Browse Items (35376 total)

A newspaper cutting with a photograph of Group Captain Tait, Mrs Twells, Mr Twells, Councillor Wilson and Mrs Wilson. The 617 Squadron Association were presented with a silver salver by Derbyshire County Council.

Ernie Twell's death certificate

Derrick Allen's account of being shot down 2/3 November 1944. After a successful attack on Dusseldorf, the Lancaster was severely damaged by a night fighter. Goes on to describe battle with FW 190 and and order to abandon aircraft. Before bailing…

Diagram showing dead reckoning navigation with triangle of ground, air and wind speed and directions.

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Front and rear of three one Rentenmark banknotes serials B52415467, D02660473 and B54165970 and front and rear of 2 Rentenmark note serial J07416142.

A postcard sent to Leslie Irvin from Dick Curnock whilst a prisoner of war. He refers to his being shot down and surviving thanks to his Irvin parachute. He asks to be enrolled in the Caterpillar club.

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

A chart used for a navigational exercise over the south east of England. It is annotated 'R Curnock 3087 June 30th 1942'. A route crosses Cambridge, towards Norwich then south east to east of Clacton, South south west to the Thames then returns to…

The first letter asks for his Caterpillar club pin and is dated 26/11/45. The second letter asks to purchase a gold pin, and is dated 23/1/47.

A cartoon from Dick Curnock's Wartime Log Book. A prisoner is in a bunk which has had the slats removed. The mattress and his body sinks down where the slats are missing. It is captioned 'Life seems full of Ups and Downs'.

The telegram advises Les is safe and is a prisoner of war.

Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

The card is addressed to J Rooke and is annotated 'Fondest Love Dick'.

The title page to the photo album with, handwritten, -
'FC Rooke RAF
A Chronicle of Events
at No.1 BFTS
Miami Oklahoma USA
From Feb 8th 1944'.

A poem about prisoner of war beds complete with two drawings illustrating camp life.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 186-2.jpg
Dina Tempestini claims she helped four English prisoners of war, from 10 September 1943 to 24 December 1943, giving them food, shelter, and pocket money. Her husband was beaten by German soldiers and he was hospitalized at the Lazzeretti sanatorium…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 168-1.jpg
Dino Mazzei claims he helped, with his wife Maria, from September 1943 to October 1943, some allied prisoners of war in the village of Cascina, near Cantagallo (Prato), giving them food. He also gave shelter to one of them for 56 days, giving him…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 167-1.jpg
Dino Mazzei claims he helped, from 8 September 1943 to 23 December 1943, eleven English prisoners of war, giving them food. On 20 December, they moved to the Monte Morello area, near Florence, where a Partisan brigade was active.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 198-1.jpg
Dino Pratesi claims he helped three English prisoners of war in the village of Cantagrillo giving them food, and shelter. Then, they re-joined their units.

The letter is from the Estates Branch of the Department of National Defence. It asks for information about Sam. Part of the form is attached.

Informs him that his son who has been missing since night 15/16 March 1944 had been appointed to a commission in the RAF in the rank of pilot officer.

Writes enclosing the Flying Log Book of Sergeant J R Davies and includes typed ‘Certificate of Death of Sgt John Richard Davies who lost his life on 3 August 1944.'
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