Browse Items (434 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Claire Monk"

From 1955 with Canberra, 1957 with Valiant then Victor to 1969 with Buccaneer wing and the 1980s with Tornado.

Seven men standing in line, some wearing battledress and other flying clothes. In the background the rear turret of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Before Len joined Dad's crew. Far right Sergeant Leonard Charles Brown, flight engineer, J Alan Edwards…

Photographs of two parts of same page. Sub-headline - 'A Jackeroo' gives some background on Middleton and continues account of attack on Turin and fuel difficulties crossing the Alps. Sub-headline - 'both pilots wounded' continues account.…

Photo 1 is a port side ground view of a Seafire.
Photo 2 is a port side ground view of a Sea Otter biplane seaplane.


Sandy and his seven crew members. On the reverse 'After Nov 1944 Scanlan photo'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A cartoon featuring aircrew in their local pub. On a second sheet the names are handwritten and on a third sheet the names are overlaid on a copy of the cartoon.

A newspaper article reporting on East German and Soviet vilification of the Allied bombing of Dresden in 1945. The article refers to the bombing of Dresden having been carried out five years ago. The aim was to gain sympathy for German communists in…

Volume 4, number 5, May 1946, the final edition. The Journal contains information from the Air Ministry, stories from around the world and humour.

Account of Douglas Hudson's safe arrival home after two years internment in French North Africa. Notes squalid conditions in camps and two escape attempts.

A receipt for a memorial wreath for Mrs Redgrave's late husband.

Article. Headlines: recapture of Tobruk, Sollum and Bardia also occupied by eighth army, troop-carriers filled with Germans shot down in sea mentions six large aircraft shot down flying north from Tunisa, pace of pursuit 130 miles in two days. Sketch…

Article 1: Rapid U.S. advance in North Africa, important aerodromes occupied, little resistance on beaches, successful landing from crippled transport. Reports landings in French North Africa. Article 2: Rommel's panzer army retreat turned to rout,…

A menu for Christmas dinner held in the Officers' Mess signed by some of the participants.

Form 432A listing vacancies in the RAF and an application for enlistment.

Includes notes on: maintenance organisation, form 700, maintenance orders, flight testing of aircraft and rigging.


Includes notes on the air force act, Kings regulations and air council instructions, the official secrets act, disclosure of information, communications to the press, complaints and grievances, testimonials, communication with officials, officers…

Article on attack on new and vital target - Germany's largest and most important research and development establishment - Peenemunde. Mosquitos attacked Berlin and Fighter Command intruders carried out attacks on airfields. Heaviest Bomber Command…

Account of operation on Peenemunde research and development establishment. Mentions diversion attacks and Mosquito operation against Berlin. Forty one bombers and one fighter missing. Was a precision attack. 1200 mile journey.

The crew of Lancaster R2, Bennet's Beavers arranged under the port side nose. In the first of two identical images each crew man is annotated with their name.

Two items from a scrapbook.

Item 1 is a propaganda leaflet, dropped on Homberg on 21 November 44. It is a warning from Dwight D Eisenhower to the German people not to harm in any way those in forced labour battalions or concentration camps. Allies…

The programme lists 23 pieces to be played a the prisoner of war Christmas show at Belaria camp.

Instructions for welding on one side. On reverse accepting quote for an order.
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