Control Officer's log book



Control Officer's log book


A log kept at Tholthorpe to record events and times of importance. It commences July 6th 1943 and ends 30th March 1944.






143 handwritten pages


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[Underlined] LK 963. [/underlined]

[Underlined] CONTROL OFFICER’S LOG [/underlined]

[Underlined] JULY 1ST – 1943 [/underlined]

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A.R.P. Controller – Telephone Easingwold 288

Local Police – Helperby 213

Local A.R.P. – Mr. Webster – Main Street Tholthorpe


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This log is to be kept daily by the D.F.C.O. It should contain all events of importance. Times of occurrences must in all cases be noted. An effort should be made to write clearly and concisely. As this type of scribbler is the only thing available for log keeping, special care will have to be taken, so that our diary remains neat and tidy.

H.G. Austin F/L.

Dear Diary:- You should have been opened on the day our party of five arrived, namely June 19TH. But you were unobtainable from an Orderly Room which then didn’t exist. Today, July 5TH you were born, thanks to F/O Hancock, the Met. Officer, on the promise of the return of your twin, should we ever get same and remember.

Tholthorpe has grown gradually. The days events since June 19TH have consisted of work, more work & bl-- little sleep. Sunday June 20TH, was a Red letter day, for at 1345 hours an ANSON EG120 was the first aircraft to land. The next few days saw the first four Halifaxes make their appearance. The balance of the time has been industriously spent preparing equipment and offices. In cases where much-needed articles were not obtainable, they have been scrounged, borrowed or built from materials which appeared suddenly on the horizon. Much work remains to be done. Much work will be done. You, Dear Diary, will record from this day, all the main events of R.C.A.F. Tholthorpe, its happenings, its operations and its – Well, you can tell the rest:-

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[Underlined] Tuesday – 6TH July 1943. [/underlined]

1415 The first Squadron a/c O 434 (F/L Lytel) took off.

[Underlined] Wednesday 7TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Flying all day. Sgt Bowker & Lac Stubbs (U/T A.F.C.) and Lac Mount A of W. arrived for duty.

[Underlined] Thursday 8TH July 1943. [/underlined]

Some flying.

[Underlined] Friday 9 TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Quiet. LAC Hanley arrived for pre-FCO instruction.

[Underlined] Saturday 10TH July 1943 [/underlined]


[Underlined] Sunday 11TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Six new aircraft arrived during afternoon.

[Underlined] Monday 12TH July 1943 [/underlined]

One new aircraft landed. Some squadron flying also two visiting a/c who were lost.

[Underlined] Tuesday 13TH July 1943. [/underlined]

One new aircraft landed. Local flying.

[Underlined] Wednesday 14TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Quiet day

[Underlined] Thursday 15TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Quiet day

[Underlined] Friday 16TH 1943 [/underlined]

Bags of fighter affiliation

[Underlined] Saturday 17TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Some local flying. Tiger Moth landed on grass. Reported surface O.K.

[Underlined] Sunday 18TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Some local flying. Sgts. Abbott, Tidmarsh and Shacklady arrived for A.F.C. duties post course Watchfield.

[Underlined] Monday 19TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Quiet day.

[Underlined] Tuesday 20TH July 1943. [/underlined]

Two more new aircraft. Some flying.

[Underlined] Wednesday 21st July 1943 [/underlined]

Six aircraft on local flying. Biggest effort so far.

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[Underlined] Thursday 22nd July 1943 [/underlined]

Tiger Moth (T7737) allotted to station. F/O Taylor arrived from Linton on attachment.

[Underlined] Friday 23rd July 1943 [/underlined]

Biggest day so far. Seven a/c up on local flying Five new a/c arrived during afternoon.

1758 First a/c off on practice operation. Eleventh off 1810.

1915 Eleventh & last a/c [deleted] off [/deleted] landed. Average time 2 mins 05 secs.

[Underlined] Saturday 24TH July 1943 [/underlined]

Air-to-air firing, x-countries and one new aircraft caused an interesting day. N 434 landed at Pershore with engine trouble.

[Underlined] Sunday 25TH July 1943 [/underlined]

More x-countries. W 434 went to Pershore to take ground crew to repair N & went U/S too.

1425 Report of a crashed aircraft SE of us received from Linton. Later proved to be one of Topcliffe’s. (Crew all killed.)

2252 T 434 off on X country

2255 A 434 off on X country

2257 E 434 off on X country

2315 F 434 started C’s & B’s. First landing at night made at 2325.

2336 F 434 finished C’s & B’s.

0029 T 434 finished X country. Overshot twice

0033 E 434 finished X country. No R/T.

0047 A434 finished X country. Overshot twice. (Bags more grey hairs

[Underlined] Monday 26TH July 1943. [/underlined]

1448 N 434 returned from Pershore.

2253 U434 started C’s & B’s. Flarepath No 24.

2257 D434 started C’s & B’s.

0109 U 434 finished night flying.

0123 D434 finished night flying.

[Underlined] Tuesday 27th July 1943 [/underlined]

1320 W 434 arrived back from Pershore.

2 A/C on X-countrys. 1 on Bombing & 1 on height test (21,000’ easy)

17.45 V. F/O. Hanson landed from Middleton as he could not get his [missing words] after take-off. A/Cr. O.K. so returned immediately [obscured words] Documents CD209-No125. CD0261-No1525 and CD260-No [obscured words]

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[Underlined] Wednesday 28TH July 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 28

1315 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 10.

1520 Runway changed to No.24.

1715 All flying finished. Watch closed.

[Underlined] Thursday 29TH July 1943 [/underlined]

0845 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 28.

13:00 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 28.

1806 Day flying finished = 4 on Cross Country tonight.

1930 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Gooseneck & glim lamp flarepath laid

2152 T 434 off on night X-country.

2154 D 434 off on night X-country.

2202 E 434 off on night X-country.

2203 S 434 off on night X-country.

[Underlined] Friday 30TH July 1943. [/underlined]

0057 T 434 landed from X-country. Base informed

0108 D 434 landed from X-country. Base informed

0141 S 434 landed from X-country. Base informed

0150 E 434 landed from X-country. Base informed

0900 F/O Taylor on watch. Runway 28 = Wind – Light & Variable.

1315 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 10 = QAN – E’ ly light.

1930 F/O Taylor on watch = Runway 10 Gooseneck & glim flarepath.

2125 A.V.M. Brooks landed in Phoenix & left again for Linton.

2232-2236. D, G, U, & O. off on Bullseye.

2259. E. took off for Bombing at Strensall.

[Underlined] Saturday 31st July 1943. [/underlined]

0023 E returned from Bombing & carried on C & B. till 0109.

0157 G landed after doing one overshoot.

0220 O landed after doing two overshoot.

0230 D not shown up, started chasing base.

0234 2nd class fix on Hull, acknowledged 54°49N. 03°02W.

0248 2nd class fix on Hull acknowledged 54°38N. 02°47W.

0254 2nd class fix on Hull acknowledged 54°27N 02°33W.

0310 An A/C passed over from NW heading SE. Put out a call for Ragman D but received no answer.

0330 Ex=Base= Group working on it.
Ex=Base= Group say R.O.C. plotted him over Linton at 03.00

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0420 Base advise D/434 landed at [underlined] Cork [/underlined] Radio U/S No landing time given. = Search light recalled. Flare-path doused. R/T off.

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 16 – QAN SE’ly 10+ mp.h.

1313 D 434 returned from Cork.

1315 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 16 – QAN SE’ly. 15+ mph. A flt advise D landed Cork at 03.30.

1830 All day flying finished – Watch Closed.

[Underlined] Sunday 1st August. [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. - #24. Runway = SW ly. S

1300 F/L Austin on Watch.

1530 Runway changed to No. 16 – Varying S by E to SE – gusty.

2000 F/O Taylor on Watch. = Runway 24 = Gooseneck & glim flarepath

2226-2303. P. O. C. & A. took off for night bombing exercise.

2333. O landed O.K. followed by P, C. & A. (Searchlight U/S)

[Underlined] Monday 2nd August. [/underlined]

0006 2 flares seen to the West: probably mortars.

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 24 – S-SW 20-25 MPH. Monthly report for July forwarded to G/C.

1135 Runway changed to No. 28 - QAN – WSW to W’ly.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1600 4 A/C on A/S/Rescue. ETD. 17:00 hrs. E.T.A. 19:38

1705 L/434 off on A/S./R. Landed 20:11

1715 U/434 off on A/S.R. Landed 19:58

1721 O/434 off on A/S/R

1743 G/434 off on A/S/R.

1958 U/434 landed from A/S/R.

2011 L/434 landed from A/S/R.

2139 G/434 landed from A/S/R.

2144 O/434 landed from A/S/R.

F/Lt Austin on Duty.

2221 T/434 off on Night Bombing

2228 V/434 off on Night Bombing

2338 T/434 Landed from Night Bombing

2347 V/434 landed from Night Bombing.

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[Underlined] Tuesday August 3rd, 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on watch. Runway 34. QAN WNW-N-W. 8-10 backing.

1052 W/Co Newsome took off in B. = First 431 A/Cr to go up.

12.45 Changing runway to 28. Wind light mainly

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

8 A/Cr for Bulls-eye tonight. ETD. 22:15. ETA. 01:56.

2000 F/O Taylor on Watch. Wind forecast Easterly No 10 flarepath laid.

2221 D – 1st A/Cr off. QFE = 1011.

2230 7th A/Cr off. S failed to go. = Undercarriage trouble

2245 D – landed. = returned with “Gyro” trouble.

[Underlined] Wednesday 4th August 1943. [/underlined]

0221 F landed from Bullseye.

0226 T landed from Bullseye.

0235 G. did an overshoot; after failing to line-up on first attempt.

0239 U landed from Bullseye.

0242 P did an overshoot.

0245 G did another overshoot.

0250 E landed from Bullseye.

0250 P & G diverted to Linton.

0304 P & G re-diverted to East Moor.

0318 G Landed at East Moor.

0325 P landed at East Moor.

0330 Three a/c are detailed for Air Sea Rescue at 0615 hrs.

0530 Time of takeoff for A.S.R. postponed to 0900 hrs.

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 28 N W’ly under 5 MPH.

0920 F 434 off on A.S.R.

0930 T 434 off on A.S.R. V 434 scrubbed –(mag drop)

1228 T 434 landed from A.S.R.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1316 F 434 landed from. A.S.R.

1330 Runway changed to 10. Wind light but mainly Easterly.

1533. G 434 returned from East Moor = left there 15:11

1656 P 434 returned East Moor left there 16:40

[Underlined] Thursday, 5th August 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on watch.

1020 Group stand down tonight

1020 Runway 10: E to ESE. 5-10. mph.

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[Deleted] Wednesday [/deleted] Tuesday 10TH August 1943 (Continued)

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 10 QAN SE’s – under 5 MPH.

1145 Eight a/c for tonight.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1445 Runway changed to 24. QAN. S – SW. 5-10 mph.

1930 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 28

1950 Scrubbed. – Aircraft unable to be ready in time.

[Underlined] Wednesday 11 August 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor in Watch.

Halifax E-NA 428 Sqdn. (EB210.) (F/S Newton) landed here about 0600 hrs. on 2 motors. ? short of petrol. Crew were taken over to Linton.

10.00 Not required tonight.

Further note re: above Halifax = Linton had given him “Pancake.” After he had landed they heard him very faintly asking where to disperse. Called our exchange operator, who marshalled A/Cr in front of W/O. Linton sent transport over for crew.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch - Runway 34 QAN NW’ly 10+ MP.H.

1526 E/428 left for Middleton St. George.

[Underlined] Thursday 12TH August 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/Lt Auston on Watch. Runway 28 – W’ly light.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

10 A/Cr for tonight

1500 F/O Stephenson and P/O Lister reported for Flying Control Officer duties.

2000 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

2115 [Underlined] First a/c V434 (F/O Tyler) off on operations. [/underlined] 1st OP.

2128 Tenth & last a/c airborne. (A couple of phews.)

[Underlined] Friday 13TH August 1943. [/underlined]

0046 P 434 returned early. Overload tank U/S.

0305 Runway changed to No. 16 – QAN – SSE’ly 5-10 MPH. Wind strengthening.

0459 Base advise E434 is landing at Boscombe Down short of petrol & engine U/S.

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[Underlined] Friday 13TH August (Continued [/underlined]

0515 Runway changed to No. 10 QAN SSE under 5 M.P.H.

0525 E434 landed at Middle Wallop. Short of Petrol – Port outer U/S.

0550 M434 landed at West Malling. Short of Petrol – (O.K.)

0600 R434 landed at Middle Wallop. Short of Petrol – Engine U/S

0615 G434 landed at Great Ashfield. Short of Petrol – (O.K.)

0650 T434 landed at Sherburn-in-Elmet – Short of Petrol – (O.K.)

0739 Ops-Int – inform L434 landed at Ford at 0615.

Three a/c returned to base. All o.k.

(What a night – definitely Friday 13TH).

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. Runway 28.

09:44 T434 landed from Sherburn-in-Elmet = Left there 0920

10:30 Ex. Int. Not required tonight.

12:18 L 434 landed from Ford = left there [deleted] 12:18 [/deleted] 10:51.

13:00 Runway 24. Wind SW-S.SW- 10mph.

15:21 M. landed from West Malling.

1545 Runway 28. Wind WSW-W – 15mph.

1651 G. landed from Great Ashfield.

1842 R landed from Middle Wallop. Left there 17:25.

A/C Wolfe attached from Linton for pre-Flying Control course duties.

[Underlined] Saturday 14TH August 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/O Stephenson on duty – Runway 28 – QAN – W’ly 10+

0943 Ambulance despatched to D434. Accident occurred. Reported by R/T. Some person with broken ankle.

1005 Stand down tonight.

1047 Spitfire P7613 landed from [deleted] Dalton [/deleted] Rufforth S/L Lashbrook.

1048 W 434 sqd. off on F/A and B exercise.

1055 Workman crossed in front of Spitfire whilst he was touching down on R/W. Report made by Pilot.

1059. P 434 sqd. airborne on air test.

1107 X 434 sqd. airborne F/A and B exercise.

1144 P 434 Sqd. landed from exercise.

1149 W 434 Sqd. landed from exercise.

13.00. On duty Lister P/O. Off duty F/O. Stephenson.

15.25 Linton ‘phoned “Can we take one of their a/c. They have a prang on runway. O.K. Two a/c. V426 & J426 landed here, Linton sent a crew to de-bomb “V”.

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1630 F/O Stephenson on duty. P/O Lister off duty.

1653 R 426 sqd Linton landed here debombed.

[Underlined] Sunday 15th August, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 On duty Lister P/O. Runways and perimeter tracks inspected. O.K.

09.20 Secret and Confidential documents checked. C.D.260. C.D.209 S.D.110. C.D.0261. A.P.3024.

10.10 We are not required to-night. Ex Int.

10.50. We are required for 6 Bullseyes to-night. Ex Int. Further information when available.

13:00 F/O Taylor on Watch.

16.45. Off duty F/O Taylor. On duty Lister P/O.

18.00 Inspected Runways, perimeter tracks and dispersals & found all O.K.

1900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 28.

2000 Bullseye scrubbed. Possible cross country same route.

2025 Cross country same route as Bullseye. F scrubbed.

2030 Cross country scrubbed.

20.36. Definitely scrubbed. Ex Int. Flarepath called in.

Monday 16th August 1943.

0900 F/O Stephenson on duty.

Wind light and easterly. R/W 10 in use.

0930. Aerodrome inspected. O.K.

1000 Stand down to-night.

1110 Wind light and now S. Westerly R/W 28 in use.

1500 M.U.A. Halifaxes from Topcliffe landed here. Thunder storm over Topcliffe & Dalton. Put in here till it passes.

1640 Guard Room called us for ambulance. Ambulance proceeding to #2 hanger. Will establish the call and accident.

1715 Ambulance reported back. Had picked up airman, who had fallen off ladder, & took him to M.I. Bldg. M.O. attending him.

1812 All three Halifaxes returned to Topcliffe.

[Underlined] Tuesday 17th August, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 On duty Lister P/O. Runway 10 in use. QAN E-SE.

09.30. Inspected Runways and perimeter tracks, dispersals. All O.K.

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09.35 Checked Secret and confidential documents. AP3024. C.D.0261. SD0110. C.D.260.209.

10.50. We are required for 10 aircraft to-night. Ex Int.

1445. Main Briefing 19.00 hrs. Ex Int. C/S. Q3J

16.10. Aircraft over York with R/T on “send”. Any amount of “careless talk.” Position of Royal Ordnance factory 280° from York, making truck parts. York a small town with tremendous marshalling yards. Proceeds with instruction of a pupil on how the aircraft flies, etc. Pilot’s name, apparently is “Cliff.” A conversion unit aircraft. Passed gen on to Linton who have contacted Group.

16.30 Halifax aircraft GV-T passed over here with R/T on transmit heard pilot say to pupil “O.K. She’s all yours now.” S.D.110. gives this aircraft as 1652. Conversion Unit.

1930 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Flarepath laid on No. 10.

19.30 ETD. 21.15. ETA 04:24hrs.

20.50. “W” scrubbed “U” substituted – leak in overload tank.

21.12 “P” 434 First a/c. airborne. 10th & last a/c. airborne “U”. 21.24 hrs. QAN E. R/W. 10.

2124 Tenth & last a/c off on operations. Average time – 1 1/5 minutes

23.09 “Darky” Call received from “Downpit” Yoke. Answered by Linton [deleted] and [/deleted] who gave permission to land. Strength 5. Starboard engine trouble.

23.12. Tripod “X” called Linton for permission to land. Given O.K. as “Downpit” “Y” was at 7,000ft. Instead of circling Linton, “Downpit” [deleted] us [/deleted] circled us. Linton lost touch with “Tripod” X, but eventually managed to land him.

23.31. Unknown aircraft given green to land here. [Underlined] Landed at 23.39. [/underlined]

23.45. Despatched our van to “U”’s dispersal who discovered that the above named aircraft was 434/U who had returned with his electrical system U/S.

2355 A.R.M. Purple.

00.10. A.R.M. Red. [Underlined] Wednesday 18TH August 1943 [/underlined]

0059 A.R.M. White.

0312 Base advise that 6 Group have diverted our a/c to Newmarket (3 Group) on last broadcast.

0442 D434 landed Newmarket

0452 L 434 landed base.

0455 F 434 landed base

0458 C 434 landed Newmarket

0504 S 434 landed Newmarket.

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0517 P 434 landed West Wickham.

0630 Contacted Newmarket & instructed C, D & S. aircraft to return.

0715 Contacted West Wickham & instructed P 434 to return.

0800 Nothing heard of G (Sgt Johnston), M (F/O Colquhoun) or T (F/S Piper).

0828 D434 landed from Newmarket. = Left there 07:28

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson.

0847 P-434 landed from West Wickham.

0858 C-434 landed from Newmarket. Left there 07:39

0905 Base – QDM. 011° to S-434 at 0853.

0920 S-434 landed from Newmarket. Left there 08:00

0940 Standown To night.

1000 Runway 28. QAN. SW-Wly 5-10 mph.

[Underlined] Thursday 19th August, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 On duty Lister P/O.

0935 Inspected Runways and Perimeter tracks. Picked up two bricks dropped by contractors.

09.40 Runway in use – No. 24. QAN [deleted] NE- [/deleted] SW’ly 5-10

10.50. We are required for 12 aircraft to-night. Ex Int.

1300 F/Lt Auston on Watch.

16.45 On duty Lister P/O.

16.56 Ops scrubbed. Ex Int.

17.22 Master II A/B for Digby. G/C McNab aboard. Signalled. S/Ldr Bartlett, pilot.

18.40. Office locked up. Off duty Lister P/O.

Friday 20th August 1943

0900 F/O Stephenson F/O Taylor on duty. Runway 16.QAN SE. 10.

0915 Met forecast of winds increasing to 35 M.P.H.

1012 Possible Bulls Eye to-night.

1420 Bulls Eye – 6 a/c 434 sqd. – 2300-0500 A/C to marshal for take off.

1530 Tunnels & Flare paths on 16-34 now serviceable.

1545 R/W 24 in use Wind S. Westerly.

1625 Bulls eyes scrubbed.

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Drem lights on Runways 16-34 and respective funnels now in operation.

[Underlined] Saturday 21st August 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/L Austin & P/O Lister on Watch Runway 16 –

1010 Stand down tonight.

Note:- A notebook with local F.C. instructions is now in the small drawer. All Control officers will read & initial each order. This book should be consulted when first signing on Watch in case new instructions have been made.

Note 2:- A Suggestion book is also available. Officers are encouraged to write in this book any suggestion that will improve our office or its operation.

1415 Runway changed to No. 24 QAN – SW’ly – 5-15MPH.

[Underlined] Sunday 22nd August 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor, F/O Stephenson on duty. Q.A.N southerly 5-10 R/W 16 in use.

1015 12 A/Cr for tonight. Briefing 18:00 hrs.

1045 Runway changed to 24. QAN. WSW. 5-10.

1800. Take-off time 21:10 – ETA. 0235 C/S DM8.

2000. Runway 28. = with goosenecks 1st 6. & 12th.

2110 =2129 12 A/C 434 airborne on “Ops”. L replaced A. Mag Drop. D replaced N. inter-com u/s.

2200. A/Cr circling us. Heard Linton give their T. pancake. Contacted then & this A/Cr proved to be theirs, & they called him home.

23:52. Fix on D 434. Hull. 1st class 5235N 0038E 23:36.

[Underlined] Monday 23rd August 1943 [/underlined]

0001 Another Fix D434. Hull 2nd class. Ack. 52.08N 0003W. 23:39.

Fix on D 434 Hull. 3rd class 52°36N 0115E. 23:57

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0010 Base request all lights turned on a/c about 20 mls N.W. – S.O.S.

All we have are on.

0020 Int. – D for Dog – [indecipherable] U/S.

0053 D 434. Landed OK = with load.

0101 O 434 landed OK. = [Deleted] Did [/deleted] Asked for a rt-handed circuit. = No Nav lights.

0202 U/434 1st A/Cr up on R/T.

0239 C/434 landed, All but V & P now safely back.

0245 C/434 called for help, bomb container dropped on Runway.

0255 A.F.C. reports Incendiaries on Runway; advised Int, who are passing this on to Armament Officer.

0249 QDY to V/434

0259 V/434 up on R/T. Had to stand-by till Runway clear.

0315 V/434 given Pancake. Did one overshoot due to u/c trouble.

0327 V/434 landed OK. – Turned him back runway to his own dispersal.

0430 Nothing from P 434. = Flare-path doused.

0900 On duty Lister P/O. Runway 28 QAN SWly.

10.00. Inspected Runways and Perimeter tracks, dispersals. O.K.

10.05. We are required for to-night – perhaps 11 aircraft. Ex Int.

1300 F/L Austin on Watch. Runway 24.

1549 Third a/c landed from Leeming. (AL/K JD164, AL/X JB967 & AL/O JD273 borrowed)

1632 Main briefing 1800 hrs.

1655 Runway changed to 28.

18.28 Be prepared for take-off at 20.00 hrs.

18.55. Runways Perimeter Tracks and Dispersals inspected.

2024 First a/c off on operations.

2047 Twelfth & last a/c off on operations. X, U, O, and S scrubbed

2217 L 434 returned early – artificial horizon U/S.

2309 K 434 returned early – Severe icing – Unable to climb.

2326 K 434 returned early – Intercomm U/S

2331 D 434 returned early – Engine trouble.

[Underlined] Tuesday 24TH August 1943 [/underlined]

0020 Phoned Base to determine if any further word had been received on X’ 434 – (Fix at 2250 hrs.) Nothing heard.

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0042 Fix on X’434 now identified as having been obtained by K’434.

0054 X’434 returned early (From where or who got the fix I don’t [sic] know.)

0119 Base informed C434 landed Coltishall at 2310 with engine trouble

0419 Fifth & last a/c landed. V434 (S/L McLernon) missing.

0515 Visibility 1500 yds. Arranged with base to land V at Linton should it come.

0530 Flarepath doused.

[Deleted] Wednesday 25th August 1943. [/deleted]

0900 F/O Stephenson & F/O Taylor on duty.

[Deleted] 0 [/deleted] R/W 28 in use. Q.A.N. very light.

0920 Runways etc inspected.

1015 Standown to-night.

1130 O/431 while taxying towards runway, went off track near No 2 hanger, over a tree stump & damaged undercarriage. Resident engineer checking on stump.

1430 R/W 10 in use now. QAN Light Easterly.

1552 431 Sqd. A. landed with 3 motors. No R/T Green light given.

[Underlined] Wednesday 25th August, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 On Duty Lister P/O Runway 10. QAN. E-ly. Changed to R.16.

1010 Not required tonight.

10.20 Inspected Runways & Perimeter Tracks. Perimeter tracks getting stony.

1035 Phoned base re a Spitfire which flew northerly after flying low over our aerodrome during rainstorm.

[Deleted] 1055 We are required to-night [/deleted]

Thursday 26th August 1943.

0900 F/O Stephenson & F/O Taylor on duty

0910 R/W in use Wind Northerly very light

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0930 R/Ws & Perimeter Track inspected

1055 We are required to-night.

1130 Runway changed to 16, QAN SSE. -5-10

1135 Ops cancelled.

1147 X/AL returned to Leeming.

1200 SD.229 Copy No 1069. received from Cypher Officer.

[Underlined] Friday 27th August 1943 [/underlined] CIV

0900 F/L Austin & P/O Lister on Watch – Runway 28.

09.25. Inspected Runways, Dispersals & Perimeter tracks O.K.

10.15 We are required to-night. Ex Int. 10/A/C.

1020 Linton base phoned to see if we could take six Lancasters for C’s & B’s this morning. Otiss A, E, F, G, S and T.

19.45. Inspected Runways, Perimeter tracks & Dispersals. All O.K.

2030 Runway 28 laid.

20.45 No.5. drem-light u/s. Stbd side. 28 R/W.

20.54 First aircraft off on ops.

21.10 Last a/c. off on ops. Average take off time:- 1 min 6 secs per aircraft.

21.25 Phoned Linton re u/s Fire Tender. Unable to take any Crash Action.

23.36. Fix on W/434. 52°41”N. 01°29”E. E.T.A. 00.40.

[Underlined] Saturday 28th August, 1942. [/underlined]

00.54. W/434 returned early.

0513 – First a/c landed from ops.

0538 – Last a/c landed. X434 (SGT THOULD) missing.

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor.

0851 D/434 landed from Ford. No warning. – Raining, viz about 1500 yds. (Left there 0730)

0930 Phoned Clerk of Works re u/s Drem light. #28. Fire laddie reports MT section sending u/s Fire Tender to Linton, trying to get a replacement.

1013 B/434 landed from Ford. No warning. Still raining, viz about 1500 yds. Rushed out 4 money flares, contacted base, to have Linton beacon & contact strip available. (Left Ford 08:44)

1023 Not required tonight.

1045 No 28 Drem now all OK.

1212 Capt. Francis A.T.A. landed in Anson. After conferring with Met. took off for Sherburn 12.54

1600 Switch Board now in operation; 2 PBX lines. 1 lie line to base. Extensions 1 to G/C. 3- F/C. 6 Int. 7 Met. 8 O/C 434.

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[Underlined] Note:- [//underlined] Effective 0900 hours 29TH Aug 43 the Control officers & staff will observe a 24-hour watch. The hours of duty shall be from 0830-1300 hours; 1300-1900 hours; 1900-0830 hours Whenever possible the hours of duty for staff personnel will observe similar times but variation may be permitted when there is little flying.

[Underlined] Sunday 29th August, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 Lister P/O. On duty Runway No. 28.

10.00. Stand Down to-night.

11.10 L/434 has large cut in tyre. Passed to 434 Eng. O. and asked him to ring Silverstone

1225 Silverstone advise Engineer two engines on L need checking.

1236 Money flares sent out to assist K434 landing.

1247 K434 landed from Tangmere.

14.45. Runway 24 in use.

[Underlined] Monday 20th August, 1943. [/underlined]

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor. F/O Stephenson.

Runway 28. QAN. WSW. 15-20 mph, veering Wly 15-20. Gusty.

0945 Contacted S.L.E. & S.L.A. re Accommodation for Duty Crew. 9 men reported here from 431 sqdn for week Aug 30 – Sept 5.

1000 Required for tonight. – 9 A/Cr.

1040 Contacted Silverstone for F/L Thomson, instructing L/434 to return just as soon as possible.

1500 Briefing 2100 hrs.

2000 Flarepath & taxying track laid for Runway 28.

2115 Funnel lights 28 & 10 u/s. Reported to Works & Bricks.

2200 Funel [sic] lights now OK.

2343 Everything in readiness for take off.

2348 K/434 off on operations.

2357 O/434 7th A/Cr. off on operations.

2358 A.F.C. reports D. taxied into tail end of U.; U apparently had not moved from point where he was marshalled. – Nobody hurt.

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[Underlined] Tuesday 31st August 1943. [/underlined]

0100 D piled up on top of U. Will not be removed till morning. Now 130 yards from main runway. Trying to debomb U. Cannot do D. Base have been kept informed of this.

0135 An A/Cr flew down our goose-neck flare patch. Heard Linton giving Pancake to their E, so phoned them about this one. After another run at our flarepath ACP gave him a Rad & he headed for Linton.

0420 Ex Base. N/434 has identified on MF/DF.

0431 A/434 first A/Cr. landed safely.

0500 Ex Base. O/434 landed at Ford. [Inserted] 04.25 Flt. Engineer Wounded.

0545 Nothing heard from K/434. Quite light now so gathering up flarepath equip.

0640 Ex Group. re O/434 at Ford. Badly shot up with flak. Holes in wings. F/E not seriously wounded. Pilot says engines are ropey & doubts that he will be able to return today.

0645 Ford phoned “O/434 did attack primary target. Hit by cannon shell & flak. F/E not seriously wounded, but in hospital for observation.”

09.00 On duty Lister P/O. Runway 28.

10.15 We are required to-night.

10.37 Ordered 434/B to return to dispersal on authority of Group & Sqdn. Eng. Crew are to take 431/T. instead to Coltishall & Middle Wallop.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

1400 Armament Officer reports a 2000 lb bomb has fallen off a trolley on the perimeter. It is to be treated as “live”. [Deleted] D [/deleted] M 434 being moved. Guards being posted to block traffic from perimeter track.

1500 Bomb now moved to firing point. O.K. for traffic.

1503 Briefing 1800 hours.

1641 L434 landed from [deleted] Middle Wallop [/deleted] Silverstone.

16.55 “O”/434 at Ford unable to return for a few days. F/O German requires instructions for return to base. Contacted C.O. 434.

17.12 W/Cdr. Harris instructs F/O German will be picked up tomorrow.

17.18 Called Ford and passed on gen to F/O German. “O”/434 classified as cat. B. Squadron Eng. O. informed.

1830 Middle Wallop called Halifax E for Edward left 1830.

1913 E434 returned from Middle Wallop. (Left there 1754).

1930 Flarepath laid on Runway 28- Wind calm.

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20.19 “S.” First a/c. off on ops.

20.22 “N.” made a false take-off. Stopped in centre of runway. “F” took off afterwards.

20.33 4th and last a/c (“N”) off on ops. (W. scrubbed P. outer u/s.)

2155 A.R.M. Purple. 2200 A.R.M. RED. 2219 A.R.M. WHITE.

[Underlined] Wednesday 1st September 1943. [/underlined]

0310 Runway changed to No. 10 – QAN – ESE’ly 3-5 M.P.H.

0421 F 434 landed at Barford St. John.

0426 First a/c landed from operations.

0440 Last a/c landed from operations.

0441 Asked Base if we could assist in landing other aircraft. Told O.K. to stand down. Flarepath doused. (Happy day).

0600 Phoned Barford St. John o.k. for F 434 to return as soon as possible. They report a/c short of fuel & an oil leak but will let us know when F is ready.

0830 F/O Stephenson & F/O Taylor On Duty.

0900 Runway 10. QAN. light.

0950 6 Group Stand down.

1000 434 2 A/Cr on Bulls-eye.

1015 Barford – Phoned. F/434 will be leaving shortly.

1108 Barford – Phoned F/434 left 10:55

1147 TRUSTME A ABLE [deleted] asking [/deleted] asked to standby while we light money flares on touchdown end of R.W 10. Viz about 1400 yds.

1240 A/431 landed OK. = chance light put on edge of drome, to be used as a funnel. A/Cr told to land directly over it.

1254 M/431 landed OK; after several stabs at it. No R/T.

14.20 Tannoyed:- “All windows must be left open at 3 o’clock. Explosion.” F/O Stephenson

1525 Bulls eye – scrubbed.

1545 Trench dug across entrance to S Sugars dispersal will not be filled to-night – To [sic] much water in trench.

[Underlined] Thursday 2nd September, 1943. [/underlined]

09.00 On duty Lister P/O. & F/Lt Austin. Runway No. 28.

0944 Four a/c on gardening.

1000 Command Bullseye tonight. (434 offer 3 a/c. – 431 offer nil)

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1225 W/T Callsign for 434 Sqdn. 5AV.

14.30 Ex Base – One of Topcliffe’s aircraft dropped a bit of his engine between here and East Moor. In case it is picked up return to Topcliff. [sic]

15.37. Contractors Lorry crossed R. in U. in front of “N”/434. Sgt. Snelgrave in a/c. Very near collision narrowly averted only through pilot taking off on grass at side of runway. Rang contractors and threatened police action on any future transgressors for trespass. Driver not traced

16.30 Briefing 18.00. ETD. 20.00. ETA. 23.25.

20.00 1st aircraft N/434 off on operations.

20.24 4th and last aircraft off on operations. R/434.

21.50 A.F.C. reported a red glow in the sky – checked up with base – Eastmoor have a burning Lanc. No injured.

22.20. Fix on “N”. 53°54”N. 01°50”E.

23.24. First aircraft back off operations. N/434.

[Inserted] Boob! [/inserted] [Underlined] Friday 3rd September, 1943. [/underlined]

00.10 Fourth and last aircraft landed safely.

00.15. Contacted base, offered our assistance. Stood down. Phew?!

00.20 Flarepath lifted. Much jubilation amongst the bodies.

0830 On Duty F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson. Runway 28. Calm, becoming L & V.

1000 Not required for tonight.

1130 Not accepted for Bullseye.

11:30 F/O Tyler left in Oxford for Coltishall.

13.13 M/434 stuck in mud off perimeter track, near wood. S/L Thomson informed.

1445 M/434 now clear of the mud.

1607 C/434 returned from Coltishall.

1750 Phoned Guard Room to chase civilians off the airfield (mushroom pickers).

1820 Base phoned re possible diversion.

1835 We are [underlined] not [/underlined] required for diversion.

[Underlined] Saturday 4TH September 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/L Austin & P/O Lister on Watch – Runway 10 – QAN – light E’ly.

1000 Stand down tonight.

1045 Runway changed to 16. QAN SE’ly – 10-15 MPH.

1048 Gale Warning – SE to S’ly gales 40 miles per hour within next 6 hours in districts on W & SW coasts, N. Ireland & north of Scotland.

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[Underlined] Sunday 5th September. [/underlined]

0830 On duty F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson.

0900 Runway 16. QAN. SE-ly 15-20 mph.

1000 We are required tonight. 10 A/Cr.

1115 Main briefing 1800 hours. – now 17.30 hrs.

1520 SD 300 (#603) received from Base Cypher Officer. CD209. = 125 returned 123 received.

1600 431 Sqdn have 3 A/C. C & L’s tonight 20:00-23:00. A/Cr. D. B. & O.

1715 Runway 24 now in use. QAN S-W. 10-15

1830 Runway 28 QAN. S-Wly less than 10. Flare-path laid.

1918 R/434 1st A/Cr off on ops.

1931 E/434 9th A/Cr off on ops T/434 scrubbed. Petrol leak.

2021 O/431 commenced night flying, followed by B & D.

2209 Ragman E called.

2212 Told to Jetison. [sic]

2213 Ragman E says he must land.

2214 Q.F.E. passed to Ragman E. Pancaking.

2219 Ragman E landed. O.K. with bomb load.

2300 A.C.P. reports 431 A/C coming in to right of flare path. They are not coming down centre of funnel. Result overshoots.

2315 TRUST ME B. called cannot taxi, low brake pressure

2324 TRUST ME O landed. 431 sqd now finished night flying. Another bad landing for O. B/431 now in dispersal at end on No 16 runway.

[Underlined] Monday 6th September 1943. [/underlined]

0215 FIX on L/434. 2nd class Southampton 50.37N. 0040W

0234 R/434 1st A/Cr back landed OK.

0331 L/434 8th A/Cr landed OK.

03.40 Ex Base. W/434 landed MARKET HARBOROUGH at 03.00. P.O. U/S. All our A/Cr accounted for, phoned Group. 18 group A/Cr still stooging so we’re still to keep lighted up.

0405 Flare-path doused. R/T watch closed.

08.30 On Watch Lister P/O. Runway 24 in use. QAN SSWly – 15-25.

09.30 Inspected Runways, Dispersals and Perimeter tracks. E/431 Pile of bricks too near edge of track to dispersal. Informed C.O.W. & requested movement of same.

10.25 Ex Group:- W/434 at Market Harborough has a Glycol leak in Port Outer. Requests permission to run up. If O.K. he will return but this may mean on three engines only. Informed Sqdn. Engineer not in at moment

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10.45 We are required to-night for 8 aircraft. Ex Base.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

1550 Possible diversion of our a/c to Ford tonight.

19.00 Inspected Runways and Perimeter tracks. Removed sundry obstacles. O.K.

1924 First a/c off on operations. (Runway 24 used for first time).

1935 Eighth & last a/c off on operations.

2021 D431 off on night bombing.

2023. O 431 off on night bombing.

2150 Bomber Command expect Intruder activity between 0300 hrs & dawn.

2155 G434 overhead with radio trouble. Sent to jettison.

2206 Base inform E434 landed FORD (Flight Engineer ill) at 2125.

2217 O431 landed from night bombing.

2227 D431 landed from night bombing.

2246 G434 landed from operations.

2249 T434 overhead with hydraulic trouble. Could not get the undercarriage down. Asked for instructions. Told to standby until Runway changed to 28. (Wind S’W 6 M.P.H.) Message Rogered. Decided to have only Drem lighting, Angles of Glide & Chance light as T looked like it would have to crash-land. Reserve tender and ambulance ordered to standby.

2340 Chance light (and angle of glide) refused to operate. T informed. Said he was coming in anyway.

2345 T informs that wheels have come down o.k when he throttled back. Coming in without A’s of Glide.

2347 T434 landed o.k. (Baby remained unborn).

2350 Runway changed to 28.

[Underlined] Tuesday 7TH September 1943 [/underlined]

[Underlined] NOTE:- [/underlined] Control officers are [underlined] not [/underlined] reading the local instruction book when coming on duty. [Underlined] This is to be done. [/underlined] It is recommended that all instructions that have been initialled as understood be carried out. Particular reference is made to No’s 4, 8, and 15.

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0320 A434 landed Ford

0351. S434 landed Ford

0357 C 434 landed West Malling.

Nothing heard of F434 (Sgt Tovey) or R434 (Sgt Olmstead).

0700 Group say they have notified 11 Group to tell all 6 Group a/c to return as soon as possible.

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson.

0900 Following Sec Docs around. SD300, 229, CD 0110, 209, 0261, 260. AP3024

0930 Runway changed to 24. QAM. [sic] SSW. 10+

0930 R/W’s perimeter track, Night lights and premises inspected.

0950 Chance-light now serviceable.

1000 Stand down to-night.

1030 S/434 returned from Ford. (left there 0913)

1103 A/434 returned from Ford. (left there 0955).

1240 E/434 returned from Ford.

1305 Phone call from West Malling finally came through but results nil, as F.C.O. there had just come on duty. He thought C/434 would not be returning today but knew no details. Is getting gen & will phone back.

1535 Reported to Group Flying Control an A/Cr flying with transmitter on. – one of crew Jock. Talked about Bomb-sight, new TR, that Darky was still 6440, weather approaching front, nice down South at Port Wreath & Red Ruth, stand by to land at 15.28.

1545 C/434 leaving West Malling for Tholthorpe.

1906 C/434 landed from West Malling. (Left there 17:55).

Wednesday 8th September 1943

0830 Flt Lt Austin & F/O Stephenson on duty.

0835 Secret Documents checked.

0855 R/W 28 in use. Winds light, Westerly 5-10 mph.

0945 We are required to-night. 7 A/C

1008 Crew for Air to Air firing Robin Hood Bay to Flamborough

1645 Diversion drome if Weather bad is Coltishall.

1740 Operations scrubbed.

2000 Flarepath laid on Runway 28.

2143 P431 off on night bombing.

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2225 A431 off on night bombing. (D431 scrubbed. Engine U/S).

2240 || A landed with air speed indicator U/S. Overshot on landing and on attempting to swing undercarriage collapsed. Runway 28 blocked. //

2318 Flarepath being changed to 16 (Wind very light).

[Underlined] Thursday 9th September 1943 [/underlined]

0022 P431 landed from night bombing.

0040 || Darky call Music M (?) (27 O.T.U. Waddington) shouting short of petrol. Phoned Linton to put on all lights. They had not heard the call. A/C landed at Linton O.K. (eight minutes petrol left).

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor. QAN L & V. QBA. 300 yds. – SD’s ckd.

0930 Viz now 1300 yds. Wind E ly light. Runway 16. No 10 U/S.

0950 Required tonight. 7 A/Cr.

1030 Wind 5-10. Runway 06.

|| 1113 Signaled [sic] Station “Z”. Runway 10/28 U.S. TRN. CRASHED AIRCRAFT.

1321. Workman replacing turf on 10-28 runway.

1810 Both gates on Tholthorpe-Raskelf road closed. 3 red glims on each.

1830 Called guardroom to place police on gates, but they haven’t the men.

1900 Arranged with Linton to take any local A/Cr if they should return before Ops take off.

1954 V/434 off on X-country.

20:10 Met advise weather will be bad by 2200 hrs. Contacted S/L Hockey.

20:20 Asked Linton to recall V/434.

2022 Scrubbed 431 night flying on instructions from W/Co Newsome.

2027 A.CP reports crashed A/Cr now removed from Runway. [Inserted] Signal sent to Station Z. [/inserted] 10 now S.

2109 Operations Scrubbed.

2230 All A/Cr safely tucked in dispersals.

2351 V/434 landed from X-Country. Base was never able to contact him.

[Underlined] Friday 10th September 1943. [/underlined]

0845 On Watch F/L Austin F/O Stephenson S Doc. checked.

0900 QAN Easterly 15-25 mph R/W 10 in use.

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0900 R/W’s & Perimeter Track inspected. Also premises.

0940 We are not required to-night.

[Underlined] Saturday 11th September [/underlined]

0845 On Watch F/O Taylor. SD ckd.

0900 Runway 10. QAN. E ly 10-15.

0952 Not required tonight.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] Sunday 12th September [/underlined]

0845 On Watch F/O Stephenson S.D. chd.

0900 Runway 10 QAN ELY 10-20.

0945 Not required to-night

1515 Ragman G. could not get wheels up making circuit with wheels down.

1535 Ragman G. landed wheels O-K. now.

[Underlined] Monday 13th September. [/underlined]

0830 On Watch F/O Taylor. SD. Ckd.

0900 Runway 10. Calm, Met Ely 5-15.

0945 Stand-down tonight.

1000 East Moor phoned, if weather OK will we take 1 Lanc on C’s & B’s? Yes.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] Tuesday 14th September [/underlined]

0830. On Watch F/O Stephenson S D. ckd.

0830 QAN Light Easterly backing to South. R/W 10 in use.

0920 R/W & perimeter [deleted] ckd [/deleted] inspected.

0935 Eastmoor asked is we could be ready to take two Lancasters in case their drome was U/S. (O.K.).

0952 Stand down tonight.

1610 R.W. 28 in use. QAN Wstly 5-10.

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[Underlined] Wednesday September 15, 1943. [/underlined]

0845 On Watch F/O Taylor. SD ckd.

0900 No 28 Runway QAN. WNW 5-10.

1010 Required for 12 A/Cr tonight. 434. – Briefing 17:30

1010 Possible 5 or 6 431’s on Bulls eyes.

1240 D/431 at Dispersal asked on R/T if we had heard an A/Cr calling. Kiwi in distress. We had not. S/434 on landing called on R/T, “as A/Cr went down & cloud of smoke came up.” Contacted Base. – They are working on the crash.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch – Runway 24 QAN SW’ly 10+

1320 Base informs of two crashes. One was Q of Topcliffe near Rufforth (Six of crew baled out; pilot killed). The other as yet unidentified was at A 0385. Six of crew have baled out.

1605 Briefing Bullseye 1800 hrs at 431 Nav Hut.

1740 Bullseye for 431 scrubbed.

1924 B431 off on night X-country. Runway 24 in use.

1926 P 431 off on night X-country.

1927 V 431 off on night X-country.

1950 M 431 off on night X country.

2025 L 434 1st A/Cr off on ops. (With A/Comm, McEwan)

2032 P 434 7th A/Cr. Last of 1st wave off.

2041 C 434 8th A/Cr 1st of 2nd wave off

2049 M 434 12th A/Cr. – Last off.

2120 Phone to Flare path now OK.

Today we received AMCO’s A23/42, A24/42. A25/42. from Base Cypher Off.

2205 Ex Base: V/434 QDM 351 at 2152.

2225 M/431 landed from X-country.

2236 P/431 landed from X-country.

2244 V/431 landed from X-country.

2303 B/431 landed from X-Country.

2305 Ex Base. V/434 QDM 274 at 2305.

2339 V434 returned early (Starboard outer U/S – jettisoned 2000 lber.)

[Underlined] Thursday September 16TH 1943 [/underlined]

0253 P 434 1st A/Cr up on R/T.

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0258 ex Base. W/434 landed at Tangmere 0240, because of low cloud base, returning at daylight.

0308 N/434 ran off perimeter track in front of watch office. Crash tender & big ambulance managed to get clear. Small ambulance slightly dented. No-one hurt. Starboard outer prop. damaged. Met. Office damaged by Ambulance backing in to it.

0340 M/434 last A/Cr landed. All safely accounted for.

0430 Tangmere phoned. They have not the facilities to get W/434 off at first light, but will have him ready to return in forenoon.

0830 F/O Stephenson on duty. R.W. 24 in use QAN S.W. 10-15

0930 Sec. Doc. ckd. Runways & Perimeter checked.

0950 We are required to-night. 9 A/C.

1045 434. W departed Tangmere 10.20

1137 W 434 landed here.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

1430. [Underlined] Note [/underlined] Contacted Station electrician. Effective from Monday 20TH September there will be a Duty Electrician for Flare Path duties. The F.C.O. on duty Monday morning will see that he is instructed in his duties as per 6G/FWS/DO-13 Sept 43.

1520 Briefing 1730 hours.

1540 Changing runway to 28 & Lighting money flares. Vis-poor-rain.

1601 Last of our a/c landed o.k.

1930 Flarepath laid on Runway 28. Vis – under 2000 yds raining

1932 First a/c off on ops.

1951 Eighth & last a/c off on ops. (Swung violently. Vis less than 1000 yds. G scrubbed visibility too poor).

2230 Base inform aircraft are now definitely diverted to Bassingbourn.

2313 A.R.M. Purple. 2324 A.R.M. White.

[Underlined] Friday September 17th 1943 [/underlined]

0435 Base notified that A, C, M, P, T and X 434 had landed at Bassingbourn. L434 was heading in that direction after last fix.

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0455 Base inform L 434 landed at Bassingbourn.

0523 Base inform N 434 landed at Thurleigh.

0525 Contacted Bassingbourn. Informed their F.C. to keep a/c there until we phone them. They also say they would notify Thurleigh re N.

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor. Runway 10. QAN. SSE.8. SD ckd.

NOTE. When our crews return Base want us to enquire as to what they think of Bassingbourn Flying Control Facilities, re further diversions

0945 Not required tonight.

1100 431 Sqdn. offer 6 + 2 for Bulls-eye tonight.

1150 S/L Hockey phoned from Bassingbourn. A/Cr will be leaving there shortly. He will bring along full details about A/434.

1200 Runway changed to 28. Wind light, now W of S. – becoming W ly 5-10 mph.

1600. Bullseye Briefing 18:15 in Nav. Hut. 8 A/Cr.

1745 434 Squadron B. G. R & V scrubbed. (F/Lt Linnell)

1830 Met Forecast NW-ly wind 10-15. Runway 34 for take-off.

2000 Phoned Group for permission for 434 to send a Halifax to Bassingbourn tomorrow morning

2115 Group given permission for Halifax to go to Bassingbourn in the morning.

2120 Bullseye scrubbed. Marshalled A/Cr will be returned to dispersals in the morning.

[Underlined] 18th September, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30 On duty Lister P/O. Runway 28. QAN. N.W. light.

09.20 Runway inspection completed.

1010 Stand down tonight.

1300 F/L Austin on Watch.

1350 Runway changed to 10. N’ by E less than 10.

1852 D431 off on night X-country and bombing.

1910 C431 off on night X-country and bombing.

19.25. M/431 off on night X-country and Bombing.

19.33. V/1933. [sic] off on night X-country and Bombing.

19.45. Runway Flarepath laid on #28. QAN N by E. 2 mph.

2207 C/431 Landed from XC & Bombing.

22.40 Aircraft in our circuit flashing on ident. lights series of unintelligible signals. A.C.P. gave a green.

22.55. Mystery aircraft landed – no R/T. Taxied up flarepath and thence

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towards 431 Dispersals. AFC’s telephone & R/T “dead”. Could not find out a thing. Borrowed a van from M.T. and sent Cpl. Adams to check up on identity of aircraft and reason for cause of AFC’s silence.

23.15. A/C. in question is D/431 who swung very badly through over-correction on landing. Ripped up telephone wires through his swing off the runway. Pilot reported to watch-office; said he had no difficulty in getting back onto R/W. Apparently this swing is a common fault in this a/c. Wind dead calm at the time of the “incident.” Pilot:- F/S. Hamby.

23.22 V/431 Landed. No R/T. TR1196 went U/S in the air, but O.K. for ground test.

23.41 M/431 Landed in approved fashion.

2350. Contacted base, offered our help which was declined & so = Good-night.

[Underlined] Sunday 19th September, 1943. [/underlined]

0845 On Watch F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson. S.D. ckd.

0900 Runway 28. QAN. L & V. becoming SW-WSW – 10.

1000 Command Stand-down.

1307 T/434 returned from Bassingbourn.

1415 Runway changed to 24. QAN SW-ly 10-15.

Tonight’s flying 434 3 A/Cr on X-country. 431 2 A/C on C & B.

1900 Runway 28 for night flying.

1920 T/434 off on X-country

1923 W/434 off on X-country

1955 X/434 off on X-country

2004 B/431 & E/431 commenced C’s & B’s.

2144 431 finished C’s & L’s.

2214 T/434 landed from X-Country, with P.O. U/S.

2238 A/Cr landed. W/434 given pancake, but I think this one if [indecipherable] C. as W/434 still flying around.

2319 Viz terrible arranged with Base for X & W/434 to go to Topcliffe

2329 X/434 landed here, Viz had improved, & we had been unable to raise him on R/T to divert him.

2330 Base advise W/434 landed at Linton. 23:10. Crew bus sent over, as their bus had already left for here for C’s crew.

2359 Flare path doused. R/T watch closed. (Phew!)

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[Underlined] Monday September 20th 1943 [/underlined]

08.30 On duty Lister Runway #28. QAN. W-NNW.

09.30 Inspected aerodrome, runways and dispersals. Checked SD’s. D261. 229. C.O’s 23, 24, 28. AP3024. 110. 260. C.D.209.

09.45 Stand-Down to-night.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

1408 Six a/c 431 on Bullseye tonight.2 a/c 434 Sqdn. M/434 V/434.

1424 Briefing at 1800 hrs. 1434 – Changed to 1545 hours in Main briefing room

1706 Flarepath telephone now serviceable

18.20 Inspected aerodrome runways & perimeter tracks. Grass requires cutting on & around signals area.

1928 First a/c off on Bullseye. QFE 1009.1

1941 Seventh & last a/c off on Bullseye. E431 scrubbed.

2358 D 431 landed from Bullseye.

[Underlined] Tuesday 21st September 1943 [/underlined]

0120 Seventh & last a/c landed o.k.

0845 On Watch F/O Taylor. SD ckd.

0900 Runway 28. QAN W’ly -10.

0945 Runway 34 QAN NWly. 13 miles. (Telephone tested OK).

1015 Stand-down tonight.

1045 Command Bulls-eye. 431 will have some A/Cr on it.

1500 434 have 5 A/Cr on X-Country tonight. 19.30-23.10

1450 Two crews proceeding to Linton by bus to go in OXFORD to BASSINGBORNE to fly 434 A back to base. (first thing to-morrow morning) (Inf. passed to Linton).

1900 Runway 28. – Wind N ly less than 5.

1932 M/434 first A/Cr off on X-Country. – F & P.

1938 X/434 4th A/Cr off on X-Country. QFE 1013.

1947 M/434 landed, did a ground loop but OK & taxied away.

1955 First 431 A/Cr off on Bulls-eye. C. -then B, E, P, N.

2015 M/434 all ok again & took off on X-Country.

2017 Q/431 6th & last A/Cr off on Bulls-eye.

2021 E/431 called on R/T. Goon & D.R. compass U/S. Instructed him to carry on, as per S/L Pleasance.

2020 Strensall bombing range called re 431 Bombing Schedule. Advised A/Cr. B, E, Q, P; 2 from 2330 till 2359, other 2 from 2359 till 0030.

2215 Ex Base. All Bulls-eye A/Cr being recalled immediately.

[Page break]

23.28 Q/431 proceeding to Range for practice bombing.

23.43 E/431 1st A/Cr landed OK.

[Underlined] Wednesday 22nd September 1943 [/underlined]

0032 Q/431 tenth & last A/Cr landed OK.

Not required by base so Flare-path doused, R/T off.

08.30 On duty Lister P/O. Runway 28. QAN W’ly.

09.05 Aerodrome Runways & Dispersals inspected & found O.K. Secret docs checked.

10.20 Operating to-night. 12 a/c. Briefing 1700 hrs.

1414 A434 returned from Bassingbourn.

17.30 Aerodrome, Runways, Dispersals inspected. Perimeter tracks on both sides of 28 very stony.

1851 First a/c off on operations (Runway 28).

1922 Twelfth & last a/c off on ops. [Underlined] Thursday 23rd. Sept. ’43 [/underlined]

00.20 434/P. Landed from ops. First aircraft. Shot up badly.

00.49 434/N. Landed – no R/T. Given a green by ACP after flashing S.O.S.

00.59 434/L. Landed on 3 engines; bogged near D/434 dispersal. Priority.

01.05. 434/F landed with only 15 mins petrol. Priority landing

01.11 434/K landed with only 20 mins petrol. – ditto - .

03.30 Base passed on to no ex Group “Stand Down.” Flare path lifted.

[Underlined] G/434 Missing. [/underlined]

0845 On Duty F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson. SD ckd.

F/O Boyd reported for temporary duty.

0900 Runway 28. QAN. W-WSW 15-25. Very Gusty.

1030 Phoned Clerk of Works to have perimeter swept of stones. He will get to work on it this morning.

1040 Required tonight.

1400 431 have 8 on X-Country. ETD 1500. E.T.A. 1932.

1514/1547 431 Sqdn. G, F, P, Q, V, off on X-Country.

2044 Air Raid Warning Purple. Lights doused.

1852 F/434 off on Ops.

1903 W/434, 10th A/Cr off on ops. Drem taxi lights now Serviceable.

2017 All 5 – 431 A/Cr landed OK.

2110 ARM. White.

2216. 434 R landed back. Rear turret u/s. Used perimeter track lighting and a/c made a successful run to his dispersal. 1st a/c on Drem taxi lights.

[Page break]

2237 R/T went dead – Found aerial wire broken – tied ends together. OK again.

2320 Ex Base. If we have trouble with visibility (smoke haze) Dalton standing by.,

[Underlined] Friday 24th September 1943 [/underlined]

0158 B/434 1st A/Cr Landed.

0230 M/434 7th A/Cr. Landed – Taxi track OK. A/Cr all back in dispersal. W/434 landed at Hartford Bridge & K/434 landed at Cranfield.

0330 Flarepath doused. R/T watch closed.

0830 On Duty F/O Boyd. P/O Lister.

Runway in use No. 28. QAN. W’ly.

09.30 Runways, dispersals & perimeter tracks inspected. Stone clearing needed. Checked secret documents.

10.15 Stand-down to-night.

11.15 Changed to 24. QAN. SW ly.

12.05 W/434 airborne at 11.56. from Hartford Bridge.

12.55 K/434 at Cranfield will be airborne about 13.30 for Base. ASI now serviceable. Take-off delayed because F700 for DI not completed.

1320 434/W landed from Hartford Bridge.

1420 Runway changed to No [circled] 28 [/circled]. QAN Wly

1445 434/K airborne at 1415 from Cranfield. Landed 15.49.

15.15 Changed to #34. QAN. NW.

1615 Changed to # 28 QAN W’ly

17.30 Volunteered to take 2 of East Moor’s Lancs for Cs & B’s from 20.00 to 23.00 hrs. They have an early return & take-off for ops. to-night

20.16. Night flying commenced with 1679/R. landing here from E.M. for C & B.

22.43. 1679/R. Returned to Eastmoor. Flare-path lifted. R/T watch closed.

[Underlined] Saturday 25th September [/underlined]

0830 F/O Stephenson and F/O Taylor on duty R/W 28 in use QAN Westerly 5-10 Secret Doc. checked. R/W’s and field inspected.

1040 We are required to-night. 12 a/c. 434 sqdn

Bulls-eye. 431 sqdn. 8 A/Cr.

1130 Runway changed to 34. QAN NWly 10-15.

1129 C/431 landed on 3 engines. He had signalled base that one engine was u/s but the message just reached us as he was making his final approach.

[Page break]

Briefings 434 – 17:00 hrs. 431 17:15 in Nav. Hut.

1750 431 take off. 1840. RW 34 434 Marshaling [sic] R./W 28 take off.

1844/1849. 431 Sqdn. M, N, P, Q, R, & V. off on Bullseye.

1944 Q/431 landed OK. Asked permission to do a tr. hand circuit

20.15 Sgt Francis and Sgt Scott reported from Watchfield for A.C.P. duties. S/L Kyle informed.

2040. Operations scrubbed. Group recalling 431 Bullseye on original ETA.

2140 || 6 lights of drem system R/w 28 U/S.

2316 M/431 landed. 1st a/c.

[Underlined] Sunday Sept 26th 1943. [/underlined]

0017 P/431 last bulls-eye A/Cr. landed. OK. Flare-path doused.

08.30 On duty Lister P/O. & F/O. Boyd. R/W. 34. QAN. NNW. Checked Secret documents.

09.30 Inspected Aerodrome, R/Ways and dispersals. All a/c back in their dispersals by 10.30.

10.45 Operating 12 a/c to-night.

10.57. Main briefing 17.00.

1721 Ops scrubbed informed by Base.

1815 R/T Watch closed.

[Underlined] Monday Sept 27th 1943. [/underlined]

0830 On Duty F/O Taylor & F/O Stephenson. RW. 34. QAN NWly 10-15

1000 Required tonight. 14 A/Cr.

1250 Runway changed to 28. QAN. W-Sw ly. Light.

1450 As per N.O.P. Instructions Ambulance now standing by at Sick Quarters.

1725 R/W changed to 24 QAN WSW 18 MPH.

1845 Runway 28 laid for take-off. Wind. SW.-ly – light.

1921-1936. 14 a/c 434 off on Ops.

Drem on No 24 now U/S. Electricians can’t find the fault.

2100 W/434 returning to base Engine trouble.

2115 Linton advised we will send W/434 to them wind is more favourable to their long runway.

2155 W/434 landed Linton.

2235 K/434 up on R/T. 3 engines Diverted to Linton.

[Page break]

2240 All a/c diverted to diversion bases.

2255 K/434 landed Linton.

2322 O/434 returning early will be diverted to Linton.

[Underlined] Tuesday September 28 1943 [/underlined]

0015 Crash near [deleted] L [/deleted] Newton (Base) will inform us if it is our D/434. A.O.C. instructs us to keep watch till all a/c accounted for

0045 D/434 landed Thornaby 2355. One motor u/s.

0052 Totem poles on R/W 16-34 serviceable.

Changed to this Runway as Wind SE ly - SSE ly. 15-20.

0420 A, C, M, T, & V landed at Ridgewell; B at Snetterton Heath, N, at Cranfield, P, at Chelveston, // F, R, & Z still not accounted for. Flare-path doused & R/T watch closed.

08.30 On Duty Lister P/O. F/O. Boyd. R/W. 34. NW 23-25.

09.00 Aerodrome inspected. O.K. Secret documents checked.

10.30. Standdown. Command Bulls-eye to-night.

12.30 A/C at Thornaby & Snetterton Heath Serviceable. Instructed them to await further instructions. D at Thornaby & B at Snetterton

12.50 S/L Hockey phoned from Ridgewell. Instructed him and other crews to standby for weather improvement.

1330 434/D ordered back from Thornaby

1337 434/P ordered back from Chelveston.

1345 Advised group to Contact Ridgewell and order our a/c back.

1529 434/W landed from ops via Linton

1634 B/426 landed with A/M. Edwards & AVM Brooks aboard. Linton informed.

18.15. D/434 Unable to return until 30/9/43. due to overheating of Stbd. Outer engine cause [sic] by U/S thermostat. Being replaced.

18.20 P/434 Landed from Chelveston.

18.53 B/426. with Air Marshall Edwards & A.V.M. Brooks aboard airborne for Linton. ACP reports he thought bomb doors were open so gave a “red,” a/c took no notice. Landed at Linton at 18.57.

1900 Flarepath laid No 34 Runway.

20.10 M/434 Hydraulic trouble scrubbed & returned to dispersal.

20.15. N/431 First a/c off on [deleted] ops [/deleted] Bulls-eye.

20.25 F/431 Last a/c off on Bulls-eye. 7th & last a/c.

[Page break]

21.00 #34 Runway Flare-path, funnel & totem poles completely u/s. Phoned electrical standby section for action.

21.09 Linton agreed to take our a/c if necessity arises.

22.15. Lights now O.K. We land our own aircraft – weather permitting.

23.15 Bulls-eye aircraft recalled by base. Runway being changed to #28. QAN W-ly 8-9 mph. Backing to S.W. and increasing.

[Underlined] Wednesday 29th September, 1943. [/underlined]

00.01 B/431. First a/c to land from Bulls-eye. #28. Swung a trifle off R/W.

00.20. B/C message received ex base E/431 “returning on 3 engines.”

00.59 431/Q 6th & last a/c Landed. 431/N. Landed at Linton, persisted in using the wrong R/T call-sign for us. Instructed base to send him back but N got bogged in Linton aerodrome. Bad show.

01.30 Base gave permission to stand down. Flare-path lifted.

0830 On Watch F/O Stephenson & F/O Taylor. Runway 28. QAN Calm & a light Sly.

1045 Required tonight 7. A/Cr.

L.A.C. Simmons posted to Watchfield W.E.F. 1/10/43. Phoned S/L Kyles. He will try to send us a body to replace him.

1330 Briefing 1600 hrs.

1410 Message from Ridgewell. V/434 not yet serviceable, probably not today but they will advise us when to send crew for it.

1713 434/N landed from Cranfield.

1818=1822. 7 A/Cr 434 off on ops. A. B. C. L. M. P. T. = Runway 28.

1931 C/434 returned & landed OK on 3 engines.

2115 Flare path and totems. 16 – 34 U/S.

2239 Power failure here.

2246 Power serviceable.

[Underlined] Thursday 30th September 1943. [/underlined]

0200 No word from T & L/434/ Flare path doused, R/T watch closed.

0830 On Watch F/O Boyd, P/O Lister Docs Checked OK.

Runway 28 QAN light & variable.

0930 Runway changed 24 QAN S’ly 10 MPH

10.05. Operating 7 [deleted] 8 [/deleted] aircraft to-night. Briefing 16.00.

10.55. Changed to #28. QAN. Wly. 10-12.

12.55. Ops scrubbed.

[Page break]

12.36. Q/431 1st a/c. off on X Country.

1330 Runway changed to 24 QAN. SSW/10

18.16. M/431 Last a/c back-off Cross Country.

Friday Oct 1/43.

0830 F/O Taylor on duty. F/O Stephenson on duty.

0830 R/W 16 in use. QAN [deleted] S [/deleted] Light & Variable

0900 S.D. checked.

1000 Runway 24. Wind SSW. – freshening.

1030. We are required to-night 434 8 a/c 431. 6 a/c.

1048 Briefing 434 – 1600 hrs. 431 – 1645 hrs.

Note [Boxed] New R/T and W/T call signs are in effect today – They vary every 9 days. Control officers will take careful watch that the correct callsigns are listed during the appropriate periods. [/boxed]

1350. Operations cancelled.

1420 V434 landed from Ridgewell

1450 Operations are on again.

1520 Confidential Doc. C.D. 0250 (9) #834 and C.D. 0250 (11) #852 received by us from Base.

1615 Operations Cancelled.

[Underlined] Saturday October 2nd 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On duty Lister P/O. F/O Taylor. R/W/ 28. QAN. Wly. light.

09.15. Inspected Runways, Perimeter Tracks & Dispersals. Checked Secret docs.

10.50. Operating to-night. 4 a/c 431 8 for 434.

Three Crash crew in hospital leaving only 4 men, LAC Bacon i/c Fire Party notified. F/Lt. Hudson president fire committee.

12.10. Briefing 1600 to-day. (431 Sqdn.).

1400 T.F.N. = We have no reserve crash tender. Informed Base. They will have to look after all requirements off the drome.

1901. Q/431 First a/c off on ops.

19.12. C/431 Twelfth & last a/c. off on ops.

19.13. Crash Tender from Linton reported for duty.

2145 ARM. Purple. – Goose-necks doused.

22.06 ARM. White.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Sunday 3rd October, 1943. [/underlined]

00.46. 434/V Landed early from Gardening.

02.44. 431/D. 1st aircraft back off ops.

03.23. 431/Q 11th & last aircraft to land off ops. A message was received from Base that he had asked for an emergency landing at Linton, his hydraulic pressure being u/s. He was told by [deleted] W/T [/deleted] Base to land here on 28 as R/W was clear and all ready waiting for him. Q/431 landed swerving violently off R/W and back on again, finishing up at the end of #28 where he was left red lights marking him as an obstruction. Base informed and gave us stand-down.

03.33 U/431. Diverted and landed at Peterhead in distress – short of petrol.

All aircraft safely accounted for.

Flare path doused.

0830 F/L Austin and F/O Stephenson on duty.

0830 R/W 24 in use. QAN. Light.

S.D. checked.

1005 We are required to-night. 8 a/c 431 8 a/c 434

1110 Briefing 434 1530 431 1600 hrs.

1555 U434 returned from Peterhead.

1841 First a/c off on operations (431 first wave)

1918 Sixteenth and last off on operations (434 second wave)

[Inserted] 1935 Pilots escape hatch found after take off undamaged #1 HANGER [/inserted]

2051 O431 returned early. (Rear turret U/S)

2108 S431 returned early (Port outer U/S)

2213 V431 returned early (Navigator error)

2221 M431 returned early (Trimming faulty)

[Underlined] Monday 4th October 1943 [/underlined]

0100 First a/c landed from operations.

0138 Y429 (F/S Hingston – Skipton) landed following green from A.C.P. – A/C had no R/T. Mistook here for Skipton.

0222 Last a/c landed from operations. V434 (F/O German) and R431 (W/O Reynoldson) missing.

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. F/O Taylor. #24 QAN SW. 20-35.

[Page break]

09.30. Inspected Aerodrome & Runways. a/c now returning to dispersals. Checked Secret documents.

1000 East end runway 28 = section of concrete cracked & dropped about an inch. Runway 24 at intersection 16 = water always seeping up through concrete. Reported these to Resident Engineer so he can keep a watch on them.

1020 Required tonight 431 – 8, 434 – 8. Briefing 434 – [deleted] 15:30 [/deleted] 16:15 431 – 16:15.

[Underlined] NOTE [/underlined] In future A.T.A. will use R/T when delivering new 4 engined A/C. Here they will use FISHZONE & ABUSH.

1115 Y/429 took off to return to Skipton. (Base advised – Skipton advised).

17.45. A/434. 1st a/c. airborne on ops.

18.12 F/431 13th and last a/c. airborne on ops.

P/434 Q/431. N/431. Scrubbed. Too late to take off.

[Underlined] TUESDAY 5TH OCTOBER 1943. [/underlined]

IIII 00.30. 28 Lighting U/S. a/c. diverted to Linton. 434/A. /B. 431/E. 431/O. N/434.

01.05. 434/D/M. Landed at Harwell. S/434. On Darky at Harwell. Ex Base.

01.08. 431/A. On R/T. to Linton.

01.31. A/431 Landed here. Runway having been changed to #24.

01.35. V/431 Landed here Port Outer engine u/s. F/431 landed here 01.51.

01.30. All lights in Watch Office extinguished, worked by torch light!!

01.40. Lights on again.

01.45. S/434 Landed at Morton-in-Marsh as 01.05.

02.30. No news from W/434. Base stood us down. Flarepath doused.

Quite a rest cure.

03.00. Off Watch Lister P/O. & F/O A. S. Taylor.

0845 F/O Stephenson F/L Austin on duty.

0900 We are to call 6 Group for permission to recall a/c.

0900 RW 24 in use. QAN SWly 10-15

0930 S.D. Checked.

1045 We are required to-night. 431 8 a/c 434 6 a/c

1135 Briefing for both Squadrons 1515 hours.

1145 Base advise W434 ditched [deleted] 10 [/deleted] 1 mile from the French coast. Too close to send out A.S.R. Sending broadcast on International frequency.

1218 B434 returned from Linton.

1224 N434 returned from Linton.

1248 A434 returned from Linton

1305 E431 returned from Linton

1332 S434 returned from Moreton-in Marsh.

[Page break]

1405 Broadcast from Base. Linton having a large effort to-night. Due to low cloud may be forced to use intruder routes. A/C are being briefed to have Nav. lights on. Suggest we also brief crews to this effect.

1434 O431 landed from Linton

1656 Operations scrubbed.

1707 D434 landed from Hanwell.

1738 D4311 landed from Middle Wallop.

2020 Group have authorized 434 sqd. to use a Halifax for a cross country flight, and to stop at Harewell and leave parts for M434 a/c.

[Underlined] Wednesday 6th October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30 On Watch Lister & F/O Taylor. Runway #24. QAN.

09.15. Aerodrome, Runways, dispersals & Perimeter tracks inspected. O.K.

09.30. Secret docs. Checked.

10.08. Operating approx 18 a/c. to-night.

14.30 Runway #28. QAN. Less than 5 mph.

16.28. Scrubbed.

[underlined] Thursday 7th October 1943. [/underlined]

0830 On Watch F/O Stephenson S.D. checked.

0845 RW 34 in use. Q.A.N. WNWly 5-10.

0915 RW 28 in use now.

1000 We are not required to-night.

1045 Telephone U/S.

1100 431 advise they will have 10 a/c on X-country from 1500-2200. Briefing 1330 hours.

1500 First 431 a/c off on X country.

1507 Moth landed breaking telephone wires.

Note:- Group Captain Gordon authorizes that the Moth be grounded until the G.P.O. lines are serviceable to the flarepaths.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Thursday 7TH October 1943 (Continued [/underlined]

1534 Eleventh & last 431 a/c off on X-country E.T.A. 2143

1730 Flarepath telephone now serviceable.

1928 F434 off on night-cross country. Taxied out to No 10 first. O434 bogged when perimeter track caved as he came out of dispersal (Perimeter track blocked)

1933. U434 off on night-cross country.

1935 K434 off on night-cross country.

2115 A.R.M. Purple.

2120 First 431 a/c landed from X-country.

2135 A.R.M. White.

2200 Report of 80 enemy aircraft off east coast.

2219 All lights on airfield [deleted] blew [/deleted] went out. Called electrician

2229 Lights on again. (Fault at substation)

2251 Last 431 a/c landed from X-country.

2315 U434 landed from X country.

2347 F434 landed from x country.

2357 K434 landed from X country.

2359 O434 now clear of the perimeter track.

[Underlined] Friday 8TH October 1943 [/underlined]

0001 Standing by for assistance to Linton a/c if needed

0200 Base advise Linton vis has shut down. We will be required to take some a/c if our weather is o.k.

0300 Weather here = No cloud, vis 2 miles. Changed to Runway 10.

0325 Base advise sending K408, C 426, R426, T426 and O426.

0336 K408 landed.

0339 C 426 landed.

0350 R 426 landed. Vis closed down as he came in.

0351 T426 diverted to Eastmoor.

0352 O 426 diverted to Eastmoor.

0405 Report that R426 is bogged at end of 10 Runway.

[Underlined] Note [/underlined] There was no duty crew available for dispersing the aircraft. The A Flight 434 crew were not available at their Hut. They had dispersed K434 so that it was bogged down and protruding over the perimeter. We were not informed of this.

[Page break]

There was no intelligence staff on duty to open the briefing room for visiting crews. 3 site Picket Post failed to answer the telephone when we tried to contact the Duty Engineer. On sending a messenger to 3 site no one there knew where anybody was. The same situation existed at 2 site.

08.30 On Watch Linton P/O. F/O. Taylor. Runway #16. QAN. [Deleted] None [/deleted] 5. mph. Visibility about 5-10 yds. Secret docs. checked.

1015 Required 431/7, 434/11

10.55. Gale Warning received from Met. covering Scotland to a point West of Tholthorpe to Northern Ireland.

Bad hole where A/Cr. ran off taxi track at end of 34 Runway, cable for taxi track disrupted. Clerk of Works & Elect Engineer informed. [Underlined] (Fuses removed from switch). [/underlined]

1500 Briefing 21:00 hrs.

17.15 Commenced marshalling on either side of Runway 10 for T.O.

2243 K/431 1st A/Cr. off on Ops.

2313 K/434 19th & last A/Cr off on Ops. A/434 scrubbed. S.O. U/S.

[Underlined] Saturday 9th October 1943. [/underlined]

0205 A/Cr definitely being diverted via W/T. to SHIPDHAM

0500 Ex Base. F/434 landed at Chedburgh 0352.

0537 Ex Base. “Shipdham advise they have landed 14 of our A/Cr.” ?14.

0630 Received letters but not times at Shipdham. 434/B,D,K,O,P,S,T,U, 431/E,D,G,N,O,P,Q.

0645 Received landing times from Base.

0730 434/C = F/O Small; 431/C = F/S Chalmers & 431/K Sgt Ryan still unheard from.

0830. On Watch Lister. Runway #10. QAN. L. & V.

09.20. Telegraphed “Immediate” to Shipdham that none of our a/c is [indecipherable] for base TFN. Bad weather. Our phone call was cut in half so am uncertain whether message was understood.

0930. Aerodrome, Runways, Perimeter tracks & dispersals inspected. Trolley a/c. Starters in showers at marshalling points. Instructions given for removal. Holes in side of #34 not filled in – reported to Mr. Jess.

10.00. Stand down to-night.

11.31. Tiger Moth P/O. Livesy from Lossiemouth via Acklington. for Leicester. landed here through bad weather. York aerodrome telephoned, to which he had signalled first. Detaining him for weather improvement.

[Page break]

P/O. Livesy reported he saw a Taylor Cub trying to land in a field near the railway line somewhere roughly near Philmour Junction. Passed to base who are investigating. Rough area is 100° 3 miles from Dalton & 356° 7 miles from Tholthorpe.

12.10. Base phoned that we are to inform them for onward transmission when our a/c may return.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

1529 F/434 returned from Chedburgh. } Weather poor.

1648 D 434 returned from Shipdham } – vis about 2000 yds.

1655 O 434 returned from Shipdham }

1658 T 434 returned from Shipdham }

1707 U 435 returned from Shipdham }

1709 Spitfire MB 257 (Sub-Lieut Blackburn) landed. Signal sent to Christ Church & Church Fenton.

1712 K 434 given priority landing. Starboard outer U/S. From Shipdham. }

1720 Q 431 returned from Shipdham }

1726 N 431 returned from Shipdham }

1735 O 431 returned from Shipdham }

1740 B 434 returned from Shipdham }

1743 P 434 returned from Shipdham }

18.55. Five aircraft left at Shipdham. Not returning to-day. All U/S. No flying in 6 Group to-night.

Sunday 10TH October 1943.

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch – S.D’s checked. Runways & taxi track checked.

1015 Command stand down tonight.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1420 Base report a Defiant flying about with no R/T. Land him if he comes around here. – (QBA 1500, QBB 500)

1425 Base report. “Defiant has landed OK. somewhere.”

14.38 Hurricane BD 715 F/O KIRSCH landed due to weather. Signalled Church Fenton Fairlop.

Monday 11th October 1943.

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. S.D.s ckd. – Runways & taxi tracks, etc.

0945 Crossley Crash tender going to Linton for a welding repair job, back by 1500 hrs. 2nd tender standing by – Base informed.

[Page break]

0950 Not required tonight.

NOTE [Underlined] Bomber Code CD 0250. W.E.F. 10 Oct, Daily change at 1600 hrs G.M.T. [/underlined]

1240 Permission granted from Group for a 434 Halifax to go to Harwell.

1300. Off Watch F/O Taylor. On Watch Lister P/O. R/W #28. QAN. Wly.

13.35. Instructed Shipdham to send D/431 back immediately & S/434 when ready. No further a/c are serviceable. Weather down there is poor.

1507 First 434 a/c off on X country. ETA – 2157 +.

1618 Sixth & last 434 a/c off on X country.

1512-1554 Four a/c of 431 off on X country. ETA 1931.

1630 Aerodrome Serviceability signal sent to Station Z.

16.00. Asked base to contact all 434 a/c. on X country by W/T instructing all a/c to be back at base not later than 22.00 hrs.

This message also passed by R/T to 434/U. prior to take off.

Weather deteriorating rapidly after 22.00hrs.

17.00. Crossley Crash Tender back in commission again. Base informed.

17.10. Base informed all 434 a/c. have acknowledged W/T. signal except A & O. Message still being sent to them.

17.31. M/434 Returned from Harwell.

17.44. K/434 Returned from Harwell.

19.00. S/Ldr. Stanley visited Watch Office & inspected aerodrome.

1942 S/431 landed from X-country – Runway 28 in use.

1956 A/431 landed from X-country.

2012 O/431 landed from X-country = Went off runway but came back OK.

2058 T/434 landed from X-country

2133 O/434 landed from X-country

2147 U/434 landed from X-country

2154 A/434 landed from X-country

2158 F/434 landed from X-country

2215 D/434 landed from X-country

All A/Cr down. Flare path doused.

2255 Base inform us to keep a listening watch for one of Topcliffe’s a/c – R/T – Thickhead or Ratcliffe B. which is lost. One hour overdue on a X-country.

2358 A/c has crashed. Crew bailed out. (Stood down).

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[Underlined] Tuesday 12th October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #10. QAN. Sly.

09.15. Inspected the aerodrome etc. Large a/c. hole on edge of #34 not yet filled in. Phoned C.O.W. who promised to fill in to-day.

09.45. Command Stand Down.

10.00. Yesterday V/434. Went A/S/F. off Whitby. On approaching the coast he was fired on by a Convoy. Checked up this morning with S/L Kyles re of not being told of passing Convoys. Base had omitted to pass on the gen to us so in future it is advisable to check up with base first re-convoys to make sure we get this information.

10.30. Picked up Darky call from ARDWELL W William. Answered him but reception was too bad to get anything on him. He was immediately afterwards answered by Hat-badge & Blue Sea who gave him QDM 090 3 mins. These two stations are St. Davids & Talbenny in [underlined] Wales. [/underlined] Later heard Ardwell N Nan given pancake. Freak skip-distance responsible for this reception. He was also answered by Linton.

1300 F/Lt Austin on Watch

Contacted Shipdham to tell them to hold S 434 & D 431 there until we call. Weather here too poor for return. Both a/c are serviceable.

18.00. TR.1196. Receiver U/S. Wireless Mechanic summoned to investigate trouble

18.40. No night flying in the group to-night. R/T Watch closed.

[Underlined] Wednesday 13TH October 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch. Runways inspected. No. 10 in use.

1000 Stand down tonight.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1500 Group are advising Shipdham that our A/Cr are not to return today, weather conditions are not improving.

1915 Command broadcast, via Group. “Italy has declared War on Germany”

[Underlined] Thursday 14th October 1943. [/underlined]

0830 F/O Taylor – on Watch – Runway 28. – QAN. Wly 5. SD ckd.

0900 Advised Shipdham – S/434 & D/431 are to return this morning.

0930 Advised Middleton a 431 A/Cr is taking crews to bring back 2 A/Cr from there this A.M.

[Page break]

1000 Not required tonight.

1130 S/434 returned from Shipdham.

1205 D/431 returned from Shipdham.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. off watch F/O. Taylor. QAN. L & V. #28.

16.20. S/Ldr Kyles phoned:- We may have to land 20 USA aircraft (Fortresses?) here. If we can [indecipherable] them by dusk Tholthorpe will be used. If not, one of the other stations in the clutch

17.56. Diversion cancelled. Flarepath laid on Runway #10.

18.10. M/431. 1st a/c. off on X Country. } [Underlined] All a/c are to be recalled at 20.00 hrs. Ex W/Cdr. Newson. [/underlined]

18.30 S/431 6th & last a/c off on X Country. }

18.28. M/434 landed Middleton St. George. 2 engines cut.

18.46. B/431 Landed of X Country - early return. G. u/s.

1930 On Watch F/O Taylor. Off Watch P/O Lister. = Runway No 10. in use.

1957 Instructed Base to send message to 431 A/C. “Return to Base by 21:30 hrs”.

2053 R/434 landed from X-Country – touched down on grass – vis. on approach poor.

2125 A/431 landed from X-Country, vis. terrible (ugh!).

Contacted Base. = Sending A/Cr to Linton to make use of Contact Strip & O. Circle.

2126 B/434 - “Proceed to Linton”. Landed there 21:38.

2127 O/431 on R/T. – Can see flare-path – so gave him Pancake. W/Co Newson prefers trying to land his A/Cr here rather than send them to Linton.

2135 S/431 up on R/T. Given turn 2.

2142 O/431 landed OK. S/431 not acknowledged “Pancake”. V/434 now on R/T so given “Pancake.”

2151 V/434 landed OK.

2200 O/431 now in front of Watch Office. Had turned wrong way off runway, had taxied this far OK so instructed him to carry on, getting a green to cross runway.

2210 M/431 landed OK, having lost drome once & returning on Leeming Beam.

2211 O/431 at last in dispersal, having traveled [sic] 3/4 of taxi track.

2214 M/431 called on R/T. “I appear to have bogged at end of Runway.” S/L Higgins went out & taxied him clear. = Reached dispersal OK.

2221 S/431 landed at Middleton St. George. = As S had disappeared after receiving turn 2, (21.35) had base chasing after him. At one time reported near Eastmoor. Later R.O.C. plotted him at Middleton. Before Base could instruct M. St. G. to send him home he had landed there. (Many silent thanks)

2247 C/431 on R/T. at 8000’. Instructed to break cloud at Leeming Beam.

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2315 C/431 again on R/T saying he was going to land at Leeming. Instructed to try here first. = Base advise all stations in Group closing in quickly. Leeming still OK.

2318 Instructed C/431 to Proceed to Leeming. Acknowledged.

2327 C/431. “I can see flarepath, may I land now.” OK.

2336 C/431 landed safely. How? I dunno. Viz about 1000 yards, cloud 700 ft.

2359 Flarepath doused. R/T watch closed. All “Help” gone to mess.

[Underlined] Friday 15th October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #28 QAN Wly. Fog.

09.30. Aerodrome, Runways, Perimeter Tracks & dispersals Inspected. Secret docs

09.45. Stand down to-night.

11.05. Base informs that a Halifax Caprice or Gremlin “L” is lost. If any base in 6 Group can contact him he is to proceed to Acklington. No joy on R/T.

11.20. Acklington closed in. Now to go to [indecipherable] Still unable to contact.

11.40. Halifax landed safely at Leeming.

13.00. Off watch Lister P/O. On Duty Austin F/L.

1438 Contacted Middleton, re M/434 & S/431 returning. Weather conditions there now QBB 600 QBA 700 yds. FC & Met will not let them take off. - today.

1640 B 434 returned from Linton.

16.55. A/c. at Middleton not returning to-day. Weather deteriorating

1800 Oxford landed from Northolt. Signalled.

[Underlined] Saturday 16 October 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/Lt Austin on Watch. Runway 10.

S. D’s checked.

1000 Stand down

1005 Runway changed to 16. QAN SE’ly. 10-15MPH.

1021 M434 returned from Middleton St. George.

1118 Runway changed to 10. QAN – SE’ly 15 QBA. rotten.

1123 S/431 returned from Middleton St. George.

1215 Runway changed to 16. QAN. SE’ly 15 QBA – better.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1600 Runway changed to 10. QAN. – A Pilot reported it was hard to line-up on 16 due to sun on smoke on X-wind leg.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Sunday – 17th October 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 10. – QAN ESE – 6. = Runways & taxi track ckd. S.Ds ckd.

10.50 K/431 called on R/T for Clearance to take-off on Air-test. Raining. Viz 1800 yds so scrubbed detail on S/L Pleasance OK.

1103 Stand down tonight.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. F/O Taylor off Watch. R/W #10. QAN 0.

16.00. Runway #24 in use.

16.10. [Underlined] R/T call signs for 431 & 434 Sqdns. are now ISLAND and CLIMAX respectively. These call signs will [deleted word] be permanent. [/underlined]

[Underlined] Monday 18th October, 1943 [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #10. QAN. E ly.

09.30. Inspected Runways, perimeter tracks & dispersals. Secret docs O.K.

10.34. Training only.

13.00. Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch S/L Austin.

1448 First a/c of 434 off on X-country.

1501 First a/c of 431 off on X-Country.

1518 Third & last a/c of 434 off.

1548 Eighth & last a/c of 431 off.

1641 Q431 returned early. (IFF U/S).

1743 C431 returned early (ST. OUTER U/S).

1847 K 431 returned early.

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. [Deleted] F/Lt. [/deleted] S/L Austin off watch. Runway. #10. QAN. E ly.

20.35. N/431 First a/c of 431 Sqdn. to land from X Ctry.

21.04. F/431 Landed turned right instead of left & parked on E/434 dispersal. (F/O. Christinson new pilot here & not used to ‘drome yet.)

21.18. D/431 5th & last 431 a/c to land from X Ctry.

21.16. V/434 1st a/c of 434 Sqdn to land from X-Ctry.

21.39. P/434. 3rd & last a/c of 434 to land from X Ctry.

21.40. Standing-by to assist Linton should they require us.

N.B. S.F.C.O. Please consult “Suggestion Book.”

23.50. All Lintons a/c safely accounted for. Flare path doused. R/T watch closed.

Off watch Lister P/O.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Tuesday 19TH October 1943 [/underlined]

0830 F/Lt Austin on Watch.

0900 F/O Stephenson on duty.

0900 Perimeter track & Runways inspected. R/W 16 in use. QAN. SE’ly light.

0930 S.D. checked.

0945 S/L Higgins (431) phoned asking who had given permission for Q431 to return to base from X-country.

1000 Contacted Base re above. Permission was given by Base at 1605 for Q to return. They will let us know who authorised the return. No message was passed to us at any time.

1032 We are required tonight.

1045 Re permission for Q431. – Q426 was on a Gee exercise. When the message was received the call sign used was that which 426 Sqdn had been using up till yesterday. The message was passed by Base D/F as originating from Q426. So the aircraft was instructed to return. Definitely finger trouble at D/F.

1230 Gale Warning. SE veering SW. Gusts to 70 mph within 6 hrs area west of line Mersey to Portland Bill. Gale SE veering S.W. Gusts to 50 M.P.H. within 6 hrs all other areas Br. Isles.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1525 Ops Scrubbed.

[Underlined] Wednesday 20th October 1943 [/underlined]

0830 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 16 – QAN. SE-ly 10-15. SDs ckd. Phoned Clerk of Works. Sending someone to fix stove so it won’t smoke.

1000 Not required for Ops tonight.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor.

13.39. F/434 1st a/c of 434 Sqdn. airborne on bombing & X Country.

13.50. A/434 Developed tail wheel lock on perimeter track; xc & bombing scrubbed.

14.20. K/434 substituted for “A”. Pilot F/O. Clinkskill. XCtry Exercise only.

14.45. K/434 third & last a/c off on X Country.

[Page break]

15.00. || Darky call from “Byplay” H Harry received and answered. Informed us he was not sure of his position. Called him to watch out for flares. Acknowledged. He said he was over a town with two aerodromes and was going to land at [/underlined] one of them. Thanked us for assistance rendered. [/underlined]

16.00. Anson a/c. landed on #34, went off runway and perimeter tracks and bogged. Efforts being made to clear runway. No a/c to land until clear. Cleared at 16.20.

17:15 Group asking what A/Cr we have flying, as there has been a crash near Middleton about 1500 hrs.

17.42. W/C Newson gave permission for N & E to return to-night if they are serviceable & if they get “flimsies.” Weather O.K.

18.00. Base called re above crash. One of Crofts aircraft and a total write-off. Crew all killed.

18.09. A.F.C. reports A. of A.I. on starboard side of R/W #16 u/s. Spirit level smashed. Reported to C.O.W. Will try to fix to-night.

18.30. N/431 Took off from Shipdham at 17.45. E/431. Still u/s.

18.54. N/431 Returned from Shipdham.

18.58. A/431. Landed safely.

19.15. W/C. Newson states E/431. ready to return 21/10/43 – weather permitting, & is to return as soon as possible.

19.30. Stood-Down. R/T watch closed. Flare path lifted.

Off Watch Lister P/O.

[Underlined] Thursday 21st October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. R/W #16. QAN. SSEly. 15-20 mph.

09.30. Inspected Runways, dispersals & Perimeter Tracks. Large pile of rubble on island near wood. Men on Perimeter track S end of R/W 28. Otherwise O.K. Secrets docs. checked.

09.50. Not required for ops. to-night.

10.50. Angle of approach indicator now serviceable on R/W #16.

12.40. Base QFE. 996.

1245 S/L Austin on Watch.

1423 K431 off on X country

1439 M 434 off on X country.

1443 N 431 last off on X country. Airborne are B, F, M, O & D.

1451 U434 off on X country. R434 returned with Port Inner U/S

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[Underlined] Thursday 21st October 1943 (Cont). [/underlined]

1452 E 431 returned from Shipdham.

1700 F/O Stephenson on duty.

1800 R/W 10 in use.

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off watch F/O Stephenson.

19.45. Laid 2 M. Flares on 1st flare position.

20.20. Flare on 1st position put on 2nd position.

20.16. B/431 Finally landed after doing two overshoots. Off X Country.

20.31. U/434 Second and last aircraft of 434 landed off X Country.

20.38. D/431. 7th and last a/c. of 431 Sqdn to land safely off cross country after three hairy overshoots and one refusal to land due to an aircraft not clear of runway. Bags of practice required. S/Ldr. Higgins & S/Ldr Austin both present.

20.44. Contacted Base, no longer required. R/T watch closed, orders given for lifting of flarepath.

[Underlined] Friday 22nd October 1943. [/underlined]

0830 S/L Austin F/O Stephenson on duty. RW16 in use.

0930 R/W’s perimeter Track and Sec Doc checked.

0940 R/W 10 in use. Vis 400 yds R/W16 [deleted] in [/deleted] Sun on mist.

1000 We are required to-night.

1030 Main briefing 1400 hours both squadrons.

1115 Runway changed to 28. QAN S’W 10+ sometimes.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1716 D/434 off on operations R/W. 28 in use.

1729 E/434 Last 434 a/c airborne (14 a/c)

1730 Q/431 1st a/c 431 off on ops. (12 a/c)

1741 C/431 Last a/c airborne Tholthorpe operations.

1822 Provisional Diversion Bases 431 Acklington 434 Croft.

2000 S/L. Austin & F/O Stephenson on Watch.

Runway changed to No. 10. QAN SE - 4MPH.

2030 431/S upon R/T Sent to Sea (Whitby) to Jettison load.

[Page break]

2039 434/V Landed Early return

2045 431/C Landed (Three Engines}.

2051 431/M Landed

2135 431/S. Landed Three Engines.

2219 431/O Landed.

2225 431/O reports he is bogged at end of Runway Organized Duty Flight, Bowser & 431 to assist a/c. Asked Base to have Linton stand by in case of any other early returns.

2333 R/W 16 in use. Changing now.

2336. 431/A, K, diverted to Eastmoor.

2338 431/B diverted to Eastmoor.

2341 434/D diverted to Eastmoor.

2346 A 431 landed at Eastmoor.

2349 Runway 16 now O.K. Recalled B431 & D434.

2355 First a/c landed M434.

2358 K431 landed at Linton.

Saturday 23rd October 1943.

0001 E 434 landed. SOS procedure. Given priority landing Had no R/T. (Identity of a/c unknown till 0100).

0010 S 434 given priority landing (3 engines).

0015 N431 landed. No R/T. No permission.

0022 R431 landed Eastmoor.

0032 B 431 landed at Eastmoor.

0028 D431 given priority landing. (3 engines) Ran off runway.

0029 Diverted B & D 434 to Eastmoor. (Recalled them when D431 announced he was o.k.).

0038 O434 unable to get undercarriage down. W/C Newson took over R/T and checked with Pilot on what had been done.

0050 Switched on Runway 10 & told O434 to land on Runway. Ambulance & two fire tenders all ready.

0055 O434 landed on wheels. All O.K.

0200 Nothing heard of F434 (S/L Thomson), A434 (F/L Bryan)

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N434 (Sgt Fry) T434 (F/S Nadeau) or E431 (Sgt Skinner). (The most trouble in the shortest time was never experienced by so few in front of so many people)

0400 Watch closed.

Note:- 431 a/c will be refuelled & ready to take off at 0930 hours this morning.

0830 On Watch. F/O Taylor. Runway 28 QAN. L & V or SSW. 5-10.

Runways & Taxi track ckd. Lots of holes in soft ground. Particularly at E. end of 28 where A/Cr bogged last night. 3 A.A.I. U/S = Phoned Mr. Rocket.

0940 Not required for tonight. – SD’s ckd.

11:02 K/431 landed from Linton = East Moor having vis. troubles so it will be a little while before they let our A/Cr. off.

1213 A/431 landed from East Moor. B & R returning after lunch.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor. R/W 28 in use.

14.00. Work commenced on filling bog-hole on R/W. 28.

14.13. B/431 Returned from East Moor.

14.45. U/434 Returned from East Moor.

16.00. Bog-hole now filled. Completion of hardening & re-surfacing to-morrow

17.36. R/431 Returned from East Moor.

[Underlined] Sunday 24th October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch – Lister P/O. R/W. #10 QAN. S ly to E’ly. Checked Secret Documents.

10.15. Not required to-night.

11.00. Inspected runways, dispersals & perimeter tracks. Grass surfaces badly cut up and water logged. Notice to be inserted in S.R.O’s.

1300 On Watch F/O Stephenson

Monday 25th October 1943

0830 On Watch F/O Stephenson

0830 R/W 28 in use. QAN SWly 5-10.

0900 Sec. Doc checked.

0930 R/W and Perimeter Track checked.

1020 Signal AFI sent to Station Z re perimeter track work.

[Page break]

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor. QAN. L & V. Runway 28.

1500 Bags of X-Countrys = 431/A, C, F, H, S, K, P, R, S, T, = 434/A, L, O, R, S, Y. V/431 to Shipdham.

1613 H/431 returned from x-country early – 3 engines.

1630. All G.P.O. flare-path phones tested O.K.

1800 Viz getting poor. 1500yds. = Strensall phoned that it’s too hazy there for 434 to do bombing. Told them to send A/Cr home as soon as they come up on R/T.

1814 Contacted Shipdham. V/431 staying there overnight.

R/434 tried to land but had to overshoot. Sent him to Topcliffe.

1824 Instructed A/434 to proceed to Topcliffe.

1828 Instructed C/434 to proceed to Topcliffe.

1839. A/434 landed here in error for Topcliffe.

1848 L/434 took a try at landing, overshot, sent to Topcliffe.

1853 O/434 landed here. C/431 landed at Topcliffe at 18.40

1858 P/431 landed here. – R/434 landed at Topcliffe.

1933. All remaining A/Cr landed here OK. – Viz down to 700 yards, but just a thin smoke layer. A/Cr could see lights from above OK.

[Underlined] Tuesday 26TH October 1943 [/underlined]

0900 S/L Austin on Watch – No runway selected – Vis 30 yards. Runways & perimeter tracks inspected by A.F.C. – S.D’s checked.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch – Contacted Shipdham to have V431 return by 1600 hours.

1530 Base inform weather in 6 Group deteriorating rapidly & that they have told V431 to remain overnight.

[Underlined] Wednesday 27TH October 1943. [/underlined]

0900 S/L Austin on Watch – Runways & perimeter tracks inspected S.D’s checked.

1000 We are required for tonight.

1030 Briefing both Squadrons at 1430 hours.

1035 T1196 and TR9 both U/S. Reported to Signals officer.

1235 T1196 temporarily now Serviceable.

1300 F/O Stephenson on duty. RW/W 10 in use.

1350 RW 16 in use.

1430 R/W 10 in use. Oxford landed on R/W 10. Expect sun bad on 16

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1515 R/W 28 in use.

1603 Operations scrubbed.

[Underlined] Thursday 28th October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #10 QAN. SSEly.

09.50. Stand Down to-night.

10.25. Electricians will be working on #28 funnels for a week. Funnel will be serviceable each night at 18.00 hrs. & before on 1/2 hrs. prior notice.

1300 On watch F/O Maher: Off watch F/O Lister

[Underlined] FRIDAY, 29TH OCTOBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0930 Docs. checked: Airfield inspected

1000 Not operating to-night.

1300 On Watch F/O Stephenson off watch F/O Maher

1700 On Watch F/O Maher off Watch F/O Stephenson

[Underlined] Saturday 30th October 1943. [/underlined]

0830 On Watch F/O Stephenson off Watch F/O Maher R/W 10 in use. Wind light Vis 1000 yds.

0900 Sec. Doc. checked. R/W & Perimeter Track checked.

1020 We are required to-night

1255 Broadcast from Base – Formation of Fortresses heading this way. Will likely call for instructions to their bases but are to be discouraged as their bases have closed in. Base desires these a/c to be landed at Eastmoor as much as possible so as not to congest Linton & Tholthorpe.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O Stephenson

13.30 Changed to #16.

16.05. Operations scrubbed. Flarepath lifted.

[Page break]

16.45. We now have an outer circle which operates. Getting On nicely!

[Underlined] Sunday 31st October, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #16. QAN SSEly.

09.30. Inspected aerodrome, runways, perimeter tracks & dispersals. Checked S.D’s.

09.40. Not required to-night.

1300 On duty F/O Maher.

[Underlined] MONDAY, 1ST NOVEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0900 On duty F/O Maher; runway in use No 10. Docs. checked. Airfield inspected

1010 Signalled AS4, Mk II lighting now complete.

1255 Wellington flying very low, circled twice and then disappeared in cloud to the south; contacted Linton who advised he had just landed there.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] Tuesday 2nd [circled] 31 [/circled] November 1943. [/underlined]

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway No. 10. S. D’s checked.

0901 Crosley fire tender U/S for two days. Notified base we would be unable to take outside crash action.

1045 Command Stand-down.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #10. QAN NWly.

[Underlined] Wednesday 3rd November, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway 16.

09.15. Inspected aerodrome Runways etc. Checked S. D’s.

09.50. Required to-night.

10.50. Briefing 14.30.

1300 On duty F/O Maher: off P/O Lister.

1317 Runway changed to 10.

1402. Requested Service Police to furnish 4 guards on perimeter touch from 1615 onwards.

1630-1701 15 a/c /431 and 14 a/c 434 airborne on operations

S/L Stanley advises that P/O PYLE, post-course from Watchfield [deleted] just [/deleted] to-night.

[Page break]

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY, 3RD NOVEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O Maher. Runway #10 QAN. L. & V.

20.27. S/431. Returned early. unable to maintain speed above 16,000 ft.

20.33. N/431 Returned early. Rear Turret guns u/s.

21.15. F/431. IFF u/s. Returning to Base. Completed operation O.K.

21.10. TR9. u/s. Receiving O.K. T’mitter u/s.

21.39 434/V. First a/c to return from operations.

21.54. W/408 Landed here – no R/T. apparently in error for Linton.

22.44. 431/D Landed and bogged himself on entrance to dispersal. A.F.C. instructed to mark with red lights.

22.24. 434/B. Landed on 3 engines. Given a priority landing. All O.K.

22.34. 434/N. Landed at Linton in error.

Not bad for such a large effort to be so trouble free – for a change.

23.31. 431/F. Last aircraft to land safely from ops.

AVM Burkes and Mr. Patterson of Newfoundland Airways present for take-off and return.

[Underlined] Thursday, 4th November, 1943 [/underlined]

00.40. Still now news of 434/E. Base O.K.’d our stand-down. Flarepath lifted, and all to bed.

0900 On duty F/O Maher: off P/O Lister.

Runway in use No 10. Docs checked: F/O Taylor reported back form leave.

1020 Contractors given permission to work on No 10 runway: Runway changed to No 16.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

[Underlined] Friday, 5th November, 1943. [/underlined]

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor & P/O Pyle – Runway 16. QAN SE. 10-15. QBA. 1400 yds.

Runways & Perimeter ckd – Phoned MT for Sweeper to work on Taxi track. Sec. Docs ckd,

1000 Training Only.

13.00. ON Watch. Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor. Runway #16.

15.15. Station engineer reports portion (abt 1/3) of perimeter track [inserted] near the wood [/inserted] completely u/s. for at least two days. All aircraft (M, N, R, & P of 434) when taxying will have to [inserted] use [/inserted] perimeter track on North side only.

Saturday 6th November, 1943.

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #28 QAN. Wly. J W Pyle P/O.

0930 Runways, perimeter & dispersals checked

[Page break]

431 A

1000 Training only

1015 Docs. checked

10.18. || S/L. Orchard desires that in future all operational crew lists passed to Base by Teleprinter show the number of operational trips each captain of A/C has to his credit. Sqdn. Adjts. instructed.

1120 Runway changed to 34. QAN NW. 22 mph.

1150 Starboard A.A.I. knocked over by 434 “L” on take-off on 34 runway

1157 Station engineer informed of A.A.I.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1400 Both A.A.I’s on 34 now Serviceable. = One missing on 06 runway, being repaired.

1611 New A/C LK993 re-directed to Leeming at request of W/C Newsom.

|| 1619 If A/C LK995 arrives it is also to go to Leeming.

1620 When V-M & C return from X-country, they are to be instructed on R/T to do 3 extra circuits & landings (per S/L Higgins).

20.15. 434/V Landed at Topcliffe short of petrol, after receiving Pancake here.

20.45. 431/V DK 264 Crashed on grass at intersection on 34 & 28 runways. Crash action initiated. (Informed Ambulance, M.O. & Squadron C.O.). Several aircraft overhead at time. N/434 short of petrol, sent immediately to Linton. O. B. P. E. of 431 Sqdn. & D/434. Diverted to Linton. Contact with Base maintained at all times. Base advised that V/434 was to remain at Topcliff. [sic] Crew of V remaining overnight at Topcliff [sic] to bring aircraft back sometime to-morrow – we hope.

|| Station Z signalled= “Runways 28/10 & 34/16 u/s. Crashed A/Cr.)

2330. Station Engineer, with crew, started moving A/Cr. = Complete write-off.

[Underlined] SUNDAY, 7th NOVEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Inspected scene of crash. Runway 28 is about 65 yards clear. Set out Caravan on Runway 28 to bring back a/c from Linton & Topcliffe.

0950 Training only tonight.

1130 Docs. checked

1155 Required tonight.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1725 Crashed A/C now moved back approx. 150 yds. clear of runway

STATION Z. Signalled Runways S. – Base informed.

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[Underlined] SUNDAY, 7th NOVEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

1820 Operations scrubbed

1930 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28 lit.

1935 We are to open watch at 0600 hours for Lancasters from Linton just in case we are needed.

[Underlined] MONDAY 8th NOVEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0830 On watch F/O Taylor – Runway 10 QAN E’ly 4-5

0845 On watch P/O Pyle – runways & perimeter checked

0920 Docs. checked

1000 Training only, but standing by for 2 hours.

1100 Phoned Clerk of Works. re Perimeter track Sweeping – He will “get cracking on it”

1208 Halifaxes definitely not required.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O Taylor.

15.45 Marshalling will commence for take-off on Runway 28

17.45. Station electrician reports Sodium lighting on #28 serviceable.

19.30. On Watch F/O Taylor & P/O Pyle.

2000. Night flying F, M, D, N, Y/434 – X-C 20:15 = 0100. C, D, T, R/431 X-C. 21:30-01:10.

We are to be standing by as at 0600 in case Lintons Lancs need us.

2019. M/434 1st A/Cr off on X-C.

2048 F/434 last A/C off on X-C

2130 R/431 1st A/C off on X-C

2150 D/431 last A/C off on X-C

2207 R/431 returned with hydraulic leak

2220 Linton report ops. scrubbed – we will not be needed to stand-by.

2316 O/431 back from Linton with both crews – B/431 U/S at Linton

[Underlined] TUESDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0011 M/434 1st A/C back from X-C

0059 Y/434 last A/C from 434 Sqdn. back from X-C

0139 C/431 back from X-C – port outer engine u/s

0238 D/431 last A/C back from X-C – flarepath doused, R/T Watch closed

08.30. On Watch Lister Runway #10. QAN Light. S.D’s Checked.

09.50. Inspected runways, dispersals, perimeter tracks. Number of glim lamps picked up.

10.00. Not required to-night.

1600 Runway changed to 28

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[Underlined] Wednesday 10TH November 1943 [/underlined]

0800 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 10 in use.

Tracks & Runways inspected. SD’s checked.

1009 Stood down tonight.

1045 Runway changed to 28. Vis poor. (Pilot reported that he could see sodium lighting on his approach.)

1300 ON Watch F/O Taylor. Runway changed to 24. QAN. S-Wly 10-15. gusty.

1550 431 A/C U, T, A, Q, O recalled from X-Country due to weather becoming duff

1652 All A/C on X-C have now acknowledged recall signal

1747 Last X-country a/c landed o.k.

[Underlined] Thursday 11th November 1943 [/underlined]

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor & P/O Pyle. – Runway 28. – QAN W ly light becoming 15-20.

Tracks & Runways Inspected. S-D ckd.

1020 Training only tonight.

13.00. On Watch Linton P/O. Runway #28 QAN: Light Wly. – Nwly.

13.30. A/C.1. John definitely returning here to resume Flarepath duties.

1557 434/Y Sgt. Stanley landed without calling for permission on R/T

17.15. TR1196 u/s. Radio Mechanic’s services sent for. Power u/s.

17.38. Trouble eliminated and all now O.K.

17.40. Last a/c Landed so completing day flying.

17.50. Flare path doused. R/T watch closed.

Friday 12th November, 1943.

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway [deleted] 28 [/deleted] 34. QAN NWly.

09.15. Runways & dispersals inspected.

09.30. Documents checked.

10.00. Not required to-night.

11.15. Squadron flight commanders informed of gale warning being in force. Flights were told last night.

1145 Oxford MP414 ready to leave – duty crew could not be contacted at fire hut

1300 S/L Austin on Watch – JW Pyle P/O. on watch

1614 Runway changed to 28. QAN. – WNW – 15MPH.

19.30. On Watch Lister Off Watch S/L Austin. Runway #28.

19.55. F/431 Landed at Topcliff. [sic] Before he landed there he was given a QDM of 150° 8 miles. Acknowledged but did not comply.

20.15. F/S. Johnson called from Topcliff [sis] to say that the reason he did not land at base was that the oil pressure

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in the Port Outer engine dropped below 45lbs □” and was also falling in two other engines as well.

20.24. [Boxed] “Judgement” M. Darky Call worked by Topcliff [sic] landed here. Whitley a/c. Landed O.K. [Deleted] lost both engines stopped [/deleted] one engine completely u/s. He managed to taxy to [deleted] the end of the [/deleted] intersection of 20 & 34 runways but unable to get clear. Sent duty crew & tractor to pull him clear. [/boxed]

21.25. Runway cleared. Whitley crashed at Ashbourne. ‘Phoned their F.C.O.

21.32. R/431 First a/c to land from X/C.

21.45 N/431. Fourth and last a/c to land from X/C.

23.00 Flare path lifted, R/T watch closed.

Saturday 13TH November 1943

0900 S/L Austin & P/O Pyle on Watch – Runway 28.

Perimeter & runways checked. SD’s checked.

[Underlined] Note [/underlined] [Boxed] Effective Nov 15TH, 1943 a twenty-four hour watch will be kept by this Flying Control Establishment. When no flying takes place from this station there need only be an officer, an R/T operator, airman of the watch and a watchkeeper on duty. [/boxed]

1000 Training only

1240 Signal sent to Station Z “Flying Control Facilities available on 24 hour basis WEF 0900 hours 15 Nov.”

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

18:25 Snow Warning. = “Snow Probable during next 24 hrs, in most parts of Br. Isles, amounts moderate over high ground, & mainly slight elsewhere.”

1924 H/431 landed from X-Country.

1938 P/431 landed from X-country

[Underlined] Sunday 14th November [/underlined]

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor & P/O Pyle. = Runway 34. Wind NWly. 20-50mph. Perimeter & Runways ckd. – still there – S.D ckd.

0945. Training only tonight.

13.00. On Watch Lister Off Watch F/O. Taylor.

[Underlined] Monday 15th November, 1943 [/underlined]

08.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Runway #28. QAN. Light NWly.

09.30. Aerodrome inspected. Documents checked.

[Page break]

0950. Training only to-night.

1145 Runway changed to 34 QAN NW’ly 10-15 mph.

1450 Topcliffe informs us that 431/F is now serviceable – “C” will take crew there to bring F back

1645 431/F back from Topcliffe

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off duty F/O. Taylor.

[Underlined] Tuesday 16th November, 1943. [/underlined]

08.30. Quiet Watch. Off duty Lister On duty F/O Taylor.

Runway 34. QAN. NWly – 10-20 mph. – S.D ckd. Runways & Per. Inspected.

1000 Training only

1130. From Base: We are provisional diversion base for 15. U.S.A.A.F. A/Cr. for between 1400-1600 hrs

1300 On duty S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

1440 Frost warning late tonight – min. air temperature 30°-31° F

1510 Air sea rescue crews not required

1547 Not required for U.S.A.A.F. diversions

1930 434/N is bogged at corner of taxi track & #28 runway – action taken.

1945 On Watch F/O Taylor. =

20.10 Crew has bogged near AFC Caravan. Phoned MT for something to pull it out. Tractor couldn’t

2217 M/434 – 3rd A/Cr landed OK. = When F/434 first called up it was raining quite heavily. Instructed him to fly in a northerly direction into the clear until shower had passed, to avoid icing = landed safely an hour later.

2224 M/434 now stuck off taxi track.

2245 M/434 back in dispersal.

[Underlined] Wednesday 17th November, 1943. [/underlined]

0625 Base advise – Require 3 A/Cr of 434 Sqdn for A/S/R. – take off approx. 0830hrs. Phones out of order so sent a written message to W/Co Harris by M/T driver.

0815 Daylight Caravan out on Runway 28 – QAN – L & V.

0845 On duty S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

0945 Docs. checked

1000 Training only 1001-1026 N, J & O 434 off on A.S. Rescue.

1215 Runway changed to 34.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L. Austin. Runway #34.

16.00. Frost warning to-night. Min Temp. 30°.Passed to M.T. & Flights.

1445-1456 – N, J, O 434 landed from A.S.R.

1335-1403 – A, C, Y, R 434 & H, J, R, & O 431 off on A.S.R.

[Page break]

1707-1906 – All a/c [deleted] off [/deleted] landed from A.S.R.

1823-1835 – A, D, K, L & T 431 off on night X-country.

20.45. Taxy track across #28 R/W u/s. Glims laid. Electricians informed.

20.31 434/F first a/c off on night flying.

2114 434/N bogged in front of dispersal

2119 434/X off on night flying

2136 434/F landed from night flying.

2215 434/X landed from night flying

2316 431/A landed from night flying – S/I engine u/s – landed O.K.

2338 431/U last A/C landed from night flying – trouble with u/c at first but landed O.K.

[Underlined] Thursday 18 TH November 1943 [/underlined]

0830 Runways & perimeter inspected.

On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L. Austin. P/O Pyle. Runway #34. Documents checked.

10.00. Required to-night.

13.00. On Watch F/O. Taylor. Off Watch Lister P/O.

16.30. 431/K First a/c. off on ops.

16.54. 434/M First a/c. of 434 Sq. off on ops.

17.22. 431/Q. Thirty-first & last a/c. off on ops.

19.40. L/431. Returned early. Sent to jettison as he had not done so.

19.45. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O Taylor.

20.07. B/431. Returned, had jettisoned, asked for permission to do Right Hand circuit.

20.55. B/431. Bogged on Perimeter track. Impossible to move – no a/c can pass. S/L Hudson has organised a crane – may be [deleted] done [/deleted] cleared in 2 hrs.

22.00. B/431 Back on dispersal.

23.45. P/434 First a/c back off ops.

Friday 19th November. 1943.

00.15. U/431 Landed short of petrol. Z/434 Stood-by.

00.21. K/431 Landed short of petrol. C/434 Stood-by.

00.41. R/434 Landed Linton short of petrol. Was not certain he was over the right aerodrome but said “so short am landing anyway.”

00.38 1/2. T/431 Landed short of petrol. Priority

00.56. L/434. Bogged on corner of #28 and perimeter track.

03.40. The following aircraft have landed away (short of petrol etc.) F. E & J of 431. G. E. R. M. of 434.

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No news of A/434. U/434. M/431. No further news received of Q/431 who was ditching at 23.28 (app.) One fix and 1 QDM only received.

08.30. Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch F/O Taylor.

Runway 34. QAN – NW – 5-10. = L/434 still obstructing No 28. = Clerk of works phoned re Taxi track lighting around 28 loop being very dim, & AAI’s on 34 runway.

1000 We are required tonight. SD’s ckd.

1045 Ex Base. F/431 should be leaving Woodbridge any time now. They are bringing a 428 Sqdn crew back here with them. Leeming to arrange transport from here.

11:37 W/Co Newson: When F/431 comes on R/T advise him to take crew of 428 to Leeming.

12:16 Call from Stanton Harcourt. E/431 left 12:09, G/434 left 12:11, M/434 Glycol leak.

12:41 G/434 landed from Stanton Harcourt.

1300 S/L Austin & P/O. Pyle on Watch

1311 E/431 landed from Stanton Harcourt.

1410 E/434 landed from Little Harwood

1430 F/431 landed from Woodbridge. 1506 J 431 landed from Little Harwood

1621 First a/c off on operations. Runway 34 – zero wind – 28 blocked.

1655 Twentieth & last a/c off on ops. Z434 & L431 scrubbed.

1656 Ordered flarepath changed to 28 as L434 was cleared.

1746 Flarepath caravan finally arrived in position.

2000 F/O Taylor on Watch.

2004 T/431 landed OK. (Had completed detail) (Nav. error, would have been too late on Δ)

2030 Arrangements with Base re weather: Unless Group suggest diversion A/Cr come back here. If raining then, we have no more than 4 overhead at 1 time. Send extras to Linton or East Moor alternately. These stations to help with transport.

2205 N/431 first A/Cr up on R/T.

2215. J/434 landed West Malling 21:25. – flak damage. – Crew OK.

2334 R/431 landed = No news from D, X, Y, of 434.

Saturday November 20th

0030 Still no news. Flare path doused. (Tractor & Trailer Bogged at 28.)

0754 Just heard Y/434 landed Thorney Island. 22:39.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28. Calm. SD’s checked.

0956 Training only tonight.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L Austin. R/W #28. Calm.

13.42. Instructed M & Y/434 to return to base.

13.50. M.T. contacted re perimeter track being swept.

15.30. M/434 unable to return to-day – bad weather down at S. Harcourt.

1655. Base inform: “Body picked up in the sea by A.S.R off Newhaven. M.U. A/G.” Further details may be had from F./C. 11 Group.

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1930 Off watch P/O Lister – On watch P/O Pyle

2000 QBA 600 yds. QBB – 2000 10/10ths. – Widespread fog persisting through the night at base & our diversion stations till later tomorrow

[Underlined] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1943 [/underlined]

0830 Quiet watch – Doc’s checked – Runway 28. Calm

On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch P/O. Pyle.

09.25. Aerodrome, dispersals & perimeter tracks inspected. S/431 is an obstruction at the entrance to North side Hangar.

09.45. Our diverted aircraft may, if serviceable return today between 14.00 & 17.00.

10.10. No operations in command to-night – but we are to stand-by for a big effort to-morrow night.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1436 Y/434 took off from Thorney Island.

1614 Y/434 landed OK, after a bit if trouble finding the drome in poor viz.

1700. Orderly room phoned – LAC Strangeland is posted to 50 Group Pool for A.F.C Course WEF DEC 18

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor.

[Underlined] Monday November 22nd 1943. [/underlined]

08.00. Quiet Watch. Runway #28

08.30. Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch F/O Taylor. QAN. W ly light. SD ckd.

09:55 We are required for tonight = Briefing 1400 hrs. = changed to 13:30 hrs.

12:24 434/M returned from Stanton Harcourt.

12.45 S/L Austin & P/O Pyle on watch

1636 P/434 1st A/Cr. off on ops. = Runway 28. QAN – W ly 5.

1709 K/434 24th A/Cr off. - V/434 scrubbed – Internal Glycol leak.

1822 W/434 returned early. (A.S.I. u/s).

1918 A/431 returned early. Used up all oxygen in first hour.

2014 L/431 returned early. – on 3 engines.

2342 U/431 first A/Cr landed OK from ops.

2352 W/431 landed on 3 engines, burst a tyre & stopped near intersection of 28 & 34 runways. Appeared to be an obstruction. Seven aircraft overhead so sent them to East Moor. 434/F, G, O, K. 431/D. E. F.

[Underlined] Tuesday November 23rd 1943. [/underlined]

0010. W/431 found to be more than 100 yards from runway so started landing A/C again. K/434 came back from E. Moor.

[Page break]

0019 L/434 called up short of petrol so given priority landing. B/431 landed at East Moor without calling Base. X/431 landed at Woodbridge on 3 Engines; P/434 & Z/434 landed at Docking.

0018 Y of 429 Squadron (P/O Kingston) landed on a Darky call from Linton.

0130 No news from C & E/434, lights doused, flare-path party stood down.

0200 N/431 which had gone off taxi track near end of 24 runway, now in dispersal.

0900 S/L Austin & P/O Pyle on Watch. Runways & perimeter inspected. SD’s checked. Runway 28 in use.

1000 Training only.

1203 Runway changed to 16. QAN S’ly to S by E 9+ M.P.H.

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L Austin. R/W. #16.

14.11 All a/c at Eastmoor returned safely. Two or three overshoots. G. F. O./434. And B D E F/431.

1810 Flarepath lights No. 16 u/s Clerk of Works informed

1930 S/L Austin on Watch & P/O. Pyle.

2000 Switchboard u/s. Reported to Signals.

2205 Asked Flarepath to be switched to 28 with reserve on 24 as wind is expected to veer and decrease in intensity.

2220 Switchboard serviceable. (Cable broken).

2300 Possible diversion now remote. Standing by for Linton (just in case).

[Underlined] Wednesday November 24TH, 1943 [/underlined]

0030 Flarepath & lights doused.

09.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L Austin. R/W #24.

09.30. Runways Perimeter tracks & dispersals inspected by Sgt. Shacklady. Documents checked.

10.05. Training Only To-night.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1335. Shipdham Phoned – G/431 S. – send a crew for it; take 48 spark plugs, spanners & 4 accumulators. Passed to Stat. Eng. Office.

1500 Runway changed to 28. = QAN. W ly-WSWly. 20-30 mph.

Night flying tonight. 434 doing Bombing. 431 – 3 possible X-C’s.

1800 Night flying scrubbed.

1925 Contacted Docking. Z/434 should be ready for take-off in about an hour

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19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor.

21.30. Z/434 not coming to-night but will be ready for take off by 09.00 tomorrow.

[Underlined] Thursday 25th November, 1943. [/underlined]

08.00 Quiet Watch.

09.00 Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch F/O Taylor.

Runway 28. QAN W-WNW – 15-20. Runways etc inspected. SD’s ckd.

1000 Required tonight.

1300 On Watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

1930 On Watch F/O Taylor.

2325 L/434 first A/Cr off on ops – Runway 28.

2359 L/431 last A/Cr off on ops – 26 in All – 13 each Sqdn.

[Underlined] Friday 26th November 1943. [/underlined]

0337 Q/434 landed – early return – trouble with rear turret.

0401 S/431 landed – early return

0624 V/434 1st A/Cr up on R/T. – landed 0629.

0803 W/434 landed, after having trouble with hydraulics.

L/434, K & Y/431 landed. Tangmere, G/434 landed at Breighton.

0850 G/434 airborne from Breighton, returning to Base.

0901 G/434 landed from Breighton

On Watch P/O Pyle

1015 We are required tonight – Runways & perimeter inspected R. 28 in use S.D’s checked

1201 434/L landed here form Tangmere

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch P/O. Pyle.

13.10. K/431. Returned from Tangmere.

13.15. Y/431 Returned from Tangmere.

16.45. K/434 1st a/c off on ops.

17.20. H/431 17th and last a/c off on ops. N/431 too late for take off.

18.40. Provisional diversion of 30 aircraft from Nos. 5 & 8 Gps (P.F.F.). All available transport to stand by.)

1930 S/L Austin on Watch & P/O Pyle.

2026 K434 landed early from ops – P/outer u/s.

2315 Base inform us that 14 Lancasters of 467 Sqdn. Waddington (R/T “Pandrop”) are to be diverted here at approx. 0130 hrs. – A/C letters C, D, E, G, J, S, K, L, M, O, P, R, A, B.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Saturday 27 November 1943 [/underlined]

0012 V434 first a/c down from ops.

0020 Base inform they are sending over two of 467 a/c.

0036 G467 landed (P/O Coulson)

0041 1/2 D467 landed. (F/L Symonds.)

0100 K467 landed. (P/O Whitford).

0110 I 103 landed (Four other a/c landed between these times). (F/S Campbell)

0116 R431 asked for priority landing by W/T.

0150 H 106 landed (F/O Lee)

0152 1/2 J 106 landed (F/O Jardine)

0156 1/2 F 106 landed. (P/O Holbourn)

0200 All a/c of both 434 & 431 reported down.

G434 at Bourne; R 431 at Eastmoor; Y434, N434; D431, H431and P431 at Thorney Island. Rest at base.

0230 Still standing by for any diversion.

0300 Base o’k’ed standing down.

0610 Sgt. Bell reports Lancasters refuelled – 350 gallons each – J, H, D, G, F, K

0800 S.D’s checked – Group report weather at our diversion A/D’s ‘grim’ – [deleted] no [/deleted] crews standing by

09.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch P/O. Pyle. R/W. #10.

10.15. Not required to-night.

13.00 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1500 re 431/L. at Tangmere. = New S. = A crew are leaving here to arrive there Sunday evening to fly A/Cr back. Monday morning. = Base informed.

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O. Taylor.

Sunday 28th November, 1943.

Quiet Watch. Very quiet.

07.30. Diverted Lancasters to standby for take off on confirmation at 10.00.

09.00. Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch F/O Taylor Runway 24 SSW-WSW – 10. SD ckd.

09.45 Training Only.

10:37 I/103 Sqdn left for Elsham Wolds. – landed there OK.

11:30 Changed to Runway 28. QAN. Light W ly.

11.04 P/431 took off from Thorney Island.

11.10 N/434 took off from Thorney Island. W & D/431 will be leaving shortly.

1227 P/431 landed from Thorney Island

[Page break]

1231 G/434 landed from Bourne

1234 N/434 landed from Thorney Island

1235 H/431 left Thorney Island with 2 of D’s crew – D/431 not leaving yet.

1300 S/L Austin & P/O Pyle on Watch.

1730 Lancasters D, G, K/467 Sqdn. & F, J/106 Sqdn. left for Waddington & Metheringham

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

2006-2031. = A, K. S. N. T./431 & A. C. O. U./434 off on X-C’s. R/434 off for Thorney Island.

[Deleted] 0010 )/434 [/deleted] [Underlined] Monday November 29th 1943. [/underlined]

0010 O/434 landed from X-Country.

0033 S/431 on return from X country landed off runway, far to the right. Holding up 4 others while investigating position.

0044 S/431 back on runway taxying to end. – clear at 0046.

0055 S/431 called up. he was on taxi track, out of brake pressure & had to shut off motors. Had K & N/431 turn left & parked them in front of watch office.

0129 Had U & R/434 turn left, taxi all the way round & across the main runway

0142 U/434 bow bogged, so R/434 left on taxi behind him – Bags of Red lights. Everything at least landed OK.

0300 Taxi track now all clear. A/Cr in dispersals.

0845 F/O Taylor off watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle on watch Runway 24 QAN SW’ly gusty

[Deleted] 0900 [/deleted] 0945 Runway changed to 28 – S.D’s checked

0955 Training only

13.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch S/L. Austin P/O Pyle.

13.15. Ex Base:- Any Lossiemouth a/c to be landed here if seen as weather up north has clamped.

15.45. [Boxed] Darky call from “Dear Friend” E; [inserted] 360th Bomb Sqdn. [/inserted] lost. Got him to fire Verey light & he was located over Marston Moor. Requested QDM for Molesworth & Northampton; told to land. Rogered. Boston aircraft. [/boxed]

16.20. Stbd. A of I. on #28 u/s. C.O.W. informed.

17.30. Above now serviceable.

17.37. L/434 Off on bombing and C Country.

19.04 C/431 last A/C off on X country

1930 Off watch P/O Lister – on watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

2213 434/L bogged about 100 yds. from his dispersal at intersection of taxi & perimeter track on west side of 34 Runway – bowser & crew organized – S/L Holman informed

2257 431/C last A/C to land from X-country.

[Page break]

2325 Duty crew report 434/L now clear & being towed to dispersal

[Underlined] TUESDAY – NOVEMBER 30th 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch

09.00. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch P/O. Pyle. R/W. 28. NWly.

10.00 Runways, dispersals & Perimeter tracks inspected. Portions of P.T. require sweeping.

10.10. Re ops. Standing by.

10.20. Training only.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1454 Barracuda Royal Navy BV734 – Lt Walker – landed for refueling [sic] – Proceeding to EAST HAVEN dept. 15.30

1743 G/434 off on X-Country

18.11 H/106 Sqdn Lancaster left for home base – Metheringham -Signalled – P2.

18.20 E/434 off on X-Country.

1900 Runway changed to [deleted] W [/deleted] 28. Wind WNWly 5-10 mph.

19.30. On Watch Lister P/O. Off Watch F/O Taylor. R/W. 28. QAN. S.

21.36. G/434 Landed from Cross Country.

22.19. E/434 Landed from Cross Country.

[Underlined] Wednesday December 1st 1943. [/underlined]

08.00. Quiet Watch.

09.00. Off Watch Lister P/O. On Watch F/O Taylor.

Runway 28 – QAN – WNW – 5-15 mph. – S.D’s ckd.

0945 Required tonight.

13.00 Off watch F/O Taylor – On watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

14.00. Lister signing off at Tholthorpe for the last time. Best of luck and good wishes. Wombleton (?!*) here I come!!

1600 Operations temporarily postponed. Aircraft are to marshall & be ready for night take off.

1625 All a/c so instructed

2245 Operations cancelled.

[Underlined] Thursday – December 2nd – 1943 [/underlined]

0830 Runway 24. QAN = SSE to SW – 15-30mph. = SD’s ckd.

0900 Off watch F/O Taylor – on watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

0910 Runway changed to No. 28 – QAN W’ly

0950 Sgt. Rutherford is to be cleared today and to proceed to No. 41 Base Marston Moor tomorrow on attachment

0955 We are required tonight

[Page break]

[Underlined] Saturday 4TH December 1943 (Cont.). [/underlined]

0135 R431 overhead. Too heavy to land so is circling base.

0200 Runway changed to 06 – QAN NNE’ly 10+ MPH.

0234 U434 returned early. (Captain ill.)

0243 R434 returned early. (Port outer u/s.).

0249 R431 landed o.k. (Port outer u/s.)

0253 M434 returned early. (Couldnt [sic] climb over 12,000 – Icing.)

0307 H431 returned early. (overload tank would not feed).

0330 Back on Runway 10 again. QAN E’/y 4MPH.

0738 F434 first a/c landed from ops.

0804 X429 (F/O Keenan) Leeming landed by mistake.

0827 L431 last a/c landed/

0830 Base inform C434 landed Newmarket 0737; T431 landed Newmarket 0752; N434 at Dunsfold 0700; Y431 landed Lakenheath 0754.

0855 Base inform Sgt McQueen & crew of V434 have been picked up in Channel. Believe all crew are safe.

0913 G434 landed from ops. (9 1/2 hours airborne).

0915. On Watch F/O Taylor.

1010 Training only

1030 Runway 28. QAN. L & V.

10.47 429/X returned to Leeming

1100 Ex Base. ASR picked up 7 crew of 434/V 3 miles S of Beachy. Now being looked after in Newhaven Police Station. All OK.

1050 C/434 landed from Newmarket

1120 T/431 landed from Newmarket

1234 Y/431 landed from Lakenheath.

1515 434/N (Dunsfold) will not be serviceable so crew is [deleted word] returning via Middleton (428-P) A/C

1620 431/D at Thorney Island remaining there till evening sue to engine trouble

1635 431/D left Thorney Island

1723 P/428 Sqdn landed here. Middleton closed in so they are to spend the night here.

1810 D/431 landed OK from Thorney Island; ran off the end of runway, swung around & came back onto taxi track. Later ran out of brake pressure, Duty crew working on it

2100 D/431 now put in dispersal

2122 K/431 landed safely from X-Country after 2 dummy runs. Vis about 1200 yards.

[Page break]

[Underlined] SUNDAY – 5th DECEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0900 Off watch F/O Taylor On watch S/L Austin & P/O Pyle

0915 Doc’s checked – Runway 28 QAN light NW’ly

1000 Not required tonight

1024 P428 returned to Middleton (phoned).

1230 Weekly training figures passed to Base.

1300 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1448 H 431 1st of 3 a/c airborne on XC’s.

1523 P, K, 434 airborne on A.A.F.

1625 Lanc circled aerodrome with wheels down and flashed letter. ACP gave green but Lanc evidently proceeded to Linton.

1715 S/431 landed okay from AAF – vis. 2000x

1930 K431 last of 3 X countries to return to base.

Vis:- 144 Yds. On watch P/O Pyle

[Underlined] MONDAY – 6th DECEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch

0830 Runway 28 QAN light W’ly S.D.’s checked

0900 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0930 Contacted Thorney Isle re Y434. Advised them not to let Y434 take-off this morning or until we again contact flying control.

0935 Stand down tonight.

1100 N 434 at Dunsfold S/O engine change and possibly P/O change. Ground crew despatched. “LK970”

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1722 Y 434 landed from Thorney Isle. Vis 1800 yds Good landing.

1930 Aerodrome red.

[Underlined] Tuesday 7 Dec, 1943 [/underlined]

0700 Quiet night.

0820 Doc’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch – Runway 28.

0920 Five cows found grazing on Runway 28.

0950 Training only.

[Page break]

Dunfold [sic] at 0830 hrs Dec 10. Route base, Fleet, Dunsfold.

1717 Base okay flight P434. Route & times to be passed before take-off.

1721 Group advise 1717 entry cancelled. Dunsfolds [sic] u/s for 4 engine a/c to land. S/L Hockey notified.

1800 S/L. Linnell in Oxford returned from Dalton, etc.

1900 F/O Taylor off watch, F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Quiet.

Friday Dec 10, 1943.

0730 Quiet night.

0840 On Watch F/O Taylor. = Runway 10. QAN. L & V – mainly SD ckd. 431’s departure delayed as Croft’s weather duff.

1015 Not required tonight.

1145 431 now standing by to leave for Croft at 13:30 hrs.

1200 A crew from 1664 Con. Unit. Dishforth should be coming over this afternoon to pick up EB205. = old 431/S. = St. Eng. has keys & log books

1300 Off watch F/O Taylor – on watch P/O Pyle

1344 B431 first a/c of Squadron to take off on transfer to Croft.

1357 R431 eleventh off. Airborne are B, A, D, E, F, H, W, K, T, Y& R. Several a/c violated the low flying rule by coming within twenty feet of the tower. Unable to make out letters of a/c to take disciplinary action.

1500 Pilot & navigator left for Dunsfold today to bring back 434/N tomorrow

1521 431/L off & 431/U & S off

1930 On Watch F/O Taylor.

Saturday December 11th 1943.

0900 Off watch F/O Taylor – on watch P/O Pyle – Runway 10 QAN light [deleted] N [/deleted] NNW’ly – no tractor available to move caravan

0920 Runway now 28

1112 U/434 – 15th A/C off – airborne are O, P, R, U, W, X, Y, Z, D, E, F, H, K, L, & M

1215 Runway changed to 06

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1403 C 434 last a/c airborne for Croft. [Underlined] So a chapter in

[Page break]

the history of Tholthorpe is completed. The next begins with the arrival of 420 and 425 Squadrons.

1930 Off watch S/L Austin – on watch P/O Pyle

[Underlined] SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch

0830 Runway 10 QAN NE’ly light – S.D.’s checked

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

|| 1151 First a/c LW405 of 425 Squadron landed from Linton

|| 1157 a/c LW391 of 425 Squadron landed from Linton

|| 1219 a/c LW 395 of 425 Squadron landed from Linton

|| 1220 a/c LW 396 of 425 Squadron landed from Linton

|| 1246. a/c LW381 of 425 Squadron landed from Linton

(And so the Second Chapter has begun).

1300 ON Watch. F/O Taylor.

[Deleted] 1545 [/deleted]

1417 Halifax LK.734 delivered for 431 Sqdn. Pilot could not take it on to Croft.

1543. A/Cr. LW375 for 425 Sqdn Landed from Linton.

1625 Whitley BZ 6825 from Ashbourne brought a Crew for LA943.

1719 Whitley LA934 left for Ashbourne.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch – Runway 10 in use.

[Underlined] Monday 13TH December 1943 [/underlined]

0830 Runway 28. QAN light & variable – S.D’s checked.

0900 ON Watch F/O Taylor. Runways & perimeter inspected.

10:35 G/C Bradshaw arrived from Linton on a Proctor. Later going to Middleton or Leeming.

12:20 431 sqdn sending a crew this afternoon to pick up LK734

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1449 G/C Bradshaw left in Proctor for Middleton

1547 AL/F landed with crew to take back LK 734 which has been authorized by signal to be transferred from 431 Sqdn. to 429 at Leeming.

1630 LK 734 left for Leeming

[Underlined] TUESDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0900 On watch P/O Pyle – Runway 28 QAN light variable – very foggy

0930 S.D.’s checked

1300 On watch S/L Austin

[Page break]

1930 On watch P/O Pyle

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY, 15th DECEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch – dense fog throughout the night

0830 S.D.’s checked – Runway 28. QAN light & variable – persistent fog

0900 Off watch P/O Pyle S/L Austin on Watch.

0950 Training only.

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

[underlined] Thursday 16TH December 1943 [/underlined]

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. = Runway 10 – Calm – E-ly if any.: Rwys & Perimeter OK. SD’s ckd

1300 On watch P/O Pyle

1700 Linton A/C operating – returning about 2330 – Provisional diversion bases south

2000 On Watch F/O Taylor. We are to be prepared to land some of Linton’s A/Cr. = Runway 10. QAN. SEly – 9. QBB 1500’.

2341 M/426 sqdn given Pancake, but did not appear. = (Landed at Linton)

2354 D/408 Sqdn landed.

23.59 G/408 Sqdn landed.

[underlined] Friday 17th December 1943. [/underlined]

0004 B/408 Sqdn landed.

0018. S/408 Sqdn given Pancake on right hand circuit; couldn’t see our runway so returned to Linton.

0100 Base report a Crash in our area. = Ref. 064944 = Yearsley. = Two survivors in a Public House there; and 5 casualties: M.O. & ambulance sent; F.A.F. Regiment arranging guard.

0900 P/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Runway 16 in use.

1000 Bomber Command stand down tonight

1317 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

1730 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2350 Quiet and foggy.

Saturday Dec 18, 1943.

0700 Quiet night.

0800 Doc’s checked.

0810 Runway 16.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch.

[Page break]

Tuesday 21 Dec 1943.

0100 Linton circuit clear.

0700 Quiet night.

0830 Doc’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

0910 Runway 16 QAN SE’ly 20

1000 Training only

1300 P/O Pyle off Watch F/O Taylor on Watch.

1327 LW388 landed from Linton – A.T.A. = for 420 Sqdn.

[Underlined] NOTE [/underlined] Clerk of Works = Thursday & Friday will be putting duct under taxi track for new Watch Office. 1/2 of track will be up each day, but will be cemented in for use at night if necessary.

[Underlined] Wednesday 22nd December 1943. [/underlined]

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor. Off Watch P/O Pyle. RW28. QAN W ly. 15-20.

1108 W/Co Richer took off in Oxford for Croft, returning after lunch = Advised their base

1118 S/434 F/S Gardner left for Croft. Base informed.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1335 3°’s frost warning tonight.

1708 Last of 5 new Halifaxs landed.

1930 F/L Gant off watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] Thursday 23rd December 1943. [/underlined]

0900 F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Runway 24 in use.

1005 6 Group operating tonight.

1132 Heard darky call on TR9. Answered but heard other 6 group stations answering so did not bother further.

1300 F/L Gant off watch.

1511 New Halifax LW 396 for 420 Sqdn. from Hawarden – snag S.I. oil leak

1540 Eastmoor informed that our spare crash tender is u/s (cylinder block) – parts have been wired for but it will be u/s for about 2 weeks

1551 New Halifax LW 414 for 425 Sqdn. from Hawarden

1620 Memorandum from S. and O. suggests that reveille be announced over the tannoy system at 0645. Agreed by telephone to begin this system at the beginning of the week.

[Page break]

1755 We are required to stand-by for landing 20 A/C. ETD approx. midnite – ETA [underlined] 0730 [/underlined]

1930 P/O Pyle off watch F/L Gant on watch.

2100 Standing by for provisional diversion.

Friday 24 of Dec 1943.

0035 Base advise Linton and Eastmoor scrubbed, we still are standing by for provisional diversion.

0630 Diversion cancelled.

0730 Doc’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. – P/O Pyle on Watch.

0910 Runway 24 – QAN light & variable at first – later W’ly

1015 A few A/C in Command on special targets – 431 ‘Gardening’

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch = P/O Pyle off Watch.

1400 Runway 34. – QAN NWly. 7mph.

1600 S/L Stanley, 6 Group, phoned “A Merry Xmas to all the Staff”.

[Underlined] Saturday, December 25th 1943. [/underlined]

[Underlined] Merry Christmas [/underlined]

0930. F/O Taylor appeared – Runway 24 – S’D’s ckd.

1000 Stand-down tonight.

2330 Very quiet.

Sunday December 26, 1943.

0900 F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Runway 24. QAN light SWly.

0910 Secret doc’s checked.

0940 Command stand down tonight.

1020. State of Station crash tenders:- is at present, 1 from Middleton St. George being repaired here. Should be serviceable in 48 hrs. Our own stand by will be u/s until further notice.

1300 F/L Gant off watch.

1541 LW 418 New Halifax from Linton 420 Sqdn.

1548 LW 387 New Halifax from Linton 425 Sqdn.

[Page break]

[Underlined] MONDAY – 27th DECEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch

0900 Runway 24 QAN WSW light – SD’s checked

1300 ON Watch. F/O Taylor.

1545 From S/L Kyles = As of 1/Jan 44. Captains names must be passed with all details of movements.

1930 On watch P/O Pyle Runway 34

2200 Runway changed to 24 QAN SW – 5-10

[Underlined] TUESDAY – 28th DECEMBER 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch – Llandrwog called to ask us if we could take an aircraft – advised no – heavy ground fog

0900. On Watch F/O Taylor. Runway 10 – QAN. Light SD’s ckd.

1000 No ops in Command tonight.

1300 P/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1400 Runway 24 in use.

1605 Frost warning tonight. 4°.

1630 Flare path laid 24 runway.

1930 F/L Gant off watch F/O Taylor on Watch.

Wednesday – 29th December.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Runway 24 in use.

0910 Doc. checked.

0950 Halies and Lancs working in group tonight.

1300 On watch P/O Pyle

1515 Runway changed to #28

1700 Runway 24 in use.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1955 Base advise to stand by to land East Moor a/c if necessary. Sick quarters advised.

2310 Base advise East Moor runway now clear and we are not to land their aircraft.

[Underlined] Thursday 30 Dec 1943 [/underlined]

0730 Quiet night.

0815 Doc’s checked.

0830 F/L Gant off watch. F/O Pyle on watch

[Page break]

1000 No operations in Group tonight – 1 & 3 Group ‘Gardening’

1010 Runway changed to No. 34 QAN NW 18

1040 Runway changed to No. 28 QAN W 16

1130. Runways & perimeter inspected 1253-LW429 new a/c for 425 landed.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1443 LW393 new a/c for 420 Squadron landed.

1449 LW397 new a/c for 425 Squadron landed.

1503 LW417 new a/c for 425 Squadron landed.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

[Underlined] FRIDAY, 31st DECEMBER, 1943 [/underlined]

0800 Quiet watch

0815 Doc’s checked

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28. Perimeter checked.

1300 F/L Gant on watch.

1930 F/L Gant off watch. S/L Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] SATURDAY 1ST JANUARY 1943. ? [/underlined]

0800 Quiet Watch. SD’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1015 Taxi track, runways and dispersals inspected.

1020 Linton operating tonight.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Quiet.

[Underlined] Sunday 2nd January 1944. [/underlined]

0015 Linton taking off.

08.30 Doc’s checked.

0840 All Linton’s a/c accounted for except one, on which they have a QDM.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on Watch.

1000 Runways & perimeter track inspected

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1446 Fire tender dispatched to SHQ to put out a fire. (Very slow getting away.) (Adjutant informs it is only a test call).

[Page break]

0930 Runways & perimeter inspected

1300. On Watch F/O Taylor. Off Watch P/O Pyle.

1420 [Underlined] NOTE [/underlined] Signal to Station Z. “Runway QDM 101 U/S for Operational landings TFN Taxi track under repair”. Base informed

1930 S/L Austin on Watch –

[Underlined] Sunday 19 December 43 [/underlined]

0830 Quiet. Doc’s checked. Runway 16.

0930 QAN – Swly – 5-15mph. T & No’s changed to 24; cannot move caravan.

0945 Nothing in Command tonight.

1010 Crash Wagon U/S. Reserve in use. Base informed.

1127 G & B/408 Sqdn returned to Linton = D/408 left at 11:42.

[Underlined] NOTE [/underlined] If LK738 is delivered here, phone Leeming right away so they can pick it up

1219 LW380 – New A/Cr for 420 delivered from Linton.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1358 D 434 departed for Croft. Croft notified.

1545 New a/c being delivered from Linton reported wheels would not lock down. Advised to put 30° or 40° of flap and slow down to 140 MPH.

1548 Pilot advises wheels locked down. Given pancake

1930 F.L Gant off watch. F/O Taylor on watch

2330 Quiet.

Monday 20 Dec, 1943

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Doc’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant [deleted] off [/deleted] on watch.

0905 Runway 24 in use. Qan WSW – SW 20-25.

1010 Linton operating tonight.

1300 On watch P/O Pyle

1439 New Halifax LW426 for 420 Sqdn. landed

1630 Our standby Crossley Crash Tender has been lent to Eastmoor

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2000 Standing by for Linton a/c. Flare path layed on runway 24. [Deleted word] Duty crew standing by.

2330 Quiet.

[Page break]

[Underlined] MONDAY – 3RD JANUARY 1944 [/underlined]

0615 Asked to stand-by & light up for any Eastmoor A/C who may wish to land here QBB about 1700. Crash crew ordered to stand-by – sick quarters asked to have ambulance stand-by. Call signs “Island” or “Landfall” QFE 1009 (-4)

0730 Darky call “Ringboard R-2 Robert” – answered by Linton & Eastmoor

0750 “Ringboard” R2 Robert landed OK at Eastmoor

0810 All Eastmoor A/C accounted for but 2

0830 No longer required

0845 S.D.’s checked

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28 – QAN – NW’ly – light.

0930 Runways & perimeter checked.

0950 Command stand down tonight.

1300 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1517 W/C Richer 425 B airborne on C & B. 1st a/c of 425 to take-off from this base.

1915 Practice Intruder Plotting scheme from Group.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

2115 [Underlined] Snow Warning [/underlined] – Small amounts of snow expected within the next 24 hours within 30 miles of the east coast of Gr Britain, north of [deleted] a line [/deleted] Felixstow [sic] and excluding Edinburgh. Met is warning Station Commander, Squadrons, M.T. and S.A.O.

[Underlined] Tuesday 4TH January 1944. [/underlined]

0830 S.D’s checked. Runway 34.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0925 Runways & perimeter inspected.

0940 Notified clerk of works re lights on runways & per.

1010 Gardening in Group tonight.

1110 Base advise Linton and East Moor beams u/s TFN.

1300 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

1400 Frost warning tonight

[Page break]

1425 LW 421 Halifax from Linton

1437 LW 425 Halifax from Linton

1506 LW 431 Halifax from Linton

1530 Missing SD 229 Supplement No.1069 returned by F/L Allen

1548 [Deleted word] – 420 B W/C McIntosh circuits & bumps

1600 M.T. Section advised to warn all drivers re obedience to runway traffic lights.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY, 5th JANUARY 1944 [/underlined]

0900 P/O Pyle on watch Runway 28 QAN S’ly 8 Runway 24-06 obstructed para

0910 S/Docs. checked

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1350 Runway changed to 24 QAN SW’ly 10+ mph.

1735 Provisional diversion of 20 a/c from 1 Group. E.T.A. roughly 0830 hours in the morning.

2315 Asked by base to light up for A/C in this vicinity – Crash crew & ambulance warned –

2330 Aircraft landed at Eastmoor

[Underlined] THURSDAY, 6th JANUARY 1944 [/underlined]

0020 Asked again to light up for A/C – standing by

0045 A/C headed off in a NW’ly direction – apparently O.K.

0700 Base informs we are not required for diversion.

0750 Asked to light up for A/C which may be sent from Linton or Eastmoor

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. S.D’s checked. Runway 24.

1000 Runway 28 in use.

1300 S/L Austin off Watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1700 Day caravan on 24 – night 28.

1930 F/L Gant off watch. S/L Austin on Watch.

2005 Base gave authority to Stand down for tonight

Friday 7TH January 1944.

0100 Closed watch.

0900 F/L Gant on watch.

0925 Runway perimeters and dispersals inspected.

0930 SD’s checked.

Runway 28 in use.

[Page break]

1000 Group stand down tonight.

1025 Runway 34 in use.

1229 B420 W/C McIntosh C & B from 1142-1229.

1300 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2300 Flare path laid on runway 28. Vis and ceiling deteriorating. QBA 1200. QBB 1500.

2359 Quiet.

Saturday 8 Jan 1944.

0700 Quiet night.

0835 Doc’s. checked.

0900 Runway 24 QAN 10 SW P/O Pyle on Watch.

1000 Runways, perimeter track & dispersals inspected

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1655 Operations in Group cancelled.

1930 On Watch F/O Taylor

Sunday 9th January 1944.

0800 Quiet Night – S.D’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28.

1300 F/L Gant on watch.

1930 F/L Gant off watch.

2000 S/L Austin on Watch.

2015 Snow Warning –

Monday 10TH January 1944

0800 Quiet night.

0900 S/L Austin off watch F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Runway 34 in use.

0908 Secret Doc’s checked.

0935 Runways, perimeter and dispersals inspected.

0937 No operations in 6 Group tonight.

1005 A country routes passed to base

1015 Checked with CTD’s office re – frost on a/c scheduled for flying.

1030 Base notified x-countries delayed due to frost on wings.

[Page break]

1050 Crash tender u/s – pump frozen - should be ready shortly.

1116 Crash tender now okay.

1117 Base notified x countries delayed until further notice.

1300 F/L Gant off watch, F/O Taylor on Watch.

1730 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Everything Quiet.

Tuesday Jan 11, 1944

0730 Quiet night.

0815 Doc’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. On Watch F/O Taylor.

0915 Runway 16 – QAN. – light SW ly. shortly becoming 15 mph.

1000 No Ops in Command tonight.

1100 Broadcast = U.S.A.A.F. have a force of over 700 heavy bombers out at present, = due back between 1400-1500 hrs. Weather poor everywhere so all stations to be on the look-out to land any if necessary. Group 1400 forecast 1000-2500 yds, 4-7/10 at 2000 10/10 at 10,0

1200. [Underlined] Met. [/underlined] = Snow possible in next 24 hrs in E & N. Eng. – N of a line Morecombe to Flamb amounts mainly small, moderate on high ground. Thawing generally by this evening

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] Wednesday January 12 -1944 [/underlined]

0730 Quiet night – Doc’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

1300 [Deleted] F [/deleted] S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1930 F/L Gant off watch.

2230 S/L Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] Thursday January 13TH 1944. [/underlined]

0800 Quiet night – Doc’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin off watch F/L Gant on watch.

0940 Bomber Command stand down tonight with possibility of a few PFF in wx improves

1212 Looma V called darky. Very clear. Answered numerous times but no contact could be made. Base notified

[Page break]

1300 F/L Gant off watch/ F/O Taylor on Watch

1930 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Very quiet.

[Underlined] Friday Jan 14, 1944 [/underlined]

0730 Very quiet night.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. – F/O Taylor on Watch

Doc’s checked. = Runway = 28. QAN W-WSWly – 15.

0950 Runway 24 QAN. – WSWly – Swly. – 15-25. = Taxi approach a little awkward

1000 Lancasters working tonight.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1400 Runway changed to 28.

1930. F/O Taylor on Watch.

2220 Flare-path ready in case required by Linton.

2359 Not used at all – Stood down.

[Underlined] Saturday January 15 1944. [/underlined]

0800 Sec. Doc’s checked.

0813 Ex Base – Basic QFE 1029. – passed to Met.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

1300 F/L Gant on watch.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch – Vis 10 yds. Quiet watch.

[Underlined] Sunday January 16TH 1944. [/underlined]

0825 Basic QFE – 1039 – Passed to Met.

0830 Doc’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant on watch.

1010 Runways and taxi track inspected.

1013 Command stand down tonight.

1300 F/L Gant off watch/ F/O Taylor on Watch.

1515 Base request the Oxford be ready for W/C Jacobs for a trip to Ireland in the morning. Advised Station Engineer who will have it ready.

1930 F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Very quiet.

[Page break]

[Underlined] Monday Jan 17, 1944 [/underlined]

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Basic QFE 1026.

0815 Doc’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

1005 Nothing in Command tonight.

11:45 Clerk of works attending to hole at edge of taxi track this afternoon, with rubble.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

[Underlined] Tuesday Jan 18th 1944. [/underlined]

0805. Basic Q.FE – 1021. Passed to Met.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway No. 10.

1300 F/L Gant on watch.

1700 Night caravan on 28.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

| Se. D’s received

SD214 – No 671
SD 264 – No 445
S.P. 02443 – No 4877
S.P. 02440(2) – No. 5869
S.P. 02442 No 6156

[Underlined] Wednesday Jan 19TH 1944 [/underlined]

0800 S.D’s checked.

0827 Basic QFE 1014 – Met informed.

Note: All officers to read & initial Note 2-1944 in Instruction & Order Book.

0900 F/L Gant on watch.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch = Taxi track inspected. = Up again at end of 28 so that N.F.E. cannot get onto hard standing.

15:55 Bulls-eye scrubbed.

16:15 All night flying Scrubbed.

1930 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant [deleted] of [/deleted] on watch.

2330 Very quiet

Thursday Jan 20th 1944.

0730 Quiet night

0800 Basic QFE 1027. Met informed.

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor. – Runway 24 – QAN: light SWly becoming 15-20mph

1010 Linton & Eastmoor will be working tonight.

1130. Command Bulls-eye tonight. – We are not offering any a/cr.

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1300 On watch P/O Pyle

1930 On Watch F/O Taylor.

2100 Linton aircraft landing at Base – E.T.A. 23:15 = We are standing by.

[Underlined] NOTE. [/underlined] Taxi track lighting in dire need of cleaning.

Friday 21st Day of January.

0035. Base have just advised only 1 a/cr to hear from so we’re stood-down.

0800. S.D’s ckd, - Basic QFE 1018, - Passed to Met.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0940 Runways & perimeter inspected.

1030 420 x countries using Bomber code for 20 day, 12 now.

1110 Operations in group tonight.

1300 On watch P/O Pyle

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2215 C countries all back. C & B finished for night.

2220 Base advise we are to stand by for return.

2340 Wx deteriorating. Light rain.

Saturday Jan 22, 1944.

0055 Base advise all base a/c are diverted. But we are still to stand by in case of emergency.

0255 Base advise a number of a/c are coming in over North Sea. We are to stand by and land any a/c we can.

0400 Base advise to stand down.

0730 Base request a/c from 420 and 425 for sea search. ETD 0930.

0740 Base advised no a/c available from 420.

0745 Base advised 3 a/c available from 425.

0750 Base advised 425 a/c can not be airborne by 0930.

0805 Basic QFE figure 1002. Passed to Met.

0830 S.D. Checked.

0900 On watch P/O Pyle – Runway 24 QAN WSW 30 gusty

1100 Local flying details cancelled – weather duff

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

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13:45 Runway 28 = QAN Wly 15 – gusty.

17:42. Last A/Cr landed OK. = Night flying scrubbed.

2340 Asked to listen out for an A/C in area Linton-Eastmoor-Marston Moor – call sign “Bundalk K” – no sign of A/C in this vicinity

2345 Asked if we can offer 3 A/C for sea search tomorrow morning at 0930 – contacted W/C Richer – advised Base that 3 A/C can be offered by [underlined] 1030 [/underlined], weather permitting

[Underlined] SUNDAY – JANUARY 23, 1944 [/underlined]

0012 Group have advised that we will not be required for sea search – also we may cease listening watch for “Bundalk K” – W/C Richer advised re above cancellation

0815 Basic QFE 989 – Passed to Met.

0830 S.D’s checked

0900 On Watch F/O Taylor. = Night Caravan on Runway 28 = QAN. Wly – 10-15.

1015 Nothing operating in 6 group tonight.

1025 E425 returned from Eastmoor.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1520 Runway changed to 24. QAN SW’ly 20MPH. (At least it was when we changed)

1705 Runway changed to 28. QAN W’ly 20MPH.

1915 Perimeter track form Control office to Wood is in need of lights cleaning. No 2. Port flarepath glim on R.28 shining wrong way.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

2012 U/425 off on X-Country.

2021 B/420 off on X-Country = 22:00 hrs – Called. “Completed first part of detail, setting course on 2nd.

2024. R/420 off on X-Country D/420 Scrubbed – engines U/S.

2030 W/420 off on X-Country

2117 Q/420 airborne = Finished at 2154 – P.I. cut on circuit.

2130 Base report a crash near Cranfield, only identification – one tag – McGorsser. J26422 = Contacted both Sqdns. = not theirs. advised base.

- 425 Sqdn would like 7 flimsies by noon tomorrow if possible.

2330 N/420 – Bogged at take-off point of 28 runway, & will be there till morning. Changing to 34 runway.

2345 Ready on 34 Runway QAN WNW – 5-10.

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24th January, 1944 – Monday.

0043 B/420 landed from X-Country.

0137 W/420 landed from X-Country.

0139 R/420 landed from X-Country.

0800 Basic QFE. 1010. S.D’s ckd.

0850 Southerly Gale to 40 mph, expected this area – 6 to 12 hrs.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 16.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1330 Informed Mr. Rocket re taxi & runway lights – work will be started at 1400 hrs today.

1419 Mitchell A/C in this area – asked to give him a call – no reply

1440 Base report A/C [deleted] landed OK [/deleted] headed south of here.

1645 SE Gale becoming severe on E coast of B.I. from Hornsea to Cape Ross

1830 All A/C marshalled ready for take-off – Runway 24

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

2030 Reported interference to Group. Interference on 1194 sounded like 2-way German aircraft & ground transmissions.

2045 All night flying scrubbed by 6 Group.

Tuesday 25TH January 1944

0810 Basic QFE 984. Met informed. S.D.’s checked.

0835 | Aerodrome put U/S. QAN – W’ly 25MPH gusting to 40. N420 still bogged on edge of Runway 28. Base informed.

| Signal AF 1. Sent to Station Z. “Runway 28-10 U/S TFN. Temporary obstruction. No landing of aircraft if wind from West or East.”

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

1022. Goodwood Lancs & Halifaxes tonight.

1130 Runway 24 QAN WSW 30 MPH – 425/E A/B on local flying

1200 N/420 now clear – signal to Ops. Station Z “Runway 28-10 now S – obstruction removed – Runway QDM 101 still U/S for operational landings – cannot use taxi track”

1242 425/E finished 4 C & B – last landing bounced twice & tipped badly to port – returned to dispersal.

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1250 Ambulance returned to sick quarters.

1300 425/E bogged off perimeter track near Ruskelf road.

1300 F/O Taylor on watch.

1330 Runway changed to 28. Wind WSW 40 but veering to Wly.

1335 425 offering 8 for Bulls-eye tonight.

1343 Bulls-eye cancelled

14:30 E/425 now clear of perimeter track =

16:47 O/425 landed OK on 34 after doing 2 overshoots on 28.

17:30 61 Base phoned. W/425 landed at Dishforth at 16:31 = Damaged oleo-leg & Bomb doors won’t close. = A/Cr u/s till tomorrow = should crew remain overnight.

1800 F/425 airborne on X-Country.

1815 = 1900 – A/Cr out of brake pressure all over taxi track & runway.

2347 F/425 called on R/T & given pancake

2355 U/425 given turn 2 on R/T but A.F.C. reports only one A/C in circuit – asked F his height (2000’) and he said he was coming in to pancake – no A/C approaching this circuit

[Underlined] Wednesday 26th January 1944 [/underlined]

0001 Told F/425 to identify A/D by outer circle position switching on & off but he landed elsewhere

0016 F/425 landed at Dishforth at 0006 – Asked Base to inform him to return if S

0045 61 Base advised to have crew of F/425 remain overnight at Dishforth and return in the morning – A/C was short of petrol

0156 420/C last A/C to land from X/C

0815 Basic QFE 1009

0830 SD’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. – Runway 24: QAN SW light backing & increasing. Phoned Clerk of Works re Totems & lights on 34, & taxi track = A man has been on TT all yesterday.

[Underlined] NOTE. [/underlined] Starboard A.A.I. on 16 runway in shop for repair – if runway required for night flying borrow one from another runway.

12:45 D/420 given 3 tries at landing, no go, so sent to LEEMING.

1300 S/L Austin on Watch.

1301 D420 landed at Leeming.

1930 F/O Taylor on.

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Thursday – January 27 – 1944

0830 Basic QFE = 1002. Passed to Met – S.D’s checked.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0930 Aerodrome, dispersals, taxi track inspected.

0950 Lanc’s and Halies marking in group tonight

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1500 4 copies of A.P. 3024 received from Base complete with amend 1 copy sent to G/C Gordon, 1 LO 420 O.C. & 1 to 425 O.C.

[Symbol] 1845 Runway 28 inspected – 2nd Port glim [inserted] shining [/inserted] wrong way – port totem pole out of alignment.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2029 B425 landed Linton – mistook aerodrome for Thol

2255 Last a/c down from x countries.

2315 Runway 24 in use.

Friday Jan 28, 1944

0050 Standing by for Lintons return.

0800 Basic QFE 1026. Passed to Met.

0815 S.D’s checked.

0830 Runway 24 QAN SW’ly 9 P/O Pyle on watch

[Symbol] 0900 Mr Rocket informed re above notation

0945 Workmen filling hole at edge of 28 Runway

1000 Lancasters & Halifaxes working in Group tonight.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1859 V/420 first A/C off on X/C

2019 P/420 last A/C off on X/C – A/B are V, W, O, S, H, B, G, P, K, on X/C

2249 J/425 last of 6 A/C (425) returned from X/C

Saturday – January 29, 1944

0031 Runway changed – No. 28

[Inserted] 0130 420/W last A/C from X/C – 8 A/C averaged [deleted] over [/deleted] 2 min. each on [missing word] [/inserted]

0715 Runway changed – No. 24 QAN SW 18

0755 Basic QFE 1033

0800 S.D.’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. = Runway 24 QAN. – SW ly. 5-15

Fire tender out of gas & none on station. – Advised base. Equip Officer says petrol tanker on its way now.

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0950 Command Stand-down

1030 Now have 10 galons [sic] in Crash tender – got it out of u/s tender – Advised base.

11:35 Darky call on TR9 = AMBUSH “A”. – asked directions to Valley = acknowledged directions from somebody else = Advised

11:11 Whitley T4236 – F/O Matthews landed from Honeybourne & returned at 11:25.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1435 Group Oxford V3602, G/C Jones, landed. Deplaned W/C Jacobs.

1445 V3602 airborne.

1500 Oxford 6098 W/C Jacobs airborne.

1820 P420 final landing. Flying completed.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

Sunday = 30th January – 1944.

0815 Base QFE. = 1017. Passed to Met. = SD’s ckd.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0948 Lancs and Hali III operating tonight.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1605 Received from Base CD 0250(15) and Appendix I SD0110(1)

1730 R/420 first A/C off on practice operation

1734 A/420 fifth A/C off on practice operation

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2133 T420 over base 13000ft on 3 engines says detail incomplete. Advised he could complete detail. Told to do so. Base notified.

2240 V 420 landed. Hydraulics u/s

2324 T 420 landed on 3 engines.

Monday, Jan 31, 1944

0044 R 420 called saying he had 5 min petrol – requested landing.

0049 R420 mistook another aerodrome for Tholthorpe. Requests that we turn on our contact strip again. We immediately contacted East Moor and Linton in case R420 was circling either base by mistake. A/C advised to land at nearest aerodrome – switch to button D

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and call darky.

0055 R420 crash landed at Rufforth. A/C B category, crew safe. Made wheels up landing as motors cut.

0257 U 420 landed from cross country. Last a/c to return.

0500 All quiet.

0800 Basic QFE 1025. Met advised.

0830 S.D’s checked.

0900 On watch P/O Pyle – Runway 28 QAN light SE

0930 Runways & perimeter inspected

1200 Vehicles still persist in crossing runway against traffic lights – arranged with guard room to have 2 S.P.’s on duty for an hour this afternoon to report all offenders.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1600 425 have 8 A/Cr on night X-Country; Take-off 21:00 hrs. Briefing 19:00 hrs. 17:30 = 8 A/Cr marshalled for 28 Runway. = order. D. J. C. G. N. Q. O. R.

1900 Drem. – 2nd Port fitting on 10 and 28 flare-paths still u/s.

Night flying scrubbed, A/Cr returning to Dispersals.

[Underlined] TUESDAY – 1ST FEBRUARY 1944

0820 Basic QFE 1004 – Passed to Met.

0830 S.D.’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch = Runway 24. = QAN – SWly 10-20mph.

1000 Nothing in Command tonight.

1038 W/C McIntosh took off in B, landed at 10:47 after 1 overshoot, scrubbed other details.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch/ F/L Gant off watch.

2100 N/425 first A/Cr. off on X-Country = followed by D, S, O, Q, F; & G at 21:30 G= reported I.F.F. u/s. received permission from Base for him to proceed. H/425 scrubbed – it taxied over the W/Co’s car & damaged bomb doors. etc.

2205 T/425 airborne, replacing H. Runway 24 in use.

[Underlined] Wednesday – 2nd February 1944. [/underlined]

0020 1196 went dead, - Outer circle, funnel & taxi track off, lights in phone exchange off = Exchange cannot contact duty electrician at stand by plant. Guard room sent runner – I sent our van. Base informed.

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0100 Lights now On again. – Base advised.

0120 O/425 1st A/Cr. landed from X-Country

0301 T/425 9th & last A/Cr. landed from X-Country.

NOTE. The R.O.C. plotted an A/Cr flying low in the Leeds area; then S.W of Harrogate at about 200ft, heading for high ground. Red flares were set off. A/Cr. climbed & flew away in opposite direction. Approached Tholthorpe, circled & landed at 02:05. = F/425 landed at 02:06 by our board so it must have been him. Group anxious to have the pilots report on the amount of help he received from the flares, so it can be passed on to 12 group & on to the R.O.C.

0800 S D’s checked. – Basic QFE 1012 – Passed to Met.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0945 3 sqn’s of 6 group standing by for gardening tonight. No bombing from group.

0950 Aerodrome inspected.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2028 K420 finished C & B’s.

2201Base advise a/c has crashed SW of here. Asked if we could see same. Could not locate.

2205 Base advise location E 9185. We offered crash tender as we are not flying at present. Not needed as Dishforth have despatched one.

2350 Everything quiet.

Thursday Feb 3, 1944

0730 Quiet night.

0750 S D’s checked.

0800 Basic QFE 999

0900 On watch P/O Pyle – Runway 28 QAN WSW 30

0915 Runways, perimeter & dispersals [deleted] ch [/deleted] inspected

0958 Nothing in 6 group tonight – possible gardening in 1 & 3 Groups

1150 Calls signs (W/T) for tonight’s bullseye 420 UDG, 425 -JVA

1240 420/J bogged at junction of taxi track and 28 runway

1335 420/J now clear – P/O Pyle off. F/O Taylor on Watch.

1530 S/L Kyles phoned about a letter from 6 Group re R/T irregularities, on 29/1/44 at 15:10 hrs. Wants a report as soon as we get the letter.

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1843 H/420

1849 AFC reports Sodium Tunnel lights U/S = Also outer circle.

1851 Mr Rocket going out to check Sodium lights.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2000 Outer circle & sodium lights now O.K.

2027 420/V first A/C off on Bulls-eye

2044 420/J ninth & last A/C of 420 off – average time 2 mins.

2046 425/F first of 425 A/C off on exercise

2112 425/G last A/C off – average time for 425 – 2 1/2 mins.

[Underlined] FRIDAY – FEBRUARY 4th 1944 [/underlined]

0140 425/W first A/C “pancaked” from Bullseye exercise

0152 420/S bogged blocking perimeter near 24 Runway

0241 425/U 21st & last A/C to land – average landing times approx. 3 mins.

0700 425 Sqdn report all A/C now in dispersals

0800 Basic QFE 1008

0815 S.D’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. Runway 28. QAN. W’N. 25-20mph. – increasing to 35.

0955 No ops in 6 group. – Gardening in Command, & Special [inserted] Command [/inserted] Bullseye for non-op. A/Cr.

[Underlined] 1040 [/underlined] Snow Warning: Snow expected during next 24 hrs in this area. Amounts, except on hillsides, small.

11:30. Tonight’s Bullseye. 420 – 11. A/Cr. 425 – 10 A/Cr.

11:30 Day caravan has blown off hard standing, breaking phone point. Sergeants working on it now – 28 runway.

1200 Runway 34 – night caravan because of high wind – NWly over 30 mph.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1615 Bulls eye scrubbed. No yellow flares as wind too strong towards camp.

1740 A/C are to take off 1830, proceed to Sywell, return to base. Operational take off & landing exercise.

1830 1st a/c airborne on exercise

1847 Last a/c airborne on exercise.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] 2000 [/underlined] Port A.A.I. is u/s, replaced by one from 06 runway. U/S one now in N.F. shed.

2036 S/420 landed from exercise.

2118 G/420 15th & last A/Cr landed from exercise.

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[Underlined] Saturday, February 5th 1944 [/underlined]

0800 S.D’s ckd Basic QFE 1021 – Passed to Met.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0930 Aerodrome, dispersals, taxi tracks inspected.

0935 No operations from base tonight. Some mining in Group.

1005 425 420 refuse bulls eye for tonight.

1020 Bulls eye cancelled.

1300 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

1615 420/A engine pouring smoke badly in dispersal – crash tender sent

1630 Crash tender returned – 420/A O.K.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2345 Very quiet.

Sunday Feb 6, 1944.

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Basic key QFE 1036. Met advised.

0820 S.D’s checked.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch – Runway 28 QAN light QBA 500

0930 Runways, perimeter & dispersals inspected

1015 Command stand-down tonight

1300 On Watch F/O Taylor.

1930 On Watch P/O Pyle

[Underlined] MONDAY, 7th FEB. 1944 [/underlined]

0810 Basic QFE 1010 – met. advised

0815 S.D’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. = Runway 24 QAN. SWly. 20-35 gusty.

0940 No operations tonight.

1100 Runway 28. QAN. W ly 10-20.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1545 A 425 airborne on x country.

1702 V420 sent msge “starboard engine u/s instructions” [Deleted] It [/deleted] Told to return to base.

1752 M.T. notified crash tender will only do 15-18 MPH. When flying finished tonight MT will give crash tender DI

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1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] 2045 [/underlined] U/420 in turning at take-off point on 28 runway damaged Port A.A.I. replacing it with one off34 runway. Concrete Base now U/S.

2125 O/420 landed at Riccall at [deleted] 20:50 [/deleted] 21:14. Refueling [sic] & will return later.

2230 O/420. Compasses u/s. Staying overnight at Riccall.

2315 Q/420 bogged near dispersal. One wheel in our french drain.

2355 T/420 landed OK. Last A/Cr. from X-Country.

[Underlined] Tuesday. 8th February 1944 [/underlined]

0050 Q/420 now clear of taxi track.

0800 SD’s ckd. – Basic QFE = 1016. Passed to Met.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0940 Aerodrome, runways & dispersals checked.

0945 Command stand down tonight.

1010 Requested S. P. for intersection of old perimeter and 34. Sun bad.

1030 Group bull’s eye tonight. 420 10/ a/c.

1359 New Halifax LW591 for 425 Sqdn. landed – to go to Linton

1540 Runway changed to No. 28

1630 Port A.A.I. blown over when 425/D took off (No. 28 Runway)

1704 425/T (F/S Landry) made bumpy landing with S/O engine u/s touched down approx. 600 yds. down runway just past intersection of taxi strip & runway – swung to port landing on one wheel – corrected it to starboard on one wheel & swung off runway to starboard [inserted] Stbd. Wing touching [inserted] – gunned motors – undercarriage collapsed – ended up facing east with both outer engines torn out – position approx.. 135 yds. clear of 28 runway & about 120 yds. clear of 34 runway. Winds 10-12 m.p.h. W.N..W.

1800 P/420 first A/C off on Bullseye exercise

1809 E/420 last of 10 A/C off.

1811 Halifax LW590 from Linton – dispersed near R. & I. hangar

1845 Port A.A.I. on runway 28 now O.K.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2231 J 425 1st 425 a/c back from x country

2302 J 420 1st 420 a/c back from bullseye.

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2318 R 425 last 425 a/c back from x country

2339 O 420 last 420 a/c back from bull’s eye.

Wednesday Feb 9, 1944

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Basic QFE 1020. Passed to met.

0810 S D’s checked.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch – Runway 28 QAN light S’ly.

1005 No operations tonight – Bullseye scrubbed

1100 Works department will be starting work tomorrow on tarmac on west side of 16 runway.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

[Underlined] THURSDAY – FEBRUARY 10, 1944 [/underlined]

0800 S.D.’s checked

0810 Basic QFE 1015 – Passed to met.

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. Runway 34. – QAN NNW-ly 20-30mph.

1000 Training only tonight.

1107 Church Fenton enquired if we had any Mustangs circle us or land here during past 15 minutes. – Had not seen or heard any.

1300 F/L Gant on watch. F/O Taylor off watch.

1715 All night flying scrubbed.

19:30 F/O Taylor on Watch.

Friday – 11th February, 1944.

0808 S.D’s ckd. Basic QFE 1016

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0925 Runways, dispersals, taxi track inspected.

0950 No operations from Linton base. 8 a/c 428 only operations in 6 group.

1020 Combined command bull’s eye tonight. 10 a/c 420. 10 a/c 425.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1731 R/425 on X/C – E, F & N/425 also off on X/C

1930 Runway changed to no. 28

P/o Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

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2110 E 425 first x country to return.

2115 Base advise that at 2010 they broadcast a msge to our a/c to proceed direct to Birmingham and carry on exercise from there. Intruder activity on south coast. Should shorten ETA by approx. 45 min.

2302 K420 landed. Was completely lost. Hit by [missing word] Returned to base

2345 Vis dropping, 1500 YDS. Contacted base for possible diversion.

2357 Base advise Leeming and Middleton standing by for diversion. Vis at present 1000 yds.

Saturday Feb 12, 1944.

0128 R420 landed. Last a/c to land with stream

0140 O 425 unreported. No a/c flying in group at present

0210 O 425 crashed near Droitwich, nr Birmingham

0236 Base advise 8 bodies of O425 at Hanbury mortuary, Nr Droitwich.

0800 Everything quiet

0805 Basic QFE 1015. Met advised.

0825 S.D.’s checked.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch – Runway 28 QAN light NW’ly.

1000 No operations tonight

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1732-1829. 8 A/Cr of 420 & 5 A/Cr of 425 off on X-Country.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2112 E/420 first a/c returned from x-c

2304 S/425 last of 14 a/c to return from a/c

SUNDAY FEB. 13, 1944

0810 Basic QFE 1025 – Passed to Met.

0815 S.D’s checked.

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. Runway 28 = QAN light

0945 Goodwood effort tonight. =420 Sqdn 12 A/Cr.

Briefing at 13:30 hrs.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

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1320 Definite diversion base for tonight Sculthorpe.

1409 Base advise data on Sculthorpe as “1 runway 2000 yds 2 at 1400 yds. Complete II dum.” Our a/c are to use the Foulsham Beacon. 240° at 4 miles. Flashing I U.

1555 Operations scrubbed.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] Monday 14th February 1944 [/underlined]

0800 Basic QFE. 1025 Passed to met. SD’s ckd.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0945 Aerodrome, dispersals, taxi track inspected.

0950 No operations in command tonight.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

1525 Runway changed to No. 10 – QAN light NE

1615 420 & 425 Sqdn. X/C details scrubbed.

1810 Asked to stand-by to land A/C in this area – probably Marston Moor – vis. about 4 miles QBB 1500

1825 No call received from A/C – Runway changed to No. 28

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2100 No flying in base.

2200 Very foggy. Also quiet.

[Circled] Tuesday Feb 15, 1944 [/circled]

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Basic QFE 1016. Passed to met.

0815 S.D.’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

1000 Goodwood effort tonight – 420 Sqdn. 12 A/C

1045 Runway changed to 10

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1705 Phoned Millfield that Hurricane KX199 F/L JOBB & Thunderbolt I 6343 Lt Almond staying overnight.

[Underlined] 1729=1754. 12 A/Cr. of 420 squadron Airborne on their 1st operation. [/underlined]

1855. In case of early returns, if unable to land at Base to be diverted to Binbrook. QDM. 148 – 64 miles.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

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2045 420/G landed early from Ops. – S/O u/s

2145 All our A/C being diverted to Hethel on return.

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY – FEB. 16th 1944 [/underlined]

0015 T/420 called on R/T at 6000’ At 0022 he was given pancake but he did [deleted] an [/deleted] two overshoots and lost the circuit despite goose-necks and money flares. At 0037 he was told to climb to 1000’ and home again. At 0043 he was given pancake again and was passed QBB – 1500’. “T” reported he could not see the flarepath – vis. had deteriorated considerably since 2400 hrs. due to rain. At 0047 he was asked how much petrol he had left and reported 95 gallons in each side. Was told to take his time and try once more but he lost the circuit – could not contact him again on R/T.

0156 T/420 crashed [inserted] at 0050 [/inserted]. Ref. Sheet 22 966973 – 1 mile from the Raskelf Q site – our ambulance to be despatched – [deleted word]

0220 T/420 mistook railroad lights at Pillmoor junction for aerodrome and came in on poor vis. 5 of crew at scene of crash – one at Q site – Position of crash [deleted] ed [/deleted] passed to Tollerton fire section and Easingwold police. Guarding of A/C to be handled by Topcliffe. Q site was switched off at 0040.

0240 Base report all other 420 A/C except “F” landed O.K. – no time or aerodromes given. Base also report that two ambulances from Dishforth may take crew to York Hospital depending on M.O.’s advice. [Underlined] Note: [/underlined] see that 420 adjutant is informed of all details so that he may take all necessary signals action

0320 Base report 2 of crew killed – names not yet available – 5 injured

0330 All [indecipherable] at Middleton & Leeming O.K.

0430 The following are in the Northallerton hospital – F/O Damgaard, F/O Taylor, F/S Masur, Sgt Fletcher & Sgt Harvey – the body of Sgt. Downey has been brought here, body of WO2 Whale is pinned under the A/C. Easingwold police give position of crash as [underlined] “961928” [/underlined]. (This position confirmed later by M.O.)

0545 NW Railway District Control inform that no guard is at crash

0553 Advice from 61 Base if that Dishforth is now sending out a guard

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0645 Dishforth are going to handle the raising of the crashed A/C to remove the body pinned beneath it – their guard has at last arrived at the scene!

0815 No further word on F/420 or landing times

Basic QFE 1020 – Passed to met.

0830 Base reports F/420 landed O.K.

0845 F/O Taylor on Watch. Base report all out A/Cr landed at Hethel.

Runway 10. Light Wind – Viz 400 yards. – SD’s ckd.

1000 Runway 24. QAN. NWly. 5-15.mph. – Viz improving.

1005 Ops tonight. = 8 A/C 425. = 420 5 plus as many as get back from Hethel.

1045 425’s 5 A/C for ASR Search not required.

1215 W/O Walker phoned from Hethel. “Require a mechanic as Throttle Control to S.I. severed.” Very poor connection & could not get any word on other A/Cr there. = No engineering officers contacted to pass this gen. too.

1300 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1303 Flying Control Millfield contacted re Thunderbolt and Hurricane taking off for Millfield. They give okay.

1330 CTO contacted re W 420. Entry 1215.

1500 Operations in Command scrubbed.

1615 S/L Beall on X Country. TO 1750 ETA 2234.

1705 Group advise all a/c at Hethel remaining over night.

1808 N/420 off on X-country

1930F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] 2100. [/underlined] Note. = Port totem pole on upwind end of 34 flare-path U/S.

[Underlined] 2200 [/underlined] The Telephone engineers advise that the flight-planning loud-speaker system in the Ops room is now completed – but they have removed a fuse, otherwise if anybody tampers with the keys it is liable to put the station PBX switch-board u/s. – Pass this to Signals Officer in morning, for onward transmission to Base S.O. as none could be contacted tonight.

2305 N/420 landed OK from X-Country.

Thursday – Feb 17th 1944

0730 SD’s ckd.

0817 Basic QFE. 1014. – Passed to Met. Runway 06, QAN. NE’ly – 10-15 mph.

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0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0910 On inquiry from base our a/c have been told by 6 group to remain at Hethel TFN.

0955 Operations tonight in 6 group.

1000 F/O Laing, L.N. P/O McLure, H.G. and P/O Lawrence W.G. reported to Flying Control for instruction.

1300 P/O Pyle on watch

Note: Hethel phoned at 1230 re E/420 – probably cat. AC – Stbd. wing tanks holed – at least one wing change

1600 Operations scrubbed

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1935 1196 dead. Signals officer informed. Electrics Cpl reported. Could not fix. Signals advise they cannot fix until morning.

2340 Everything quiet.

Friday Feb 18, 1944.

0750 Quiet night.

0755 S.D.’s checked.

0800 Basic QFE 1038. Passed to met.

0825 Base advise 6 Group Flying Control have just issued a warning for all stations to stand by for their respective returning a/c.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

0930 Runway 10 QAN NE’ly light

0945 TR1196 now serviceable

1000 Goodwood tonight

1140 Group have advised that a/c at Hethel are to remain there T.F.N. 420/[deleted] T [/deleted] W – no throttle – severed by flak E/420 needs a wing change, 40 or 50 flak holes – Q/420 starter u/s but they may be able to fix it.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch. & P/O McLure

425 Briefing – 21:00 hrs in 425 Briefing Room. = 420 Briefing 20:30 M.B Room

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1430. Group have instructed our A/Cr to return this afternoon

1510 Runway changed to 28. QAN. NWly – 5-10, viz deteriorating.

1555 Runway changed to 10 QAN. NE-ENE. 5-10. Viz 4-8 miles now.

1635 Ops scrubbed. 425’s X-Country’s scrubbed.

1640 J & V/420 returned from Hethel. These are the only ones to get away before it started snowing again. Rest tomorrow maybe

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

[Underlined] SATURDAY – 19th FEB. 1944 [/underlined]

0824 Basic QFE 1025 – Passed to met.

0830 S.D.’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch. & P/O McLure.

Runway 28. = Wind light & variable. = At present NW ly.

0950 Required tonight. = 425 10 A/Cr. – 420 7 A/Cr +.

425 Briefing 14:45 if early take-off.

1230 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1255 Hethel advise more of 420 a/c now u/s and want 12 sets of plugs, 2 fitters, 1 electrician and 1 set of tools to make serviceable. F/L Raherge advised.

1333 Base advise F 420 airborne at 1320 at Hethel for Tholthorpe.

1426 F420 returned from Hethel

1820 W/O Dupuis remaining over night at Hethel.

1825 Provisional diversion for both sqn’s tonight “Lakenheath.” Mk II lighting contact strip, 1 runway 2000, 1400, 1 1300 Pundit 025° 12 miles. Sat. of Mildenhall.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch. & P/O McLure.

[Underlined] 2330 [/underlined] Chance light U/S. Fitters have been working on it for three hours but still no joy. Will have to be taken to M/T in morning.

Sunday. – 20th February, 1944.

0000 1/2 N/420 airborne on Ops. – followed by R. V, G.

0005 F/420 bogged on [inserted] NE [/inserted] corner of taxi track so no more A/Cr can taxi past him. Endeavouring to bring 425 A/Cr along inner taxi-track onto runway in use.

0037 1/2 D/425 managed to get off – Why the delay?

0040 G/425 airborne. = Remainder too late

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0130 425 report a Photo flash on edge of taxi track near U’s dispersal. Contacted armoury.

0200 Investigation finds that F/420 taxied between 2 blues on outside of bend in taxi track, & got bogged, blocking taxi track. 425 A/Cr had started following 420 A/Cr & one of them was in such a position as to block the entrance to the inner taxi track. Their a/c could not be moved forward until three others in front of him had moved.

0240 H/420 bogged on [inserted] outer [/inserted] taxi track between 34 Runway & R & I Hangar. Bust a taxi light.

0300 H/420 is an obstruction to 34 runway. Will have to be debombed

0512 Changing to Runway 06, QAN. N’E. 14 mph. F/S [deleted] Reinholt [/deleted]

0705 BM/O landed. = Skipton A/Cr. 433 Sqdn. F/S Reinelt, landed on pancake from Skipton; being refueled [sic] to return p.d.q.

0718-0740 G. R. V, 420 & D & G/425 landed Safely.

0750 N/420 landed at Coltishall at 0711 = refueling [sic] & returning.

0800 Basic QFE = 1025. passed to Met.

0815 A flight 420 report all bogged A/Cr back in dispersals ie. F & H.

0830 Our Van u/s. – at 06 runway. =

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1010 Operations in 6 group tonight.

1012 Contacted Clerk of works office re filling in bog holes near 28 and 43 runways.

1205 Combined Command bull’s eye tonight. 425 offer 4.

1230 New Halifax LW632 landed from Kirkbride P/O Pyle on watch

1425 425 Cancel bull’s eye

1435 Definite diversion Harwell, runways 2000 yds 1400 & 1300. Mark I drem, contact strip SBA 9 & F DF and sandra.

1515 Q 420 returned from Hethel.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1948 S420 returned from Hethel

2115 Enquired from base as to diversion. They now advise Harwell has become a provisional petrol diversion. QDM 018° 6 miles of Harwell pundit.

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2213 C 425 1st a/c to return from x country.

2254 U 425 last a/c to return from x country.

2340 D 425 first a/c off on operations.

[Underlined] Monday 21st February 1944 [/underlined]

0020 J425 fourteenth & last a/c off on ops. V.420 scrubbed (Bomb gear circuit failure).

0146 N425 returned early. (starboard outer u/s.) Aircraft after landing did a slight ground loop at end of runway 06 crashing into a parked van belonging to the station duty electrician who was inspecting a totem pole which had gone u/s. The van was parked in the entrance to the unused dispersal point just east of the runway and about 6 feet clear of the perimeter track. The rear end of the van was crushed by the starboard wheel but the aircraft suffered no apparent damage.

0200 Runway 10 in use.

0350 F 420 early return. Given permission to pancake. Landed at Linton in error. Returning to base. Oxygen trouble.

0404 F420 landed from Linton.

0407 Change to Runway 06.

0721 E 425 1st a/c to return from ops.

0800 Basic QFE 1041. Passed to met.

0840 Group advise D V 425 R420 landed at Harwell.

0847 S.D’s checked.

0900 F/L Gant off watch – P/O Pyle on watch

Runway 06 QAN 10-15 N’E

1015 No ops. from 6 Group – 10 A/C from Middleton gardening – also gardening from 1, 3 & 4 Groups.

1300 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1309 R/420 W/O Walker returned from Harwell.

1310 LW645 new Halifax delivered for 420 Sqdn.

1455 P/420 returned from Hethel.

1708 G/434 left for Croft. = Had been in M.A.P. hangar since Sqdn left

1639 V/425 returned from Harwell. = Injured Navigator taken to [missing word] Brought a Leeming crew with them. Leeming sending transport

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1804 C/425 airborne on X-C, 18.09. P/425 airborne. 18:24 A/425.

1822 D/425 returned from Harwell.

1837 A/420 returned from Hethel.

1827. V/420 off on X-C. 18:50 N/420 off on X-C.

1900 Mr Rockett reports taxi lights u/s, on outside of perimeter track from 24 runway round to 420 B flight dispersals; cables cut somewhere

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

1950 Blue glims out on perimeter track from 24 runway to dispersals

1953 425/R landed early – reported flaps would not come down – no replacement

2125 Funnel on 06 runway u/s – could not contact Clerk of Works. Fuse gone but replacement still leaves funnel u/s

2148 Electrician reporting immediately.

2155 Reported to Base earlier this evening that crew of 425/D (F/L Bryson) heard a J-jig call up on R/T while they were in the circuit at Harwell – they thought call sign was “Hillguard” – Base checked up with Group who report that the only J who landed there was Peach-pudding at 0715 – no R/T log record of “Hillguard J”.

[Underlined] TUESDAY – 22ND FEB. 1944 [/underlined]

0030 Mr. Rocket reported with electrician to work on 06 funnel

0100 N/420 landed – last of 5 A/C from X-C – lead-in & main funnel O.K.

0800 S.D’s checked

0820 Basic QFE 1022 – Passed to met.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch –

1050 Runway changed to 06 – QAN – NNE’ly.

1230 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1515 Diversion bases for tonight 420 Hartford Bridge. 425 Graves End Provisional./ D420 returned from Hethel.

1740 Operations scrubbed. Notification from J.C. Group.

1745 [Underlined] A.V.M. Brooks [/underlined] visited Tholthorpe watch office from 1720 to 1745.

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1831 Wellington BZ/K departed for Gamston after landing at 1734 and deplaning Hill F/L, new signals leader for 420 sqn.

1930 F/L Gant off watch. S/L Austin on Watch.

2300 || Inspection of aerodrome lighting made. Following faults found & [underlined] reported to Mr. Rockett, [/underlined] Resident Engineer.

Port totem Runway 34 U/S. Runway lights need cleaning. Starboard totem Runway 06 U/S. Left outer-bar light U/S. 8TH starboard flare and both outer bar lights U/S Runway 10. Left outer bar Runway 24. U/S. No angle of approach. Port totem no 28 needs turning in to runway.

[Underlined] Perimeter Track [/underlined]

Amber shields now installed on outer edge from 06 to 16 runways on West side. Excellent.

Outer lighting from 16 all around to wood U/S. Old perimeter lighting very poor 34 end has blue shields removed but lighting poor.

[Underlined] Wednesday 23rd Feb 1944. [/underlined]

0730 S.D’s checked.

0805 Basic QFE 1015 – Passed to Met.

0830 Perimeter & runways inspected.

[Underlined] Note [/underlined] – Three dispersals and track past wood may be used for parking if first swept.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1008 Command standown tonight.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1401 [Deleted] F/O Ward [/deleted] H/420 1st A/C off on X-C

1421 K/420 11th A/C off on XC

1710 14 A/C are A/B on X-C’s with incorrect resin lights. As no signal had arrived in conjunction with signal Y 783 bringing into force [deleted] new [/deleted] reserve set of recognition signals, contacted Base on the 21st & was informed that outfit colours unchanged till 25th. Telephoned Base intelligence this afternoon to confirm that postagram had

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1710 (cont’d)

had been forwarded to us. Checked with orderly room. Signal had arrived but had been marked for the adjutant. Runner brought it to F.C. at about 1600 hours.

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1959 S/420 first a/c to return from x country.

2049 K/420 last 420 a/c to return from x country.

2234 K/426 landed here instead of Linton, cutting off T425, to whom we had given pancake

2240 CTO advises V420 who turned off 06 runway before reaching end and bogged, would not be able to be cleared immediately as jacks had to be put under port wheel before moving.

2257 V 425 landed and all motors cut at intersection of 16 & 24 runways. B flight 425 arranging to tow off. Had landed on 3 motors

2259 N 425 in circuit – told to stand by until runway cleared.

2314 N 425 given pancake

2318 N 425 advises P/I u/s. Told to make right [deleted] had [/deleted] hand circuit.

2327 N 425 landed. Told to taxi clear on runway on 16 and cut all motors. B flight arranging to tow to dispersal to take precautions on possibility of bogging.

2345 All a/c with exception of V 420 in dispersals.

Thursday Feb 24, 1944.

0005 K/426 airborne for Linton.

0750 S.D checked.

0805 Basic QFE 1025. Passed to met.

0830 P/O Pyle on watch

0900 Runway 10 QAN NE’ly light.

1000 Goodwood tonight – also Gardening from 6 Group

[Time obscured] S/L Austin on Watch.

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1530 Received from Base new SD.229 (Copy no. 147) & S.D.300 (Copy No. 587) – old copies to be picked up in [deleted] a [/deleted] two days time

1800 First a/c off on operations.

1841 Twenty-second & last a/c off on ops. A420 (oil leak) & U425 (burst tyre) scrubbed.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2110 Informed by W/C MacIntosh that 420 A/C have definitely been diverted to Wing – S/L Kyle’s notified

2151 425/C returned early – had not jettisoned – ambulance standing by

2159 420/Q landed – ‘detail completed’.

2220 425/C bogged near end of 24 Runway – tractor & crew organized

2237 425/Q early return

2240 All taxi lighting north of 28 runway is u/s – electrician now working on it – flights warned.

2315 Vis. beginning to deteriorate – goose-necks & moneys laid out

2318 425/C now clear & being towed to dispersal

2340 [Underlined] All [/underlined] taxi track now u/s – warned flights to have crews ready to lead a/c into dispersals north of 28-10 runway

2355 Taxi tracks now O.K.

[Underlined] FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY, 1944 [/underlined]

0030 Taxi track on north half of aerodrome is definitely u/s – laying emergency taxi track with all available glims from north end of 28 as far as possible west towards 10 runway

0100 Changing onto 28 runway – 425 A & B flights notified – glim lamps being laid on perimeter track north of 10 runway up to 24 r’way.

0218 B/425 first A/C landed from ops.

0245 D/425 landed at Breighton – returning as soon as refuelled

0400 K/420 at Dunsfold, 420 U, F, H, J, O, R, P, B, V, W at Wing, S/425 at Dunsfold, T/425 at Tangmere, A, E, F/425 at Little Horwood

0430 D/425 landed from Breighton – C/420 only A/C still outstanding

0730 SD’s checked

0815 Basic QFE 1032 – Passed to met.

0900 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1005 Goodwood effort tonight.

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1010 Base advise all serviceable a/c both sqn’s ordered to return to base. W/420 hydr. u/s E 425 P/i u/s. CTO advised.

1045 Runway 34 in use.

1200 J 420 landed from Wing

1203 U 420 landed from Wing

1230 F/L Gant off watch. S/L Austin on Watch.

1320 P 420 landed from Wing

1328 B 420 landed from Wing

1329 V 420 landed from Wing

1333 O 420 landed from Wing

1430 A 425 landed from Little Horwood.

1513 F425 landed from Little Horwood.

1520 Base advise W/420 needs petrol filler cap & new starter motor for S/i. CTO informed.

1545 Definite diversions for tonight’s operations both sqn’s. Wing. Runways 2000 – 1450 – 1150. SBA. Mark II lighting, HF/DF, Sandra, pundit 172° 4 1/2 miles. Flashing X R.

1548 K 420 landed from Dunsfold

1615 T 425 landed from Tangmere

1631 F420 landed from Wing

1641 H420 landed from Wing

1702 S425 landed from Dunsfold

2009 R420 landed from Wing.

On Watch S/L Austin.

2120 1/2 First a/c off on operations.

2141 Twelfth and last a/c off on ops – 420 – (7) 425 (5)

P425 scrubbed (-two port engines oiled).

2359 Switching to Runway 28 – QAN – NW’ly 2-5MPH.

[Underlined] Saturday 26TH February 1944 [/underlined]

0520 P420 returned from operations

0530 Base inform that Q425 landed Abingdon and that 425 B, D and G; 420 B, J, N and A landed at Wing. V420 landed at Westcott.

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0800 No news of either U420 or U425.

0810 Basic QFE. 999. Passed to met.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1018 Command stand down tonight.

1020 Base admin 6 group have issued orders for all 425 & 420 a/c that are not airborne by 1130 are to await further orders. 420 & 425 CO’s advised, int, Stn. Nav.

1225 All a/c away from base have been instructed to be standing by at 1930 ready to take if wx okay. Otherwise they will be ready for 0800 hrs take tomorrow morning.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1530 Contacted Little Horwood to have S/L McLennan’s crew standing by at 0930 tomorrow to be picked up by A/C from here.

1600 All A/C away from Base stood down till tomorrow morning

1830 Changing to No. 34 Runway – QAN N’W 20-25

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Everything quiet. No flying in group.

Sunday Feb 27, 1944.

0400 Slight snow and sleet.

0700 Checked with MT for snow removal apparatus to be ready.

0800 Basic QFE 1001. Passed to met.

0900 F/L Gant off watch. P/O Pyle on watch

Runway 06 QAN NNE 24

1000 Stand down tonight

1030 Duty crew & fire crew clearing snow from taxi & r’way lights

1115 N/420 ran into A/420 – the port elevator & outer hinge of N is u/s the stbd. inner airscrew of A was damaged & will need a new airscrew – B/425 has the stbd. wing tip damaged & needs new wing tip – C.T.O. has been informed

1230 message from Base – N420 had Brake failure in dispersal. (Reason for above entry)

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1440 [Underlined] NOTE [/underlined] Station Admin. Officer to be notified of all taxing accidents

1510 Recalling B, T, O, V/420 – S/L McKenna’s instructions

1515 N/425 crew returning by transport – A/C/ u/s u/c & flaps

1520 A/420 left Wing at 1510

1605 A/420 landed from Wing

1700 V/420 (Sgt. Hardy) X/C A.C caught fire at Aberystwyth (N. Wales) (Grid Ref. VO 0185) and crashed at approx.. 1510 hrs. The Engineer and W.O.P. have been rescued but fate of rest of crew is uncertain.

1810 Ex – Castell Maur – re V/420 W.O.P. & Engineer slightly injured – crash took place at Cross Inn – 2 crew were known to have baled out – probably W.O.P. & Eng.

2330 Nothing doing. F/L Gant on Watch.

March 1, Wednesday, 1944.

0745 S.D’s checked.

0805 Basic QFE 1004. Passed to met.

0830 Runway 28, QAN WNW.

0845 P/O Pyle on watch – Runways, perimeter & dispersals checked – trailing aerial on 24 runway.

0930 Duty crew found in bed – told to report to F.C.O. at 0900 hours daily in future.

1000 Working tonight

[Inserted] 1015 Checked with Base cypher officer re sheets for March beacon letters (S.D. 264) – apparently sent to Eastmoor in error [/inserted]

1100 A.F.C. reports numerous vehicles ignoring traffic lights & crossing runway in use – guard room will supply S.P. to check all offenders

1145 Ex Aberporth re V/420 – a/c crashed on or near Hafodmawr farm- control had snapped and A/C went into a spin. nearest salvage unit – 78 M.U. Bynea

1230 S/L Austin on Watch

1415 Snow Warning – Snow probable during next 24 hours in Scotland & N. England north of a line Derby – Humber. Amount moderate on high ground But mainly slight in NE England.

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1655 Linton Pundit U/S. Will not be available for tonight.

1800 Runway changed to 24. QAN SW’ly 10+.

1900 Runway changed to 28. Met forecast wind of 20MPH WNW for takeoff.

1930 On watch P/O Pyle

2145 Flights report icing not serious – clearing with brushes – 420 using de-icing fluid.

2315 T/420 first A/C off on operations

2347 P/420 last A/C off on Ops. 8 of 420 and 11 of 425 airborne

K/420 had P/I oil pressure too low, S/420 – icing – scrubbed.

[Underlined] MARCH 2 – THURSDAY – 1944 [/underlined]

0326 Three early returns – R/420, J/425, W/425

0340 Base & then 12 Group ask which of our A/C went out to sea off Flamboro Head & then returned – intelligence to let us know as soon as possible

0630 Early returns interrogated and no A/C was out to sea in this area – Base & Group informed by Intelligence

0810 Basic QFE 1008 – Passed to met.

0828 V/425 last A/C to land from Ops. Other than early returns only 3 A/C returned to Base (C, V, F/425) All others landed south

0900 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1005 Stand down tonight.

1159 O 425 landed from Ford

1205 G 425 landed from Middle Wallop.

1207 S 425 landed from Thorney Island.

1230 S/L Austin on Watch

1246 F420 landed from Westcott

1248 D425 landed from Thorney Island.

1329 R425 landed from Thorney Island.

1515 Group report T425 bogged – no towing equipment; P, Q and T 420 o.k. but no fueling [sic] facilities; D420 P/I U/S mag drop, G420 P/I U/S oil leak; J420 flak damage and hydraulics u/s.

1624 E425 landed from Little Horwood.

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1757 B 425 landed at Linton. One engine packed up, shut off red flare and landed at Linton.

1807 Base J.C.O. advises a/c of 425 and 420 are calling DF hut for information (QFE, QDM etc) and not giving squadron callsigns. In such cases information to be refused as more than one a/c of same letter may be calling for same information causing confusion.

1942 Base advise Q 425 returning to base due to one engine u/s.

1945 S/L Austin on Watch.

2000 Flarepath report a crash NE of us. A425 had been given Pancake. Believe it might be our aircraft.

Note:- at 1955 hours, A425 came over R/T asking me to switch on the flarepath so he could identify the aerodrome. The outer circle was switched on & off until the aerodrome was identified. He acknowledged the assistance. At 1955 1/2 I asked him if he was having any trouble. He replied that his starboard outer engine was now feathered. We instructed him to Pancake 28 which he acknowledged.

Base 62 was immediately informed to get a definite plot. The medical officer, Engineering officer, F/L Bryson O/C night flying were notified. Linton’s ambulance & firetender; our ambulance & possibly Wombleton’s equipment were despatched. Eastmoor have sent ambulance & firetender.

2015 Phoned Easingwold Police & found crash was in approximate area of Crayke. (east of Easingwold.) Informed base.

2045 Q425 landed from X country with starboard outer feathered. Despatched our tender to crash scene.

2130 Definitely report crashed a/c A/425. Six killed, one badly injured taken to St. Monica’s Hospital Easingwold.

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2145 Base inform crash is in our area. Contacted R.A.F. Regiment to organise a guard.

2159 Easingwold Police inform that Sgt Bertrand R164538 was one of those killed.

2230 Sick Quarters reported eight people were in craft. Killed – Sgt Bertrand pilot; Sgt Goudreau, bomb aimer; Sgt Bousquet, W/OP; Sgt Dix, Engineer Sgt Trudel, M/Upper; Sgt Cole Rear Gunner and Sgt. Hay Spare gunner.

Injured – Sgt. Houle – navigator.

March 3rd – Friday 1944

0810 Basic QFE – 1007 – Met informed.

0900 S/L Austin off Watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0940 Aerodrome, dispersals and runways inspected.

0948 Command stand down tonight.

0950 Runway 34 in use.

1022 Crash tender u/s. N 425 waiting to take-off. Informed S/L MacLarnen. He advises to let N425 take-off with out crash crew.

1030 Informed S/L Kyles re crash tender situation He advises to declare aerodrome u/s until we have a serviceable crash tender.

1200 Aerodrome still u/s. No crash tender.

1230 Crash tender now serviceable.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1400 Cpl. Seib posted to 50 Gp. Pool – Base advised to supply relief advised later by S/L Kyles that they cannot supply a relief

1600 Keen frost warning tonight Min. air temp. 27 – ground 21

1745 New crash tender arrived from Linton but M.T. Section refuses to accept it – mechanically bad – S/L Kyle informed

2023 W 420 landed on 2 1/2 motors. Made nice approach and landing but ran off the end of runway. B flight tractor and bowser sent to assist.

2037 34 runway u/s. Changing to 28. Met report QAN 6 NW

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2132 Base enquire names of J 425 crew. They are under impression J 425 has crashed.

2142 Base advise the a/c that crashed has been identified as one from 4 group.

2150 Runway 34 now in use.

2348 S 425 1st a/c back from Bull’s eye.

Saturday March 4, 1944.

0025 K 420 last a/c back from Bull’s eye.

0800 Basic QFE 1017. Passed to met.

0815 S.D.’s checked.

0830 Runway 34 QAN NW, P/O Pyle on watch

1000 Not working tonight

1110 Gale warning NW to W within next 12 hrs. 40 m.p.h.

1230 S/L Austin on Watch.

1340 Snow Warning – Moderate amounts expected in our area within next 24 hours.

1600 Met warn of rapid deterioration of weather in next few minutes.

1608 V434 landed from Croft. Weather poor.

1611 G425 landed OK.

1615 F 425 landed OK. Vis poor

1620 Asked base for diversions. They suggest Eastmoor.

1632 C425 diverted to Eastmoor.

1633 R425 diverted to Eastmoor.

1635 Gimcrack H calling darky. Contacted & diverted to Eastmoor.

1639 Hard frost warning probable tonight. 26°/27°.

1642 Base inform Eastmoor closed down and are diverting C and R 425 to Downham Market.

1646 Q425 diverted to Downham Market by R/T.

1715 Runway changed to 28.

C425 landed Pocklington.

1830 Base inform that J from Eastmoor may be diverted here. Vis 10 miles.

1840 Base inform J pranged on landing at Eastmoor.

[Page break]

1850 Group inform that no aircraft is to return to bases tonight.

1855 Base inform Q & R 425 landed at Downham Market.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

1955 Informed M.T. to have 4 trucks ready for snow ploughs and three trucks available for [deleted word] carting sand.

SUNDAY – MARCH 5th, 1944

0810 Basic QFE 1030 – Met advised

0815 SD’s checked

0900 S/L Austin on Watch. Runway 28.

1000 Phoned SHQ for 20 men to sand runways

1030 Ice melting rapidly on runways.

1053 V434 left for Croft.

1110 Sanding of runway 28 for 600 yards completed.

1130 C 425 landed from Pocklington.

1230 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1535 Group request report from pilots on last 3-4 Mar Bull’s eye re illuminated target over London

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.


0806 Basic QFE – 1036 – Met informed.

0815 S.D.’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0945 Taxi track, dispersals inspected.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1820 K/420 1st A/C off on Ops.

1854 J/425 last A/C off – airborne are 4 A/C from 420 and 9 A/C from 425

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2256 B 425 1st a/c back from operations.

2327 T 425 last a/c to return to base.

2350 N420 landed at Thorny [sic] Isle at 2322.

[Page break]

Tuesday. March 7, 1944.

0750 S D.’s checked.

0804 Basic QFE 1033. Passed to met.

0830 Base advise all a/c away from base have been ordered to stand by, but group doubt very much if wx will improve enough for return.

0845 P/O Pyle on watch

1000 Advised Base to have R/425 return from Downham Market as soon as he is serviceable (oil cooler)

1005 Working tonight

1105 Runway changed to 06 – QAN NE

1208 New A/C V/420 (LW692) [deleted] lef [/deleted] landed from Linton

1210 425/R left Downham Market at 1145

1230 S/L Austin on Watch.

1235 R425 landed from Downham Market.

1603 N420 landed from Thorney Island.

1831 C425 first a/c off on ops.

1848 O420 last of 18 a/c. off on ops (420 – 6 a/c; 425 – 12 a/c).

[Inserted] 1930 P/O Pyle on watch [/inserted]

2129 C420 landed from X-country.

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY – MARCH 8, 1944 [/underlined]

0018 All our A/C returned safely – O/425 landed at Thorney Island

0045 P/405 landed here – short of petrol – hydraulics u/s on landing – returning to Linton later in the day.

0730 S.D.’s checked

0820 Basic QFE 1047

0830 Flights warned re 2 1000 lb. hang ups on 420 O & D

Note: 425/ C-J-Q-U-T & 420/W returned with full bomb load

0900 Runway 10 QAN light & variable – mainly easterly

0915 S/L Austin on Watch – Runway 28.

1230 F/L Gant on watch.

1510 P408 airborne for Linton

1525 Our emergency diversion base for tonight Thorny [sic] Island.

1625 Ops scrubbed.

[Page break]

1648 O 425 returned from Thorney Island.

1905 Bomb removed from point SE of new watch tower.

1930 F/L Gant off watch. S/L Austin on Watch.

2015 F425 landed from X country.

[Underlined] THURSDAY 9TH MARCH 44 [/underlined]

0200 S.D’s checked.

0205 Met report a herd of sheep on aerodrome near their instruments. (Girl very frightened). Informed guardhouse.

0815. QFE Basic – 1038 – met informed.

0900 S/L Austin off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0950 Halifaxs in 6 group working tonight.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1418 Emergency diversion for both squadrons – Thorney Island

1445 The jettisoning area up to 1800 hrs. 11th Mar. – 40 miles from the coast south of lat. 5400N.

1630 LAC Macleod (R/T Op.) posted – S/L Kyle’s advised re replacement

1643 Ops. scrubbed

1915 Vis. deteriorating – advised Base who are diverting them to Prestwick

1930 Changing runways to No. 28

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1935 Base advise E 420 cannot be contacted. Have not contacted A, K 425. Central Flying Control debating whether to divert a/c to Prestwick or Silloth.

1938 Base advise A 425 landed at Skipton 1933.

2003 Base advise E420 K425 still not contacted. Last time of contact with E420 35 minutes ago at which time he was advised to stand by for message.

2010 Base advise K425 diverted to Prestwick. Still no contact with E 420.

2100 Pos of K 425 as 53° 40’N 04° 40’W.

2106 Base advise E 420 acknowledged diversion. Sent msge they would call back.

2119 Base advise E 420 requested pos. Prestwick at 2100.

[Page break]

2308 Base advise 420E 425K on R/T at Prestwick.

2335 Base advise E 420 landed at Prestwick 2257. K425 landed 2326 at Prestwick.

Friday March 10, 1944.

0745 Quiet night.

0750 S.D.’s checked.

0805 Basic QFE 1029. Met informed.

0845 P/O Pyle on watch – Runway 28 WNW light

1000 Ops. tonight

1230 Ops. scrubbed – Command Bullseye instead

1230 S/L Austin on Watch

1614 E420 landed from Prestwick.

1644 A 425 landed from Skipton.

1917 O 425 off on Bullseye Exercise

1918 W 425 off on Bullseye Exercise (Swung very badly).

1920 H 420 off on Bullseye Exercise

1921 A 420 off on Bullseye Exercise.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

1934 O/420 off on Bullseye Exercise

[Underlined] SATURDAY – MARCH 11th 1944 [/underlined]

0008 H/420 returned from Bullseye

0034 O/420 last a/c landed form Bullseye

0730 S.D.’s checked.

0800 Basic QFE 1020 – met. advised

0845 P/O Pyle off Watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

Runway 28. Perimeter & Rwys checked.

0930 W/O. Palmer, Sgt. McKinnon, Sgt. Newby, Sgt. Duffy, Sgt. Kennedy, reported to watch office. – Pilots for temporary control Duties.

1010 Not required tonight. Gardening in Group.

1030 Asked Base to get some Gen on K/425 which had to return to Prestwick. F/L. Lomas was through on G.P.O. but could not contact anybody who knew anything about it.

11.25 Runway changed 34. QAN. WNW-NWly – 18mph.

12:30 Note for 425. OK for their A/C. A. O. L. T, to bomb smoke-floats anywhere off coast, at least 30 miles out to avoid convoy routes. Base suggest 40 miles off Flamboro Head.

[Page break]

1230 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

18:30 Off Watch F/L Gant On Watch F/O Taylor.

18:35 V/420 off on X-Country.

2152 U/425 landed from X-Country. Had trouble finding drome. Flicked lights off & on but still no go, so came in on QDM’s.

22.55 Base advise D/433 – Skipton c/s Pease pudding, floating around the Group, may start calling for help.

23.09 V/420 landed from X-Country. = also had trouble locating drome.

[Underlined] SUNDAY. MARCH 12th 1944. [/underlined]

0830 Basic QFE = 1016. SD’s checked.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0905 Group stand down tonight.

1045 Local Bullseye tonight. [Deleted] 4 [/deleted] 3 a/c 425, 9 a/c 420.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1250 E/420 landed from X/C – S/O engine trouble

1318 S/420 landed from Westcott

1420 Bullseye cancelled.

1430 K/425 left Prestwick at [deleted letters] 1301 but had to return (1335) due to engine trouble. Prestwick F.C. will let us know state of serviceability in the morning

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2330 Quiet.

Monday 13 March 1944

0730 Quiet night.

0800 Basic QFE 1003 Met informed.

0805 S.D’s checked.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

1020 Operations tonight- 420-8 A/C 425-7 A/C

1100 Extreme emergency aerodrome for both squadrons – Hartford Bridge Runways 2000, 1400, 1400x Mk II Drem, S.B.A. Sandra Pundit GP 064° [deleted] 6 1/2 [/deleted] 1 1/2 mls.

1230 Runway changed to 34

12:30 Off Watch P/O Pyle, on Watch F/O Taylor.

13:10 Base inquired, Could we take 5 Dishforth A/Cr for C’s & L’s. = Answer “No Not with this strong cross wind.”

[Page break]

1435 New Halifax MZ503 delivered for 420 Sqdn.

15.49 K/425 returned from Prestwick. (Diverted there March 9/44)

16.52 G/420 returned from FORD. (Landed there March 1/44)

16:55 Ex Base. S/L Kyles: Croft have just had a sleet shower, so warn Sqdns to be on guard re ice on A/Cr. Contacted Met. Sqdns have been warned of the possibility & will be told again if things look bad.

17:10 The sleet shower has passed with no ill effects.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2225 R/425 1st A/C off on operations

2250 Q/425 last A/C off on operations – 420-8 A/C, 425 7 A/C

[Underlined] TUESDAY – 14th MARCH, 1944. [/underlined]

0023 R/425 returned early with A.S.I. & other instruments u/s. At the time the wind was westerly at 14 m.p.h. so told him to land on 28 runway instead of No. 34.

0038 C/425 last of 4 A/C to land from X/C – also landed on 28 – his two port engines caught fire but went out when he cut ignition – tractor towed him clear of runway.

0221 D/425 returned early – hydraulics u/s – undercarriage had been down since T.O. – landed O.K. on 34 with 30° flap.

0243 Y/420 landed at Hartford Bridge – short of petrol – advised by Group to remain there till morning

0341 All our A/C landed safely – 14 at Base and 1 away

0500 S.D.’s checked

0800 Ex Hartford Bridge – Y/420 will be leaving about 0900 hrs.

0815 Basic QFE 1010 – met informed

0900 Off Watch. P/O Pyle. On Watch F/O Taylor.

Runway 34. QAN NWly. 15-20 mph.

0950 Not required tonight = Group Bulls-eye.

1131 Y/420 landed from Hartford Bridge.

1230 Off Duty F/O Taylor. F/L Gant on watch.

1930 Off Duty F/L Gant on Duty F/O Taylor.

2015 A number of reports have come in about flares having been seen, do they mean Scrub. Flares away to the west. Contacted Base. = They are from Army Manoeuvres

2050 H/420 first A/Cr airborne on Bulls-eye.

2103. Request for ambulance. 2 airmen injured by explosion of an oxygen bottle, near [deleted] B [/deleted] /420 B flight dispersal, - Ambulance dispatched – M.O. advised.

[Page break]

2108. N/425 – 10th A/Cr. airborne on Bulls-eye. J & R/425 taxied down runway & clear.

2122 V/425 airborne, replacing R,

2229 V/425 landed on 3 engines.

2253 P/420 landed OK. (oxygen, & engine trouble, and intruders)

2300 Runway changed to 28. QAN 5-10. NWly – WNWly.

2343 O/425 landed OK. = compasses u/s.

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY – 15th MARCH – 1944 [/underlined]

0044 G/425 landed from Bulls-eye; C/420; H/420; T/425

0215-0224 U; N; A; F landed from Bulls-eye & bombing detail.

0813 Basic QFE. 1013. Met informed.

0955 6 group goodwood Lancs Hali III’s

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1600 Diversion bases if A/C have less than 350 gals. Petrol when crossing English coast – 420 Tangmere, 425 Ford

1800 Runway in use No. 24

1930 F/L Gant on watch.

2145 T425 called on R/T. Was asked if he had completed detail. Not jettisoned. Told to fly locally for 25 min. to bring gas down to safe landing weight.

2152 Asked reason for 425T Reported aileron control not functioning properly. Was asked if he could land safely. Reported “everything under control”.

2213 T 425 given pancake, runway 28.

2217 T 425 landed okay. Back on 34.

Thursday March 16, 1944.

0220 Runway 23 in use.

0254 Base advise Q425 sent in Q code “short [indecipherable] has broken down.

0255 Base admin fix on “C” 420 as 50° 25 0001W at 0234. “C” 420 not airborne. Probably G420.

0305 “C” 420 (base advise) sent message “on 3 motors special equipment u/s.

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0315 Base advise C 420 msge “Navigator killed, S/I u/s Feltwell – Ford – SPEQ – Instructions.

0320 Msge from DSO 6 Group to C420 – land at Ford.

0328 Base advise Q 425 called Mayday near Hixon at 0300

0340 Base advise Q 425 crashed near Hixon: no details as yet.

0350 Base advise S420 crash landed at Friston. Pilot injured, navigator killed. Base believe this a/c to be “C” 420.

0405 F/O Tracey Nav. Q425 called from Bromsgrove, crew bailed out. Was first out of a/c, uninjured.

0425 F/O Hogan W ag Q425 called from Bromsgrove, 3rd out of a/c uninjured.

0430 4 a/c 420 returned to base. 6 a/c 420 landed at Tangmere. 2 a/c 425 returned to base, 7 a/c 425 landed at Ford.

0745 No word of Q420, F 425.

0800 Basic QFE 1019 Passed to met.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

0920 Ex S/L Kyles – F.C.O. is to check daily flying times passed to Base

0945 Ex Halfpenny Green – all members of Q/425 accounted form but exact whereabouts of P/O Bush unknown

1030 All Q/425 crew O.K. except for a couple of slight injuries – Halfpenny Green arranging to have them return

1155 W/420 returned from Tangmere

1215 O/420 returned from Tangmere

1230 G/420 (at Frishon) is a total write-off – Navigator killed – pilot wounded and in hospital – rest of crew O.K. & returning by rail

1227 Y420 returned from Tangmere

1230 P/O Pyle off Watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

1231 R/420 returned from Tangmere.

1238 J/425 returned from Ford.

1242 B/420 returned from Tangmere

1248 N/425 returned from Ford.

[Page break]

1327 S/425 landed from Ford.

1437 D/425 landed from Ford.

1454 F/425 landed from Ford.

17:33 E/425 landed from Ford.

18:09 A/425 landed from Ford.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

1950 Broadcast from Base – stations to have intruder systems ready for possible use

2030 Ex Base - we can forget about intruder warning!

[Underlined] FRIDAY – MAR 17, 1944. [/underlined]

0800 S.D.’s checked

0805 Basic QFE 1025 – passed to Met.

0830 Off Watch P/O Pyle. On Watch F/O Taylor.

0945 Not required tonight.

1230 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

1448 CTO reports new petrol installation near 425 A flight a definite obstruction and should be marked by red obstruction light at night. Agreed to do this nightly.

1930 Off Watch F/L Gant on Watch F/O Taylor.

[Underlined] SATURDAY – MARCH 18 – 1944. [/underlined]

0215 Base – Light up Drome. Wombleton A/Cr = Fighead or Jimcrack J wandering about.

0225 Base = Group have had several fixes on this A/Cr. but he seems to be lost & wandering aimlessly. If he comes near land him.

0320 A/Cr landed OK at Church Fenton. All lights doused.

0800 Basic QFE 1018. SD’s checked.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0945 Runways, perimeter checked.

0955 Command Goodwood tonight.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1400 Inspected perimeter track & found incendiary rack at entrance to 34 r’way – armament section notified to check up on drivers responsible

1515 Runway changed to No. 24

[Page break]

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

2020 O 425 early return. Had not completed detail. Told to do so. Base informed. Sick crew member on board.

2114 O425 landed. Bomb aimer nose bleed.

2125 Starboard totem end 24 knocked over, still [deleted words] alight. Duty electrician informed.

2220 Base advise air raid warning purple.

2230 Air raid warning white.

2325 Base advise our a/c are definitely diverted. We are to stand by for diversion from Middleton and Croft.

Sunday, March 19, 1944.

0023 Base advise we can stand down re Croft and Middleton a/c.

0200 J 420 returned to base.

0230 Base advise A, D, E, K, R, T, W, Y. 420 at Thorpe Abbotts. A, B, D, N, R, W, 425 at Thorpe Abbots. G at Little Snoring, S 425 at Shipdham.

0720 Thorpe Abbott advise W425 port wing flak damaged, 425 N 420 F taxied into each other. 2 motors on N out, tail section on F damaged.

0800 Basic QFE 1013. Met advised.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

0915 Runway 28 QAN W’ly 15-20.

0920 All serviceable A/C returning to Base as soon as possible – W/425 also damaged prop. – taxied into vehicle – driver killed

1000 Not working tonight

1230 P/O Pyle off Watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

12.47 F/O Wilmot phoned from Thorpe Abbott. re A/425 Mag trouble; PI cut out when switch tested. = F/L Loomis informed.

15.00 W/O Rutherglen left his bag near the perimeter track in from of watch office at Thorpe Abbott. Phoned them to have one of our crews pick it up. A message from T.A. for Engineering Officer relayed to F/L. Loomis.

[Page break]

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2100 E/425 at Horham out of hydraulic fluid – not procurable there – advised C.T.O. who is sending some down tomorrow – Horham asked to let us know if there is a break in the line so we can send spare parts

2208 Air Raid Warning RED

2230 All Clear

2312 H/425 landed from X-C P/O Wells reports that he saw A/C shot down in vicinity of E. Anglia (5235N 0019E) at 2206 – reported to Base

[Underlined] MONDAY – MARCH 20, 1944 [/underlined]

0035 X/420 landed from X/C

0730 S.D.’s checked

0810 Basic QFE 1025 – Met. informed

0900 Off Duty. P/O Pyle. On Duty F/O Taylor.

Runway 28. = Runways & T. Track inspected. Places at beginning of 28 where new macadam put over bad spots is sinking again. Surface of 28 scaling in a few spots. Resident engineer informed

1015 We are not required tonight.

1125 Thorpe Abbott phoned. “Can P/O Renaud & crew fly back with F/O Wilmot?” O/C 425 instructs “Yes” but in any event they must be back by tomorrow noon.

1230 S/L Austin on Watch.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

[Underlined] TUESDAY – MARCH 21 – 1944 [/underlined]

0800 Basic QFE 1021 – Passed to Met. S.D.’s checked.

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

1015 Not required tonight. Everybody else working.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1345 Advised Horham that hydraulic fluid for 425/E would reach there tomorrow morning

1400 Ex Thorpe Abbots:- A,D,/425 & W/420 will probably be returning tomorrow – W/425 probably a week – N, [deleted] W [/deleted]/425 & F/420 - ?

1604 S425 landed from Thorpe Abbotts.

1918 V420 off on night X-country

1920 X 420 off on night X-country.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

2305 V420 landed from night X country

2340 X420 landed from night X country

[Page break]

[Underlined] Wednesday 22nd March 1944 [/underlined]

0805 Basic QFE 1021. Passed to Met.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

1030 We are working tonight – Goodwood – 425 14 A/C, 420 – 12 A/C

1110 Thorpe Abbotts advise that A, D/425 are serviceable – B/425 leaving here with crews to bring them back – T. Abbotts will advise us then any other of our A/C are serviceable

1140 B/425 will not be going to Thorpe Abbotts till this afternoon

1230 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1250 Contacted Horham. (messages passed via 2 switchboard operators) E/425 tried to leave this AM when another minor snag developed. Hope to come this afternoon.

1415 Y/425. F/L BRYSON left for Thorpe Abbotts.

1515 Runway changed to 10, to facilitate marshalling. QAN L&V.

1636 E/425 returned from Horham.

1734 L, & V. 420 airborne on X-Country.

1757 Y/425 returned from Thorpe Abbotts.

1807 A/425 returned from Thorpe Abbotts.

1845-1922. 10-420 & 14-425 Airborne on operations. X replaced P/425.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2251 L/420 landed from X/C – U/420 landed 2227 – used emergency u/c release

2320 Runway changed to No. 28

[Underlined] THURSDAY 23RD MARCH 1944 [/underlined]

0051 J/425 first A/C to return form operations

0140 K/425 last A/C to land here – J/420 at Foulsham, O/425 at Leeming no report from G/425

0810 Base QFE 1024 Met. informed

0815 S.D.’s checked

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch Runway 28. QAN. SE 3mph but viz terrible. R & TT Inspected.

1000 Not required tonight.

1100 J/420 airborne from Foulsham.

1204 J/420 landed OK. (first called 11:37 = viz 1400 yards = used 38 yellows).

1230 S/L Austin on Watch.

1247 Proctor HM301 – (W/C Williams) landed. Signalled Northolt & Catterick

1531 O425 returned from Leeming.

1537 Phoned Group to authorize crew from 420 Sqdn. to bring back D425 from Thorpe Abbotts. OK’ed by S/L McKernon & W/C McIntosh. W420 still u/s.

[Page break]

1645 Base advise W420 left T. Abootts at 1634. (Most confusing).

1740 W420 landed from T. Abbotts.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

2200 Base = A/Cr. from 4 Group may be diverted to 6 Group. If so they will be sent to 61 Base if possible; otherwise 62 Base. E.T.A. 0035=0100 hrs.

2212. We are not required for this diversion; Leeming & Skipton laid on provisionally.

[Underlined] FRIDAY MARCH 24th 1944 [/underlined

0812. Basic Q.F.E. 1027. Passed to Met:

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

0935 Signalled Station Z re Proctor (Vega Gull) landing at 1247 yesterday. Overdue message HW274 had been initiated. Checked with teleprinter message sent at 1301 – Left Linton at 1406

1010 Goodwood tonight – 425-14 = 420-12.

1230 S/L Austin off watch – P/O Pyle on watch

1330 Q/425 airborne for Thorpe Abbotts to bring back D/425

1530 Emergency petrol diversion base for both squadrons – “Coltishall”

1650 Runway changed to 10

1842 First a/c off on operations.

1918 Twenty-fifth & last a/c off on operations. E/425 scrubbed.

1936 O420 off on Bullseye exercise.

1941 P 420 off on Bullseye exercise.

2000 S/L Austin [deleted] off [/deleted] on Watch.

2011 K/425 landed from ops. Shot off 2 Red Flares (?). After landing called up that red lights on undercarriage were on and that horn was blowing. Told to switch engines off.

2012 Flarepath told to change to Runway 24. as X-country had to get off.

2025 Long runway clear. Runway changing to No. 28.

2053 V420 overhead from ops. Power failed on T1196 and flarepath & funnel of 28. Electrician called.

2118 All lights & 1196 on – Fuse had blown. Recalled V420 from Linton to which he had been sent.

2123 E 425 X-country scrubbed as engines were overheating owing to long delay in getting lights on.

[Page break]

2124 Base inform that V420’s R/T is poor & cannot contact him very well. Had done one overshoot. Did not want to have him return

2125 V420 landed OK at Linton.

2145 Pilot of V420 reports hydraulics u/s.

2236 Y425 early returned.

2304 R425 early returned.

[Underlined] Saturday 25 March 1944 [/underlined]

0018 P420 landed from Bullseye exercise

0038 O/420 landed from Bullseye exercise.

0405 Base inform T 425 has landed Coleby Grange at 0325.

0445 Base inform B, D, K, S & Y landed Coltishall. No times available. No report on W 420, V425 or C 425.

0805 Basic QFE 1024 – Passed to Met.

0900 S/L Austin off watch – P/O Pyle on watch

0930 Runways & perimeter inspected – stbd. A.A.I. on 06 u/s – apparently run over by A/C taxying clear of 24 r’way.

1000 Not required tonight – Hal. II & V & Stirlings working – inexperienced Hal. III & Lancs. crews may be put on tonight at C.O.’s discretion.

1030 420 offering 2 for target and 4 for A.S.R.

425 offering 3 for target and 1 for A.S.R.

1050 Sea search cancelled

1155 Coltishall advise that all our A/C will be returning as soon as refuled [sic].

1230 P/O Pyle off Watch. F/O Taylor on Watch.

1400 Colby Grange phoned. T/425 taking off right away. No Flaps.

1443 B & D/420 landed from Coltishall.

Briefing = 420 – 15:30. 425. 16:30.

1510 T/425 landed from Coleby Grange (No trouble though flaps u/s)

1516 Y/420 landed from Coltishall.

1538 K/420 landed from Coltishall.

1627 S/420 landed from Coltishall.

1729 H/425 off on a X-Country.

1731 J/425 bogged on intersection of 28 & inner taxi track. (!XXX! the runway for tonight)

[Page break]

1742 V/420 returned from Linton – landed him on 24 runway

1756/7. O & N/420 off on X-Countrys.

1907-09 A & X/420 & L/425 off on operations!

[Deleted 200 [/deleted] 1930 F/O Taylor off watch – P/O Pyle on watch

2000 Runway changed to 24 to accommodate U/420 (C & B) – much against his wishes!

2003 U/420 decided to scrub detail as it would be too late before he got started to get in any ‘dusk’ landings

2115 J/425 now de-bogged but crews have no means of [underlined] towing [/underlined] it clear [inserted] (bracket on tail wheel broken) [/inserted] (?) – must be taxied – contacted S/L McLernan.

2116 A.F.C. reports A/C parked on 34 runway

2152 Landed N/420 on r’way 24 –

2157 J/425 now taxied clear

2202 H/425 landed on 24 r’way

2203 N/420 bogged near R & I hangar – went off perimeter track – flight organising tractor – Engineering officer notified

2207 O/425 landed 24 runway

2230 Now on 28 runway

2250 N/425 now clear!

2350 Q/425 landed from X/C – did not receive our R/T

[Underlined] SUNDAY – MARCH 26 – 1944 [/underlined]

0027 L/425 landed from ops.

0046 A/420 landed from ops.

0057 X/420 landed from ops.

0730 SD’s checked

0805 Basic QFE 1020 – informed met

0900 F/O Taylor on Watch – Runway 28 QAN. L & V. – R & TT Inspected.

Mr Jess phoned as filling in holes where A/Cr bogged last night. Has no men today (Sunday), so will get cracking tomorrow morning.

1020 Goodwood effort tonight.

1230 S/L Austin on Watch.

1530 Runway changed to 34.

1930 F/O Taylor on Watch.

2000 U/425 first aircraft airborne on operations.

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2026 P/425 = 23rd A/Cr off on Ops. = This A/Cr swung badly to starboard on first take-off run: Came round back of line-up for second try.

[Underlined] Note [/underlined] Port totem pole on 34 runway (downwind end) shining wrong way.

2030 Runway changed to 28. QAN [underlined] L & V [/underlined]

2143 Y/425 landed from X-Country.

2219 N/420 returned early.

2227. Call from R.T.O. at WARMINSTER (phone 236) Sgt. Cameron, crew member of X/425 sqdn. baled out at 6000’ at about 21:30 hrs. 1st one out & doesn’t know about rest of the crew. R.T.O. trying to round up information about rest of crew. G/C; Base, etc informed.

2230 Y/420 sqdn on R/T; has not completed detail & will call again when light enough to land.


2319 Y/420 landed OK.

2336 Royal Victoria Hospital, Westbury, Wilts. Phone Westbury 181 – Cpl. Reid, OK. but badly shaken up, keeping him overnight. = 3rd man out at about 6000 ft. at about 21:30 hrs. Police endeavouring to find other crew members.

[Underlined] MONDAY – MARCH – 27th 1944. [/underlined]

0025. Base: “X/425 crashed at 2053 hrs – Position 51:23N; 02:18W, 5 miles south of Colerne, 3 baled out but did not survive; 2 did not bale out; A/Cr caught fire on ground.”

0057 L/425 first A/Cr landed from operations.

0115 Base, re X/425 = 5 bodies in A/Cr.; 3 of which are identified as W/O Grover, Sgt Newton & Sgt. Evans, = Sgt Cameron & Cpl Reid are OK. Reid going back to A/Cr to try to identify other two bodies. Sgt Simpson still missing. Warminster police checking up. – Crashed at BRADFORD-ON-AVON, 5 miles South of Colerne. = Went into a spin, so pilot ordered crew to bale out.

0153 U/420 landed OK. 23rd A/Cr All accounted for. D/425 22nd A/Cr called that he thought he’d dropped incendiaries on runway. U/420 sent round again but as he could not get wheels & flaps up, told to pancake immediately. - When he had landed, told to use landing light & taxi round obstructions. Proved to be containers only. Armament people informed.

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0230 Base request we “Light up” 426 A/Cr lost & short of fuel. Called “Pitchtent A” but no reply.

0250 Incendiaries observed burning near a 425 A/Cr. Sent fire crew & informed Armament Officer. Could read the Squadron letters on A/Cr by light from fire.

0255 Ground crew put incendiaries out. – A fitter badly hurt, dragged by bowser getting away from A/Cr. = Removed to hospital

[Underlined] Note [/underlined] → First Aid Kit from Q/425 used on this chap.

0310 Base advise we may douse lights again.

0815 Basic QFE = 1023. Passed to Met. – S.D’s checked.

0820 Crew list. Numbers etc of X/425 given to 6 Group. – Colerne handling crash.

- Sgt Cameron at 225 MU. – Phone No. WARMINSTER 456,

0900 S/L Austin on Watch.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1518 5 A/C of 420 & 2 A/C of 425 airborne on Exercise “Eric”

1700 Runway changed to 10

1837 R/425 last A/C to land from “Eric” exercise.

1930 S/L Austin on Watch.

2330 Standing by to land any of Linton’s a/c returning from X-country. Vis – poor, about 1500 yds.

[Underlined] Tuesday 28TH March 1944 [/underlined]

0039 Last of Linton a/c landed at Topcliffe. Our vis had increased to 3500 + yds.

0800 QFE Basic 1011 – met informed – Sec. Docs. checked.

0900 P/O Pyle on watch

0930 Runway 28.

1045 Trying all morning to get our van replaced without success - !!@

1130 Dalton supplying 2 fighters for 1400 hours.

1145 Port totem pole on 34 runway now O.K.

1150 Secured van from Engineering officer – r’ways & perimeter inspected

1230 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1415 Runway 10. QAN E ly. 0-10 mph. viz 2500 yds smoke haze.

1419-1437 L/420. Airborne – asked to report visibility from air. Not so hot. – Dalton not letting fighters come so told L to land. Squadrons scrubbed all other details.

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19:17 Group called – A Topcliffe Halifax stooging up and down Leeming beam, at present going S. Plots show him near us. Try & get him in.

19:25 Neither seen nor heard this A/Cr. = contacted base, Plots now show him south of Marston Moor. – He may come north again.

1930 P/O Pyle on watch

2000 Topcliffe Halifax landed safely at Ashbourne

[Underlined] WEDNESDAY 29th MARCH 1944 [/underlined]

0730 S.D.’s checked

0810 Basic QFE 1012 – Met informed

0820 Men working on east end of 28 runway this morning

0830 F/O Taylor on Watch. Runway 06, QAN NE ly 5-15 mph.

0900 F/420 & W/425 at Thorpe Abbotts are now Serviceable.

1000 Required tonight, 1700 hrs scrubbed.

2038 O/425 airborne on X-Country.

NOTE Stbd A.A.I moved from 24 runway to 06 runway.

[Underlined] THURSDAY – 30th MARCH – 1944 [/underlined]

0138 O/425 landed from X-Country.

0526 Group – Light up & keep look out for a lost hurricane.

0547 Group – A/Cr now clear of our section.

0806 Basic QFE = 1007 Met informed. SD’s checked.

Workmen on 28 end of main runway.

0900 F/O Taylor off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

0930 Aerodrome and dispersals checked

0940 O 420 F/S Gray proceeding to Thorpe Abbotts to deplane crew for F 420. F/S Brisson for W 425

0955 Goodwood effort tonight.

1230 P/O Pyle on watch

1500 Emergency petrol diversion bases – 420 Thorney Island, 425 Middle Wallop. Tangmere and Ford may be used in extreme emergency

1620 Runway changed to 06

1625-32 420/F & 425/W returned from Thorpe Abbotts

1640 Frost warning tonight -27°-28°

1930 P/O Pyle off watch. F/L Gant on watch.

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2218 14 a/c 420 sq and 12 a/c 425 sq. airborne on operations. No none starters.

2225 Runway 28 in use.

2310 X420 off on night X-country. (Bombs & Full Overload).

2315 Y425 early returned.

2350 R 420 early return – had not jettisoned – flying locally to reduce gas.

2356 R420 reports hydraulics completely u/s. has wheels down.

Friday, March 31, 1944.

0002 R420 given pancake.

0006 R420 landed.

0109 U420 returned early.

0350 X420 landed from X-country.

0805 Base advise C420 called darky in 5 group short of petrol – last word was that crew were baling out.

0807 Basic QFE 1015. Passed to met.

0830 P/O Pyle on watch – Runway 28 Wind NW’ly less than 10 mph.

0900 K/420 landed at Tangmere 0530

0915 Ex: Cranwell – A/C crashed near Cranwell (presumably C420) – crew O.K.

0954 U/425 landed from Boscombe Down. D & Q/425 landed from Middle Wallop

1010 S/425 landed from Middle Wallop

1025 J/420 landed from Thorney Island

1108 H/425 landed from Middle Wallop

1115 C/420 landed in a field 4 1/2 miles from Cranwell – crew returning by rail – A/C probably cat. A/C [Inserted] Note: Pilots advises he force-landed at [underlined] 0628 hrs [/underlined] [/inserted]

1148 N, V, Y [inserted] 420 [/inserted] returned from Ford & Thorney Island

1150 Command Bullseye tonight – 420 3 A/C 425 2 A/C

1215 E/420 returned from Thorney Island.

1230 F/O Taylor on Watch.

1330 K/420 returned from Tangmere.

1340 Runway now 34 QAN. NWly –

1509 L/425 returned from Ford.

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1917 F, U, O/420 & U/H /425 airborne on Bullseye Exercise

1930 P/O Pyle on watch





Book -

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[Underlined] Aircraft landing away [/underlined]

L 434. – Silverstone – returned

E 434. – Middle Wallop – returned.

C 434 – Coltishall – returned.

O 434 – Ford. Not on strength now.

F 434 Barford St. John. returned

[Table of aircraft landing away]

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[Table of aircraft landing away]

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[Table of aircraft landing away]

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Linton Beacon.

To Linton QDM 237° 3 mi.

To Eastmoor QDM 110 4 3/4 mi.

To Tholthorpe QDM 315 3 mi.














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“Control Officer's log book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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