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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Document laying down responsibilities of prisoner of war including: behaviour under interrogation, what the enemy will try and find out, how information is obtained by the enemy (sources and methods), Do's and Dont's and rights of prisoners.

Booklet giving rules for conduct as a prisoner of war and rights.

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for R M Curnock, covering the period from 28 July 1943 to 25 February 1944 and from 18 September 1946 to 26 October 1946. He was shot down on 25 February 1944 and became a prisoner of…

Flying log book for R Starkey covering the period from 26 January 1942 to 30 March 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes certificates, instructional notes, newspaper clipping and a personal account of being shot down. He…

Pat's research into her father's RAF life. He was shot down over the Netherlands and was protected by locals until he gave himself up. He was held at three prisoner of war camps and towards the end of the war he was forced into the Long March.…

Head and shoulders side view of an airman wearing battledress with flight engineer brevet. He has number board on his left shoulder. Wooden wall in background. On the reverse handwritten addresses.

Model of Rob McClement's Halifax ZA-V mounted on a stand with an engraved plaque. Under the base of the Halifax model is an inscription 'Made for R. McClements by German P.O.W. at Melbourne'.

He says there is much time to reflect while in prisoner of war camp. He writes of his life prior to becoming a prisoner. his wife, her qualities, what attracted her to him and her activities. He continues with comment on the support of friends. He…

Prisoners lined up for the roll call. It is captioned 'Zondags-appel op de appelplaats' translated as 'Sunday roll call on the parade ground'.

The report describes how Ron Carr and his crew baled out over Switzerland after their aircraft was badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire en route to Augsburg. He was arrested but eventually transported back to the UK via Paris, Madrid and Gibraltar.

Flying log book for Ron Carter from April 1944 to 18 July 1944. Detailing operations flown from RAF Dunholme Lodge. Aircraft flown was Lancaster. He carried out a total of 21 operations with 44 Squadron as an air gunner on the following targets in…

Three lists related to Ron's time as a prisoner of war.
#1 is the camps he was incarcerated in and the duration.
#2 Ron's evacuation from Stalag Luft 7 on the Long March.
#3 is a list of the daily march from Stalag Luft 7 to 3A

Second from the left is Flight Engineer Al Hawley, who jumped without his parachute, third is Les Thicke, who was in Stalag Luft 6 with Ron Hemsworth, fourth is Air Gunner Ron Hemsworth, extreme right is George Testal who was a fellow prisoner of…

Six airmen, two with musical instruments, in a room in a wooden building. One man is laying on the top of a double bunk

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for Roy Maddock-Lyon, flight engineer, covering the period from 12 June 1944 to 2 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was…

Made out to and signed by T Whitehead. Life membership. On the reverse an eagle with barbed wire surround.

Photo 1, 3 and 5 are a rugby match in progress. Huts and the wire are in the background.
Photo 2 is two men in the compound.
Photo 4 is the barb wire between the double fence.

17 prisoners lined up to carry food buckets back to their huts. It is captioned 'Russische 'etenhalers' staande voor een van keukens' translated as 'Russian 'food eaters' standing in front of one of the kitchens'.

Some details about operations carried out by Sam after he transferred to 40 squadron.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph partly obscured by tracer fire.
Photo 2 is the 40 squadron crest.
Photo 3 is Sam in shorts and tee shirt in front of a…

A description of Sam's further training in the UK then operations at Malta.
Photo 1 is an informal group photograph with airmen, two WAAFs and three dummies.
Photo 2 is an air-to-air view of a Wellington.

Top left - a guard tower taken through barbed wire. Captioned 'F36 Dulag Luft'.
Top middle - a wooden guard tower with telegraph wires and fence to the right and church in the background on the left. Captioned 'F29 Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right - a…

Top - a panoramic view using three photographs of huts in POW camp captioned 'F32 Stalag Luft 1'.
Bottom left - view of single storey hut with icicles in foreground top. Captioned 'F34 Dulag Luft.
Bottom middle - a manned guard post behind barbed…
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