Browse Items (575 total)

  • Tags: animal

A family group with twelve members and a rabbit. One man is in uniform. One boy has his arm in a sling.

21 airmen arranged in two rows, the front row seated. They are dressed in tropical uniform with shorts and are holding pith helmets. Behind them is a concrete building and hedge. On the reverse 'S/L Harris 45-8 yrs 1924 Baghdad A.T.H. & possibly…

Half length portrait of Akin Shenbanjo holding a large dog. Behind two or three airmen look on.

Three men wearing shorts, two in shirts and one with battledress blouse standing in line. Behind is the nose of a white painted Lancaster with bomb doors open. In the background two ladders and other figures. Airfield buildings in distance. Left…

Article by Carl Ollson from the Illustrated magazine published on 25 March 1944. The article covers the preparations made by the station staff to prepare the aircraft and equipment for an operation. There is a large photograph of twenty Lancasters in…

Five photographs from an album page. From top left to bottom right:
1. A target photograph showing open countryside. On the left is a line of bomb craters in fields. Roads are also visible here as is a railway line. On the right, the ground is…

Three annotated items:

Item 1 : Photograph of air raid shelter with pets
caption 1 'Air Raid Shelter constructed by a firm called "Troy" in 1938. Left [undecipherable] It was 16' deep with a poisen [sic] gas free escape hatch…

11 items on a page of a scrapbook.
Item 1 - programme for a revue 'Let's Have Another One' taking place on RMS Scythia on 5-8 November 1945.
Item 2 - photograph of A C Coller in tropical uniform standing beside two local boys who are sitting on…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

Twenty two Royal Air Force and Woman's Auxiliary Air Force members of a band standing, wearing tunic uniform, in two rows. Most are holding musical instruments. In the centre of the front row are a male and a female officer standing behind a pile of…

Six figures and two dogs carrying out various activities at farm. Fence on left and hedge on right, sheep in field top left. Captioned "Wednesday night was drying ground night"

Added caption: 'The family gardening at Potter Hill, L to R, Irene,…

Two adult figures - plus baby - all in uniform facing front on the left between two flag poles. Led by a dog, four other figures in uniform march past from the right with pitchforks shouldered.

Added caption: 'The family at Potter Hill, L to R,…

Writes about the farm, hatching eggs and the garden, detailing the flowers. Includes illustrations of plants, hatching eggs, animals and people.


Lists recently sold calves, prices and the names of their new owners. Comments on the sales process and about taking the pigs to market, includes amounts made from their sale also. Includes drawings of the cow auction and market.

Writes about farm animals and a recent visit to the college. Illustrated with pictures of animals and people. The last page is a coloured, comic strip style drawing about chickens on the farm.

Writes of the weather, a visit to Fillingham Castle, acquaintances, new kittens, geese laying and family members. Includes a number of drawings of people, places and animals.

On the left a man in jacket squatting down with dog in front. In the centre a woman with glasses holding a young baby. On the right a man in jacket and tie. In the background a bicycle leaning against the wall of a shed with open door. On the reverse…


A girl wearing white dress squatting down holding a cat. On the ground to the right. Another cat and a tree trunk. In the background a brick wall.


A girl wearing a flowered dress with cat in her arms stands in front of a bicycle leaning against a brick wall. On the reverse 'Penny aged 13, Sept 1951'.


Family group of eight women, one girl, one boy, five men and a dog. To the right part of a building. On the reverse 'Turner and Wright family at the Grange, their country residence'.


Denis Bradbury in RAF uniform with his father and mother. They are standing in the garden of their house. Denis and his father have pipes in their mouths.His mother is wearing a coat and hat. In the centre is a dog sat on a chair.

A man wearing dark jacket and flat cap walks with a dog on leash. On his right a woman with hat pushes a pram. They are both walking on a footpath with road to the left and railings with posters to the right. On the reverse 'John and myself and Penny…


A woman wearing a coat stands in a garden holding a baby wearing light coat and bonnet. A dog sits at woman's feet. In the background a trellis fence and a house. On the reverse 'Grandma Turner and Penny'.


Photo 1 - Denis in a two-seater open car holding a small dog.
Photo 2 - seven airmen at the rear of a Lancaster. They are wearing flying kit. In the background are two more Lancasters. This is also on page 6.
Photo 3 - seven airmen standing…

Three-quarter length portrait of Group Captain Pickard wearing tunic with pilot’s brevet and peaked cap, standing beside a car, with his dog 'Ming' sat in car.
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