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  • Tags: final resting place

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

Jack's wife recollecting meeting Jack, their marriage and her later life. She describes meeting with Jack's surviving crew members, pilot Tom Dykins, Sergeant Bert Price, Sergeant Doug Looms and Stan Jones, who had been held as prisoners of war after…

Gilberto Martina reminisces his childhood in Chiusaforte and in the Canal del Ferro area: disrupted schooling, fear of Germans, subsistence farming, saboteurs, and one of his mates being killed by a bomb found in a pile of litter. Stressed how the…

Article on loss of Flying Officer Francis Dunsford Norton lost his life on 18 August 1943. Buried at Griegswald [sic] Weick.

The memoir written by Fred during his time with the Auxiliary Fire Service at the age of 18. He observes a land mine parachuting to earth. It landed on the fire service sub-station killing 28. He persuaded his Station Officer that he wanted out and…

A white cross marking the grave of F.O M. A. Monks RAFVR, 13.6.44. Surrounded by shrubbery.

An account about an airman who parachuted to his death after his aircraft was shot down.

Contains more details of the crash in which her husband was killed. He mentions that Sergeant Hobbs was still sitting in seat. In addition, he made a copy of the pilots tag and writes that the crew are buried in a small church nearby. He writes that…

Thanks Mrs Hobbs for her letter and tries to answer her questions. Crash was sudden, no time for crew to suffer. Sgt Hobbs was still at his post. He obtained copy of pilots tag 'Rodbourne, 16.9.006, Blood, RAF'. No papers belonging to Hobbs. Location…

Ron Needle, from Birmingham, flew operation as a rear gunner on 106 Squadron Lancasters at Metheringham. Operations included Norway, Dortmund Ems Canal and Munich; he was one of two survivors after his aircraft crashed in France. Ron was aided by…

Lester tells of his tough, early childhood and his first experience of seeing a Heinkel bomber flying over his home in Surrey, to attack the Brooklands Aircraft Factory. He tells of how he worked in the experimental department of Hawker Aircraft…

Letter to LM Boldy regarding the crash in which Flight Sergeant David Boldy was killed. Details about his burial place in Danzig (Gdańsk) are provided.

Letter from the Air Ministry to Mrs Milling, the wife of Sergeant Edward Milling. His aircraft was reported missing over enemy territory. The results of enquiries made by the International Red Cross to ascertain the location of Sergeant Milling has…

Letter from the Air Ministry to Mrs E Milling informing her that her husband’s grave has been found in a German cemetery but it and two others are marked collectively with the names and service particulars of three of the crew who could not be…

Confirms previous telegram that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs now believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Information received that Lancaster crashed at Blerancourt, France and all seven crew were…

Letter concerns reburial of her husband from cemetery in Venlo to the British Military Cemetery Jonkersbosch, Nijmegen. Goes on to explain that this was as a result of policy to ensure upkeep of graves by Imperial War Graves Commission. States…

Apologises for incorrectly quoting her husbands rank, that of pilot officer in previous correspondence on 13 April 1946. Ensure her that grave will be correctly inscribed she will be sent a photograph of it in due course.

Casualty confirmation letter to Robert Stott's wife, confirming his death and giving the place of burial.

Covering letter and photograph of Andrew's temporary cross. Letter informs Isabel that the temporary cross will be replaced a permanent stone by the Imperial War Graves Commission in due course. Envelope included.

Reporting that Andrew Bain had been re-buried in British Military Cemetery Berlin (Heerstrasse), Grave 13, Row K, Plot 4.

Gives location of Andrew's grave in the Garrison Cemetery, Doberitz, near Berlin.

Referring to her letter of 12 December 1947, and stating that the aircraft of her late husband, Sergeant Tom Wharmby, was shot down at Nunspeet near Doornspijk on 13 May 1943. The Graves Service is intending to photography the graves of all service…

Detailing where her late husband, Sergeant Tom Wharmby and his four crew members are buried in Harderwijk Cemetery.
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