Officers advanced training school - careers of airmen (tradesman)
Officers advanced training school - careers of airmen (tradesman)
Covers introduction, channels of advancement, trades in the RAF, preliminary action, further action, disposal of Forms 167 and exceptions. Followed by reclassification which covers aim, skilled trades, unskilled trades, methods, promotion from central rosters, special recommendations to F.S and W.O., promotion by C.O or group, exceptions, appointment to acting rank, types of commission, eligibility, forms and certificates, submission and initial training rank and pay followed by questions.
Temporal Coverage
Six page typewritten document
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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School Jun 1945]
Reference: A.P. 837 Section 43
[underlined] Introduction [/underlined]
1. Important for Commanders to understand channels of advancement open to airmen in order that:-
(a) Maximum use is made of all available skill including civilian experience
(b) Airmen in less highly skilled trades are encouraged to become more skilled
(c) Commanders can deal competently with interviews.
[underlined] Channels of Advancement [/underlined]
2. (a) Remustering – change of trade
(b) Reclassification – movement upwards ([underlined] or downwards [/underlined]) between A.C.2 and L.A.C.
(c) Promotion – rise in rank, substantive or temporary
(d) Appointment – to acting rank
(e) Commissioning.
[underlined] REMUSTERING [/underlined]
[underlined] Trades in the R.A.F. [/underlined]
3. These are divided into Groups I to V (descending approximately in order of technical skill and rates of pay), and Group M.
4. Airmen fall into two classes for remustering
(a) Already skilled (i.e. civilian experience)
(b) Limited or no knowledge of new trade
[underlined] Preliminary action in both cases [/underlined]
5. (a) Ensure from latest monthly Record Office Memoranda that trade is open
(b) Consult A.P. 1112 Trade Test Manual for qualifications required and medical standards
(c) Airman should be interviewed by Education Officer, and Medical Officer
(d) Specialist Officer interviews and advises C.O.
(e) C.O. interviews.
[underlined] Further Action [/underlined]
6. (a) [underlined] Already Skilled [/underlined]
(i) Names to Group periodically, accompanied by F.167 (Trade Test Card) in triplicate
(ii) Quarterly Group Trade Test Board assembled on date decided by Central Trade Test Board
(iii) C.O. should promulgate result of exam but must wait [underlined] for Record Office to authorise remustering and date [/underlined].
(b) [underlined] Limited Skill – Training required [/underlined]
(i) Recommendation to Record Office on proforma, the form of which is given in the R.O.M. mentioned in para. 5 (a) above
(ii) Record Office reply on lower half of proforma
(iii) If approved airman should be remustered u/t (e.g. ACH. u/t Arm) and employed in appropriate section pending posting to Technical Training School.
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(iv) Record Office post to training centre. Airmen at end of course are examined, remustered, and reclassified by training establishment.
N.B. By posting the intake Record Office still have control over the remustering.
[underlined] Disposal of Fs.167 [/underlined]:-
7. 1 copy Record Office
1 copy Unit
Card copy retained by examining board.
[underlined] Exceptions [/underlined]
8. Para. 5 covers the majority of cases. For remustering of following airmen see referenced quoted:-
(a) Group M A.P. 837 para. 1118 (Medical Training Establishment and Depot, Harrogate)
(b) Direct remustering to non-substantive trade in Group V for which no training required e.g. Barber, waitress A.P. 837 para. 1111 (iv) and R.O.M. 13/45
(c) Where no facilities exist in technical training establishments e.g. Bricklayer, draughtsman, driller, fire fighter, flying control assistant, works hand Recommendation to Record Office on proforma given in R.O.M. 137/44 Examination by Central Trade Test Board under Group arrangements
(d) Musicians – Recommendations to R.A.F. Central Bank Uxbridge.
[underlined] RECLASSIFICATION [/underlined]
[underlined] Aim [/underlined]
9. Before an airman is eligible for promotion to Corporal he must obtain his L.A.C.
10. Airmen fall into two classes for reclassification:-
(a) Skilled trades – Groups I to IV and certain trades in Group V (e.g. driver M.T.) and Group M. A.P. 837 para. 1121
(b) Unskilled trades – Group V no skill attached.
[underlined] Skilled Trades [/underlined]
11. (a) Where practicable C.O. assembles monthly Local Trade Test Board composed of relevant Specialist Officers, Warrant Officers, or senior N.C.Os. using A.P. 1112 Trade Test Manual as a guide
(b) Percentages for different classifications:-
80 or over – L.A.C.
60-79 – A.C.1.
40-59 – A.C.2.
(c) On the authority of C.O. result of examination and reclassification promulgated in P.O.Rs. Effective date is [underlined] first day of the month following the Local Trade Test Board [/underlined]
(d) Form 167 (one copy only) records result of examination and is filed with Service Documents
(e) For Group M trades see A.P. 837 para. 1123.
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[underlined] Unskilled Trades [/underlined]
12. (a) A.C.2 to A.C.1 normally after 2 years authority C.O.
(b) A.C.1 to L.A.C. on merit alone – authority C.O., but he is limited to a percentage (at present 30 percent of A.C.1 strength)
For full details see A.P. 837 para. 1122 and A.M.O.A513/44.
[underlined] PROMOTION TO TEMPORARY RANK [/underlined]
[underlined] Methods [/underlined]
13. (a) By Records Office from Central Rosters to fill overhead R.A.F. establishment vacancies
(b) By C.O. and Group to fill Unit establishment vacancies.
[underlined] Promotion from Central Rosters [/underlined] (R.O.M. 174/44)
14. (a) Record Office maintains promotion rosters in strict order of seniority for all ranks
(b) As promotion from rosters becomes necessary, the requisite number of names is taken from top of each roster and C.O. of each airman notified that airman is within the zone for promotion, and may be promoted w.e.f. date stated, provided [underlined] C.O. IS SATISFIED that he is suitable [/underlined].
(c)[underlined] Considerations C.O. must take into account [/underlined]
(i) Character and trade assessments on F.1580 Section 4
(ii) Normal recommendations for promotion on F.1580 in last column of section 1 (or section 5 on old print)
(iii) Entries on F.121 General Conduct Sheet
(iv) The absence of a vacancy on the unit’s establishment for an airman of the higher rank in no way precludes a promotion from central rosters
(v) C.O. can recommend deferment for say two or three months but promotion is not automatic if at end of that period no vacancy in higher rank exists in R.A.F. establishment.
[underlined] Special Recommendation to F.S. and W.O. (R.O.M. 1 [/underlined] 75/44
15. (a) [underlined] Object [/underlined] – To ensure that sergeants and Flight Sergeants of [underlined] outstanding [/underlined] ability receive accelerated advancement
(b) [underlined] Submission [/underlined] Recommendations signed by C.O. personally submitted to Record Office in letter form given at appendix to R.O.M. quoted
(c) [underlined] Record Office [/underlined] Reply (i) Special recommendation will result in immediate promotion – authority to follow shortly
(ii) N.C.O. has been placed in a higher position on roster mentioned in para. 13 (a) above
(d) [underlined] F.1580 [/underlined] After making special recommendation C.O. endorses F.1580 [underlined] in RED INK in Section [/underlined] 5.
Authority and date – Nature
1 May 44 – Specially recommended for promotion (para. 23 A.M.O. A.88/44) C.O. Mans G.C.
N.B. In old print F.1580 this endorsement is entered in Section 4 under last character and trade assessment.
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[underlined] Promotions by C.O. or Group [/underlined]
16. (a) C.O. can promote an L.A.C. to temporary corporal to fill an establishment vacancy on his station
(b) A.O.C. can promote a temporary corporal to temporary Sergeant to fill a unit vacancy in the Group, on recommendation of C.O.
(c) Record Promote to F.S. and W.O.
[underlined] Exceptions [/underlined] (A.P. 837 paras. 1134 – 1140)
17. For promotion of following airmen see references quoted:-
(a) Depressed trades – small establishment; slow promotion; centralised by Record Office in all ranks. A.P. 837 para. 1134 and A.M.O. A.119/45
(b) Meteorologists – subject to approval of Director of Meteorological Office A.P. 837 para. 1135
(c) Group M – M.T.E & D A.P. 837 para. 1136
(d) R.A.F. Police – A.P. 837 para. 1137.
[underlined] Appointment to Acting Rank [/underlined]
18. (a) All appointments to acting rank can be authorised by Group if Record Office concur for acting F.S. and W.O. (i.e. If Record Office have no temporary F.S. or W.O. they can post in)
(b) In view of para. 16 above appointments to Acting Corporal and Acting Sergeant are seldom made, except Acting Corporal R.A.F.P. unpaid for which see A.P. 837 para. 1137 (i)
[underlined] COMMISSIONING TRADESMEN (AMO A.384/43) [/underlined]
[underlined] Types of Commission [/underlined]
19. (a) All emergency
(b) Branches in which vacancies exist notified in Record Office Memoranda
(c) Regular airmen are commissioned in R.A.F. non-regular airmen in R.A.F. V.R.
(d) Recommendations are required even if no vacancies exist at the moment.
[underlined] Eligibility [/underlined]
20. Airmen under 25 years of age who are fit for aircrew will not, with certain exceptions quoted in the A.M.O., be commissioned in non-flying branches (A.M. postagram S.92732/AR2 dated 7. Dec. 44)
[underlined] Forms and Certificates [/underlined]
21. (a) Regular airmen over 5 years service F.2148
(b) Regular airmen with less than 5 years F.2148 plus F.1020A.
(c) Non-regular airmen F.1020A
(d) Additional certificates
(i) Certificate of willingness
(ii) Copy of Form 121 or Certificate that there are no entries
(e) Part “A” Form 1020, add in manuscript, “(and am willing to postpone my release for a period of 12 months under) A.M.O. A.114/45”. [inserted] Now 12 months from date of commissioning. [/inserted]
22. (a) [underlined] Submission [/underlined]
To Group H.Q. at any time. A.O.C. need not interview but submits to A.M. those he supports
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22. (Contd)
(b) [underlined] Re-submission [/underlined]
After 4 months, second time after further 6 months.
[underlined] Selection [/underlined]
(a) Home – Selection board and medical board at Air Ministry.
(b) Overseas – By Command or Group Selection boards who forward details of accepted airmen to A.M.
[underlined] Initial Training Rank & Pay [/underlined]
23. (a) Airmen selected for commissions undergo an initial course at the R.A.F. Officer’s School. Airmen selected for R.A.F. Regiment go to R.A.F. Regiment O.C.T.U. Commissions are granted on successful completion of course.
(b) [underlined] Rank [/underlined]
Warrant Officers with more than 15 years service, (including 1 year W.O.), are commissioned as Flying Officer. Airmen selected for R.A.F. Regiment, those entering the Technical Branch and not requiring further training, and those who complete their Special training before posting to R.A.F. Officers’ School, are commissioned as Pilot Officer. Airmen not included above as Acting Pilot Officer.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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1. What channels of advancement are open to airmen who join the R.A.F. as a career? Precis para. 1 and P.3 Part III.
2. You have an airman in your section eligible for remustering to a higher skilled trade. What action would you take before he interviews the C.O.?
3. What documents must accompany a recommendation for a ground staff commission?
4. In your section you are short of a corporal. What must you check before asking the C.O. to promote an L.A.C.?
5. An airman sits a L.T.T.B. for reclassification on 21 Feb 45. What is his classification and effective date if he obtains 74 percent?
6. You have a sergeant who stands head and shoulders above his fellow N.C.Os. Who signs a special recommendation sent to Record Office?
7. Your F.S. is posted overseas and he is not replaced. You have a very good Sergeant in the section. How is he appointed acting flight sergeant?
8. You recommend an airman for a commission on the ground staff. If he is not selected when can you re submit recommendations?
9. Who is the overall authority for the remustering of airmen?
10. How soon does an airman receive the pay of an acting rank to which he has been appointed?
11. After specially recommending a F.S. for accelerated promotion to W.O. what entry must you make on his F.1580?
12. Do the Record Office maintain a central roster for promotion from Cpl. to Sgt.?
13. What are the functions of (a) Group Trade Test Boards; (b) Trade Tests on passing out of a Technical Training School; and (c) Local Trade Test Boards?
14. You interview an intelligent A.C.H. and tell him he should remuster to a skilled trade, but he says he is quite happy! What should you do?
15. Record Office notify you that an airman is in the promotion zone on the central rosters. What must you do before you approve it?
16. Who must you consult before promoting an L.A.C. Nursing Orderly to Corporal?
17. What is the normal time it takes an A.C.2. ACH/GD to become A.C.1?
18. How do you recommend a W.A.A.F. for a commission?
19. When an airman is posted where on his F.1580 do you put whether or not you recommend him for promotion or reclassification?
20. A sergeant equipment assistant who is 24 years old and perfectly fit applies for a commission in the equipment branch. What do you tell him?.
Reference: A.P. 837 Section 43
[underlined] Introduction [/underlined]
1. Important for Commanders to understand channels of advancement open to airmen in order that:-
(a) Maximum use is made of all available skill including civilian experience
(b) Airmen in less highly skilled trades are encouraged to become more skilled
(c) Commanders can deal competently with interviews.
[underlined] Channels of Advancement [/underlined]
2. (a) Remustering – change of trade
(b) Reclassification – movement upwards ([underlined] or downwards [/underlined]) between A.C.2 and L.A.C.
(c) Promotion – rise in rank, substantive or temporary
(d) Appointment – to acting rank
(e) Commissioning.
[underlined] REMUSTERING [/underlined]
[underlined] Trades in the R.A.F. [/underlined]
3. These are divided into Groups I to V (descending approximately in order of technical skill and rates of pay), and Group M.
4. Airmen fall into two classes for remustering
(a) Already skilled (i.e. civilian experience)
(b) Limited or no knowledge of new trade
[underlined] Preliminary action in both cases [/underlined]
5. (a) Ensure from latest monthly Record Office Memoranda that trade is open
(b) Consult A.P. 1112 Trade Test Manual for qualifications required and medical standards
(c) Airman should be interviewed by Education Officer, and Medical Officer
(d) Specialist Officer interviews and advises C.O.
(e) C.O. interviews.
[underlined] Further Action [/underlined]
6. (a) [underlined] Already Skilled [/underlined]
(i) Names to Group periodically, accompanied by F.167 (Trade Test Card) in triplicate
(ii) Quarterly Group Trade Test Board assembled on date decided by Central Trade Test Board
(iii) C.O. should promulgate result of exam but must wait [underlined] for Record Office to authorise remustering and date [/underlined].
(b) [underlined] Limited Skill – Training required [/underlined]
(i) Recommendation to Record Office on proforma, the form of which is given in the R.O.M. mentioned in para. 5 (a) above
(ii) Record Office reply on lower half of proforma
(iii) If approved airman should be remustered u/t (e.g. ACH. u/t Arm) and employed in appropriate section pending posting to Technical Training School.
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(iv) Record Office post to training centre. Airmen at end of course are examined, remustered, and reclassified by training establishment.
N.B. By posting the intake Record Office still have control over the remustering.
[underlined] Disposal of Fs.167 [/underlined]:-
7. 1 copy Record Office
1 copy Unit
Card copy retained by examining board.
[underlined] Exceptions [/underlined]
8. Para. 5 covers the majority of cases. For remustering of following airmen see referenced quoted:-
(a) Group M A.P. 837 para. 1118 (Medical Training Establishment and Depot, Harrogate)
(b) Direct remustering to non-substantive trade in Group V for which no training required e.g. Barber, waitress A.P. 837 para. 1111 (iv) and R.O.M. 13/45
(c) Where no facilities exist in technical training establishments e.g. Bricklayer, draughtsman, driller, fire fighter, flying control assistant, works hand Recommendation to Record Office on proforma given in R.O.M. 137/44 Examination by Central Trade Test Board under Group arrangements
(d) Musicians – Recommendations to R.A.F. Central Bank Uxbridge.
[underlined] RECLASSIFICATION [/underlined]
[underlined] Aim [/underlined]
9. Before an airman is eligible for promotion to Corporal he must obtain his L.A.C.
10. Airmen fall into two classes for reclassification:-
(a) Skilled trades – Groups I to IV and certain trades in Group V (e.g. driver M.T.) and Group M. A.P. 837 para. 1121
(b) Unskilled trades – Group V no skill attached.
[underlined] Skilled Trades [/underlined]
11. (a) Where practicable C.O. assembles monthly Local Trade Test Board composed of relevant Specialist Officers, Warrant Officers, or senior N.C.Os. using A.P. 1112 Trade Test Manual as a guide
(b) Percentages for different classifications:-
80 or over – L.A.C.
60-79 – A.C.1.
40-59 – A.C.2.
(c) On the authority of C.O. result of examination and reclassification promulgated in P.O.Rs. Effective date is [underlined] first day of the month following the Local Trade Test Board [/underlined]
(d) Form 167 (one copy only) records result of examination and is filed with Service Documents
(e) For Group M trades see A.P. 837 para. 1123.
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[underlined] Unskilled Trades [/underlined]
12. (a) A.C.2 to A.C.1 normally after 2 years authority C.O.
(b) A.C.1 to L.A.C. on merit alone – authority C.O., but he is limited to a percentage (at present 30 percent of A.C.1 strength)
For full details see A.P. 837 para. 1122 and A.M.O.A513/44.
[underlined] PROMOTION TO TEMPORARY RANK [/underlined]
[underlined] Methods [/underlined]
13. (a) By Records Office from Central Rosters to fill overhead R.A.F. establishment vacancies
(b) By C.O. and Group to fill Unit establishment vacancies.
[underlined] Promotion from Central Rosters [/underlined] (R.O.M. 174/44)
14. (a) Record Office maintains promotion rosters in strict order of seniority for all ranks
(b) As promotion from rosters becomes necessary, the requisite number of names is taken from top of each roster and C.O. of each airman notified that airman is within the zone for promotion, and may be promoted w.e.f. date stated, provided [underlined] C.O. IS SATISFIED that he is suitable [/underlined].
(c)[underlined] Considerations C.O. must take into account [/underlined]
(i) Character and trade assessments on F.1580 Section 4
(ii) Normal recommendations for promotion on F.1580 in last column of section 1 (or section 5 on old print)
(iii) Entries on F.121 General Conduct Sheet
(iv) The absence of a vacancy on the unit’s establishment for an airman of the higher rank in no way precludes a promotion from central rosters
(v) C.O. can recommend deferment for say two or three months but promotion is not automatic if at end of that period no vacancy in higher rank exists in R.A.F. establishment.
[underlined] Special Recommendation to F.S. and W.O. (R.O.M. 1 [/underlined] 75/44
15. (a) [underlined] Object [/underlined] – To ensure that sergeants and Flight Sergeants of [underlined] outstanding [/underlined] ability receive accelerated advancement
(b) [underlined] Submission [/underlined] Recommendations signed by C.O. personally submitted to Record Office in letter form given at appendix to R.O.M. quoted
(c) [underlined] Record Office [/underlined] Reply (i) Special recommendation will result in immediate promotion – authority to follow shortly
(ii) N.C.O. has been placed in a higher position on roster mentioned in para. 13 (a) above
(d) [underlined] F.1580 [/underlined] After making special recommendation C.O. endorses F.1580 [underlined] in RED INK in Section [/underlined] 5.
Authority and date – Nature
1 May 44 – Specially recommended for promotion (para. 23 A.M.O. A.88/44) C.O. Mans G.C.
N.B. In old print F.1580 this endorsement is entered in Section 4 under last character and trade assessment.
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[underlined] Promotions by C.O. or Group [/underlined]
16. (a) C.O. can promote an L.A.C. to temporary corporal to fill an establishment vacancy on his station
(b) A.O.C. can promote a temporary corporal to temporary Sergeant to fill a unit vacancy in the Group, on recommendation of C.O.
(c) Record Promote to F.S. and W.O.
[underlined] Exceptions [/underlined] (A.P. 837 paras. 1134 – 1140)
17. For promotion of following airmen see references quoted:-
(a) Depressed trades – small establishment; slow promotion; centralised by Record Office in all ranks. A.P. 837 para. 1134 and A.M.O. A.119/45
(b) Meteorologists – subject to approval of Director of Meteorological Office A.P. 837 para. 1135
(c) Group M – M.T.E & D A.P. 837 para. 1136
(d) R.A.F. Police – A.P. 837 para. 1137.
[underlined] Appointment to Acting Rank [/underlined]
18. (a) All appointments to acting rank can be authorised by Group if Record Office concur for acting F.S. and W.O. (i.e. If Record Office have no temporary F.S. or W.O. they can post in)
(b) In view of para. 16 above appointments to Acting Corporal and Acting Sergeant are seldom made, except Acting Corporal R.A.F.P. unpaid for which see A.P. 837 para. 1137 (i)
[underlined] COMMISSIONING TRADESMEN (AMO A.384/43) [/underlined]
[underlined] Types of Commission [/underlined]
19. (a) All emergency
(b) Branches in which vacancies exist notified in Record Office Memoranda
(c) Regular airmen are commissioned in R.A.F. non-regular airmen in R.A.F. V.R.
(d) Recommendations are required even if no vacancies exist at the moment.
[underlined] Eligibility [/underlined]
20. Airmen under 25 years of age who are fit for aircrew will not, with certain exceptions quoted in the A.M.O., be commissioned in non-flying branches (A.M. postagram S.92732/AR2 dated 7. Dec. 44)
[underlined] Forms and Certificates [/underlined]
21. (a) Regular airmen over 5 years service F.2148
(b) Regular airmen with less than 5 years F.2148 plus F.1020A.
(c) Non-regular airmen F.1020A
(d) Additional certificates
(i) Certificate of willingness
(ii) Copy of Form 121 or Certificate that there are no entries
(e) Part “A” Form 1020, add in manuscript, “(and am willing to postpone my release for a period of 12 months under) A.M.O. A.114/45”. [inserted] Now 12 months from date of commissioning. [/inserted]
22. (a) [underlined] Submission [/underlined]
To Group H.Q. at any time. A.O.C. need not interview but submits to A.M. those he supports
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22. (Contd)
(b) [underlined] Re-submission [/underlined]
After 4 months, second time after further 6 months.
[underlined] Selection [/underlined]
(a) Home – Selection board and medical board at Air Ministry.
(b) Overseas – By Command or Group Selection boards who forward details of accepted airmen to A.M.
[underlined] Initial Training Rank & Pay [/underlined]
23. (a) Airmen selected for commissions undergo an initial course at the R.A.F. Officer’s School. Airmen selected for R.A.F. Regiment go to R.A.F. Regiment O.C.T.U. Commissions are granted on successful completion of course.
(b) [underlined] Rank [/underlined]
Warrant Officers with more than 15 years service, (including 1 year W.O.), are commissioned as Flying Officer. Airmen selected for R.A.F. Regiment, those entering the Technical Branch and not requiring further training, and those who complete their Special training before posting to R.A.F. Officers’ School, are commissioned as Pilot Officer. Airmen not included above as Acting Pilot Officer.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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1. What channels of advancement are open to airmen who join the R.A.F. as a career? Precis para. 1 and P.3 Part III.
2. You have an airman in your section eligible for remustering to a higher skilled trade. What action would you take before he interviews the C.O.?
3. What documents must accompany a recommendation for a ground staff commission?
4. In your section you are short of a corporal. What must you check before asking the C.O. to promote an L.A.C.?
5. An airman sits a L.T.T.B. for reclassification on 21 Feb 45. What is his classification and effective date if he obtains 74 percent?
6. You have a sergeant who stands head and shoulders above his fellow N.C.Os. Who signs a special recommendation sent to Record Office?
7. Your F.S. is posted overseas and he is not replaced. You have a very good Sergeant in the section. How is he appointed acting flight sergeant?
8. You recommend an airman for a commission on the ground staff. If he is not selected when can you re submit recommendations?
9. Who is the overall authority for the remustering of airmen?
10. How soon does an airman receive the pay of an acting rank to which he has been appointed?
11. After specially recommending a F.S. for accelerated promotion to W.O. what entry must you make on his F.1580?
12. Do the Record Office maintain a central roster for promotion from Cpl. to Sgt.?
13. What are the functions of (a) Group Trade Test Boards; (b) Trade Tests on passing out of a Technical Training School; and (c) Local Trade Test Boards?
14. You interview an intelligent A.C.H. and tell him he should remuster to a skilled trade, but he says he is quite happy! What should you do?
15. Record Office notify you that an airman is in the promotion zone on the central rosters. What must you do before you approve it?
16. Who must you consult before promoting an L.A.C. Nursing Orderly to Corporal?
17. What is the normal time it takes an A.C.2. ACH/GD to become A.C.1?
18. How do you recommend a W.A.A.F. for a commission?
19. When an airman is posted where on his F.1580 do you put whether or not you recommend him for promotion or reclassification?
20. A sergeant equipment assistant who is 24 years old and perfectly fit applies for a commission in the equipment branch. What do you tell him?.
“Officers advanced training school - careers of airmen (tradesman),” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 8, 2024,
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