Browse Items (500 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1944-12"

Photograph 1 is of a group of four airmen standing in front of a 6' high post and wire fence in heavy frost. They are wearing battledress and are armed. Reginald George Cavalier is second from the right. Captioned 'Dec 24th 1944 Jock Sadler, Chalky…

Photograph 1 is of non-commissioned officers supervising children at a Christmas Party, captioned 'Christmas Party for the children of Vitroy [sic] en Artois and surrounding villages, in the village hall, Vitroy [sic] en Artois, given by R.A.F. 137…

2nd Tactical Air Force Christmas card with seven signatures. Captioned '137. Wing. Photographic S.H.Q. Vitry en Artois.'

Artwork inside card depicting Allied advance in western europe from D Day.

Target photograph of Gdynia. Partially obscured by smoke, dust and light streaks. no detail visible. Aircraft silhouetted in centre. Captioned '5°F', '7B', '3971 SKELL.18/19.12.44//NT.8" 13500' 275° 2202 GDYNIA(B) F. 10 ANM 59DT. 23secs. F/O…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 6/7 December 1944. One member of each crew is underlined. Includes, duty, reserve crews and duty personnel as well as timings. On the reverse title 'Next of Kin for crew of Lancaster Mk1 DB.751.G. missing on…

Shows two bomb loads annotated with weight calculations. Bombing heights and other details. On the reverse; Mosquito marking, aiming notes, routemarkers, bombing winds and other details.

Shows three bomb loads, the first two are 1500 and 1850 parachute mines but these are crossed through. The third load is 11 x 1000 pound and 4 x500 poned medium capacity with 50% instantaneous and 50% TD 025. Includes preselection and distributor…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection and distributor settings, heights, false target settings and other details. On the reverse bombing instruction including not to bomb unless permission given by controller.

Lists four crews and reserve for operations on night 28/29 December 1944. Included duty personnel. Annotated 'Horten, (Koln)'.

Indicates two bomb loads for operation, one for two aircraft the other for eight. Includes preselection, distributor and false height settings, zero hour and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions including that attack…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 26/27 December 1944. Crews second from left top row, right hand side second row and second from left third row have been crossed out. Includes duty personnel. Annotated 'St Vith'.

Indicates two bomb loads for operation. Includes preselection, distributor and false height setings, zero hour and other details. On the reverse target marking and timings.

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on night 21/22 December 1944. Included three reserve crews and duty personnel.

Shows a single bomb load for operation to Gdynia with a further three aircraft carrying mines for gardening DUP. Includes preselection, distributor and false height setting, window and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing notes on two…

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on night 18/19 December 1944. Annotated 'Gdynia'. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes standby and reserve crews as well as duty personnel.

Shows two bomb loads for operation, Includes preselection, distributor and other settings. Indicates 'anti-fighter' and 'anti-flak' zones as well as bombing heights and other details. On the reverse target marking details, timings and priorities,…

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on 17/18 December 1944. Includes reserve and duty crew as well as duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 9/10 December 1944. Includes standby, reserve crews and duty personnel. A number of crews are circled in blue and standby crew is crossed out. Some names have been added. Annotated 'Urft Dam'.

Indicates a single bomb load for operation. Included preselection and distributor and other settings. On the reverse target marking and bombing details. Warning that own troops are 3 miles away from target and crews are only to bomb if red TIs…

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Annotated 'Urft Dam'. Includes preselection, distributor, false height and other settings. Shows Window and other details. On the reverse; bombing heights, note that target is not to be attacked unless target…

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on 8 December 1944. Includes reserve and duty crews. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes duty personnel. Annotated 'Urft Dam'

Indicates one bomb load of 6 x Mk VI mines. Notes some settings and times. Annotated 'Gardening in Kattegat'.

Indicates a single bomb load but with two sets of preselection settings. Start and stop points for Window and other minor details. On the reverse timings, marking details and bombing instructions. Includes details on window dropping by aircraft.…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for three the other for sixteen aircraft. Details weights, preselection settings and other information. At the bottom window information and briefing times. On the reverse, Mosquito marking with timings and bombing…
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