Browse Items (119 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1941-07"

Pilots flying log book for Peter Stevens, covering the period from 6 June 1940 to 7 September 1941 when he was taken prisoner of war and then from 26 July 1945 to 22 January 1947 and from 28 September 1952 to 19 September 1953. Detailing his flying…

Starts with account of life at school (Rendcomb College) from 1931 to 1937. Continues with decade 1938-1948 starting with time at Cheltenham Art School in 1938 and 1939. Continues with account of wartime activity including enlistment, training at RAF…

The top photograph shows 5 men in military uniforms. The photograph is annotated with names of the men in the photograph.
Bottom left shows a group of men and women outside a building with an indecipherable sign, which reads "HURST" on the bottom.…

Permit to allow David Donaldson to enter Aldergrove restricted area from 14 July 1941 until 14 October 1941

Top - an airman wearing tunic with side cap stands alongside a boy in shorts and a man wearing civilian jacket and tie. In the background houses. Captioned 1940.
A missing photograph was captioned 'Myself 1938'.
Bottom left - a man and a woman…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P C Geary, air gunner, covering the period from 24 October 1940 to 17 June 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dumfries, RAF…

Describes signal office organisation, equipment, W/T failure procedure, duties for signal warrant officer, signal office superintendent, signal office traffic clerks and operators. Continues with abbreviations allowed, responsibilities regarding the…

Fifty three airmen and one officer sitting and standing in four rows. All are wearing tunics and the airmen side caps. The officer centre of second row back wears peaked cap. On the reverse are a large number of signatures. Note attached states…

A board showing the Honours and awards from 1941 to 1970.

Gives synopsis of locations in 1941. July 7th to London, London to Leuchars July 26, leave October 3rd, returned to London from Leuchars October 17th, left London for Clyffe Pypard November 22. Leave December 13, became engaged December 16th. Left…

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Despite earlier army reports being reliable, it is claimed that there is now German disinformation concerning the Russian campaign and the high number of casualties and prisoners.

After spotting a battle cruiser on 22nd July, an RAF…

List of twenty-nine letters sent by Donald Baker to his mother between June 1940 and September 1941. Also notes he was shot down on 5 November 1941.

He has moved to a more permanent camp. He asks for parcels, weight less than 11 pounds and must contain food and cigarettes. No papers are to be sent. He is in good health and spirits.

He has moved camp again. He can go for long walks. He looks forward to receiving mail.

She thanks Mrs Pickford for her letter. By this time they knew Les was a prisoner of war. She has had no news about her son. She has also heard from Mr Hyde that his son died and was buried in Tripoli.
[the letter is incomplete]

Mrs Pepper writes that her son was in Les' crew. She expresses sympathy and sadness for the loss of her son.

The author is delighted that Les is safe, albeit a prisoner of war.

Written from India. Mentions it is her wedding anniversary and hope John and her daughter will have similar length happy marriage. Catches up with family news and asks after his current and future in flying. Writes of their future plans and staying…

Reply to letter he sent to a French girl asking why he did not come and see them before moving to Aumale and reflecting on how she felt after their departure. Continues with hope he is alright and asks if there is anything she can send him.

Describes view from their dining room window but says they have had little summer weather. Comments on his weather in Tunisia. Catches up with news of family/friends. Comments on postcard he sent where the woman pictured displaying more of her person…

Writes that they received his latest cable and wonders if the ones they sent have gotten through particularly one sent to his previous address. Catches up with family news and their activities. Comments on the weather and mentions working in garden.…

Writes of good weather and not needing a fire as well as recent storm with lightning. Mentions cost of strawberries. Mentions good news from him in his cables and wonders how he is doing in his new camp. Continues with chat and gossip, Catches up…
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