Browse Items (427 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-10"

A logbook covering the period 7th October to 26th November 1943 (73 pages)

A log kept at Tholthorpe to record events and times of importance. It commences July 6th 1943 and ends 30th March 1944.

Log covering the following periods -
29th August to 6th October 1943 (71 pages)

Movements of aircraft at Tholthorpe.

Ken's original RAF Form 667B Flying clothing card from RAF Yatesbury recording the issue and return of his flying clothing.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Article about Wing Commander Cotton who was instrumental in the setting up of the RAF photographic unit. He was eventually asked to resign from the RAF and subsequently tried to join the Navy which was cancelled due to air ministry pressure. Recalls…

Article 1 headlines: Italy declares war on Germany, co-belligerent with United Nations, active cooperation accepted, armistice terms still in full force. Article 2 headlines: Italy to prove herself, allies attitude, facts of surrender unchanged.

Jim Cahir standing in a garden with his sister and brother. Behind is a garden settee/swing. On the reverse 'Brother, sister & Jim at my sister's home. Berkshire Oct 1943'.

Damage descriptions to go with photographs of Rostock, Genoa, Milan (24 October 1942), Berlin (October 1943 and 8 March 1944) and Munich (24/25 April 1944). Some of the photographs described are not in the collection. Also a description of photograph…

At top - title: 'Operations, 50 44 630 Squadrons, Manchester aircraft 333 1/2 operational hours, Lancaster aircraft'.
On the left and right - RAF bases and operations carried out from them.
On the right - a map on northern Europe and United…

Issued by Cope's to Ted Neale at 42nd Air School, Port Elizabeth (Hut 72). On the reverse are doodles.

Pilot’s flying log book for Warrant Officer Ernest Smith, from 3 April 1943 to 29 June 1944, recording operations and instructional duties. He served at RAF Hixon, RAF Blyton, RAF Grimsby (Waltham), RAF Binbrook, RAF Wickenby, RAF Bircotes, RAF…

Formal course photograph, 46 trainees, three staff, arranged in seven rows on flight of stairs leading to Bridlington Grand Pavilion Theatre. Captioned 'D FLIGHT, 3 SQUADRON, No 20 ITW BRIDLINGTON AUG 14th - OCT 9th 1943'. There are also a large…

Letter thanks recipient for support and offers sympathy over Kathleen's situation.

A photograph of the crew and an account of the night (27/28 September 1943) they were nearly shot down over Hanover. Crew names and positions are detailed as are the events of the night. One engine was on fire and this was extinguished by diving and…

Observers and air gunners flying log book for Frank Hobbs, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 March 1941 to 16 March 1943 when he was killed in action. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Pembrey,…

Photograph 1 and 2 are of damage to the rudder of a Boston . It is being inspected by air and ground crew. Captioned 'Boston A/C, 88 Sqd returned from a raid on Transformer and Switching Stn near Orleans, France 3rd Oct 1943.' Captioned 'Air Crew…

Sergeant Edward Milling's wife has been informed that his husband is believed to have been killed over Germany. Details of his peacetime employment are provided.

Top - writes that he was in good health and getting plenty of food. Would appreciate cigarettes and gives address to send then to.

Bottom - Writes he is fit and well. Has met friend who sends best wishes. Asks for underwear to be sent in his…

From W C Green assuming no further news of Hedley. Catches up with news of his own family matters, his health and repairs to house after 2000 lb bomb dropped nearby in October. Notes 300 houses in Hayes were damaged but no deaths. Commiserates over…

Auguste Müller's account of the events at Turmgasse 4/Königsplatz 36 ½ (Wiedersichscher Keller), Königsplatz.

Fritz Hundhausen's account of the events at Essiggasse 6 (Inn ‘Stadt Frankfurt’), air raid shelter at the Karl Hospital.

Andreas H and Emma H's account of the events at Schomburgstraße 10 (Rheinischer Hof Hotel), Bahnhofstraße 19 and Lutherplatz 7.

Heinrich West's account of the events at Mauerstraße 13/15. Gießbergstraße.

Max Bartels's account of the events at Lossestraße 14 (Losse [power] plant).
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