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  • Tags: flight engineer

A document with the battle order for the squadron. It lists each aircraft and each crew member for operations that night. Annotated on it is 'Taken from the Sergeant's Mess kitchen copy which was used to mark off the "Egg and Bacon" meals. The…

The letter reports her son as missing but advising he may have escaped.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A battle order for 186 Squadron for an operation to Gelsenkirchen. It details each aircraft and all seven crew members for each aircraft.

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on night 25/26 January 1944. Fourth member of each crew underlined in red. Includes two standby crews and duty personnel. First standby crew has aircraft letter 'C' alongside, Third row fourth crew member has…

Telegram from 44 Squadron, RAF Dunholme Lodge to Air Ministry, Bomber Command headquarters, 5 Group records and RAF Scampton. Reports Lancaster of 44 Squadron missing, presumed over target on night 17/18 August 1943. Lists crew and whether kin next…

Letter to Mrs J. H. Wilson from 7 Squadron enclosing a list of next of kin for her husband’s crew and requesting confirmation of her address.

A battle order for 6/7 December 1944 detailing aircrew and aircraft involved in the operation. The target was Merseburg synthetic oil plant.

He and his crew members baled out after running out of fuel in cloud and with navigational equipment failure. He had landed near Montigny, in France and after help from a farmer met up with his crew at Donnemarle. They were flown back to Croydon the…

Notes covering electrics, theory of flight, engineering science, supercharging, power, fuel consumption and engine use in various stages of flight.

Covers propellers, hydromatics, various valves and handling in flight, air compressors, air charging, air hydraulic strut, faults, dowty struts, pneumatics, exactor, maintenance of hydraulic systems. Covers other aircraft systems and has many hand…

Notes on valve timing, pages of calculations, notes on aircraft fuel, diagrams and various other aircraft systems.

Covers maintenance and inspections, general orders and modifications, engineering manuals, types of inspection, form 700, change of serviceability and repair log, certificate of damage, types of wheels, form 79 log books, ticketing of aircraft,…

RAF notebook containing calculations, notes on engines, cylinders, pistons, shafts, bearings pumps, magnetos, electrics, timing, carburettor and other aircraft systems.

RAF notebook. Contains notes on axis of aircraft, stability, heat, temperature, petrol, carburettors, fuels, thermal efficiency, electrics, physical laws, atmospheric pressures, ohms law, ignition, electromagnetic induction, power/weight ratio,…

Contains notes and diagrams on fuel tanks, control settings, aircraft engine systems, ignition, cooling systems, layout of Merlin and other flight data.

Petrol system notes and list of manual for various aircraft systems.

AF Notebook. Contains graph, lists of engine types, aircraft details, diagram of aircraft, notes and diagrams of fuel system, handling notes and procedures. Notes on equipment including dinghies and drills, pyrotechnics, emergency packs, automatic…

Sortie logs for Stirling I. on a number of trips with no dates.

Handwritten engineering notes recorded during training.

For Lancaster aircraft Avro type 683 Mk 1 and 3. Purple cover with inside front pages and contents page.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.
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