ aircraft.
[underlined] Strategical ‘S’ Wing Organisation [/underlined]
28. (a) Servicing Wing Headquarters, R. & I. Squadron Headquarters and Daily Servicing Squadron Headquarters established on station strength.
(b) Daily Servicing personnel established on squadron strength but work co-ordinated by Officer i/c D.S. Squadron.
(c) Repair and inspection personnel drawn from independently established R. & I. Echelons.
(d) One echelon to service one squadron.
(e) R. & I. Sections unit to form an R. & I. squadron under an officer i/c and are then directly under the control of O.C. Servicing Wing.
29. Main features are:-
(a) Semi-mobile and semi-flexible.
(b) Flying squadrons established with personnel sufficient for servicing, and the C.O. retains full administrative control.
(c) Officer i/c ‘S’ Wing has control of all servicing men during working hours.
(d) Duties of R. & I. Squadron and D. S. Squadron are the same as in the training organisation.
[underlined] Tactical ‘S’ Wing Organisation [/underlined]
30. (a) Officer i/c Servicing Wing plus headquarters, specialist officer, i.e. signals, armament; Daily Servicing Squadron Headquarters and Repair and Inspection Squadron Headquarters are all on Wing strength.
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30. (Contd…)
(b) Maintenance personnel drawn from servicing echelons which are independently established at the rate of one per flying squadron.
(c) Echelons consist of two sections, R. & I. and D.S. When more than one echelon on an airfield, R. & I. sections unite under an Officer i/c and form Repair and Inspection Squadron.
(d) Daily Servicing sections unite to form a Daily Servicing Squadron.
(e) Continuity N.C.O. on squadron strength is responsible for aircraft log books when the squadron moves. He joins the D.S. Squadron on new airfield. Up to 30 personnel also established on squadron strength, where necessary to service special equipment.
31. Main features are:-
(a) Fully centralised and fully mobile.
(b) Absolves the squadron commander of any responsibility for ground personnel.
(c) Officers i/c echelons maintain close liaison with squadron commanders and officer i/c ‘S’ Wing.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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To what type of unit is Planned Flying applicable?
Explain how the daily target figure is calculated.
How is the weather factor taken into account?
Why is it more economical to attain the daily target with a few aircraft operated continuously rather than a larger number used at random?
What is the effect of bad weather on servicing?
Discuss the effect of anticipating inspections.
What are the advantages of repairs and major inspections being carried out centrally?
Explain the main difference between the aim of servicing in an Operational Unit and that in a Training Unit.
Explain the reasons for the transfer of the administrative control of technical ground staff from the flights to the C.T.O.
Do you consider that the new system would be suitable for use under peace conditions?.
[underlined] Aim [/underlined]
1. To produce the maximum flying effort either operational or training, with the most economical use of available aircraft and manpower; i.e. maximum flying hours per aircraft and maximum flying hours per servicing man.
[underlined] Planned Flying [/underlined]
2. The extent to which flying can be planned depends on the type of unit concerned, i.e. its flying commitment and the extent to which that commitment can be forecast. Broadly speaking there are two main types:-
(a) [underlined] Routine Task – [/underlined] Training Units where the flying task can be accurately forecast.
(b) [underlined] Non-Routine Task [/underlined] – Operational Unit where it is difficult to forecast accurately the flying task.
3. Units with a non-routine task can be sub-divided into two classes:-
(a) VARIABLE OPPORTUNITY – e.g. Coastal Command carrying out routine anti-submarine patrols.
(b) FLEETING OPPORTUNITY – e.g. Fighter or bomber squadrons.
[underlined] Methods of Planning [/underlined]
4. The method of planning varies with the type of unit, but the basis of all flying planning is an “Analysis of Flying Opportunity”. This is to determine what factors are likely to affect the amount and intensity of flying, e.g.:-
(a) Weather
(b) Operational Aids
(c) Habits of the enemy
(d) Type of operation to be carried out, i.e. bombing, defence etc.
5. The “SCALE OF EFFORT”, i.e. the flying task is arrived at from the analysis of the flying opportunity and shows the amount, regularity and intensity of flying, together with the training requirements.
[underlined] Planned Servicing [/underlined]
6. Planned servicing is the means of assessing the amount of manpower and the number of aircraft to fulfil a given scale of effort and of organising servicing facilities to ensure that a given ground crew establishment can consistently produce a given scale of effort.
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[underlined] Example [/underlined]
7. Flying Training Command provides a nearly perfect example of planned flying. Experts with experience in training can assess the flying capacity of an airfield and give it a “Maximum in use aircraft figure” (M.I.U.A.F.). This indicates the maximum number of aircraft that can operate at the same time from that airfield.
(a) Suppose the M.I.U.A.F. is 20.
8. Suppose that a ten hour flying period is allowed per day.
(a) The daily flying capacity for the airfield in question is:- 10 x 20 = 200 hours.
9. 28 days per month are available for flying. Bad weather is allowed for by a weather factor which, taken over the whole of the flying year for the whole of England, is .7, i.e. 70 percent days fit for flying.
(a) The average number of days fit for flying each month is 28 x .7 = 20.
(b) The monthly flying capacity of the airfield is 20 x 200 = 4000 hours.
10. Flying Training Command can now issue a “Unit Task Chart” which lays down both a flying and servicing task, which is worked out from:-
(a) Pupil population
(b) Hours required per pupil
(c) Length of course.
11. [underlined] Establishment [/underlined] The Task Chart is the basis on which the establishment of aircraft and servicing personnel is based.
12. Assume the monthly task to be 4000 hours for a unit with 4 flights:-
(a) The monthly task per flight is 1000 hours.
(b) The daily task per flight is 1000/20 = 50 hours
13. During a daily flying period of ten hours, each flight will require to fly 5 aircraft continuously in order to complete its task of 50 hours. However, experience has shown that on training units each machine spends about three hours in every ten on the ground, taxying and refuelling, which means that with an establishment of five the maximum flying per day would only be 35 hours. A reserve of two aircraft will be allowed to take the place of those grounded, these two being known as the “backers up”. Thus:-
(a) Establishment for a flight with a task of 50 hours will be:-
5 (in use) + 2 (backers up)
or (b) A total unit establishment of:-
20 (net in use) + 8 (backers up) = 28 gross in use a/c.
14. In order to produce 28 serviceable machines every day, which is the servicing task, the Unit Task Chart allows for:-
(a) A percentage of aircraft u/s on inspection
(b) A number of aircraft u/s awaiting spares
(c) A number of aircraft u/s because of faults common to that particular type.
(d) A reserve of aircraft in a pool.
[underlined] The Pool [/underlined]
15. The aim of planned servicing is to avoid wastage of manpower by keeping all servicing personnel fully employed the whole time. The ‘pool’ is used for this purpose.
16. (a) This reserve of aircraft will normally consist of about 50 percent serviceable machines, which are surplus to the number of “gross-in-use” aircraft required by the flights, and about 50 percent unserviceable aircraft coming from the flights and waiting to be worked on.
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16. (Contd..)
(b) In bad weather, when there is no flying, the supply of machines due for inspection falls off and maintenance personnel would be left with no work. The 50 percent unserviceable aircraft in the pool provides work for ground personnel during periods when there is little or no flying.
(c) After a prolonged period of bad weather, the flying programme will be behind schedule and the daily task will need to be stepped up. The increased serviceability in the pool will allow for an increase in daily flying times.
[underlined] Measurement of efficiency [/underlined]
17.In order to obtain maximum benefit from this planning, the establishment of aircraft and personnel is constantly checked by finding out the ‘cost’ of flying per month expressed as:-
(a) Flying hours achieved per servicing man.
(b) Flying hours achieved per aircraft.
18. Therefore if, for example, a unit’s returns show that its scale of effort is being maintained but the flying hours per aircraft are high and per man are low, this would point to an over-establishment in manpower.
[underlined] SERVICING ORGANISATION [/underlined]
19. Having established a unit with sufficient personnel and aircraft for a set flying task, the next step is to ensure that the servicing organisation does not allow for a wastage of either.
[underlined] The most economical gang [/underlined]
20. Operational research has shown that the less time a job is “on the floor” the less man hours will be required for that job, thus a minor inspection with say 15 men employed on it and turned out in one day, will require say 120 man hours, whereas the same inspection, if tackled by 5 men and turned out, therefore in say 1 week will require 160 man hours. Concentration on one job thus economises in man hours.
[underlined] Centralised Servicing [/underlined]
21. Centralised servicing has put the control of all servicing facilities into the hands of an Engineer Officer whose organisation consists of a servicing wing. The servicing wing has, in addition, to allow for the mobility and flexibility of requirements of operational units and to this end there are variations on the same theme.
22. Each Servicing Wing comprises a Headquarters, a Daily Servicing Squadron and a Repair and Inspection Squadron. The exact scape [sic] of the work undertaken by each squadron will vary considerably.
23. There are three different set-ups designed for three types of flying units:-
(a) Training
(b) Strategical
(c) Tactical
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[underlined] Training – Servicing Wing Organisation [/underlined]
24. (a) Servicing Wing Headquarters
(b) Repair and Inspection Squadron with headquarters and sections.
(c) Daily Servicing Squadron with headquarters and sections.
(d) Station Workshops
(e) Specialist Sections, i.e. Signals – Safety Equipment.
25. Main features are:-
(a) Fully centralised system on station strength.
(b) R. & I. squadron – C.O. responsible to O.C. Servicing Wing.
(c) Squadron duties (i) Major inspection
(ii) Unit repairs
(iii) Engine changes.
26. Daily servicing squadron – C.O. responsible to O.C. Servicing Wing.
Squadron duties (a) Daily and between flight inspections.
(b) Refuelling and general handling of aircraft in the flights.
(c) Minor inspections
(d) Rectification of petty unserviceability.
27. The Officer i/c Daily Servicing Squadron is responsible for the maintenance of an inspection stagger chart, and for the daily issue to the flights of the ‘gross in use’ aircraft.
[underlined] Strategical ‘S’ Wing Organisation [/underlined]
28. (a) Servicing Wing Headquarters, R. & I. Squadron Headquarters and Daily Servicing Squadron Headquarters established on station strength.
(b) Daily Servicing personnel established on squadron strength but work co-ordinated by Officer i/c D.S. Squadron.
(c) Repair and inspection personnel drawn from independently established R. & I. Echelons.
(d) One echelon to service one squadron.
(e) R. & I. Sections unit to form an R. & I. squadron under an officer i/c and are then directly under the control of O.C. Servicing Wing.
29. Main features are:-
(a) Semi-mobile and semi-flexible.
(b) Flying squadrons established with personnel sufficient for servicing, and the C.O. retains full administrative control.
(c) Officer i/c ‘S’ Wing has control of all servicing men during working hours.
(d) Duties of R. & I. Squadron and D. S. Squadron are the same as in the training organisation.
[underlined] Tactical ‘S’ Wing Organisation [/underlined]
30. (a) Officer i/c Servicing Wing plus headquarters, specialist officer, i.e. signals, armament; Daily Servicing Squadron Headquarters and Repair and Inspection Squadron Headquarters are all on Wing strength.
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30. (Contd…)
(b) Maintenance personnel drawn from servicing echelons which are independently established at the rate of one per flying squadron.
(c) Echelons consist of two sections, R. & I. and D.S. When more than one echelon on an airfield, R. & I. sections unite under an Officer i/c and form Repair and Inspection Squadron.
(d) Daily Servicing sections unite to form a Daily Servicing Squadron.
(e) Continuity N.C.O. on squadron strength is responsible for aircraft log books when the squadron moves. He joins the D.S. Squadron on new airfield. Up to 30 personnel also established on squadron strength, where necessary to service special equipment.
31. Main features are:-
(a) Fully centralised and fully mobile.
(b) Absolves the squadron commander of any responsibility for ground personnel.
(c) Officers i/c echelons maintain close liaison with squadron commanders and officer i/c ‘S’ Wing.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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To what type of unit is Planned Flying applicable?
Explain how the daily target figure is calculated.
How is the weather factor taken into account?
Why is it more economical to attain the daily target with a few aircraft operated continuously rather than a larger number used at random?
What is the effect of bad weather on servicing?
Discuss the effect of anticipating inspections.
What are the advantages of repairs and major inspections being carried out centrally?
Explain the main difference between the aim of servicing in an Operational Unit and that in a Training Unit.
Explain the reasons for the transfer of the administrative control of technical ground staff from the flights to the C.T.O.
Do you consider that the new system would be suitable for use under peace conditions?.
“Officers advanced school - planned flying and servicing,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 13, 2025,
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